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  • 1 Bullard, Edward Payson

    b. 18 April 1841 Uxbridge, Massachusetts, USA
    d. 22 December 1906 Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA
    American mechanical engineer and machine-tool manufacturer who designed machines for boring.
    Edward Payson Bullard served his apprenticeship at the Whitin Machine Works, Whitinsville, Massachusetts, and worked at the Colt Armory in Hartford, Connecticut, until 1863; he then entered the employ of Pratt \& Whitney, also in Hartford. He later formed a partnership with J.H.Prest and William Parsons manufacturing millwork and tools, the firm being known as Bullard \& Prest. In 1866 Bullard organized the Norwalk Iron Works Company of Norwalk, Connecticut, but afterwards withdrew and continued the business in Hartford. In 1868 the firm of Bullard \& Prest was dissolved and Bullard became Superintendent of a large machine shop in Athens, Georgia. He later organized the machine tool department of Post \& Co. at Cincinnati, and in 1872 he was made General Superintendent of the Gill Car Works at Columbus, Ohio. In 1875 he established a machinery business in Beekman Street, New York, under the name of Allis, Bullard \& Co. Mr Allis withdrew in 1877, and the Bullard Machine Company was organized.
    In 1880 Bullard secured entire control of the business and also became owner of the Bridgeport Machine Tool Works, Bridgeport, Connecticut. In 1883 he designed his first vertical boring and turning mill with a single head and belt feed and a 37 in. (94 cm) capacity; this was the first small boring machine designed to do the accurate work previously done on the face plate of a lathe. In 1889 Bullard gave up his New York interests and concentrated his entire attention on manufacturing at Bridgeport, the business being incorporated in 1894 as the Bullard Machine Tool Company. The company specialized in the construction of boring machines, the design being developed so that it became essentially a vertical turret lathe. After Bullard's death, his son Edward Payson Bullard II (b. 10 July 1872 Columbus, Ohio, USA; d. 26 June 1953 Fairfield, Connecticut, USA) continued as head of the company and further developed the boring machine into a vertical multi-spindle automatic lathe which he called the "Mult-au-matic" lathe. Both father and son were members of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
    Further Reading
    J.W.Roe, 1916, English and American Tool Builders, New Haven: Yale University Press; repub. 1926, New York and 1987, Bradley, Ill.: Lindsay Publications Inc. (describes Bullard's machines).

    Biographical history of technology > Bullard, Edward Payson

  • 2 Bullard method

    Картография: метод Хейфорда-Булларда (для вычисления, поправок за изостазию)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Bullard method

  • 3 Bullard-Dunk process

    Электрохимия: метод травления Fe и стали (анодно в щелочном растворе, затем катодно в H2SO4; при 65[deg] и плотности тока 6-7 а/дм2)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Bullard-Dunk process

  • 4 Bullard discontinuity

    граница (поверхность) Булларда, граница внешнего и внутреннего ядра Земли

    Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > Bullard discontinuity

  • 5 Bullard method

    English-Russian cartography dictionary > Bullard method

  • 6 Hayford-Bullard method of isostatic reduction

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Hayford-Bullard method of isostatic reduction

  • 7 John Bullard

    Names and surnames: JB

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > John Bullard

  • 8 Hayford-Bullard method of isostatic reduction

    English-Russian cartography dictionary > Hayford-Bullard method of isostatic reduction

  • 9 JB

    1) Разговорное выражение: Just Bin
    2) Американизм: Jaundiced Bureaucrat, Judicial Branch
    3) Военный термин: jet bomb, joint board
    4) Шутливое выражение: Jeremy's Bird
    5) Юридический термин: Jail Bait, Jail Bird, Just Busted
    6) Вычислительная техника: java beans
    7) Нефть: jet bit, junk basket, junk baskets, ловильный паук (для удаления из скважины мелких предметов; junk basket)
    8) Еврейский язык: Jewish Bible
    9) Пищевая промышленность: Japanese Bagel, Jaw Breaker
    10) Фирменный знак: Jackson Bishop
    11) СМИ: Jungle Beast
    12) Программирование: Jump If Below
    13) Химическое оружие: Junction box
    15) Чат: Juicy Bod, Just Because

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > JB

  • 10 jb

    1) Разговорное выражение: Just Bin
    2) Американизм: Jaundiced Bureaucrat, Judicial Branch
    3) Военный термин: jet bomb, joint board
    4) Шутливое выражение: Jeremy's Bird
    5) Юридический термин: Jail Bait, Jail Bird, Just Busted
    6) Вычислительная техника: java beans
    7) Нефть: jet bit, junk basket, junk baskets, ловильный паук (для удаления из скважины мелких предметов; junk basket)
    8) Еврейский язык: Jewish Bible
    9) Пищевая промышленность: Japanese Bagel, Jaw Breaker
    10) Фирменный знак: Jackson Bishop
    11) СМИ: Jungle Beast
    12) Программирование: Jump If Below
    13) Химическое оружие: Junction box
    15) Чат: Juicy Bod, Just Because

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > jb

  • 11 вычисление поправок за изостазию по методу Хейфорда-Булларда

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > вычисление поправок за изостазию по методу Хейфорда-Булларда

  • 12 метод Хейфорда-Булларда

    Cartography: Bullard method (для вычисления, поправок за изостазию)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > метод Хейфорда-Булларда

  • 13 метод травления Fe и стали

    Electrochemistry: Bullard-Dunk process (анодно в щелочном растворе, затем катодно в H2SO4; при 65[deg] и плотности тока 6-7 а/дм2)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > метод травления Fe и стали

  • 14 method

    method of equal planes метод равных уровней
    method of "ultimate lines" метод сравнения интенсивности линий
    abrasive core drilling method метод колонкового бурения с применением абразивных материалов
    active method активный метод (строительства в областях многолетней мерзлоты)
    AFMAG method метод, основанный на использовании естественного электромагнитного шума для изучения изменений в удельном сопротивлении участков Земли
    angular divergence method метод угловых несогласий
    arc transfer method метод дугового переноса
    artificial current method метод с использованием искусственно созданного тока
    autoradiographic method авторадиография
    behavioristical methods историко-статистические методы (оценки будущих запасов)
    bombardment method метод «бомбардировки» (для выявления в алмазах присутствия редких элементов и др. примесей)
    Buerger precession method прецессионный метод Бюргера
    Bullard's method метод Булларда
    Calyx drilling method бурение буром системы «Калике»
    caving method выемка с обрушением, столбовая система разработок с обрушением
    chlorine method метод хлористых солей (для определения движения подземных вод)
    color band method метод окрашенных струй
    column method хроматографический метод
    common-lead method метод обыкновенного свинца
    compensation method компенсационный метод
    core method сквозной метод
    core-drill method метод колонкового бурения
    correlation method корреляционный метод, метод корреляции
    cryoscopic method криоскопический метод
    Czochralski method метод Чохральского
    dark-field method метод исследования в затемнённом поле
    decrepitation method метод растрескивания
    deep-hole method метод глубоких скважин
    deviation method метод отклонений
    differences method метод разностей
    direct fluorimetric method прямой люминесцентный метод
    dithizone method дитизонный метод
    down-structure method метод изучения структуры снизу
    downward-continuation method метод аналитического продолжения вниз (способ интерпретации значений силы тяжести на более низких уровнях по сравнению с уровнем земной поверхности)
    eigenvalue method метод собственных значений
    electrostatic method электростатический метод
    emanometric method эманометрический метод
    embedding method иммерсионный метод
    equipotential-line method метод эквипотенциальных линий
    finite element method метод предельных элементов
    flatjack method of measuring rock stress станковый метод определения напряжений в породах
    fluorine-dating method метод определения возраста (ископаемых костей) по содержанию фтора
    fluorographic method флюорографический метод
    Geiger method метод Гейгера
    geological field methods методы полевой геологии
    Gish-Rooney method метод ГишаРуни
    glory-hole method комбинированный метод открытой и подземной разработки
    helium age method гелиевый метод определения возраста
    horizontal loop method метод горизонтальной рамки
    hydraulic percussion method метод ударного бурения с промывкой
    hydrometric method гидрометрический метод
    immersion method иммерсионный метод
    inflection-tangent-intersection method способ интерпретации магнито-разведочных данных, способ касательных
    interval change method метод угловых несогласий (определение изменений мощности слоя)
    ionium-deficiency method урано-иониевый метод определения возраста
    ionium-excess method иониевый метод определения возраста
    ionium-thorium age method иониево ториевый метод определения возраста
    jetting method метод ударного бурения с промывкой
    Larsen method см. lead-alpha-ray method
    Laue method метод Лауэ
    lead-alpha-ray method альфа-свинцовый метод определения возраста, метод Ларсена
    lead-uranium age method свинцово-урановый метод определения возраста
    local current method метод локальных естественных электрических полей
    lutetium-hafnium age method лютециево-гафниевый метод определения возраста
    magnetic interpretation method метод интерпретации данных магниторазведки
    magnetotelluric method магнитотеллурический метод
    micrometric method of rock analysis количественно минералогический метод анализа горных пород
    mixed color method метод смешанного цвета
    Monte Carlo method method метод Монте-Карло (статистической оценки результата)
    natural current method метод естественного электрического поля
    Naudi method см. inflection-tangent-intersection method
    needle probe method игольчато-пробный метод
    oblique illumination method метод бокового освещения
    oxygen-isotope method кислородно-изотопный метод (определения палеотемператур)
    passive method пассивный метод (строительства в областях многолетней мерзлоты)
    percussion method метод ударного бурения
    Perkins method метод Перкинса
    petrofabric method метод петроструктурного анализа
    phase-velocity method метод фазовой скорости
    plane-table method метод работы с мензулой
    potassium-argon age method калий-аргоновый метод определения возраста
    potassium-calcium age method калий-кальциевый метод определения возраста
    Poulter seismic method сейсмический метод Паултер
    powder method метод порошковой дифракции рентгеновских лучей
    probability method метод вероятности
    production method эксплуатационный метод
    profile method двумерный метод
    protactinium-ionium [protactinium 231 to thorium 230] age method протактиний-иониевый метод определения возраста
    punching method метод ударного бурения
    radiotracer method метод радиоактивных индикаторов
    radiowave method радиоволновый метод
    reflection method метод отражённых волн
    refraction method метод преломлённых волн
    refraction correlation method корреляционный метод преломлённых волн
    rhenium-osmium age method рениево-осмиевый метод определения возраста
    rubidium-strontium age method рубидиево-стронциевый метод определения возраста
    salt-velocity method химический способ измерения расхода водостоков при помощи соляного раствора
    samarium neodymium method самарий-неодимовый метод определения возраста
    sampling method способ отбора образцов, опробование
    Schlumberger's field method полевой метод Шлюмберже
    seismic method сейсмический метод
    self-potential method метод естественных потенциалов
    sink-and-float method метод обогащения в тяжёлой среде
    solar radiation method метод солнечной радиации
    Sorby bubble method метод пузырьков Сорби
    spontaneous polarization method метод спонтанной поляризации, метод естественного электрического поля
    spontaneous-potential method метод естественных потенциалов
    standard cable drilling method метод стандартного канатного бурения
    standard-cell method метод стандартной ячейки
    stepwise heating method метод ступенчатого нагревания
    stoping method метод очистной выемки
    straight ray-path method метод прямых лучей
    Strautomanis camera method метод рентгенострук турного анализа
    stripping method способ открытых работ
    stull-floor method метод разработки с распорной крепью
    substitution method метод замещения
    summation method метод суммирования
    suspension method метод взвешивания
    Tagg's method метод Тагга
    telluric method метод теллурических токов
    thermal detection method метод термального обнаружения
    thorium-lead age method ториево-свинцовый метод определения возраста
    thorium-230 to protactinium-231 deficiency method ториево-протактиниевый метод определения возраста
    thorium-230 to protactinium-231 excess method см. protactinium-ionium age method
    thorium-230 to thorium-232 age method см. ionium-thorium age method
    three-point method метод треугольника; метод трёх точек (для вычисления падения и простирания структурных поверхностей)
    thumping method метод падающего груза
    tilting method метод наклона
    time-lapse method метод периодической съёмки
    transient method 1. метод переходных процессов 2. метод становления поля
    trial and error method метод проб и ошибок
    tripartite method сейсм. тройственный метод (определения скорости и направления распространения микросейсм или волн землетрясения)
    van der Kolk method метод Ван-дер-Колка
    variable-area method метод переменной площади
    variable-density method метод переменной плотности
    vertical-loop method метод вертикальной рамки
    vibration method вибрационный метод
    whole-rock method метод валовых проб
    wide-angle method метод общей точки
    X-ray powder method метод порошковой дифракции рентгеновских лучей

    English-Russian dictionary of geology > method

  • 15 Bodmer, Johann Georg

    b. 9 December 1786 Zurich, Switzerland
    d. 30 May 1864 Zurich, Switzerland
    Swiss mechanical engineer and inventor.
    John George Bodmer (as he was known in England) showed signs of great inventive ability even as a child. Soon after completing his apprenticeship to a local millwright, he set up his own work-shop at Zussnacht. One of his first inventions, in 1805, was a shell which exploded on impact. Soon after this he went into partnership with Baron d'Eichthal to establish a cotton mill at St Blaise in the Black Forest. Bodmer designed the water-wheels and all the machinery. A few years later they established a factory for firearms and Bodmer designed special machine tools and developed a system of interchangeable manufacture comparable with American developments at that time. More inventions followed, including a detachable bayonet for breech-loading rifles and a rifled, breech-loading cannon for 12 lb (5.4 kg) shells.
    Bodmer was appointed by the Grand Duke of Baden to the posts of Director General of the Government Iron Works and Inspector of Artillery. He left St Blaise in 1816 and entered completely into the service of the Grand Duke, but before taking up his duties he visited Britain for the first time and made an intensive five-month tour of textile mills, iron works, workshops and similar establishments.
    In 1821 he returned to Switzerland and was engaged in setting up cotton mills and other engineering works. In 1824 he went back to England, where he obtained a patent for his improvements in cotton machinery and set up a mill near Bolton incorporating his ideas. His health failing, he was obliged to return to Switzerland in 1828, but he was soon busy with engineering works there and in France. In 1833 he went to England again, first to Bolton and four years later to Manchester in partnership with H.H.Birley. In the next ten years he patented many more inventions in the fields of textile machinery, steam engines and machine tools. These included a balanced steam engine, a mechanical stoker, steam engine valve gear, gear-cutting machines and a circular planer or vertical lathe, anticipating machines of this type later developed in America by E.P. Bullard. The metric system was used in his workshops and in gearing calculations he introduced the concept of diametral pitch, which then became known as "Manchester Pitch". The balanced engine was built in stationary form and in two locomotives, but although their running was remarkably smooth the additional complication prevented their wider use.
    After the death of H.H.Birley in 1846, Bodmer removed to London until 1848, when he went to Austria. About 1860 he returned to his native town of Zurich. He remained actively engaged in all kinds of inventions up to the end of his life. He obtained fourteen British patents, each of which describes many inventions; two of these patents were extended beyond the normal duration of fourteen years. Two others were obtained on his behalf, one by his brother James in 1813 for his cannon and one relating to railways by Charles Fox in 1847. Many of his inventions had little direct influence but anticipated much later developments. His ideas were sound and some of his engines and machine tools were in use for over sixty years. He was elected a Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers in 1835.
    1845, "The advantages of working stationary and marine engines with high-pressure steam, expansively and at great velocities; and of the compensating, or double crank system", Minutes of the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers 4:372–99.
    1846, "On the combustion of fuel in furnaces and steam-boilers, with a description of Bodmer's fire-grate", Minutes of the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers 5:362–8.
    Further Reading
    H.W.Dickinson, 1929–30, "Diary of John George Bodmer, 1816–17", Transactions of the Newcomen Society 10:102–14.
    D.Brownlie, 1925–6, John George Bodmer, his life and work, particularly in relation to the evolution of mechanical stoking', Transactions of the Newcomen Society 6:86–110.
    W.O.Henderson (ed.), 1968, Industrial Britain Under the Regency: The Diaries of Escher, Bodmer, May and de Gallois 1814–1818, London: Frank Cass (a more complete account of his visit to Britain).

    Biographical history of technology > Bodmer, Johann Georg

  • 16 Mechanical, pneumatic and hydraulic engineering

    Clement, Joseph
    Du Shi
    Du Yu
    Gongshu Pan
    Li Bing
    Ma Jun
    Murdock, William
    Somerset, Edward

    Biographical history of technology > Mechanical, pneumatic and hydraulic engineering

См. также в других словарях:

  • Bullard — can refer to:People* Edward Bullard, geophysicist * Edward P. Bullard, inventor * Eugene Bullard, military pilot * George Purdy Bullard, Arizona Attorney General 1912 1915 * Henry Adams Bullard, politician * James B. Bullard, economist * James… …   Wikipedia

  • Bullard — ist der Name mehrerer Personen: Anna Bullard Werner (* 1992), deutsche Schauspielerin Edward C. Bullard (1907–1980), britischer Geophysiker Eugene Bullard (1894–1961), erster afroamerikanischer Kampfpilot Frederick Field Bullard (1864–1904), US… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bullard — Bullard, TX U.S. town in Texas Population (2000): 1150 Housing Units (2000): 464 Land area (2000): 1.416654 sq. miles (3.669117 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 1.416654 sq. miles (3.669117 sq.… …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Bullard, TX — U.S. town in Texas Population (2000): 1150 Housing Units (2000): 464 Land area (2000): 1.416654 sq. miles (3.669117 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 1.416654 sq. miles (3.669117 sq. km) FIPS code …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Bullard — Recorded in many spelling forms including Bullard, Ballard, Belward, Bellyard, Billiard, Billyard, and Bellard, this is an early English surname. It is or rather was, a nickname, and as such one of a sizeable group of early surnames that were… …   Surnames reference

  • Bullard — Original name in latin Bullard Name in other language State code US Continent/City America/Chicago longitude 32.13988 latitude 95.32023 altitude 158 Population 2463 Date 2011 05 14 …   Cities with a population over 1000 database

  • Bullard Independent School District — is a public school district based in Bullard, Texas (USA).The district is located in southwestern Smith County and extends into a small portion of northwestern Cherokee County.chools*Bullard High School (Grades 9 12) *Bullard Middle School… …   Wikipedia

  • Bullard Havens Technical High School — is one of 17 vocational state schools in Connecticut, and is a part of the Connecticut Technical High School System. Located on the east end of Bridgeport, it serves the region of southwestern Connecticut, offering a trade to learn and master… …   Wikipedia

  • Bullard High School — may refer to: * Bullard High School (Fresno, California) part of the Fresno Unified School District. * Bullard High School (Bullard, Texas) part of the Bullard Independent School District …   Wikipedia

  • Bullard High School (Fresno, California) — Infobox School name = Bullard High School imagesize = caption =Law, Justice, and Public Service Magnet location = 5445 N. Palm Avenue Fresno California 93704 district = Fresno Unified School District country = USA coordinates = schoolnumber =… …   Wikipedia

  • Bullard, Texas — Infobox Settlement official name = Bullard, Texas settlement type = Town nickname = motto = imagesize = image caption = image mapsize = 250px map caption = Location of Bullard, Texas mapsize1 = 250px map caption1 = subdivision type = Country… …   Wikipedia

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