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  • 1 עומדות

    עוֹמְדוֹתf. pl. (עָמַד) standing at meetings, attendance while standing, opp. יְשִׁיבוֹת. Y.Sabb.X, 12c bot., a. e., v. יְשִׁיבָה.

    Jewish literature > עומדות

  • 2 ישיבה

    יְשִׁיבָהf. (יָשַׁב) 1) sitting, rest. Ḥag.15a למעלה … לא עמידה ולא י׳וכ׳ Ms. M. (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l.) on high there is no standing up and no sitting down (effort and rest), no emulation Yoma 69b, a. fr. אין י׳ בעזרה none were allowed to sit down in the Temple court. Gen. R. s. 38, a. fr. כל מקום שאתח מוצא י׳וכ׳ wherever you find sitting (retirement, use of the word ישב) recorded in the Bible, there Satan leaps forth (trouble arises). Yeb.106a יְשִׁיבָתָהּ זו היא עמידתה this her sitting is to her a getting up (sitting up is to her a great effort; oth. expl.: her being left seated, is her erection, i. e. her failure to be married to the yabam is a benefit to her); a. fr. 2) settlement, dwelling. Kidd.37a, a. e., v. יְרוּשָּׁה. Keth.110b יְשִׁיבַת כרכים קשה living in large cities is a hardship. Sabb.10b עיר שיְשִׁיבָתָהּ קרובה a town of recent settlement; a. fr. 3) scholars session, council, academy; court. Yoma 28b זקן ויושב בי׳ an elder and member of council. Ib. לא פרשה י׳ מהם they (our early ancestors) were never without council (a representative body). Pes.119a top המכיר … בי׳ who knows his colleagues place in meetings; המקבל … בי׳ who greets his colleague in meetings with kindness. Ber.57a ראש י׳ presiding officer. Y.Ber.IV, 7d top ומינו אתר״א … בי׳ they elected R. El. … (president) in regular session. Ib. הושיבו … בי׳ they installed him as president. B. Bath. 120a בי׳ הלךוכ׳ in court or college give the preference to learning, in social entertainment to age; a. fr.י׳ של מעלה divine court. B. Mets.86a נתבקש בי׳ של מ׳ has been summoned before divine justice (is dead); a. fr.Pl. יְשִׁיבוֹת. Koh. R. to I, 8 אפשר שהי׳ הללו טועותוכ׳ is it possible that those colleges be lost in such futile errors; Tosef.Ḥull.II, 24 שהסיבו הללו טועים (corr. acc.; v., however, סֵיבוּ). Y.Sabb.X, 12c bot. שימשתי את אבא עומדות מה שלא שמשת י׳ I have served my father at more ‘standing meetings (standing up as an Amora) than you have served at college sessions; Y. Ḥag.III, beg.78d; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > ישיבה

  • 3 יְשִׁיבָה

    יְשִׁיבָהf. (יָשַׁב) 1) sitting, rest. Ḥag.15a למעלה … לא עמידה ולא י׳וכ׳ Ms. M. (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l.) on high there is no standing up and no sitting down (effort and rest), no emulation Yoma 69b, a. fr. אין י׳ בעזרה none were allowed to sit down in the Temple court. Gen. R. s. 38, a. fr. כל מקום שאתח מוצא י׳וכ׳ wherever you find sitting (retirement, use of the word ישב) recorded in the Bible, there Satan leaps forth (trouble arises). Yeb.106a יְשִׁיבָתָהּ זו היא עמידתה this her sitting is to her a getting up (sitting up is to her a great effort; oth. expl.: her being left seated, is her erection, i. e. her failure to be married to the yabam is a benefit to her); a. fr. 2) settlement, dwelling. Kidd.37a, a. e., v. יְרוּשָּׁה. Keth.110b יְשִׁיבַת כרכים קשה living in large cities is a hardship. Sabb.10b עיר שיְשִׁיבָתָהּ קרובה a town of recent settlement; a. fr. 3) scholars session, council, academy; court. Yoma 28b זקן ויושב בי׳ an elder and member of council. Ib. לא פרשה י׳ מהם they (our early ancestors) were never without council (a representative body). Pes.119a top המכיר … בי׳ who knows his colleagues place in meetings; המקבל … בי׳ who greets his colleague in meetings with kindness. Ber.57a ראש י׳ presiding officer. Y.Ber.IV, 7d top ומינו אתר״א … בי׳ they elected R. El. … (president) in regular session. Ib. הושיבו … בי׳ they installed him as president. B. Bath. 120a בי׳ הלךוכ׳ in court or college give the preference to learning, in social entertainment to age; a. fr.י׳ של מעלה divine court. B. Mets.86a נתבקש בי׳ של מ׳ has been summoned before divine justice (is dead); a. fr.Pl. יְשִׁיבוֹת. Koh. R. to I, 8 אפשר שהי׳ הללו טועותוכ׳ is it possible that those colleges be lost in such futile errors; Tosef.Ḥull.II, 24 שהסיבו הללו טועים (corr. acc.; v., however, סֵיבוּ). Y.Sabb.X, 12c bot. שימשתי את אבא עומדות מה שלא שמשת י׳ I have served my father at more ‘standing meetings (standing up as an Amora) than you have served at college sessions; Y. Ḥag.III, beg.78d; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > יְשִׁיבָה

  • 4 שחח

    שָׁחַח(b. h.) to bend, bow (interch. with שָׁחָה a. שוּחַ). Y.Ber.I, 3c bot. אלו … ששוֹחֲחִיןוכ׳ these are the benedictions at which you must how ; השוֹחֵחַ … שלא יָשוֹחַ (or יָשוּחַ) if one bows at every benediction, we teach him that he must not do so; Ber.34a; Gen. R. s. 39 והשוֹחֶה … לָשוֹחַ (or לָשוּחַ); Tosef.Ber.I, 9 השוֹחֶה … שלא יִשְׁחֶה. Ruth R. to II, 5 כל הנשים שוֹחֲחוֹתוכ׳ all other women stooped in gleaning, but she (Ruth) sat down; (Yalk. ib. 601 עומדות).

    Jewish literature > שחח

  • 5 שָׁחַח

    שָׁחַח(b. h.) to bend, bow (interch. with שָׁחָה a. שוּחַ). Y.Ber.I, 3c bot. אלו … ששוֹחֲחִיןוכ׳ these are the benedictions at which you must how ; השוֹחֵחַ … שלא יָשוֹחַ (or יָשוּחַ) if one bows at every benediction, we teach him that he must not do so; Ber.34a; Gen. R. s. 39 והשוֹחֶה … לָשוֹחַ (or לָשוּחַ); Tosef.Ber.I, 9 השוֹחֶה … שלא יִשְׁחֶה. Ruth R. to II, 5 כל הנשים שוֹחֲחוֹתוכ׳ all other women stooped in gleaning, but she (Ruth) sat down; (Yalk. ib. 601 עומדות).

    Jewish literature > שָׁחַח

См. также в других словарях:

  • הוצאות מימון — הוצאות הנגרמות לעסק בשל הלוואות עומדות או חובות (כגון הפרשי ריבית והצמדה) (בחשבונאות) {{}} …   אוצר עברית

  • הכול צפוי והרשות נתונה — מסגרת גורלו של אדם קבועה אך עומדות לפניו אפשרויות בחירה מסוימות {{}} …   אוצר עברית

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