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  • 1 פיקרין

    פיקריןv. פּוֹקָרִין.

    Jewish literature > פיקרין

  • 2 בן

    בֵּןm., constr. בֶּן (b. h.; בנה) offspring, son, child. שבוע הב׳ the male childs week, a disguise for circumcision day, adopted during the Hadrianic persecutions. Snh.32b; Y.Keth.I, 25c; a. e.ישוע הב׳ a disguise for פִּדְיוֹן הבן B. Kam.80a.… בְּנוֹ של the son of, v. שֶׁל, בְּנָן של קדושים descendant of holy men. Ab. Zar.50a; a. e.Pl. בָּנִים, constr. בְּנַי. Ab. III, 14 ב׳ למקום chosen children of God. Gen. R. s. 82 בָּנֶיהָ של תורה children (followers) of the Law.Trnsf. belonging to, fit for ; e. g. בני גולה those belonging to the colony of exiles, Babylonians ; בני גליל Galileans; בני אכילה things fit to be eaten (For such compounds as are not self-evident, see the respective determinants. כני פיקרין, v. בְּנִיפיקָרִין.

    Jewish literature > בן

  • 3 בֵּן

    בֵּןm., constr. בֶּן (b. h.; בנה) offspring, son, child. שבוע הב׳ the male childs week, a disguise for circumcision day, adopted during the Hadrianic persecutions. Snh.32b; Y.Keth.I, 25c; a. e.ישוע הב׳ a disguise for פִּדְיוֹן הבן B. Kam.80a.… בְּנוֹ של the son of, v. שֶׁל, בְּנָן של קדושים descendant of holy men. Ab. Zar.50a; a. e.Pl. בָּנִים, constr. בְּנַי. Ab. III, 14 ב׳ למקום chosen children of God. Gen. R. s. 82 בָּנֶיהָ של תורה children (followers) of the Law.Trnsf. belonging to, fit for ; e. g. בני גולה those belonging to the colony of exiles, Babylonians ; בני גליל Galileans; בני אכילה things fit to be eaten (For such compounds as are not self-evident, see the respective determinants. כני פיקרין, v. בְּנִיפיקָרִין.

    Jewish literature > בֵּן

  • 4 בניפיקרין

    בְּנִיפִיקָרִיןm. pl. (beneficiarii, βενεφικάλιοι) the commanders attendants, orderlies. Sifrè Deut. 317 ( בני פיקרין, בני פוקרים corr. acc.); Yalk. Deut. 944 אלו ב׳ שלהם those are their (the Roman) beneficiarii.

    Jewish literature > בניפיקרין

  • 5 בְּנִיפִיקָרִין

    בְּנִיפִיקָרִיןm. pl. (beneficiarii, βενεφικάλιοι) the commanders attendants, orderlies. Sifrè Deut. 317 ( בני פיקרין, בני פוקרים corr. acc.); Yalk. Deut. 944 אלו ב׳ שלהם those are their (the Roman) beneficiarii.

    Jewish literature > בְּנִיפִיקָרִין

  • 6 פוקרין

    פוֹקָרִיןm. (ποκάριον) lock or tuft of wool (used as lint on a wound). Tosef.Sabb.V (VI), 2; Sabb.50a בפוק׳ Ms. M. (ed. בפקו׳; Ms. O. בפיקור׳; corr. acc.). Gen. R. s. 77 נטל … פ׳וכ׳ Jacob … took a tuft of wool and stuck it in his throat; Yalk. ib. 132 פוקרי (corr. acc.); Cant. R. to III, 6 נטל פרקדין וכרכווכ׳ (corr. acc.) he took (a rope of) wool and wound it around his neck. Koh. R. to X, 16 אילו הייתי שם פ׳וכ׳ (not פי׳) had I been there, I should have tied a rope of wool around his (Solomons) neck; Yalk. Kings 175 פקרין (corr. acc). Y.Erub.X, beg.26a כמין פ׳ היו בידו (not פיקרין) the Tfillin were in his hand (bundled up) like a tuft of wool (put on a wound). Tosef.Kil.V, 23 הפקרית והציפהוכ׳ (corr. acc.) lint (for wounds) and wool tufts are not subject to the law concerning mixture of wool and flax ( כלאים).

    Jewish literature > פוקרין

  • 7 פוֹקָרִין

    פוֹקָרִיןm. (ποκάριον) lock or tuft of wool (used as lint on a wound). Tosef.Sabb.V (VI), 2; Sabb.50a בפוק׳ Ms. M. (ed. בפקו׳; Ms. O. בפיקור׳; corr. acc.). Gen. R. s. 77 נטל … פ׳וכ׳ Jacob … took a tuft of wool and stuck it in his throat; Yalk. ib. 132 פוקרי (corr. acc.); Cant. R. to III, 6 נטל פרקדין וכרכווכ׳ (corr. acc.) he took (a rope of) wool and wound it around his neck. Koh. R. to X, 16 אילו הייתי שם פ׳וכ׳ (not פי׳) had I been there, I should have tied a rope of wool around his (Solomons) neck; Yalk. Kings 175 פקרין (corr. acc). Y.Erub.X, beg.26a כמין פ׳ היו בידו (not פיקרין) the Tfillin were in his hand (bundled up) like a tuft of wool (put on a wound). Tosef.Kil.V, 23 הפקרית והציפהוכ׳ (corr. acc.) lint (for wounds) and wool tufts are not subject to the law concerning mixture of wool and flax ( כלאים).

    Jewish literature > פוֹקָרִין

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