1 Antifouling
антиводорослевый реагент
[ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]EN
antifouling agent
Agent that inhibits the growth of barnacles and other marine organisms on a ship's bottom (an antifouling paint or other coating). Organo-tin compounds have been the most often used agents in this application since they are effective against both soft and hard fouling organisms. However, in spite of their performance, they have a negative impact on the marine environment and their long half life in the environment, has prompted marine paint manufacturers to look for a nonpersistent alternative. (Source: CED / OLIN)
Немецко-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > Antifouling
2 Antifouling
nсм. Antifoulingfarbe -
3 Antifouling
сущ.общ. (Специальное) средство против обрастания микроорганизмами флоры и фауны подводной части судна -
4 Antifouling
Neue große deutsch-russische Wörterbuch Polytechnic > Antifouling
5 Antifouling(anstrich)farbe
fпротивообрастающая [необрастающая] краскаDeutsch-Russische Wörterbuch polytechnischen > Antifouling(anstrich)farbe
6 Antifouling(anstrich)farbe
fпротивообрастающая [необрастающая] краскаDeutsch-Russische Wörterbuch polytechnischen > Antifouling(anstrich)farbe
7 Antifoulingfarbe
9.10. Необрастающая краска
D. Antifoulingfarbe
E. Antifouling paint
F. Peinture antisalissure
Источник: ГОСТ 28451-90: Краски и лаки. Перечень эквивалентных терминов оригинал документа
Немецко-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > Antifoulingfarbe
См. также в других словарях:
antifouling — ● antifouling adjectif invariable Synonyme de antisalissure. ● antifouling (synonymes) adjectif invariable Synonymes : antisalissure … Encyclopédie Universelle
antifouling — antifòuling m <N mn nzi> DEFINICIJA tehn. boja koja štiti trup broda od naslaga algi i sl. ETIMOLOGIJA engl. ≃ anti + fouling: truljenje … Hrvatski jezični portal
antifouling — [an΄tēfoul′iŋ] adj. designating or of a paint or other protective coating that prevents the fouling of a boat s hull with barnacles, seaweed, etc … English World dictionary
Antifouling — Un antifouling (ou peinture antifouling) est une peinture dite « antisalissure » contenant des biocides destinée à empêcher les organismes aquatiques de se fixer sur la coque des navires ou sur d autres objets immergés. Les peintures… … Wikipédia en Français
antifouling — adjective Date: 1863 intended to prevent fouling of underwater structures (as the bottoms of ships) < antifouling paint > … New Collegiate Dictionary
Antifouling — Durch Fouling beschleunigte Korrosion Allgemein ist Fouling die unerwünschte Anlagerung von Feststoffen an starren Grenzflächen. Im Schiffbau wird als Fouling oder auch Anwuchs die Besiedelung von Schiffsrümpfen oder anderen, in Wasser… … Deutsch Wikipedia
antifouling — /an tee fow ling, an tuy /, adj. Naut. (of a coating, process, or the like) preventing the accumulation of barnacles, algae, etc., on underwater surfaces: The makers now use an antifouling chemical on all marine hulls. [1865 70; ANTI + FOUL +… … Universalium
Antifouling — An|ti|fou|ling 〈[ faʊlıŋ] n. 15; unz.〉 Mittel zum Bestreichen des unter Wasser liegenden Teils des Schiffes, um das Ansiedeln von pflanzl. u. tier. Organismen zu verhindern [<Anti... + engl. fouling „Verunreinigung“] * * * An|ti|fou|ling [… … Universal-Lexikon
antifouling — /æntiˈfaʊlɪŋ/ (say antee fowling) adjective 1. preventing growth of marine organisms on a ship s bottom. –noun 2. an antifouling agent, usually in the form of a paint …
antifouling — | ̷ ̷(ˌ) ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ adjective Etymology: anti (I) + fouling : intended to prevent fouling of underwater structures (as the bottoms of ships) antifouling paint … Useful english dictionary
antifouling — adjective that prevents or counteracts the build up of barnacles and other deposits on undersea surfaces such as those of boats … Wiktionary