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со всех языков на английский


  • 21 Albee, Edward

    (р. 1928) Олби, Эдуард
    Драматург, продолжатель традиций А. Стриндберга и Т. Уильямса [ Williams, Tennessee]. Большое влияние на творчество Олби оказал "театр абсурда" [theatre of the absurd]. В его пьесах сочетаются элементы реалистического театра и театра абсурда, персонажи разделены стеной непонимания: "Что случилось в зоопарке" ["The Zoo Story"] (1958), "Песочница" ["The Sandbox"] (1959), "Американская мечта" ["The American Dream"] (1960), "Кто боится Вирджинии Вульф?" [ Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?] (1962), "Неустойчивое равновесие" ["A Delicate Balance"] (1967) - Пулитцеровская премия [ Pulitzer Prize], "Крошка Алиса" ["Tiny Alice"] (1969), "Морской пейзаж" ["Seascape"] (1975) - Пулитцеровская премия, "Три высоких женщины" ["Three Tall Women"] (1994). Также удостоен премий "Оби" [ Obie Award] (1960) и "Тони" [ Tony Award] (1964).

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Albee, Edward

  • 22 better dead than Red

    "лучше быть мертвым, чем красным"
    Лозунг антикоммунистического движения периода холодной войны. Воспроизводит название книги английского писателя С. Рейнолдса [Reynolds, Stanley], опубликованной в 1964 и явившейся своеобразным откликом на высказанную в 1958 английским философом Б. Расселом [Russel, Bertrand] мысль о том, что между альтернативой гибели человечества и коммунистического господства второй вариант предпочтительнее. Обратный лозунг "лучше быть красным, чем мертвым" ["better Red than dead"] использовался левыми силами в США.

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > better dead than Red

  • 23 National States Rights Party

    Расистская партия, сочетавшая идеологические платформы нацистов и Ку-клукс-клана [ Ku Klux Klan], проводила совместные акции с кланом и Американской нацистской партией [American Nazi Party (ANP)]. Основана в 1958 в г. Ноксвилле, шт. Теннесси, Э. Филдсом [Fields, Edward]. В 1960 выдвинула своим кандидатом на пост президента США [ President, U.S.] О. Фобус [Faubus, Orville], который, впрочем, отказался от номинации. В 1962 начала скандальную кампанию под лозунгом "Уволь своего ниггера" ["Fire Your Nigger"], имеющую цель увеличить безработицу среди афро-американцев [ Afro-Americans] и "выдавить" их из южных штатов. С членами партии связано несколько убийств и взрывов, направленных против активистов движения за гражданские права [ civil rights movement] в 60-е гг. В 1964 в последний раз приняла участие в президентских выборах - ее кандидат Дж. Каспар [Kaspar, John] набрал 6,9 тыс. голосов

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > National States Rights Party

  • 24 Novak, Kim

    (р. 1933) Новак, Ким
    Актриса кино. Среди фильмов с ее участием: "Человек с золотой рукой" ["The Man With the Golden Arm"] (1955), "Пикник" ["Picnic"] (1955), "Головокружение" ["Vertigo"] (1958), "Бремя страстей человеческих" ["Of Human Bondage"] (1964), "Любовные похождения Молль Флендерс" ["The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders"] (1965), "Великое ограбление банка" ["The Great Bank Robbery"] (1970), "Зеркало треснуло" ["The Mirror Crack'd"] (1980) и др.

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Novak, Kim

  • 25 Rauschenberg, Robert

    (р. 1925) Раушенберг, Роберт
    Художник-абстракционист. Сын немецкого иммигранта и индианки из племени чероки [ Cherokee], один из ведущих представителей поп-арта [ pop art] 1960-х. В 1958 выставил свою первую абстрактную картину, в центре которой были вмонтированы четыре бутылки из-под "Кока-колы" [ Coca-Cola]. Создавал произведения в жанре "комбинированной живописи" ["combines"], при которой в картинах, написанных маслом, используются и предметы из числа отбросов городской цивилизации. Лауреат первой премии на Биеннале 1964 в Вене

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Rauschenberg, Robert

  • 26 Updike, John

    (р. 1932) Апдайк, Джон
    Романист, поэт, драматург, видный представитель реалистической традиции в американской литературе. Известность ему принесла серия романов о Кролике: "Кролик, беги" ["Rabbit, Run"] (1960), "Исцелившийся Кролик" ["Rabbit Redux"] (1971), "Кролик разбогател" ["Rabbit is Rich"] (1981), "Кролик на покое" ["Rabbit at Rest"] (1990), в которых действует типичный апдайковский герой - средний американец, мечтающий о благополучии, погрязший в конформизме и спасающийся бегством от жизненных проблем. В основу романа "Кентавр" ["The Centaur"] (1963) легла история жизни отца писателя во времена Великой депрессии 1930-х [ Great Depression]. Проблемам любви, брака и религии в жизни представителей среднего класса посвящены книги "Музыкальная школа" ["The Music School"] (1966), "Пары" ["Couples"] (1968), "Давай поженимся" ["Marry Me"] (1976), "Иствикские ведьмы" ["The Witches of Eastwick"] (1984). В трилогии "Месяц отпуска" ["A Month of Sundays"] (1975), "Версия Роджера" ["Roger's Version"] (1986) и "S." (1988) автор обращается к классическому роману Н. Готорна [ Hawthorne, Nathaniel] "Алая буква" и как бы переосмысливает судьбу его главных героев с позиций сегодняшнего дня. Основные поэтические сборники: "Деревянная курица и прочие ручные создания" ["The Carpented Hen and Other Tame Creatures"] (1958), "Телефонные столбы" ["Telephone Poles"] (1963), "Середина и другие стихотворения" ["Midpoint and Other Poems"] (1969), "Бессонница" ["Tossing and Turning"] (1977) и др. Писатель удостоен ряда литературных наград: Пулитцеровская премия [ Pulitzer Prize], несколько Национальных книжных премий [ National Book Award] и др. Избран членом Национального института искусств и литературы [National Institute of Arts and Letters] (1964) и Американской академии искусств и литературы [ American Academy of Arts and Letters] (1977)

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Updike, John

  • 27 Walsh, Raoul

    (1887-1980) Уолш, Рауль
    Кинорежиссер, один из создателей и ведущих мастеров приключенческого кино. Начинал как театральный актер. В кино с 1912, снимался и работал ассистентом режиссера у Д. Гриффита [ Griffith, David Lewelyn Wark (D. W.)]. В 1914 дебютировал как режиссер фильмом "Жизнь генерала Вилья" ["The Life of General Villa"], в котором широко использовались документальные кадры мексиканской революции, а главный герой, Панчо Вилья, играл самого себя. С 1920-х работал в области приключенческого кино, снимал фильмы о войне, вестерны [ western], гангстерские боевики с участием известных кинозвезд - Д. Фэрбенкса [ Fairbanks, Douglas], Дж. Бенни [Benny, Jack], Дж. Кэгни [ Cagney, James], Х. Богарта [ Bogart, Humphrey], Э. Флинна [ Flynn, Errol] и М. Уэст [ West, Mae]. Среди наиболее известных работ: "Багдадский вор" ["The Thief of Bagdad"] (1924), "Большая тропа" ["The Big Trail"] (1930), "Моя девушка и я" ["Me and My Gal"] (1932), "Ревущие 20-е" ["The Roaring Twenties"] (1939, в советском прокате "Судьба солдата в Америке"), "Они умирали в сапогах" ["They Died with their Boots On"] (1941), "Джентльмен Джим" ["Gentleman Jim"] (1942), "Северные поиски" ["Nothern Pursuit"] (1943), "Белая жара" ["White Heat"] (1949), "Нагие и мертвые" ["The Naked and the Dead"] (1958), "Далекий звук трубы" ["A Distant Trumpet"] (1964) и др. В 1974 вышла его автобиография "Каждому свое время: жизнь режиссера" ["Each Man in His Time: The Life Story of a Director"]

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Walsh, Raoul

  • 28 Westmoreland, William Childs

    (р. 1914) Уэстморленд, Уильям Чайлдс
    Профессиональный военный. Окончил Военную академию в Уэст-Пойнте [ West Point] в 1936. Участник второй мировой войны (воевал в Северной Африке и Европе). Преподавал в Командно-штабной школе Сухопутных войск [ Army Command and General Staff School] и в Высшем военном училище Сухопутных войск [ Army War College]. В 1952 воевал в Корее [ Korean War]. В 1958-60 командовал 101-й Воздушно-десантной дивизией [One Hundred and First Airborne Division]. В 1960-63 начальник Академии в Уэст-Пойнте. В 1963 командующий 18-м Воздушно-десантным корпусом в форте Брэгг [ Eighteenth Airborne Corps, Fort Bragg]. В 1964 президент Л. Джонсон [ Johnson, Lyndon Baines (LBJ)] назначил его главнокомандующим американскими вооруженными силами во Вьетнаме, где он проводил "прочесывающе-истребительные" операции ["search and destroy"] и применял тактику "выжженной земли" ["scorched earth"] с использованием напалма и другого оружия массового поражения. Посылал в Вашингтон радужные отчеты о "победах". В 1968 был заменен генералом К. Абрамсом [ Abrams, Creighton Williams Jr.]. В 1968-72 был начальником штаба Сухопутных сил [Army Chief of Staff]

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Westmoreland, William Childs

  • 29 Williams, Tennessee

    (1912-1983) Уильямс, Теннесси
    Настоящее имя Томас Ланир [Lanier, Thomas]. Крупнейший американский драматург, классик мировой драматургии. Большая часть пьес строится вокруг трагического конфликта хрупкой, слабой, нервной личности и жестокого прагматичного общества. Внутренний мир персонажей нередко раскрывается в болезненном, извращенном ключе. Пьесы Уильямса ставились на Бродвее [ Broadway] и телевидении, по ним снимались кино- и телевизионные фильмы. Среди наиболее известных пьес: "Стеклянный зверинец" ["The Glass Menagerie"] (1944), "Трамвай "Желание"" ["A Streetcar Named Desire"] (1947) - Пулитцеровская премия [ Pulitzer Prize], "Лето и дым" ["Summer and Smoke"] (1948), "Татуированная роза" ["The Rose Tattoo"] (1950), "Кошка на раскаленной крыше" ["Cat On a Hot Tin Roof"] (1955) - Пулитцеровская премия, "Орфей спускается в ад" ["Orpheus Descending"] (1957), "Однажды прошлым летом" ["Suddenly Last Summer"] (1958), "Ночь игуаны" ["The Night of the Iguana"] (1962), "Молочный фургон здесь больше не останавливается" ["The Milk Train Doesn't Stop Here Anymore"] (1964) и др.

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Williams, Tennessee

  • 30 Roethke, Theodore

    Ротке, Теодор (190863), поэт. Автор семи поэтических сборников; лауреат пр. Пулитцера в 1953 и Национальной премии книгоиздателей в 1958 и 1964 гг.

    США. Лингвострановедческий англо-русский словарь > Roethke, Theodore

  • 31 Welles, Orson

    Уэллс, Орсон (191585), актёр и режиссёр театра и кино. Его шедевром считается фильм «Гражданин Кейн» [‘Citizen Kane’, 1941], признанный одним из лучших фильмов всех времён, история газетного магната. Уэллс был постановщиком фильма и сыграл в нём главную роль. В 1938 к празднику Хэллоуин Уэллс подготовил сенсационную радиоинсценировку по повести Герберта Уэллса «Война миров» [‘The War of the Worlds’] о вторжении на Землю пришельцев с Марса, включив в неё несколько радиосообщений о якобы происшедшем вторжении, что вызвало панику среди радиослушателей. Много и успешно работал в театре. Творчество Уэллса отличалось яркостью, психологизмом и выразительностью игры. Лауреат пр. «Оскар» (1941, 1970)

    ‘Macbeth’ («Макбет», 1948)

    ‘Othello’ («Отелло», 1952)

    ‘Touch of Evil’ («Печать зла», 1958)

    ‘The Trial’ («Процесс», 1964)

    США. Лингвострановедческий англо-русский словарь > Welles, Orson

  • 32 FORTRAN

    = Fortran
    процедурный ЯВУ общего назначения для программирования численных методов и научных вычислений. Разработан в 1954-1957 гг. Джоном Бэкусом (John W. Backus) и его коллегами в IBM. Название происходит от слов FORmula TRANslation (трансляция формул). Основные этапы развития: Фортран-II - 1958 г., Фортран-IV - 1962 г.; Фортран-V - 1964 г.; Ратфор - структурный Фортран, Фортран-66 - стандарт ANSI, 1966 г.; Фортран-77 - стандарт ANSI Х3.9, 1979 г.; NDP Fortran-386 (MicroWay); MS-Fortran 5.0 (Microsoft); Фортран-90 - стандарт ISO и ANSI, начало 1990-х гг.; Фортран-95 и Фортран-2000 - последний стандарт Фортрана. Применяется до сих пор для решения научных задач, требующих больших объёмов математических вычислений. Следует отметить, что до появления стандарта Fortran 90 название этого языка писалось прописными буквами - FORTRAN (и соответственно переводилось - транслитерировалось - как ФОРТРАН)

    Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > FORTRAN

  • 33 Fortran

    = Fortran
    процедурный ЯВУ общего назначения для программирования численных методов и научных вычислений. Разработан в 1954-1957 гг. Джоном Бэкусом (John W. Backus) и его коллегами в IBM. Название происходит от слов FORmula TRANslation (трансляция формул). Основные этапы развития: Фортран-II - 1958 г., Фортран-IV - 1962 г.; Фортран-V - 1964 г.; Ратфор - структурный Фортран, Фортран-66 - стандарт ANSI, 1966 г.; Фортран-77 - стандарт ANSI Х3.9, 1979 г.; NDP Fortran-386 (MicroWay); MS-Fortran 5.0 (Microsoft); Фортран-90 - стандарт ISO и ANSI, начало 1990-х гг.; Фортран-95 и Фортран-2000 - последний стандарт Фортрана. Применяется до сих пор для решения научных задач, требующих больших объёмов математических вычислений. Следует отметить, что до появления стандарта Fortran 90 название этого языка писалось прописными буквами - FORTRAN (и соответственно переводилось - транслитерировалось - как ФОРТРАН)

    Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > Fortran

  • 34 Daugherty, Herschel

       Dirige, en television, episodios de series tan conocidas como Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Rawhide, Bonanza o Star Trek. En su haber, un par de westerns familiares sin especial interes.
        The Light in the Forest. 1958. 93 minutos. Technicolor. Buena Vista. Fess Parker, Wendell Corey, Joanne Dru.
        The Raiders. 1964. 75 minutos. Eastmancolor. Universal. Brian Keith, Robert Culp, Judi Meredith.

    English-Spanish dictionary of western films > Daugherty, Herschel

  • 35 Marshall, George

       George Marshall es uno de los pioneros del viejo Hollywood. Actor, guionista y director desde mediados de los anos 10, su filmografia en el ultimo de los cometidos citados supera el centenar y medio de titulos, entre largometrajes y peliculas de una o dos bobinas. Toca todos los generos, pero parece sentirse mas a gusto en la comedia. No es de los realizadores cuyo recuerdo perdura, y si tenemos en cuenta unicamente los westerns, hay que decir que solo los tres primeros resultan destacables. Su contribucion a La conquista del Oeste es lo menos resenable de la pelicula. Hace gala, en ocasiones, de un sentido del humor algo burdo.
        Destry Rides Again (Arizona). 1939. 94 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Marlene Dietrich, James Stewart.
        When the Daltons Rode (Sendas siniestras). 1940. 80 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Randolph Scott, Kay Francis, Brian Donlevy, Broderick Crawford.
        Texas (Texas). 1941. 94 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Columbia. William Holden, Glenn Ford, Claire Trevor.
        Valley of the Sun (El valle del Sol). 1942. 84 minutos. Blanco y Negro. RKO. Lucille Ball, James Craig.
        Fancy Pants (El rey del Oeste). 1950. 92 minutos. Technicolor. Paramount. Bob Hope, Lucille Ball.
        The Savage (El salvaje). 1952. 95 minutos. Technicolor. Paramount. Charlton Heston, Susan Morrow.
        Red Garters. 1954. 90 minutos. Technicolor. Paramount. Rosemary Clooney, Jack Carson.
        Destry. 1955. 95 minutos. Technicolor. Universal. Audie Murphy, Mari Blanchard, Lyle Bettger.
        The Second Greatest Sex. 1955. 87 minutos. Technicolor. CinemaScope. Universal. Jeanne Crain, George Nader.
        Pillars of the Sky. 1956. 95 minutos. Technicolor. CinemaScope. Universal. Jeff Chandler, Dorothy Malone, Ward Bond.
        The Guns of Fort Petticoat. 1957. 82 minutos. Technicolor. Universal. Audie Murphy, Kathryn Grant, Hope Emerson.
        The Sheepman (Furia en el valle). 1958. 91 minutos. Metrocolor. CinemaScope. MGM. Glenn Ford, Shirley MacLaine.
        How the West Was Won (La conquista del Oeste) (co-d.: John Ford, Henry Hathaway).
        Episodio: The Railroad (El ferrocarril). 1962. 165 minutos (duracion total). Metrocolor. Super Cinerama. MGM. Richard Wid mark, George Peppard, Carroll Baker, Lee J. Cobb.
        Advance to the Rear (La furia de los cobardes). 1964. 97 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Panavision. MGM. Glenn Ford, Stella Stevens, Melvyn Douglas.

    English-Spanish dictionary of western films > Marshall, George

  • 36 El western americano a partir de 1970

       Que los generos clasicos del cine americano y, por extension, del cine europeo entraron en crisis ya antes de 1970 no es algo que haya que descubrir ahora. En algunos casos, los menos, se trato de una crisis de crecimiento, al amparo, entre otras cosas, de los avances tecnologicos. Asi, el llamado cine de ciencia-ficcion, entendido si se quiere como un subgenero del cine fantastico, incremento el favor del publico, gracias, entre otros, a productos como las sucesivas entregas de La guerra de las galaxias.
       Con el cine negro ocurrio algo parecido, con matices. En esta ocasion no se trata tanto de aprovechar innovaciones tecnologicas, como las derivadas del desarrollo de los ordenadores, por ejemplo, sino de dar la espalda a supuestas limitaciones de produccion del cine clasico, en particular el uso del blanco y negro, una de las caracteristicas innegociables del cine negro. De este modo, oimos hablar de peliculas como Chinatown (Roman Polanski, 1974) o, mucho mas recientemente, L.A. Confidential (Curtis Hanson, 1997) como nuevas y seneras muestras de cine negro. Menos mal que llegaron los hermanos Coen para, sin hacer demasiado ruido, poner, eso si, las cosas en su sitio con El hombre que nunca estuvo alli (The Man Who Wasn’t There, 2001).
       No siempre, sin embargo, la crisis ha sido de crecimiento y/o de transformacion. En ocasiones, como ocurre con el western, estamos ante una crisis que es antesala de la muerte, precedida acaso por una agonia mas o menos larga y mas o menos estimulante. El western, como el musical, ha perdido sus atractivos de cara a la taquilla, y solo apariciones esporadicas parecen querer indicar que el genero sigue vivo. Pero, claro esta, 1970 queda ya muy lejos en el tiempo, por lo que habria que puntualizar las cosas.
       En primer lugar, hay que indicar que 1970 es una buena fecha para iniciar lo que se podria llamar “los ultimos coletazos” de algunos de los cineastas clasicos, Howard Hawks, Henry Hathaway, Robert Aldrich, Sam Peckinpah, John Sturges, John Huston y Don Siegel, entre otros. Como es natural, sus ultimas obras figuran aqui en el lugar destinado a cada uno de ellos, por lo que no es necesario hacer comentarios suplementarios.
       En segundo lugar, habria que hablar de aquellos creadores que, bien en el campo del western, bien en otros de la creacion cinematografica, pretendieron renovar el concepto clasico de genero con propuestas innovadoras, provocativas o ambas cosas al mismo tiempo. Monte Hellman puede servir como ejemplo modelico de ello, sin olvidar a Al Adamson, John Cardos y otros. No es muy habitual que estas propuestas se vean avaladas por la calidad de los productos que ofrecen, en la mayor parte de los casos muy baja. Da la sensacion de que la idea no es sino la de violentar por el exabrupto las senas de identidad de un genero que ha alcanzado nobleza con el transcurso de las decadas.
       Existe una tercera opcion, si se quiere poco fecunda, sin futuro previsible, pero, esta vez si, proveedora de momentos de disfrute, no solo por el mecanismo de la nostalgia. Dicho en pocas palabras, se trata de crear un producto que, sin abominar de las senas de identidad del genero, las renueve, tal como, en su idea, hicieron algunos, particularmente Sam Peckinpah. Esfuerzos individuales como los de Blake Edwards (Dos hombres contra el Oeste, Wild Rovers, 1971), Robert Altman (Los vividores, McCabe and Mrs. Miller, 1971), Mark Rydell (John Wayne y los cowboys, The Cowboys, 1972), Alan J. Pakula (Llega un jinete libre y salvaje, Comes a Horseman, 1978), Michael Cimino (La puerta del cielo, Heaven’s Gate, 1980), Lawrence Kasdan (Silverado, 1985), Walter Hill (Forajidos de leyenda, The Long Riders, 1980) o Kevin Costner (Bailando con lobos, Dances with Wolves, 1990) merecen todos los respetos, al margen de la mayor o menor calidad de las cintas que nos ofrecen, calidad que por otra parte es estimable en no pocos casos.
       Por ultimo, hay que hablar, inevitablemente, de Clint Eastwood, director de cuatro westerns modelicos, cada uno a su manera, unico punto de enganche verdadero con el genero, tal como este se fue definiendo a lo largo de las decadas.
       A primera vista, nadie diria que Eastwood ha dirigido solo cuatro westerns. Tal vez influye en esa falta de perspectiva el hecho de que sus origenes son como actor, y como actor de westerns. Aparte de un punado de peliculas rodadas entre 1955 y 1958, en muchas de las cuales ni siquiera aparecio en los titulos de credito y la mayoria de las cuales no pertene cian al genero, su actividad en los Estados Unidos se redujo a la mitica serie Rawhide, que le lanzo a la fama, hasta el punto de ser elegido por el director italiano Sergio Leone para protagonizar el primero de sus prestigiosos spaghetti-westerns, Per un pugno di dollari/Por un punado de dolares, en 1964. El exito, de nuevo, fue importante, y propicio la realizacion de otras dos peliculas, Per cualque dollaro in piu/La muerte tenia un precio (1965) e Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo/El bueno, el feo y el malo (1966). A partir de este momento, Eastwood se convierte en una estrella que antes de dirigir su primera pelicula en 1971 trabajara con directores tan dispares como Vittorio De Sica, Ted Post, Brian G. Hutton, Joshua Logan y, sobre todo, Don Siegel, en un total de ocho peliculas –en realidad siete mas un fragmento de otra–; ya se sabe, en esos anos, particularmente en Italia, fueron numerosas las peliculas formadas por distintos sketches dirigidos por realizadores distintos. De esas ocho peliculas, cuatro fueron westerns y figuran en el lugar correspondiente de este diccionario. A partir de entonces, nos encontramos con el personaje desdoblado en sus dos facetas futuras: actor y director, y ello, en todas las modalidades posibles, solo actor, solo director o ambas cosas al mismo tiempo. Pues bien, despues de treinta anos largos, contados desde la primera pelicula dirigida, y en este caso tambien interpretada, por Clint Eastwood, Escalofrio en la noche (Play Misty for Me), unicamente podemos anadir a la lista cinco westerns mas, Joe Kidd, dirigido por John Sturges, y los cuatro que dirigio personalmente Eastwood:
        High Plains Drifter (Infierno de cobardes). 1973. 105 minutos. Technicolor. Panavision. Malpaso (Univesal). Clint Eastwood, Verna Bloom, Marianna Hill, Billy Curtis.
        The Outlaw Josey Wales (El fuera de la ley). 1976. 135 minutos. Color DeLuxe. Panavision. Malpaso (WB). Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke, John Vernon, Jefe Dan George.
        Pale Rider (El jinete palido). 1985. 115 minutos. Technicolor. Panavision. Malpaso (WB). Clint Eastwood, Michael Moriarty, Carrie Snodgress, Sydney Penny.
        Unforgiven (Sin perdon). 1992. 130 minutos. Technicolor. Panavision. Malpaso (WB). Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman, Morgan Freeman, Richard Harris, Frances Fisher.
       Hablamos de cuatro filmes poco convencionales, con una vision personal del genero que, en otro momento, hubieran tal vez supuesto una via de renovacion del western, pero que, por el contrario, no han sido sino una vision aislada, desde luego poderosa pero aislada, de una epoca, una geografia y un modo narrativo. El hombre que, en algunos foros, ha recibido el apelativo de “el ultimo cineasta clasico” es, ante todo y sobre todo, un hombre del Oeste, aunque no sea el genero que lo define el que mas abunde en su ya amplia produccion como creador cinematografico.

    English-Spanish dictionary of western films > El western americano a partir de 1970


       For a small country perched on the edge of western Europe but with an early history that began more than 2,000 years ago, there is a vast bibliography extant in many languages. Since general reference works with bibliography on Portugal are few, both principal and minor works are included. In the first edition, works in English, and a variety of Portuguese language works that are counted as significant if not always classic, were included. In the second and third editions, more works in Portuguese are added.
       It is appropriate that most of the works cited in some sections of the bibliograpy are in English, but this pattern should be put in historical perspective. Since the late 1950s, the larger proportion of foreign-language works on Portugal and the Portuguese have been in English. But this was not the case before World War II. As a whole, there were more studies in French, with a smaller number in German, Italian, and Spanish, than in English. Most of the materials published today on all aspects of this topic continue to be in Portuguese, but English-language works have come to outnumber the other non-Portuguese language studies. In addition to books useful to a variety of students, a selection of classic works of use to the visitor, tourist, and foreign resident of Portugal, as well as to those interested in Portuguese communities overseas, have been included.
       Readers will note that publishers' names are omitted from some Portuguese citations as well as from a number of French works. There are several reasons for this. First, in many of the older sources, publishers no longer exist and are difficult to trace. Second, the names of the publishers have been changed in some cases and are also difficult to trace. Third, in many older books and periodicals, printers' names but not publishers were cited, and identifying the publishers is virtually impossible.
       Some recommended classic titles for beginners are in historical studies: José Hermano Saraiva, Portugal: A Companion History (1997); A. H. de Oliveira Marques, History of Portugal (1976 ed.), general country studies in two different historical eras: Sarah Bradford, Portugal (1973) and Marion Kaplan, The Portuguese: The Land and Its People (2002 and later editions); political histories, Antônio de Figueiredo, Portugal: Fifty Years of Dictatorship (1975) and Douglas L. Wheeler, Republican Portugal: A Political History ( 1910-1926) (1978; 1998). On Portugal's Revolution of 25 April 1974 and contemporary history and politics: Kenneth Maxwell, The Making of Portuguese Democracy (1995); Phil Mailer, The Impossible Revolution (1977); Richard A. H. Robinson, Contemporary Portugal: A History (1979); Lawrence S. Graham and Douglas L. Wheeler (eds.), In Search of Modern Portugal: The Revolution and Its Consequences (1983); Lawrence S. Graham and Harry M. Makler (eds.), Contemporary Portugal: The Revolution and its Antecedents (1979). On contemporary Portuguese society, see Antonio Costa Pinto (ed.), Contemporary Portugal: Politics, Society, Culture (2003).
       Enduring works on the history of Portugal's overseas empire include: C. R. Boxer, The Portuguese Seaborne Empire, 1415-1825 (1969 and later editions); and Bailey W. Diffie and George Winius, The Foundations of the Portuguese Empire, 1415-1580 (1977); on Portugal and the Age of Discoveries: Charles Ley (ed.), Portuguese Voyages 1498-1663 (2003). For a new portrait of the country's most celebrated figure of the Age of Discoveries, see Peter Russell, Prince Henry 'The Navigator': A Life (2000). A still useful geographical study about a popular tourist region is Dan Stanislawski's Portugal's Other Kingdom: The Algarve (1963). A fine introduction to a region of rural southern Portugal is José Cutileiro's A Portuguese Rural Society (1971).
       Early travel account classics are Almeida Garrett, Travels in My Homeland (1987) and William Beckford, Recollections of an Excursion to the Monasteries of Alcobaca and Batalha (1969 and later editions). On travel and living in Portugal, see Susan Lowndes Marques and Ann Bridge, The Selective Traveller in Portugal (1968 and later editions); David Wright and Patrick Swift, Lisbon: A Portrait and Guide (1968 and later editions); Sam Ballard and Jane Ballard, Pousadas of Portugal (1986); Richard Hewitt, A Cottage in Portugal (1996);
       Ian Robertson, Portugal: The Blue Guide (1988 and later editions); and Anne de Stoop, Living in Portugal (1995). Fine reads on some colorful, foreign travellers in Portugal are found in Rose Macauley, They Went to Portugal (1946 and later editions) and They Went to Portugal Too (1990). An attractive blend of historical musing and current Portugal is found in Paul Hyland's, Backing Out of the Big World: Voyage to Portugal (1996); Datus Proper's The Last Old Place: A Search through Portugal (1992); and Portugal's 1998 Nobel Prize winner in Literature, José Sarmago, writes in Journey through Portugal (2001).
       For aspects of Portuguese literature in translation, see Aubrey F. G. Bell, The Oxford Book of Portuguese Verse (1952 edition by B. Vidigal); José Maria Eça de Queirós, The Maias (2007 and earlier editions); and José Sara-mago's Baltasar and Blimunda (1985 and later editions), as well as many other novels by this, Portugal's most celebrated living novelist. See also Landeg White's recent translation of the national 16th century epic of Luis de Camóes, The Lusiads (1997). A classic portrait of the arts in Portugal during the country's imperial age is Robert C. Smith's The Art of Portugal, 1500-1800 (1968).
       For those who plan to conduct research in Portugal, the premier collection of printed books, periodicals, and manuscripts is housed in the country's national library, the Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa, in Lisbon. Other important collections are found in the libraries of the major universities in Coimbra, Lisbon, and Oporto, and in a number of foundations and societies. For the history of the former colonial empire, the best collection of printed materials remains in the library of Lisbon's historic Geography Society, the Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, Lisbon; and for documents there is the state-run colonial archives, the Arquivo Historico Ultramarino, in Restelo, near Lisbon. Other government records are deposited in official archives, such as those for foreign relations in the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, housed in Necessidades Palace, Lisbon.
       For researchers in North America, the best collections of printed materials on Portugal are housed in the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.; New York Public Library, New York City; Newberry Library, Chicago, Illinois; and in university libraries including those of Harvard, Yale, Johns Hopkins, Brown, Indiana, Illinois, University of California at Los Angeles, University of California - Berkeley, University of California - Santa Barbara, Stanford, Florida State, Duke, University of New Hampshire, Durham, University of Toronto, University of Ottawa, McGill, and University of British Columbia. Records dealing with Portuguese affairs are found in U.S. government archives, including, for instance, those in the National Archives and Record Service (NARS), housed in Washington, D.C.
       ■ Academia Portuguesa de História. Guia Bibliográfica Histórica Portuguesa. Vol. I-?. Lisbon, 1954-.
       ■ Anselmo, Antônio Joaquim. Bibliografia das bibliografias portuguesas. Lisbon: Biblioteca Nacional, 1923.
       ■ Bell, Aubrey F. G. Portuguese Bibliography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1922.
       ■ Borchardt, Paul. La Bibliographie de l'Angola, 1500-1900. Brussels, 1912. Chilcote, Ronald H., ed. and comp. The Portuguese Revolution of 25 April 1974. Annotated bibliography on the antecedents and aftermath. Coimbra: Centro de Documentação 25 de Abril, Universidade de Coimbra, 1987. Cintra, Maria Adelaide Valle. Bibliografia de textos medievais portugueses. Lisbon: Centro de Estudos Filolôgicos, 1960.
       ■ Costa, Mário. Bibliografia Geral de Moçambique. Lisbon, 1945. Coutinho, Bernardo Xavier da Costa. Bibliographie franco-portugaise: Essai d'une bibliographie chronologique de livres français sur le Portugal. Oporto: Lopes da Silva, 1939.
       ■ Diffie, Bailey W. "A Bibliography of the Principal Published Guides to Portuguese Archives and Libraries," Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Luso-Brazilian Studies. Nashville, Tenn., 1953. Gallagher, Tom. Dictatorial Portugal, 1926-1974: A Bibliography. Durham, N.H.: International Conference Group on Portugal, 1979.
       ■ Gibson, Mary Jane. Portuguese Africa: A Guide to Official Publications. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1967. Greenlee, William B. "A Descriptive Bibliography of the History of Portugal." Hispanic American Historical Review XX (August 1940): 491-516. Gulbenkian, Fundação Calouste. Boletim Internacional de Bibliografia Luso-Brasileira. Vol. 1-15. Lisbon, 1960-74.
       ■ Instituto Camoes. Faculdade de Letras da Universidade De Coimbra. Repertorio Bibliografico da Historiografia Portuguesa ( 1974-1994). Coimbra:
       ■ Instituto Camoes; Universidade de Coimbra, 1995. Junta De Investigações Científicas Do Ultramar. Bibliografia Da Junta De Investigações Científicas Do Ultramar Sobre Ciências Humanas E Sociais. Lisbon: Junta de Investigações Científicas Do Ultramar, 1975. Kettenring, Norman E., comp. A Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations on Portuguese Topics Completed in the United States and Canada, 1861-1983.
       ■ Durham, N.H.: International Conference Group on Portugal, 1984. Kunoff, Hugo. Portuguese Literature from Its Origins to 1990: A Bibliography Based on the Collections at Indiana University. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1994.
       ■ Laidlar, John. Lisbon. World Bibliographical Series, Vol. 199. Oxford: ABC-Clio, 1997.. Portugal. World Bibliographical Series, Vol. 71, rev. ed. Oxford: ABC-Clio, 2000.
       ■ Lomax, William. Revolution in Portugal: 1974-1976. A Bibliography. Durham, N.H.: International Conference Group on Portugal, 1978.
       ■ McCarthy, Joseph M. Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde Islands: A Comprehensive Bibliography. New York: Garland, 1977.
       ■ Moniz, Miguel. Azores. World Bibliographical Series, Vol. 221. Oxford: ABC-Clio, 1999.
       ■ Nunes, José Lúcio, and José Júlio Gonçalves. Bibliografia Histórico-Militar do Ultramar Portugües. Lisbon, 1956. Pélissier, René. Bibliographies sur l'Afrique Luso-Hispanophone 1800-1890.
       ■ Orgeval, France: 1980. Portuguese Studies. London. 1984-. Annual.
       ■ Portuguese Studies Newsletter. No. 1-23 (1976-90). Durham, N.H.: International Conference Group on Portugal. Semiannual.
       ■ Portuguese Studies Review. Vols. 1-9 (1991-2001). Durham, N.H.: International Conference Group on Portugal. Semi-Annual.. Vols. 10- (2002-). Durham, N.H.: Trent University; Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.
       ■ Rocha, Natércia. Bibliografia geral da Literatura Portuguesa para Crianças. Lisbon: Edit. Comunicação, 1987.
       ■ Rogers, Francis Millet, and David T. Haberly. Brazil, Portugal and Other Portuguese-Speaking Lands: A List of Books Primarily in English. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1968.
       ■ Silva, J. Donald. A Bibliography on the Madeira Islands. Durham, N.H.: International Conference Group on Portugal, 1987.
       ■ Teixeira, Carlos, and G. Lavigne. Os portugueses no Canadá: Uma bibliografia ( 1953-1996). Lisbon: Direção-Geral dos Assuntos Consulares e Comunidades Portuguesas, 1998.
       ■ University of Coimbra, Faculty of Letters. Bibliografia Anual de História de Portugal. Vol. 1. [sources published beginning in 1989- ] Coimbra: Grupo de História; Faculdade de Letras; Universidade de Coimbra, 1992-.
       ■ Unwin, P. T. H., comp. Portugal. World Bibliographical Series, Vol. 71. Oxford, U.K.: ABC-Clio Press, 1987.
       ■ Viera, David J., et al., comp. The Portuguese in the United States ( Supplement to the 1976 Leo Pap Bibliography). Durham, N.H.: International Conference Group on Portugal, 1990.
       ■ Welsh, Doris Varner, comp. A Catalogue of the William B. Greenlee Collection of Portuguese History and Literature and the Portuguese Materials in the Newberry Library. Chicago: Newberry Library, 1953.
       ■ Wiarda, Iêda Siqueira, ed. The Handbook of Portuguese Studies. Washington, D.C.: Xlibris, 2000.
       ■ Wilgus, A. Curtis. Latin America, Spain & Portugal: A Selected & Annotated Bibliographical Guide to Books Published 1954-1974. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1977.
       ■ Winius, George. "Bibliographical Essay: A Treasury of Printed Source Materials Pertaining to the XV and XVI Centuries." In George Winius, ed., Portugal, the Pathfinder: Journeys from the Medieval toward the Modern World, 1300-ca. 1600, 373-401. Madison, Wis.: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1995.
       ■ Africana. Oporto. Semiannual.
       ■ Africa Report. New York. Monthly or bimonthly.
       ■ Africa Today. Denver, Colo. Quarterly.
       ■ Agenda Cultural. Lisbon. Monthly.
       ■ Almanaque do Exército. Lisbon, 1912-40.
       ■ American Historical Review. Washington, D.C. Quarterly.
       ■ Anais das Bibliotecas e Arquivos. Lisbon. Annual.
       ■ Análise do sector público administrativo e empresarial. Lisbon. Quarterly. Análise Social. Lisbon. Quarterly.
       ■ Anglo-Portuguese News. Monte Estoril and Lisbon. 1937-2003. Biweekly and weekly.
       ■ Antropológicas. Oporto. 1998-. Semiannual. Anuário Católico de Portugal. Lisbon. Annual.
       ■ Archipélago. Revista do Instituto Universitário dos Açores. Punta Delgado. Semiannual. Architectural Digest. New York. Monthly. Archivum. Paris. Quarterly. Arqueologia. Oporto. Annual.
       ■ Arqueólogo Portugües, O. Lisbon. 1958-. Semiannual Arquivo das Colónias. Lisbon. 1917-33. Arquivo de Beja. Beja. Annual. Arquivo Histórico Portuguez. Lisbon.
       ■ Arquivos da Memória. Lisbon. 1997-. Semiannual.
       ■ Arquivos do Centro Cultural Portugües [Fundação Gulbenkian, Paris]. Paris. Annual.
       ■ Avante! Lisbon. Portuguese Communist Party. Daily. Biblos. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Boletim da Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa. Lisbon Quarterly; Bimonthly.
       ■ Boletim de Estudos Operários. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Boletim do Arquivo Histórico Militar. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Boletim do Instituto Histórico da Ilha Terceira. Angra do Heroismo, Terceira, Azores Islands. Semiannual. Boletim Geral do Ultramar. Lisbon. Bracara Augusta. Braga. Brigantia. Lisbon. 1990-. Semiannual.
       ■ British Bulletin of Publications on Latin America... Portugal and Spain. London. 1949-. Semiannual. British Historical Society of Portugal. Annual Report and Review. Lisbon. Brotéria. Lisbon. Quarterly. Bulletin des Etudes Portugaises. Paris. Quarterly.
       ■ Cadernos de Arqueologia. Braga. Semiannual and annual. Monographs.
       ■ Cadernos do Noroeste. Braga, University of Minho. Semiannual.
       ■ Camões Center Quarterly. New York.
       ■ Capital, A. Lisbon. Daily newspaper.
       ■ Clio. Lisbon. 1996-. Annual.
       ■ Clio-Arqueologia. Lisbon. 1983-. Annual.
       ■ Colóquio/ Artes. Lisbon. Gulbenkian Foundation. Quarterly.
       ■ Colóquio/ Letras. Lisbon. Gulbenkian Foundation. Quarterly.
       ■ Conimbriga. Coimbra.
       ■ Cultura. London. Quarterly.
       ■ Democracia e Liberdade. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Dia, O. Lisbon. Daily newspaper.
       ■ Diário da Câmara de Deputados. Lisbon. 1911-26.
       ■ Diário de Lisboa. Lisbon. Daily newspaper.
       ■ Diário de Notícias. Lisbon. Daily newspaper of record.
       ■ Diário do Governo. Lisbon. 1910-74.
       ■ Diário do Senado. Lisbon. 1911-26.
       ■ Documentos. Centro de Documentação 25 de Abril. Coimbra. Quarterly.
       ■ E-Journal of Portuguese History. Providence, R.I. Quarterly.
       ■ Economia. Lisbon. Quarterly.
       ■ Economia e Finanças. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Economia e Sociologia. Lisbon. Quarterly.
       ■ Economist, The. London. Weekly magazine.
       ■ Estratégia Internacional. Lisbon.
       ■ Estudos Contemporâneos. Lisbon.
       ■ Estudos de economia. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Estudos históricos e económicos. Oporto. Semiannual.
       ■ Estudos Medievais. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Estudos Orientais. Lisbon, 1990. Semiannual.
       ■ Ethnologia. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Ethnologie Française. Paris. Quarterly.
       ■ Ethnos. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ European History Quarterly. Lancaster, U.K., 1970-. Quarterly.
       ■ Expresso. Lisbon. 1973-. Weekly newspaper.
       ■ Facts and Reports. Amsterdam. Collected press clippings.
       ■ Financial Times. London. Daily; special supplements on Portugal.
       ■ Finisterra. Lisbon. Quarterly.
       ■ Flama. Lisbon. Monthly magazine.
       ■ Garcia de Orta. Lisbon. Quarterly.
       ■ Gaya. Oporto. Semiannual.
       ■ Hispania. USA. Quarterly.
       ■ Hispania Antiqua. Madrid. Semiannual.
       ■ Hispanic American Historical Review. Chapel Hill, N.C. Quarterly. História. Lisbon. Monthly.
       ■ Iberian Studies. Nottingham, U.K. Quarterly or Semiannual.
       ■ Indicadores económicos. Lisbon. Bank of Portugal. Monthly. Ingenium. Revista da Ordem dos Engenheiros. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ International Journal of Iberian Studies. London and Glasgow, 1987-. Semiannual.
       ■ Illustração Portugueza. Lisbon. 1911-1930s. Magazine. Instituto, O. Coimbra. Annual.
       ■ Itinerário. Leiden (Netherlands). 1976-. Semiannual. Jornal, O. Lisbon. Weekly newspaper. Jornal de Letras, O. Lisbon. Weekly culture supplement. Jornal do Fundão. Fundão, Beira Alta. Weekly newspaper. Journal of European Economic History. Quarterly.
       ■ Journal of Modern History. Chicago, Ill. Quarterly.
       ■ Journal of Southern European Society & Politics. Athens, Greece. 1995-. Quarterly.
       ■ Journal of the American Portuguese Culture Society. New York. 1966-81. Semiannual or annual. Ler História. Lisbon. Quarterly. Lisboa: Revista Municipal. Lisbon. Quarterly.
       ■ Lusíada: Revista trimestral de ciência e cultura. Lisbon. 1989-. Three times a year.
       ■ Lusitania Sacra. Lisbon. Quarterly.
       ■ Luso-Americano, O. Newark, N.J. Weekly newspaper.
       ■ Luso-Brazilian Review. Madison, Wisc. 1964-. Semiannual.
       ■ Lusotopie. Paris. 1995-. Annual.
       ■ Nova economia. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Numismática. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Oceanos. Lisbon. Bimonthly.
       ■ Ocidente. Lisbon. Monthly.
       ■ Olisipo. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Ordem do Exército. Lisbon. 1926-74. Monthly.
       ■ Penélope. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Política Internacional. Lisbon. 1990-. Quarterly.
       ■ Portugal. Annuário Estatístico do Ultramar. Lisbon. 1950-74.
       ■ Portugal em Africa. Lisbon. 1894-1910. Bimonthly.
       ■ Portugal socialista. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Portugália. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Portuguese & Colonial Bulletin. London. 1961-74. Quarterly. Portuguese Studies. London. 1985-. Annual.
       ■ Portuguese Studies Newsletter. Durham, N.H. 1976-90. Semiannual.
       ■ Portuguese Studies Review. Durham, N.H. 1991-2001; Trent, Ont. 2002-. Semiannual.
       ■ Portuguese Times. New Bedford, Mass. Weekly newspaper.
       ■ Povo Livre. Lisbon. Monthly.
       ■ Primeiro do Janeiro. Oporto. Daily newspaper.
       ■ Quaderni Portoghesi. Rome. 1974-. Semiannual.
       ■ Race. A Journal of Race and Group Relations. London. Quarterly.
       ■ Recherches en Anthropologie au Portugal. Paris. 1995-. Annual.
       ■ República, A. Lisbon. Daily newspaper.
       ■ Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais. Coimbra. Quarterly.
       ■ Revista da Biblioteca Nacional. Lisbon. Quarterly.
       ■ Revista da Faculdade de Letras. Lisbon. Quarterly. Revista da Faculdade de Letras. Oporto. Semiannual. Revista da Universidade de Coimbra. Coimbra. Quarterly. Revista de Ciência Política. Lisbon. Semiannual. Revista de Ciências Agrárias. Lisbon. Semiannual. Revista de Economia. Lisbon. 1953-. Three times a year. Revista de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses. Lisbon. Annual. Revista de Estudos Históricos. Rio de Janeiro. Semiannual. Revista de Guimarães. Guimarães. Semiannual. Revista de História. São Paulo, Brazil. Semiannual. Revista de História Económica e Social. Oporto. Semiannual. Revista de Infanteria. Lisbon. Quarterly.
       ■ Revista Internacional de Estudos Africanos. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Revista Lusitana. Lisbon. Quarterly.
       ■ Revista Militar. Lisbon. Quarterly.
       ■ Revista Portuguesa de História. Coimbra. Quarterly.
       ■ Sábado. Lisbon. Weekly news magazine.
       ■ Seara Nova. Lisbon. 1921-. Bimonthly.
       ■ Século, O. Lisbon. Daily Newspaper.
       ■ Selecções do Readers Digest. Lisbon. Monthly.
       ■ Semanário económico. Lisbon. Weekly.
       ■ Setúbal arqueologica. Setúbal. Semiannual.
       ■ Sigila. Paris. 1998-. Semiannual.
       ■ Sintria. Sintra. Annual.
       ■ Sociedade e Território. Revista de estudos urbanos e regionais. Oporto. 1986-. Quarterly.
       ■ Studia. Lisbon. Quarterly.
       ■ Studium Generale. Oporto. Quarterly.
       ■ Tempo, O. Lisbon. Daily newspaper.
       ■ Tempo e o Modo, O. Lisbon. 1968-74. Quarterly.
       ■ Trabalhos de Antropologia E Etnologia. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Trabalhos de Arqueologia. Lisbon. Annual.
       ■ Translation. New York. Quarterly.
       ■ Ultramar. Lisbon. 1960-71. Quarterly.
       ■ Veja. São Paulo. Weekly news magazine.
       ■ Veleia. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Vida Mundial. Lisbon. Weekly news magazine.
       ■ West European Politics. London. Quarterly.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > INTRODUCTION

  • 38 Farman, Henri

    SUBJECT AREA: Aerospace
    b. 26 May 1874 Paris, France
    d. 17 July 1958 Paris, France
    French aeroplane designer who modified Voisin biplanes and later, with his brother Maurice (b. 21 March 1877 Paris, France; d. 26 February 1964 Paris, France), created a major aircraft-manufacturing company.
    The parents of Henri and Maurice Farman were British subjects living in Paris, but their sons lived all their lives in France and became French citizens. As young men, both became involved in cycle and automobile racing. Henri (or Henry—he used both versions) turned his attention to aviation in 1907 when he bought a biplane from Gabriel Voisin. Within a short time he had established himself as one of the leading pilots in Europe, with many record-breaking flights to his credit. Farman modified the Voisin with his own improvements, including ailerons, and then in 1909 he designed the first Farman biplane. This became the most popular biplane in Europe from the autumn of 1909 until well into 1911 and is one of the classic aeroplanes of history. Meanwhile, Maurice Farman had also begun to design and build biplanes; his first design of 1909 was not a great success but from it evolved two robust biplanes nicknamed the "Longhorn" and the "Shorthorn", so called because of their undercarriage skids. In 1912 the brothers joined forces and set up a very large factory at Billancourt. The "Longhorn" and "Shorthorn" became the standard training aircraft in France and Britain during the early years of the First World War. The Farman brothers went on to produce a number of other wartime designs, including a large bomber. After the war the Farmans produced a series of large airliners which played a key role in establishing France as a major airline operator. Most famous of these was the Goliath, a twin-engined biplane capable of carrying up to twelve passengers. This was produced from 1918 to 1929 and was used by many airlines, including the Farman Line. The brothers retired when their company was nationalized in 1937.
    1910, The Aviator's Companion, London (with his brother Dick Farman).
    Further Reading
    M.Farman, 1901, 3,000 kilomètres en ballon, Paris (an account of several balloon flights from 1894 to 1900).
    J.Liron, 1984, Les Avions Farman, Paris (provides comprehensive descriptions of all Farman aircraft).
    Jane's Fighting Aircraft of World War I, 1990, London (reprint) (gives details of all early Farman aircraft).
    J.Stroud, 1966, European Aircraft since 1910, London (provides details about Farman air-liners).

    Biographical history of technology > Farman, Henri

  • 39 Kilby, Jack St Clair

    b. 8 November 1923 Jefferson City, Missouri, USA
    American engineer who filed the first patents for micro-electronic (integrated) circuits.
    Kilby spent most of his childhood in Great Bend, Kansas, where he often accompanied his father, an electrical power engineer, on his maintenance rounds. Working in the blizzard of 1937, his father borrowed a "ham" radio, and this fired Jack to study for his amateur licence (W9GTY) and to construct his own equipment while still a student at Great Bend High School. In 1941 he entered the University of Illinois, but four months later, after the attack on Pearl Harbor, he was enlisted in the US Army and found himself working in a radio repair workshop in India. When the war ended he returned to his studies, obtaining his BSEE from Illinois in 1947 and his MSEE from the University of Wisconsin. He then joined Centralab, a small electronics firm in Milwaukee owned by Globe-Union. There he filed twelve patents, including some for reduced titanate capacitors and for Steatite-packing of transistors, and developed a transistorized hearing-aid. During this period he also attended a course on transistors at Bell Laboratories. In May 1958, concerned to gain experience in the field of number processing, he joined Texas Instruments in Dallas. Shortly afterwards, while working alone during the factory vacation, he conceived the idea of making monolithic, or integrated, circuits by diffusing impurities into a silicon substrate to create P-N junctions. Within less than a month he had produced a complete oscillator on a chip to prove that the technology was feasible, and the following year at the 1ERE Show he demonstrated a germanium integrated-circuit flip-flop. Initially he was granted a patent for the idea, but eventually, after protracted litigation, priority was awarded to Robert Noyce of Fairchild. In 1965 he was commissioned by Patrick Haggerty, the Chief Executive of Texas Instruments, to make a pocket calculator based on integrated circuits, and on 14 April 1971 the world's first such device, the Pocketronic, was launched onto the market. Costing $150 (and weighing some 2½ lb or 1.1 kg), it was an instant success and in 1972 some 5 million calculators were sold worldwide. He left Texas Instruments in November 1970 to become an independent consultant and inventor, working on, amongst other things, methods of deriving electricity from sunlight.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Franklin Institute Stuart Ballantine Medal 1966. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers David Sarnoff Award 1966; Cledo Brunetti Award (jointly with Noyce) 1978; Medal of Honour 1986. National Academy of Engineering 1967. National Science Medal 1969. National Inventors Hall of Fame 1982. Honorary DEng Miami 1982, Rochester 1986. Honorary DSc Wisconsin 1988. Distinguished Professor, Texas A \& M University.
    6 February 1959, US patent no. 3,138,743 (the first integrated circuit (IC); initially granted June 1964).
    US patent no. 3,819,921 (the Pocketronic calculator).
    Further Reading
    T.R.Reid, 1984, Microchip. The Story of a Revolution and the Men Who Made It, London: Pan Books (for the background to the development of the integrated circuit). H.Queisser, 1988, Conquest of the Microchip, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

    Biographical history of technology > Kilby, Jack St Clair

  • 40 Kompfner, Rudolph

    b. 16 May 1909 Vienna, Austria
    d. 3 December 1977 Stanford, California, USA
    Austrian (naturalized English in 1949, American in 1957) electrical engineer primarily known for his invention of the travelling-wave tube.
    Kompfner obtained a degree in engineering from the Vienna Technische Hochschule in 1931 and qualified as a Diplom-Ingenieur in Architecture two years later. The following year, with a worsening political situation in Austria, he moved to England and became an architectural apprentice. In 1936 he became Managing Director of a building firm owned by a relative, but at the same time he was avidly studying physics and electronics. His first patent, for a television pick-up device, was filed in 1935 and granted in 1937, but was not in fact taken up. In June 1940 he was interned on the Isle of Man, but as a result of a paper previously sent by him to the Editor of Wireless Engineer he was released the following December and sent to join the group at Birmingham University working on centimetric radar. There he worked on klystrons, with little success, but as a result of the experience gained he eventually invented the travelling-wave tube (TWT), which was based on a helical transmission line. After disbandment of the Birmingham team, in 1946 Kompfner moved to the Clarendon Laboratory at Oxford and in 1947 he became a British subject. At the Clarendon Laboratory he met J.R. Pierce of Bell Laboratories, who worked out the theory of operation of the TWT. After gaining his DPhil at Oxford in 1951, Kompfner accepted a post as Principal Scientific Officer at Signals Electronic Research Laboratories, Baldock, but very soon after that he was invited by Pierce to work at Bell on microwave tubes. There, in 1952, he invented the backward-wave oscillator (BWO). He was appointed Director of Electronics Research in 1955 and Director of Communications Research in 1962, having become a US citizen in 1957. In 1958, with Pierce, he designed Echo 1, the first (passive) satellite, which was launched in August 1960. He was also involved with the development of Telstar, the first active communications satellite, which was launched in 1962. Following his retirement from Bell in 1973, he continued to pursue research, alternately at Stanford, California, and Oxford, England.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Physical Society Duddell Medal 1955. Franklin Institute Stuart Ballantine Medal 1960. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers David Sarnoff Award 1960. Member of the National Academy of Engineering 1966. Member of the National Academy of Science 1968. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Medal of Honour 1973. City of Philadelphia John Scott Award 1974. Roentgen Society Silvanus Thompson Medal 1974. President's National medal of Science 1974. Honorary doctorates Vienna 1965, Oxford 1969.
    1944, "Velocity modulated beams", Wireless Engineer 17:262.
    1942, "Transit time phenomena in electronic tubes", Wireless Engineer 19:3. 1942, "Velocity modulating grids", Wireless Engineer 19:158.
    1946, "The travelling-wave tube", Wireless Engineer 42:369.
    1964, The Invention of the TWT, San Francisco: San Francisco Press.
    Further Reading
    J.R.Pierce, 1992, "History of the microwave tube art", Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers: 980.

    Biographical history of technology > Kompfner, Rudolph

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