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  • 1 נפר


    мн.ч., м/ж р., 1 л., буд. вр./

    הֵפֵר [לְהָפֵר, מֵ-, יָ-]


    Иврито-Русский словарь > נפר

  • 2 אנפרות

    אַנְפָּרוּתf. ( פרר or נפרפר) a break, division, whence 1) the purchase of an odd object, of one of a pair. Sabb.80b (ref. to אַנְדִּיפָא q. v.) וכי אדם עושה מעותיו א׳ will a man buy a half of a thing (as a cosmetic for one temple)? 2) partial payments, an agreement (invalid according to Jewish law) of term payments with the condition of forfeiture on missing one term (v. אַסְמַכְתָּא), esp. such an agreement forced upon a Jew by a gentile ( Roman) individual or authority. Gitt.44a (v. אָנַס) אם בא׳ if his crop was seized in consequence of an anparuth, he is exempt from paying the tithes (of his produces, since he is the loser, whereas if distrained for a real debt, he enjoys the legal benefit of being released of a debt, and therefore must pay the tithes, as if he had sold the crop). Y.Keth.X, end, 34a בארנונהוכ׳ with reference to annona, capitation tax and forfeiture. Gitt.58b הבא מחמת חוב ומחמת א׳וכ׳ if a gentile (Roman) obtained possession of a Jews property in consequence of seizure for a debt or of forfeiture and subsequently sold it to a Jew, the Sicarion law finds no application (and the property must, without any indemnity, be restored to its original owner; v. סִיקְרִיקֹון); וא׳ עצמהוכ׳ and the property seized for forfeiture must have been in the possession of the gentile for twelve months (during which the Jew might have had a chance to reclaim it as illegally seized; v., however, the objection, and subsequent emendation of סיקריקין for א׳, ibid.). Ib. אין א׳ בבבל in Babylon (under the Persian government) there is no anparuth, (which is interpreted) אין דין א׳וכ׳ the laws concerning the purchase by a Jew of property which a gentile had seized for forfeiture find no application in the well regulated Persian state because the owner might have gone to court, if he felt himself aggrieved. Tosef.Gitt.V (III), 2.Pl. אַנְפָּרִיֹּות. Ylamd. Shlaḥ. (quot. in Ar.) אני נוטל מהן א׳וכ׳ I (the Lord) take from them promises to pay in instalments (promises of amending their ways, repentance) and give them extension. Tanḥ. ib., end, a citizen was paying annonœ וכותב א׳ and signing agreements of forfeiture; (Num. R. s. 17 אפכיות, v. אַפּוּכִי). (Ibid. s. 2 אנפריאות, v. אַנְפֹּורָא pl.

    Jewish literature > אנפרות

  • 3 אַנְפָּרוּת

    אַנְפָּרוּתf. ( פרר or נפרפר) a break, division, whence 1) the purchase of an odd object, of one of a pair. Sabb.80b (ref. to אַנְדִּיפָא q. v.) וכי אדם עושה מעותיו א׳ will a man buy a half of a thing (as a cosmetic for one temple)? 2) partial payments, an agreement (invalid according to Jewish law) of term payments with the condition of forfeiture on missing one term (v. אַסְמַכְתָּא), esp. such an agreement forced upon a Jew by a gentile ( Roman) individual or authority. Gitt.44a (v. אָנַס) אם בא׳ if his crop was seized in consequence of an anparuth, he is exempt from paying the tithes (of his produces, since he is the loser, whereas if distrained for a real debt, he enjoys the legal benefit of being released of a debt, and therefore must pay the tithes, as if he had sold the crop). Y.Keth.X, end, 34a בארנונהוכ׳ with reference to annona, capitation tax and forfeiture. Gitt.58b הבא מחמת חוב ומחמת א׳וכ׳ if a gentile (Roman) obtained possession of a Jews property in consequence of seizure for a debt or of forfeiture and subsequently sold it to a Jew, the Sicarion law finds no application (and the property must, without any indemnity, be restored to its original owner; v. סִיקְרִיקֹון); וא׳ עצמהוכ׳ and the property seized for forfeiture must have been in the possession of the gentile for twelve months (during which the Jew might have had a chance to reclaim it as illegally seized; v., however, the objection, and subsequent emendation of סיקריקין for א׳, ibid.). Ib. אין א׳ בבבל in Babylon (under the Persian government) there is no anparuth, (which is interpreted) אין דין א׳וכ׳ the laws concerning the purchase by a Jew of property which a gentile had seized for forfeiture find no application in the well regulated Persian state because the owner might have gone to court, if he felt himself aggrieved. Tosef.Gitt.V (III), 2.Pl. אַנְפָּרִיֹּות. Ylamd. Shlaḥ. (quot. in Ar.) אני נוטל מהן א׳וכ׳ I (the Lord) take from them promises to pay in instalments (promises of amending their ways, repentance) and give them extension. Tanḥ. ib., end, a citizen was paying annonœ וכותב א׳ and signing agreements of forfeiture; (Num. R. s. 17 אפכיות, v. אַפּוּכִי). (Ibid. s. 2 אנפריאות, v. אַנְפֹּורָא pl.

    Jewish literature > אַנְפָּרוּת

См. также в других словарях:

  • רפד — 1 v. לצפות באריג, לכסות, לשים ריפוד; למלא, להכניס מילוי ; להניח מצע, להציע, לפרוש, לשטוח; לעסוק ברפדות, להכין מזרוני 2 v. צופה, כוסה, הושם עליו ריפוד; מולא, הוכנס בו מילוי; הוצע (מצע) , נפר 3 אמן ריפוד, מומחה לריפוד, עוסק בריפוד, מתקין מצעים… …   אוצר עברית

  • רתק — 1 v. הוקסם, כושף, התעניין מאד, הופנט, נמשך, נשבה לבו, גורה, נמתח, סוקרן, לא הצליח להינתק, לא יכול היה להיפרד; קיבל עונש ריתוק, הוגבל חופש התנועה שלו, קורקע, נמנע ממנו לצאת; הוצמד למקומו, חובר, נקש 2 v. להקסים, לכשף, לעורר עניין רב, להפנט, למשוך,… …   אוצר עברית

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