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  • 1 أبله


    Arabic-English Medical Dictionary > أبله

  • 2 أبله

    adj. brainless, fool, stupid, idiotic, imbecile, silly, fatuous, dense, dim witted [sl.], feeble-minded, goofy [sl.], half witted [sl.], wood headed [sl.], asinine [sl.], cuckoo [sl.], gaga, gawky, mad, lemon [sl.], screwed [sl.], sheepish, sodden
    n. junkie, ass [sl.], pillock, softy [sl.], dullard [sl.], coot [sl.], stick in the mud [sl.], patsy, daw [sl.], sod [sl.]

    Arabic-English dictionary > أبله

  • 3 إبله

    n. sucker

    Arabic-English dictionary > إبله

  • 4 أبله

    أبْلَه (صفة)
    stupid, idiotic, imbecile, imbecilic, foolish, doltish, dumb, silly, fatuous, empty-headed, dense, dimwitted, simpleminded, unwise, thickheaded, fat-witted, weak-minded, feebleminded, brainless, daft

    Arabic-English new dictionary > أبله

  • 5 أبله

    أبْلَه (اسم)
    fool, simpleton, imbecile, idiot, dullard, dunce, dolt, dunderhead, moron, blockhead, fathead, oaf, ninny, numskull

    Arabic-English new dictionary > أبله

  • 6 أبله

    أَبْلَه \ crazy: mad; foolish; like a fool; silly. idiot: a person with a very weak mind, usually from birth; a foolish person: Idiot! You’ve dropped my book!. moron: a person with very limited brain power that is never likely to develop; a foolish person. sheepish: feeling foolish and uncomfortable, not knowing how to behave in the company of others: My son gave me a sheepish smile when he saw me reading his school report (which was not at all good). silly. foolish: stupid, lacking in understanding: stupid mistakes; a stupid person. \ أَبْلَى \ wear: to damage by use or by rubbing: Water and wind can wear away rock. I have worn my shoes out (worn them till they are no longer fit for use). She wore herself out (tired herself completely with hand work).

    Arabic-English dictionary > أبله

  • 7 أبله التصرف

    moral imbecile

    Arabic-English Medical Dictionary > أبله التصرف

  • 8 معتوه أبله


    Arabic-English Medical Dictionary > معتوه أبله

  • 9 حمار أبله

    n. moke

    Arabic-English dictionary > حمار أبله

  • 10 شخص أبله

    adj. birdbrained [sl.]

    Arabic-English dictionary > شخص أبله

  • 11 أخرق

    أَخْرَق \ clumsy: not skilful, clever or careful, esp. in movement: Clumsy people often drop or break things. He made a clumsy attempt at making a pot. foolish: like a fool; silly. senseless: very foolish. \ See Also أبله (أَبْلَه)، أحمق (أَحْمَق)‏

    Arabic-English dictionary > أخرق

  • 12 ساذج

    ساذَج \ na]ve: too simple to be sensible; lacking wisdom and experience: a na]ve question; a na]ve young girl. primitive: simple, as in ancient times; not developed or modern: primitive tools of the Stone Age. rustic: (of country things, compared with town things) plain and simple. sheepish: feeling foolish and uncomfortable, not knowing how to behave in the company of others: My son gave me a sheepish smile when he saw me reading his school report (which was not at all good). simple: not clever; having a rather weak brain, easily deceived. \ See Also بدائي (بِدائيّ)، ريفي (رِيفِيّ)، أبله (أَبْلَه)، مغفل (مُغَفَّل)‏

    Arabic-English dictionary > ساذج

  • 13 سخيف

    سَخِيف \ absurd: not at all sensible; foolish: The singer’s absurd clothes made us laugh. childish: like a child; suitable only to children: Men’s quarrels are often very childish. daft: foolish. idiot: a foolish person: Idiot! You’ve dropped my book!. idiotic: foolish; silly. ridiculous: foolish; deserving to be laughed at; not to be treated seriously: What a ridiculous idea!. silly: foolish. stupid: foolish, lacking in understanding: stupid mistakes; a stupid person. \ See Also أحمق (أَحْمَق)، أبله (أَبْلَه)، غبي (غَبِيّ)، مضحك (مُضْحِك)‏ \ سَخِيف مُضْحِك \ ludicrous: so foolish as to cause laughter: a ludicrous mistake; a ludicrous hat.

    Arabic-English dictionary > سخيف

  • 14 absurd

    سَخِيف \ absurd: not at all sensible; foolish: The singer’s absurd clothes made us laugh. childish: like a child; suitable only to children: Men’s quarrels are often very childish. daft: foolish. idiot: a foolish person: Idiot! You’ve dropped my book!. idiotic: foolish; silly. ridiculous: foolish; deserving to be laughed at; not to be treated seriously: What a ridiculous idea!. silly: foolish. stupid: foolish, lacking in understanding: stupid mistakes; a stupid person. \ See Also أحمق (أَحْمَق)، أبله (أَبْلَه)، غبي (غَبِيّ)، مضحك (مُضْحِك)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > absurd

  • 15 childish

    سَخِيف \ absurd: not at all sensible; foolish: The singer’s absurd clothes made us laugh. childish: like a child; suitable only to children: Men’s quarrels are often very childish. daft: foolish. idiot: a foolish person: Idiot! You’ve dropped my book!. idiotic: foolish; silly. ridiculous: foolish; deserving to be laughed at; not to be treated seriously: What a ridiculous idea!. silly: foolish. stupid: foolish, lacking in understanding: stupid mistakes; a stupid person. \ See Also أحمق (أَحْمَق)، أبله (أَبْلَه)، غبي (غَبِيّ)، مضحك (مُضْحِك)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > childish

  • 16 daft

    سَخِيف \ absurd: not at all sensible; foolish: The singer’s absurd clothes made us laugh. childish: like a child; suitable only to children: Men’s quarrels are often very childish. daft: foolish. idiot: a foolish person: Idiot! You’ve dropped my book!. idiotic: foolish; silly. ridiculous: foolish; deserving to be laughed at; not to be treated seriously: What a ridiculous idea!. silly: foolish. stupid: foolish, lacking in understanding: stupid mistakes; a stupid person. \ See Also أحمق (أَحْمَق)، أبله (أَبْلَه)، غبي (غَبِيّ)، مضحك (مُضْحِك)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > daft

  • 17 idiot

    سَخِيف \ absurd: not at all sensible; foolish: The singer’s absurd clothes made us laugh. childish: like a child; suitable only to children: Men’s quarrels are often very childish. daft: foolish. idiot: a foolish person: Idiot! You’ve dropped my book!. idiotic: foolish; silly. ridiculous: foolish; deserving to be laughed at; not to be treated seriously: What a ridiculous idea!. silly: foolish. stupid: foolish, lacking in understanding: stupid mistakes; a stupid person. \ See Also أحمق (أَحْمَق)، أبله (أَبْلَه)، غبي (غَبِيّ)، مضحك (مُضْحِك)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > idiot

  • 18 idiotic

    سَخِيف \ absurd: not at all sensible; foolish: The singer’s absurd clothes made us laugh. childish: like a child; suitable only to children: Men’s quarrels are often very childish. daft: foolish. idiot: a foolish person: Idiot! You’ve dropped my book!. idiotic: foolish; silly. ridiculous: foolish; deserving to be laughed at; not to be treated seriously: What a ridiculous idea!. silly: foolish. stupid: foolish, lacking in understanding: stupid mistakes; a stupid person. \ See Also أحمق (أَحْمَق)، أبله (أَبْلَه)، غبي (غَبِيّ)، مضحك (مُضْحِك)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > idiotic

  • 19 ridiculous

    سَخِيف \ absurd: not at all sensible; foolish: The singer’s absurd clothes made us laugh. childish: like a child; suitable only to children: Men’s quarrels are often very childish. daft: foolish. idiot: a foolish person: Idiot! You’ve dropped my book!. idiotic: foolish; silly. ridiculous: foolish; deserving to be laughed at; not to be treated seriously: What a ridiculous idea!. silly: foolish. stupid: foolish, lacking in understanding: stupid mistakes; a stupid person. \ See Also أحمق (أَحْمَق)، أبله (أَبْلَه)، غبي (غَبِيّ)، مضحك (مُضْحِك)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > ridiculous

  • 20 silly

    سَخِيف \ absurd: not at all sensible; foolish: The singer’s absurd clothes made us laugh. childish: like a child; suitable only to children: Men’s quarrels are often very childish. daft: foolish. idiot: a foolish person: Idiot! You’ve dropped my book!. idiotic: foolish; silly. ridiculous: foolish; deserving to be laughed at; not to be treated seriously: What a ridiculous idea!. silly: foolish. stupid: foolish, lacking in understanding: stupid mistakes; a stupid person. \ See Also أحمق (أَحْمَق)، أبله (أَبْلَه)، غبي (غَبِيّ)، مضحك (مُضْحِك)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > silly

См. также в других словарях:

  • أبله — معجم اللغة العربية المعاصرة أَبْلَه [مفرد]: ج بُلْه وبُلَهاءُ، مؤ بَلْهاءُ، ج مؤ بُلْه: صفة مشبَّهة تدلّ على الثبوت من بلِهَ: أحمق لا تمييز له، مجنون، غبيّ، ضعيف العقل تغلب عليه الغفلة …   Arabic modern dictionary

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  • аблаҳваш — [ابله وش] ниг. аблаҳвор …   Фарҳанги тафсирии забони тоҷикӣ

  • аблаҳвор — [ابله وار] аблаҳмонанд, монанд ба аблаҳ, шабеҳи аблаҳ, мисли аблаҳ …   Фарҳанги тафсирии забони тоҷикӣ

  • аблаҳнамо — [ابله نما] ниг. аблаҳвор …   Фарҳанги тафсирии забони тоҷикӣ

  • аблаҳфиреб — [ابله فريب] ҳилагар, фиребгар, маккор, найрангбоз; чизе, ки бо он аблаҳ фирефта мешавад …   Фарҳанги тафсирии забони тоҷикӣ

  • аблаҳфиребӣ — [ابله فريبي] макру фиреби ошкор, фирефтани аблаҳон …   Фарҳанги тафсирии забони тоҷикӣ

  • аблаҳфиребона — [ابله فريبانه] фиребандаи аблаҳон, фирефтани аблаҳон: сухани аблаҳфиребона …   Фарҳанги тафсирии забони тоҷикӣ

  • обила — [آبله] 1. варами обгирифта ва қублазадаи пӯст аз сӯхтагӣ, судашавӣ, қубла; обила кардан варами обдор баровардан, қубла задани даст, по ва ғ. 2. тиб. бемории сирояткунанда, ки дар бадан доначаҳои риму фасоддор пайдо мешаванд, нағзак, чечак …   Фарҳанги тафсирии забони тоҷикӣ

  • обилагузаронӣ — [آبله گذراني] дору задан барои пешгирӣ аз обила, нағзак задан, обилакӯбӣ …   Фарҳанги тафсирии забони тоҷикӣ

  • обиладор — [آبله دار] 1. он чи обила (қубла) дорад: дасти обиладор 2. он ки дар рӯяш осори обила ҳаст, парзадарӯй …   Фарҳанги тафсирии забони тоҷикӣ

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