Перевод: с русского на итальянский

с итальянского на русский


См. также в других словарях:

  • buffers — buf·fer || bÊŒfÉ™ n. divider, partition; location in the memory designated for temporary storage (Computers); shock absorber v. lessen, ease, make less severe; protect, shield; (about aspirin) add an antacid agent; treat with a buffer… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • buffers — rebuffs …   Anagrams dictionary

  • buffers — Brit. a pair of shock absorbing pistons projecting from a cross beam at the end of a railway track or on a railway vehicle. → buffer …   English new terms dictionary

  • Protocol Buffers — Тип формат сериализации данных Операционная система Любая ОС Первый выпуск 7 июля 2008 Аппаратная платформа Cross platform Последняя версия 2.4.0 (2 февраля 2011) Состояние Действующий Л …   Википедия

  • Good's buffers — (also Good buffers) are twelve buffering agents selected and described by Norman Good and colleagues in 1966. Good selected the buffers based on a number of criteria which make them candidates for use in biochemistry and biological research. Many …   Wikipedia

  • hit the buffers — british informal phrase to fail Thesaurus: to fail, or to stop being successfulsynonym Main entry: buffer * * * hit the buffers (or run into the buffers) Brit informal : to stop or fail …   Useful english dictionary

  • Protocol Buffers — infobox software name = Protocol Buffers developer = Google released = 7 July 2008 latest release version = 2.0.2 latest release date = 3 October 2008 latest preview version = latest preview date = operating system = Any platform = Cross platform …   Wikipedia

  • Protocol Buffers — Entwickler Google Inc. Aktuelle Version 2.4.1 (30 April 2011) Betriebssystem plattformunabhängig Programmier­sprache C++ …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Black Buffers — Die Black Buffers waren eine paramilitärisch organisierte rechtsgerichtete Sicherheitsorganisation, welche sich aus schwarzen Ex Sträflingen zusammensetzte und 1968 nach den Krawallen in Folge der Ermordung von Martin Luther King durch die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • hit the buffers — ► mainly UK INFORMAL to suddenly stop being successful or stop happening: »The main worry is that the economy might hit the buffers. »Their plans to become one of the world s largest telecoms firms has hit the buffers. Main Entry: ↑hit …   Financial and business terms

  • hit the buffers — British if a plan or activity hits the buffers, it fails to develop or is stopped. The talks hit the buffers after only 4 hours …   New idioms dictionary

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