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  • 61 כתיב

    כְּתִיבm., כְּתִיבָא f. (כְּתַב I) 1) written; it is written, v. כְּתַב I.Targ. II Esth. 7:10 כְּתִיבֵי some ed., read כִּתְבֵי, v. כְּתַב II). 2) (Massorah) כְּתִיב Kthib, the traditional spelling of Biblical words, opp. to קרי, Kri, the Massoretic instruction for reading, e. g. Gen. 8:17: Kthib (הוֹצֵא) הוצא, Kri הַיְצֵא; v. Treat. Sofrim VI, 5; VII, 4. Ab. Zar.24b (ref. to 1 Sam. 7:9) ויעלה כ׳ the Kthib allows the reading וַיַּעֲלֶהָ (with feminine suffix). Snh.20a, v. כָּרָה; a. v. fr.Pl. כְּתִיבָן. Ned.37b קריין ולא כ׳וכ׳ ולא קרייןוכ׳ the rules about reading words not written (omitted in the text) and such as are written but not read (marked as superfluous) are a Mosaic (ancient, traditional) halakhah (v. הֲלָכָה). Ib. הלין קדיין ולא כְתִבָן those (quoted) are those read but not written; וכְתִבָן ולא קרייןוכ׳ and those written but not read are ; v. Treat. Sofrim VI, 8–9.

    Jewish literature > כתיב

  • 62 כְּתִיב

    כְּתִיבm., כְּתִיבָא f. (כְּתַב I) 1) written; it is written, v. כְּתַב I.Targ. II Esth. 7:10 כְּתִיבֵי some ed., read כִּתְבֵי, v. כְּתַב II). 2) (Massorah) כְּתִיב Kthib, the traditional spelling of Biblical words, opp. to קרי, Kri, the Massoretic instruction for reading, e. g. Gen. 8:17: Kthib (הוֹצֵא) הוצא, Kri הַיְצֵא; v. Treat. Sofrim VI, 5; VII, 4. Ab. Zar.24b (ref. to 1 Sam. 7:9) ויעלה כ׳ the Kthib allows the reading וַיַּעֲלֶהָ (with feminine suffix). Snh.20a, v. כָּרָה; a. v. fr.Pl. כְּתִיבָן. Ned.37b קריין ולא כ׳וכ׳ ולא קרייןוכ׳ the rules about reading words not written (omitted in the text) and such as are written but not read (marked as superfluous) are a Mosaic (ancient, traditional) halakhah (v. הֲלָכָה). Ib. הלין קדיין ולא כְתִבָן those (quoted) are those read but not written; וכְתִבָן ולא קרייןוכ׳ and those written but not read are ; v. Treat. Sofrim VI, 8–9.

    Jewish literature > כְּתִיב

  • 63 עכב

    עָכַב(cmp. עָקַב) to be curved; hooked. Pi. עִיכֵּב 1) to detain, prevent. Mekh. Bshall. s. 1 ואל תְּעַכֵּב את גאולתנו and delay not our redemption. Ber.7a ומי מְעַכֵּב, v. עִיסָה; a. fr.Esp. to invalidate an act by an omission; to be indispensable (v. עִיכּוּב). Zeb.V, 1 מתנה אחת מהן מְעַכֶּבֶת the omission of one of these manipulations (v. מַתָּנָה) makes the whole act illegal. Ib. אם לא נתן לא ע׳ if he did not pour the blood into the ysod (יְסוֹד), it does not invalidate the act. Ib. 48a לעַכֵּב מנין whence do we prove that it is indispensable? (opp. למצוה). Men.IV, 1 התכלת אינה מעכבת את הלבן the absence of the blue thread in the show fringes does not hinder the white thread, i. e. in the absence of the one, the other may do for the ceremony. Ib. הסולת והשמן אינם מְעַכְּבִין … ולא היין מְעַכְּבָן the flour and oil (of the Minḥah) are no hinderance to offering the wine, nor does the wine form a hinderance to them, i. e. the order in which they are offered is immaterial. Ib. המתנות … אינן מְעַכְּבוֹת זו את זו the sprinklings upon the outer altar are no hinderance to one another, i. e. one of them is enough to make the ceremony legal. Ber.2a ביאת שמשו מְעַכַּבְתּוֹ מלאכולוכ׳ the sunset of his last day of levitical uncleanness is indispensable for allowing him to eat Trumah, but the offering of his sacrifice is not; a. v. fr.Part. pass. מְעוּכָּב; f. מְעוּכֶּבֶת; pl. מְעוּכָּבִים, מְעוּכָּבִין; מְעוּכָּבוֹת. Y.Sot.II, beg.17d ומכיון שהוא מע׳ מלשמוחוכ׳ since he is prevented from rejoicing with her (at the sacrifice), it is as if he prevented her from partaking of the sacrifice (by failing to provide for her offering of sanctification). Ib. והוא מעכב מלשמוח (read מְעוּכָּב). Mekh. l. c. כי בגללך אנו מע׳ for we are detained on thy account; a. e. 2) to detain ones self; to tarry; to wait for. Ex. R. s. 3 סבור אתה שהיה משה מעכבוכ׳ do you think that Moses hesitated (was unwilling) to go? Gen. R. s. 55 על מנת שנאמר לך … ולא תְעַכֵּב even if I tell thee to sacrifice thy son to me, thou wilt not hesitate. Ib. ולא יְעַכֵּב he will not hesitate. Ib. הלואי … ולא אֲעַכֵּב O! that the Lord would appear to me and tell me that I should cut off one of my limbs! I would not hesitate. Tanḥ. Eḳeb 6 השכינה מעכבת ישראל וענני כבוד מְעַכְּבִין לך the Divine Presence is waiting, Israel and the clouds of glory are waiting for thee; ib. Bshall. 2; a. fr. Hithpa. הִתְעַכֵּב, Nithpa. נִתְעַכִּב to be prevented; to be delayed. Y.Pes.VI, 33b bot. מִתְעַכֵּב מן המצות he is precluded from religious acts. Koh. R. to II, 2 מה טיבו שבני מתעכב what is the cause of my sons tarrying? Num. R. s. 14 נ׳ לה הענן the cloud of glory tarried for her (Miriams) sake; Sot.I, 9 נִתְעַכְּבוּ לה ישראלוכ׳ Israel tarried for her sake seven days; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > עכב

  • 64 עָכַב

    עָכַב(cmp. עָקַב) to be curved; hooked. Pi. עִיכֵּב 1) to detain, prevent. Mekh. Bshall. s. 1 ואל תְּעַכֵּב את גאולתנו and delay not our redemption. Ber.7a ומי מְעַכֵּב, v. עִיסָה; a. fr.Esp. to invalidate an act by an omission; to be indispensable (v. עִיכּוּב). Zeb.V, 1 מתנה אחת מהן מְעַכֶּבֶת the omission of one of these manipulations (v. מַתָּנָה) makes the whole act illegal. Ib. אם לא נתן לא ע׳ if he did not pour the blood into the ysod (יְסוֹד), it does not invalidate the act. Ib. 48a לעַכֵּב מנין whence do we prove that it is indispensable? (opp. למצוה). Men.IV, 1 התכלת אינה מעכבת את הלבן the absence of the blue thread in the show fringes does not hinder the white thread, i. e. in the absence of the one, the other may do for the ceremony. Ib. הסולת והשמן אינם מְעַכְּבִין … ולא היין מְעַכְּבָן the flour and oil (of the Minḥah) are no hinderance to offering the wine, nor does the wine form a hinderance to them, i. e. the order in which they are offered is immaterial. Ib. המתנות … אינן מְעַכְּבוֹת זו את זו the sprinklings upon the outer altar are no hinderance to one another, i. e. one of them is enough to make the ceremony legal. Ber.2a ביאת שמשו מְעַכַּבְתּוֹ מלאכולוכ׳ the sunset of his last day of levitical uncleanness is indispensable for allowing him to eat Trumah, but the offering of his sacrifice is not; a. v. fr.Part. pass. מְעוּכָּב; f. מְעוּכֶּבֶת; pl. מְעוּכָּבִים, מְעוּכָּבִין; מְעוּכָּבוֹת. Y.Sot.II, beg.17d ומכיון שהוא מע׳ מלשמוחוכ׳ since he is prevented from rejoicing with her (at the sacrifice), it is as if he prevented her from partaking of the sacrifice (by failing to provide for her offering of sanctification). Ib. והוא מעכב מלשמוח (read מְעוּכָּב). Mekh. l. c. כי בגללך אנו מע׳ for we are detained on thy account; a. e. 2) to detain ones self; to tarry; to wait for. Ex. R. s. 3 סבור אתה שהיה משה מעכבוכ׳ do you think that Moses hesitated (was unwilling) to go? Gen. R. s. 55 על מנת שנאמר לך … ולא תְעַכֵּב even if I tell thee to sacrifice thy son to me, thou wilt not hesitate. Ib. ולא יְעַכֵּב he will not hesitate. Ib. הלואי … ולא אֲעַכֵּב O! that the Lord would appear to me and tell me that I should cut off one of my limbs! I would not hesitate. Tanḥ. Eḳeb 6 השכינה מעכבת ישראל וענני כבוד מְעַכְּבִין לך the Divine Presence is waiting, Israel and the clouds of glory are waiting for thee; ib. Bshall. 2; a. fr. Hithpa. הִתְעַכֵּב, Nithpa. נִתְעַכִּב to be prevented; to be delayed. Y.Pes.VI, 33b bot. מִתְעַכֵּב מן המצות he is precluded from religious acts. Koh. R. to II, 2 מה טיבו שבני מתעכב what is the cause of my sons tarrying? Num. R. s. 14 נ׳ לה הענן the cloud of glory tarried for her (Miriams) sake; Sot.I, 9 נִתְעַכְּבוּ לה ישראלוכ׳ Israel tarried for her sake seven days; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > עָכַב

  • 65 פרש

    פָּרַש(b. h.) (to divide, separate, 1) (neut. verb) to go away, go aside, depart; to keep off. Yoma I, 5 הוא פוֹרֵש … פּוֹרְשִׁיןוכ׳ he turned aside and wept, and so did they. Y.Keth.I, 25d bot. ראו אותו פירש מציפורין they saw him come out of Sepphoris (so that he is presumably an inhabitant of Sepphoris); פירש מן הבתים they saw him leave one of the houses of Sepphoris. Num. R. s. 9 את פָּרַשְׁתְּ מדרךוכ׳ thou didst depart from the way (disregard the customs) of Israels daughters. Zeb.113a (play on פרשה, Num. 19:5) מקים שפּוֹרֶשֶׁת למיתהוכ׳ there where she departs for death, she shall be burnt. Y.M. Kat. I, 80b bot. (ref. to Lev. 13:45) כדי שתהא טומאה … פְּרוֹש: that the uncleanness itself may cry out …, ‘keep off; Y.Maas. Sh. V, beg. 55d; a. fr. 2) to pass, cross. Yalk. Prov. 946; Yalk. Num. 738 הספינות פּוֹרְשוֹת בים the ships make their way through the sea. 3) (act. verb) to separate, keep off. Num. R. s. 10 כשם שאדם פירש את עצמווכ׳ as a person keeps himself away (abstains) from the fruits of Orlah, so will those who misbehave towards their handmaids, be separated from the virtuous on the day of judgment.; a. fr.Part. pass. פָּרוּש, q. v. 4) (cmp. פָּרַט) to single out, specify, speak distinctly. Ib. (expl. יַפְלִא, Num. 6:2) כשיִפְרוֹש לנדורוכ׳ when he speaks out his vow, to the exclusion of him who thinks it in his heart; a. fr.Sifré Num. 24 עד שיפרוש לך … כדרך שפירשוכ׳ (Yalk. ib. 710 שיפרוט … שפרט), v. פָּרַט. Nif. נִפְרַש to be separated, kept away. Lev. R. s. 22 והן נִפְרָשִׁים מעבודה זרה and thus they will be kept away from idolatrous worship; a. e. Pi. פֵּירֵש 1) (neut. verb) to depart, withdraw; to abstain. Snh.82b היה לו … לפרוש ולא פי׳ Zimri might have withdrawn (from the woman), but he did not. Ib. a אם פ׳וכ׳ if Z. had withdrawn, and Phineas had slain him Pes.87b פ׳ מן האשה withdrew from contact with his wife. Gen. R. s. 20 שפֵּייְשָׁה היה מאדם that Eve was separated from Adam.Sabb.86b פירשה מן האיש the semen issued from a man.Pes.49b שנה ופ׳ קשהוכ׳ he that studied and gave it up, is the worst of all (in hostility to scholars); a. fr. 2) to go on a voyage; to cross the ocean (cmp. פָּלַג Hif.). Y.M. Kat. III, beg. 81c אסיר לפָרֵש לים הגדול it is forbidden to start on a sea voyage (during the festive week). Y.Yeb.XVI, 15d top עשיתי מְפָרֵשוכ׳ I was crossing Y.Meg.II, 73b top מְפָרְשֵׁי ימים voyagers on the sea; a. fr. 3) (act. verb) to separate. Gen. R. s. 22 אילו רצה המלך פֵּירְשָׁן ולא רצה המלך לפָרְשָׁן if the king desired it, he would separate them (the fighters), but the king does not wish to separate them; Yalk. ib. 38. 4) to specify, express clearly. Ib. א״א לפה לפָרְשוֹ no mouth can express it. Men.91a דמְפָרֵש when he (in making his vow) specified (‘sheep or ‘cattle), opp. בסתמא. Gen. R. s. 6 אנשי … פֵּירְשוּ איתו the men of the Great Assembly said it plainly. Snh.VII, 5 עד שיְפָרֵש השם until he mentions the Name expressly (uses the Tetragrammaton), opp. כִּינּוּי. Gitt.36a שיהו עדים מְפָרְשִׁין שמותיהן that witnesses must sign their full names; a. fr.Part. pass. מְפיֹרָש, f. מְפוֹרֶשֶׁת; pl. מְפוֹרָשִׁים, מְפוֹרָשִׁין; מְפוֹרָשוֹת. B. Kam.54b, a. fr. מה הפרט מפ׳, v. פְּרָט. B. Mets.94b שלישת בשואל מפ׳ that the third paragraph treats of a borrower, is explicitly stated (Ex. 22:13). Sot.38a, a. fr. שם המפ׳ the special Name (the Tetragrammaton), v. supra. Zeb.53a, v. סָתַם. Ḥag.22b ומה סתימות … מפ׳וכ׳ if your undefined teachings are so well-founded, how much more your explicit teachings; a. fr. 5) to explain, interpret, define. Ned.2b פתח … ומפרש ידות the Mishnah begins with kinnuyim …, and goes on explaining yadoth! Zeb.13a ואין לי לפרש and I am unable to explain (the reason of the distinction between receiving and sprinkling the blood); אני אֲפָרֵש I shall explain it. Ned.81a דבר זה … ולא פֵירְשוּהוּ עד שפֵּירְשוֹוכ׳ that question (Jer. 9:11) was asked of prophets and scholars, and they could not explain it, until the Lord himself explained it (ib. 12). Kat. 16b; Ber.18a לא פֵירְשוּ לך they did not interpret (the verse) to you; v. שָׁנָה. Gen. R. s. 31 ולא פ׳ and did not explain (of what material the serpent was to be made); Y.R. Hash. III, end, 59a; a. fr.Part. pass. as ab. Meg.3a, a. e. (ref. to Neh. 8:8) מפ׳ זה תרגים mforash means interpretation. Hithpa. הִתְפָּרֵש, Nithpa. נִתְפָּרֵש to be specified, defined; to be explained. Lev. R. s. 6 כל נביא שנתפ׳ a prophet; whose name is stated. Gen. R. l. c. בשלשה נ׳ ובאחד לא נ׳ in three places (in which עֲשֵׁה occurs) the command is specified, but in the fourth (Num. 21:8) it is not specified, v. supra. Yalk. Gen. 20 דבר שאינו מִתְפָּרֵש במקימווכ׳ a thing which is not defined in its original place but is defined i in another passage; a. e. Hif. הִפְרִיש 1) to separate; to set aside, dedicate. Yoma I, 1 מִפְרִישִׁין כהןוכ׳ they removed the high priest from his house to the cell Ter. IV, 1 המַפְרִיש מקצתוכ׳ he who sets aside one portion of what is due of Trumah or tithes. Num. R. s. 10 (ref. to Num. 6:11, ועשה) שיַפְרִשֵׁם הכהןוכ׳ that the priest when offering them designates them, one for a sin-offering Ib. (ref. to Prov. 23:32) מה צפעון זה מפריש … כך היין מפרישוכ׳ as the adder divides between life and death, so wine removes from the ways of life to those of death; Lev. R. s. 12 כךה׳ היין בין אדםוכ׳ so wine caused a separation between Adam and Eve; ה׳ היין בין נח לבניו לעבדות wine caused a division between Noah and his sons with regard to slavery; ה׳ היין בין אהרן ובניו למיתה wine caused a division between Aaron and his sons with regard to death; Yalk. Prov. 960. Tam.IV, 3 מן הכבד …ה׳ severed the lungs from the liver; a. fr.Part. pass. מוּפְרָש. Ned.I, 1 מוּפְרְשַׁנִי ממך I will be separated from thee (will have no dealings with thee, accept no favors); ib. 5a; a. e. 2) to go to sea. Gen. R. s. 13 היו מַפְרִישִׁין ליםוכ׳ were crossing the ocean; a. e.

    Jewish literature > פרש

  • 66 פָּרַש

    פָּרַש(b. h.) (to divide, separate, 1) (neut. verb) to go away, go aside, depart; to keep off. Yoma I, 5 הוא פוֹרֵש … פּוֹרְשִׁיןוכ׳ he turned aside and wept, and so did they. Y.Keth.I, 25d bot. ראו אותו פירש מציפורין they saw him come out of Sepphoris (so that he is presumably an inhabitant of Sepphoris); פירש מן הבתים they saw him leave one of the houses of Sepphoris. Num. R. s. 9 את פָּרַשְׁתְּ מדרךוכ׳ thou didst depart from the way (disregard the customs) of Israels daughters. Zeb.113a (play on פרשה, Num. 19:5) מקים שפּוֹרֶשֶׁת למיתהוכ׳ there where she departs for death, she shall be burnt. Y.M. Kat. I, 80b bot. (ref. to Lev. 13:45) כדי שתהא טומאה … פְּרוֹש: that the uncleanness itself may cry out …, ‘keep off; Y.Maas. Sh. V, beg. 55d; a. fr. 2) to pass, cross. Yalk. Prov. 946; Yalk. Num. 738 הספינות פּוֹרְשוֹת בים the ships make their way through the sea. 3) (act. verb) to separate, keep off. Num. R. s. 10 כשם שאדם פירש את עצמווכ׳ as a person keeps himself away (abstains) from the fruits of Orlah, so will those who misbehave towards their handmaids, be separated from the virtuous on the day of judgment.; a. fr.Part. pass. פָּרוּש, q. v. 4) (cmp. פָּרַט) to single out, specify, speak distinctly. Ib. (expl. יַפְלִא, Num. 6:2) כשיִפְרוֹש לנדורוכ׳ when he speaks out his vow, to the exclusion of him who thinks it in his heart; a. fr.Sifré Num. 24 עד שיפרוש לך … כדרך שפירשוכ׳ (Yalk. ib. 710 שיפרוט … שפרט), v. פָּרַט. Nif. נִפְרַש to be separated, kept away. Lev. R. s. 22 והן נִפְרָשִׁים מעבודה זרה and thus they will be kept away from idolatrous worship; a. e. Pi. פֵּירֵש 1) (neut. verb) to depart, withdraw; to abstain. Snh.82b היה לו … לפרוש ולא פי׳ Zimri might have withdrawn (from the woman), but he did not. Ib. a אם פ׳וכ׳ if Z. had withdrawn, and Phineas had slain him Pes.87b פ׳ מן האשה withdrew from contact with his wife. Gen. R. s. 20 שפֵּייְשָׁה היה מאדם that Eve was separated from Adam.Sabb.86b פירשה מן האיש the semen issued from a man.Pes.49b שנה ופ׳ קשהוכ׳ he that studied and gave it up, is the worst of all (in hostility to scholars); a. fr. 2) to go on a voyage; to cross the ocean (cmp. פָּלַג Hif.). Y.M. Kat. III, beg. 81c אסיר לפָרֵש לים הגדול it is forbidden to start on a sea voyage (during the festive week). Y.Yeb.XVI, 15d top עשיתי מְפָרֵשוכ׳ I was crossing Y.Meg.II, 73b top מְפָרְשֵׁי ימים voyagers on the sea; a. fr. 3) (act. verb) to separate. Gen. R. s. 22 אילו רצה המלך פֵּירְשָׁן ולא רצה המלך לפָרְשָׁן if the king desired it, he would separate them (the fighters), but the king does not wish to separate them; Yalk. ib. 38. 4) to specify, express clearly. Ib. א״א לפה לפָרְשוֹ no mouth can express it. Men.91a דמְפָרֵש when he (in making his vow) specified (‘sheep or ‘cattle), opp. בסתמא. Gen. R. s. 6 אנשי … פֵּירְשוּ איתו the men of the Great Assembly said it plainly. Snh.VII, 5 עד שיְפָרֵש השם until he mentions the Name expressly (uses the Tetragrammaton), opp. כִּינּוּי. Gitt.36a שיהו עדים מְפָרְשִׁין שמותיהן that witnesses must sign their full names; a. fr.Part. pass. מְפיֹרָש, f. מְפוֹרֶשֶׁת; pl. מְפוֹרָשִׁים, מְפוֹרָשִׁין; מְפוֹרָשוֹת. B. Kam.54b, a. fr. מה הפרט מפ׳, v. פְּרָט. B. Mets.94b שלישת בשואל מפ׳ that the third paragraph treats of a borrower, is explicitly stated (Ex. 22:13). Sot.38a, a. fr. שם המפ׳ the special Name (the Tetragrammaton), v. supra. Zeb.53a, v. סָתַם. Ḥag.22b ומה סתימות … מפ׳וכ׳ if your undefined teachings are so well-founded, how much more your explicit teachings; a. fr. 5) to explain, interpret, define. Ned.2b פתח … ומפרש ידות the Mishnah begins with kinnuyim …, and goes on explaining yadoth! Zeb.13a ואין לי לפרש and I am unable to explain (the reason of the distinction between receiving and sprinkling the blood); אני אֲפָרֵש I shall explain it. Ned.81a דבר זה … ולא פֵירְשוּהוּ עד שפֵּירְשוֹוכ׳ that question (Jer. 9:11) was asked of prophets and scholars, and they could not explain it, until the Lord himself explained it (ib. 12). Kat. 16b; Ber.18a לא פֵירְשוּ לך they did not interpret (the verse) to you; v. שָׁנָה. Gen. R. s. 31 ולא פ׳ and did not explain (of what material the serpent was to be made); Y.R. Hash. III, end, 59a; a. fr.Part. pass. as ab. Meg.3a, a. e. (ref. to Neh. 8:8) מפ׳ זה תרגים mforash means interpretation. Hithpa. הִתְפָּרֵש, Nithpa. נִתְפָּרֵש to be specified, defined; to be explained. Lev. R. s. 6 כל נביא שנתפ׳ a prophet; whose name is stated. Gen. R. l. c. בשלשה נ׳ ובאחד לא נ׳ in three places (in which עֲשֵׁה occurs) the command is specified, but in the fourth (Num. 21:8) it is not specified, v. supra. Yalk. Gen. 20 דבר שאינו מִתְפָּרֵש במקימווכ׳ a thing which is not defined in its original place but is defined i in another passage; a. e. Hif. הִפְרִיש 1) to separate; to set aside, dedicate. Yoma I, 1 מִפְרִישִׁין כהןוכ׳ they removed the high priest from his house to the cell Ter. IV, 1 המַפְרִיש מקצתוכ׳ he who sets aside one portion of what is due of Trumah or tithes. Num. R. s. 10 (ref. to Num. 6:11, ועשה) שיַפְרִשֵׁם הכהןוכ׳ that the priest when offering them designates them, one for a sin-offering Ib. (ref. to Prov. 23:32) מה צפעון זה מפריש … כך היין מפרישוכ׳ as the adder divides between life and death, so wine removes from the ways of life to those of death; Lev. R. s. 12 כךה׳ היין בין אדםוכ׳ so wine caused a separation between Adam and Eve; ה׳ היין בין נח לבניו לעבדות wine caused a division between Noah and his sons with regard to slavery; ה׳ היין בין אהרן ובניו למיתה wine caused a division between Aaron and his sons with regard to death; Yalk. Prov. 960. Tam.IV, 3 מן הכבד …ה׳ severed the lungs from the liver; a. fr.Part. pass. מוּפְרָש. Ned.I, 1 מוּפְרְשַׁנִי ממך I will be separated from thee (will have no dealings with thee, accept no favors); ib. 5a; a. e. 2) to go to sea. Gen. R. s. 13 היו מַפְרִישִׁין ליםוכ׳ were crossing the ocean; a. e.

    Jewish literature > פָּרַש

  • 67 שגח

    שְׁגַחch., Af. אַשְׁגַּח same, 1) to look. Targ. Cant. 2:9. 2) to care for, mind. Targ. Job 22:2; a. e.Y.B. Bath.V, beg.15a בשדה בור דלא מַשְׁגַּח עליה in the case of an uncultivated field, about which the owner does not care (if people gather its spontaneous growth). Y.Snh.III, 21c top, גְּסַס. Ib. VI, 23d bot. מַשְׁגְּחִין רבנן מימרוכ׳ would the rabbis (you) mind to say a word of the Law? אמרו ליה א׳ מרן said they to him, would you mind? Y.Nidd.II, end, 50b מאי חמא רבי משגח עלינןוכ׳ what reason had the master (you) to care for us (consult our opinion) this day? Succ.31a ולא א׳ בה, v. צְוַוח. ib. ולא אַשְׁגְּחִיתוּ בה and you pay no attention to her? Gen. R. s. 32 לא א׳ ביה קרייה ולא אחשביה כלום the Biblical text paid no attention to it and did not consider it at all; Cant. R. to IV, 4 ולא א׳ ביה עילוי קרייה (strike out עילוי); a. fr.

    Jewish literature > שגח

  • 68 שְׁגַח

    שְׁגַחch., Af. אַשְׁגַּח same, 1) to look. Targ. Cant. 2:9. 2) to care for, mind. Targ. Job 22:2; a. e.Y.B. Bath.V, beg.15a בשדה בור דלא מַשְׁגַּח עליה in the case of an uncultivated field, about which the owner does not care (if people gather its spontaneous growth). Y.Snh.III, 21c top, גְּסַס. Ib. VI, 23d bot. מַשְׁגְּחִין רבנן מימרוכ׳ would the rabbis (you) mind to say a word of the Law? אמרו ליה א׳ מרן said they to him, would you mind? Y.Nidd.II, end, 50b מאי חמא רבי משגח עלינןוכ׳ what reason had the master (you) to care for us (consult our opinion) this day? Succ.31a ולא א׳ בה, v. צְוַוח. ib. ולא אַשְׁגְּחִיתוּ בה and you pay no attention to her? Gen. R. s. 32 לא א׳ ביה קרייה ולא אחשביה כלום the Biblical text paid no attention to it and did not consider it at all; Cant. R. to IV, 4 ולא א׳ ביה עילוי קרייה (strike out עילוי); a. fr.

    Jewish literature > שְׁגַח

  • 69 ירד

    יָרַד(b. h.) to move about, run; esp. to go down; י׳ ל־ to enter; י׳ מ־ to leave. Tanḥ. Bḥuck. 5 (ref. to וירדתי, Jud. 11:37) וכי … יוֹרֵד על ההרים … עולים להרים does one go down on the mountains, do not men go up to ?; ib. הניחני ואֵרֵד אצלב״ד (ed. Bub. 7 ואלך) give me leave that I may go down to the court-house; Yalk. Jud. 67. Men.109b מה זה שלא י׳ לה כך when this one (Shimei) who was not permitted to enter into it (the office) became so jealous, היוֹרֵד להוכ׳ how much more so is he who once has entered it (and is to be ousted). Ib. כל האומר לי לֵירֵד ממנהוכ׳ whoever would ask me to resign it (the office), I would throw at him Taan.8b יָרְדוּ גשמים it rains. Ib.a אין גשמים יוֹרְדִיםוכ׳ the rain falls only for the sake of the men of faith. Cant. R. to I, 2b> מה מים יורדיןוכ׳ as the water (rain) comes down in drops.י׳ לנכסי to take possession of, seize, administer property. B. Mets.38b היוֹרֵד לנ׳ שבוים he who takes possession of the property of captives. Tosef.Keth.VIII, 2, sq.; a. fr.י׳ מנכסיו to be compelled to leave an estate, to become poor (cmp. דִּלְדִּל). Gen. R. s. 71; Lam. R. to III, 4; Ned.64b; a. fr.(קרבן) עוֹלֶה ויוֹרֵד a sacrifice of higher or lesser value according to pecuniary conditions (Lev. 5:6–11). Shebu.21a. Hor.II, 7 (9a); a. fr.(For other idiomatic uses, v. עָלָה.Part. pass. יָרוּד q. v. Hif. הוֹרִיד to let down, bring down; to lower. Taan.8a בשעה שהשמים … מִלְּהוֹרִידוכ׳ ed. (Ms. M., v. Rabb. D. S. a. l.) when the heavens are locked up so as not to let down rain. Lev. R. s. 1 ירד שה׳ את התורה Moses is surnamed Yered (1 Chr. 4:18) because he brought down the Law; שה׳ את חשכינהוכ׳ he caused the Divine Presence to come down Y.Ber.IV, 7d top לא הוֹרִידוּ אותו מגדולתו they did not remove him from his position. Sot.13b (ref. to Gen. 39:1) א״ת הוּרַד אלא הוֹרִיד שה׳וכ׳ read not ‘he was brought down, but ‘he did bring down, for he (Joseph) was the cause of the removal of the astronomers of Pharaoh from their positions.Y.B. Kam.IV, 4b top הוֹרִידָן מנכסיהן he drove them out of their estates (cmp. Bab. ib. 38a); a. v. fr.ה׳ לנכסי (v. supra) to appoint as administrator. B. Mets.38b מוֹרִידִין קרוב לנ׳ שבוי we may appoint a relative (presumptive heir) an administrator of the estate of a captive; a. fr. לא מעלה ולא מוריד neither raises nor lowers, i. e. has no effect or influence. Ḥull.45b. Gitt.52a, a. e. דברי חלומות לא מעלין ולא מוֹרִידִין dreams must not be regarded. Men.V, 6, a. e. מעלה ומוריד moves upward and downward.Tosef.Par.IX (VIII), 6 שהוא מוריד, v. מוֹרִיר.מעלין … ולא מורידין, v. עָלָה.

    Jewish literature > ירד

  • 70 יָרַד

    יָרַד(b. h.) to move about, run; esp. to go down; י׳ ל־ to enter; י׳ מ־ to leave. Tanḥ. Bḥuck. 5 (ref. to וירדתי, Jud. 11:37) וכי … יוֹרֵד על ההרים … עולים להרים does one go down on the mountains, do not men go up to ?; ib. הניחני ואֵרֵד אצלב״ד (ed. Bub. 7 ואלך) give me leave that I may go down to the court-house; Yalk. Jud. 67. Men.109b מה זה שלא י׳ לה כך when this one (Shimei) who was not permitted to enter into it (the office) became so jealous, היוֹרֵד להוכ׳ how much more so is he who once has entered it (and is to be ousted). Ib. כל האומר לי לֵירֵד ממנהוכ׳ whoever would ask me to resign it (the office), I would throw at him Taan.8b יָרְדוּ גשמים it rains. Ib.a אין גשמים יוֹרְדִיםוכ׳ the rain falls only for the sake of the men of faith. Cant. R. to I, 2b> מה מים יורדיןוכ׳ as the water (rain) comes down in drops.י׳ לנכסי to take possession of, seize, administer property. B. Mets.38b היוֹרֵד לנ׳ שבוים he who takes possession of the property of captives. Tosef.Keth.VIII, 2, sq.; a. fr.י׳ מנכסיו to be compelled to leave an estate, to become poor (cmp. דִּלְדִּל). Gen. R. s. 71; Lam. R. to III, 4; Ned.64b; a. fr.(קרבן) עוֹלֶה ויוֹרֵד a sacrifice of higher or lesser value according to pecuniary conditions (Lev. 5:6–11). Shebu.21a. Hor.II, 7 (9a); a. fr.(For other idiomatic uses, v. עָלָה.Part. pass. יָרוּד q. v. Hif. הוֹרִיד to let down, bring down; to lower. Taan.8a בשעה שהשמים … מִלְּהוֹרִידוכ׳ ed. (Ms. M., v. Rabb. D. S. a. l.) when the heavens are locked up so as not to let down rain. Lev. R. s. 1 ירד שה׳ את התורה Moses is surnamed Yered (1 Chr. 4:18) because he brought down the Law; שה׳ את חשכינהוכ׳ he caused the Divine Presence to come down Y.Ber.IV, 7d top לא הוֹרִידוּ אותו מגדולתו they did not remove him from his position. Sot.13b (ref. to Gen. 39:1) א״ת הוּרַד אלא הוֹרִיד שה׳וכ׳ read not ‘he was brought down, but ‘he did bring down, for he (Joseph) was the cause of the removal of the astronomers of Pharaoh from their positions.Y.B. Kam.IV, 4b top הוֹרִידָן מנכסיהן he drove them out of their estates (cmp. Bab. ib. 38a); a. v. fr.ה׳ לנכסי (v. supra) to appoint as administrator. B. Mets.38b מוֹרִידִין קרוב לנ׳ שבוי we may appoint a relative (presumptive heir) an administrator of the estate of a captive; a. fr. לא מעלה ולא מוריד neither raises nor lowers, i. e. has no effect or influence. Ḥull.45b. Gitt.52a, a. e. דברי חלומות לא מעלין ולא מוֹרִידִין dreams must not be regarded. Men.V, 6, a. e. מעלה ומוריד moves upward and downward.Tosef.Par.IX (VIII), 6 שהוא מוריד, v. מוֹרִיר.מעלין … ולא מורידין, v. עָלָה.

    Jewish literature > יָרַד

  • 71 כלם

    כָּלַם(b. h.; cmp. כָּלָא) to be restrained, to be retired. Nif. נִכְלָם to be retired, (cmp. כְּזַז) to be put to shame, be rebuked. Ab. dR. N. ch. IX (ref. to Num. 12:14) שתִּכָּלֵם ז׳ ימים that she should live in retirement for seven days (and not appear before the king); (Sifré Num. 106 שתהא מוּכְלֶמֶת). Ber.16b שלא נבוש ולא נִכָּלֵם מאבותינו (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 4) that we may not be put to shame and not be abashed when compared with our fathers (Y. ib. IV, 7d bot. שלא נבוש מאבותינו לעו״הב). Cant. R. to I, 14 בהִכָּלְמוֹ in his shyness. Hif. הִכְלִים to cause to retire, to rebuke, shame. Kidd.31a bot. ולא הִכְלִימָהִ and he did not scold her. Ib.b כלום … ולא הִכְלֵמְתָּהּ did she (thy mother) throw a bag of money into the sea in thy presence, and thou didst not reproach her?Midr. Till. to Ps. 4:3 עד מתי אתם מַכְלִימִיןוכ׳ how long will you slander me and my dignity?; a. e.Part. Hof. מוּכְלָם, f. מוּכְלֶמֶת, v. supra.

    Jewish literature > כלם

  • 72 כָּלַם

    כָּלַם(b. h.; cmp. כָּלָא) to be restrained, to be retired. Nif. נִכְלָם to be retired, (cmp. כְּזַז) to be put to shame, be rebuked. Ab. dR. N. ch. IX (ref. to Num. 12:14) שתִּכָּלֵם ז׳ ימים that she should live in retirement for seven days (and not appear before the king); (Sifré Num. 106 שתהא מוּכְלֶמֶת). Ber.16b שלא נבוש ולא נִכָּלֵם מאבותינו (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 4) that we may not be put to shame and not be abashed when compared with our fathers (Y. ib. IV, 7d bot. שלא נבוש מאבותינו לעו״הב). Cant. R. to I, 14 בהִכָּלְמוֹ in his shyness. Hif. הִכְלִים to cause to retire, to rebuke, shame. Kidd.31a bot. ולא הִכְלִימָהִ and he did not scold her. Ib.b כלום … ולא הִכְלֵמְתָּהּ did she (thy mother) throw a bag of money into the sea in thy presence, and thou didst not reproach her?Midr. Till. to Ps. 4:3 עד מתי אתם מַכְלִימִיןוכ׳ how long will you slander me and my dignity?; a. e.Part. Hof. מוּכְלָם, f. מוּכְלֶמֶת, v. supra.

    Jewish literature > כָּלַם

  • 73 מרק

    מָרַק(b. h.; sec. r. of רק; cmp. מצהב, Targ. 2 Chr. 4:16) to brighten, cleanse (metal); to scour, scald. Sifra Tsav, Par. 3, ch. VI; Zeb.XI, 6 מוֹרְקוֹ ושוטפווכ׳ he must scour and rinse it ; Tosef. ib. X, 13 מוֹרְקָן (not מוריקן); a. fr. Nif. נִמְרַק to be cleansed, purged. Ab. dR. N. ch. I, beg. בשביל שיִמָּרֵק מכלוכ׳ that he might be cleansed of all the food and drink in his bowels.Tosef.B. Bath. XI, 9 נמרק, read: נִמְחַק). Pi. מֵירֵק 1) to polish up. Koh. R. beg. סיתתה ומֵירְקָהּ he chiselled the stone and polished it, v. כִּרְכֵּם. Sabb.33a (ref. to תמרוק, Prov. 20:30) המְמָרֵק עצמווכ׳ he who polishes himself (makes toilet, prepares himself) for a sinful act; (Rashi: who makes himself free from all other thoughts, devoting himself entirely to sin, v. infra). 2) (cmp. מכה בפטיש) to finish. Tosef.Ḥull.I, 2 ומ׳ הגויוכ׳ and a gentile finished the slaughtering (by cutting farther than the ritual requires); (Ḥull.121b גמר); Yoma III, 4 ומֵרַ׳; Ḥull.29a ומֵי׳. Tam.IV, 2 מ׳ את ההפשט he finishes the flaying. Mikv. X, 1 הכניסן … ולא מֵרְקָן he inserted the handles properly but did not finish them off (by fastening). Ohol. XIII, 3 הגיפה ולא מֵירְקָהּ he fitted the door in, but did not finish it off (so that it fitted accurately). Y.R. Hash. I, end, 57c, a. e. מכיון שהתחיל … מָרֵק inasmuch as he commenced the act, we say to him, finish it; a. fr. 3) to cleanse from sin by suffering, to remove sin, effect forgiveness. Ber.5a יסורין שמְמָרְקִין כלוכ׳ sufferings which cleanse the entire body of man; ib. ממרקין כל עונותיווכ׳ wash away all sins of man; Yalk. Ex. 339; Yalk. Deut. 850. Yoma 86a מיתה מְמָרֶקֶת death finishes the atonement (v. supra); Y.Snh.X, 27c bot. מיתה ממרקת שליש death removes the last third of sins; a. fr.Y.Keth.VI, beg.30c (in mixed dict.) ולא מְמָרֵק לה פורנה and does not pay off the entire dowry.Sabb.33a, v. supra. Hof. הוּמְרַק to be washed off, cleansed. Snh.92a וה׳ סידו Ar. s. v. סר 3, ed. Koh., v. מָקַק Hof.

    Jewish literature > מרק

  • 74 מָרַק

    מָרַק(b. h.; sec. r. of רק; cmp. מצהב, Targ. 2 Chr. 4:16) to brighten, cleanse (metal); to scour, scald. Sifra Tsav, Par. 3, ch. VI; Zeb.XI, 6 מוֹרְקוֹ ושוטפווכ׳ he must scour and rinse it ; Tosef. ib. X, 13 מוֹרְקָן (not מוריקן); a. fr. Nif. נִמְרַק to be cleansed, purged. Ab. dR. N. ch. I, beg. בשביל שיִמָּרֵק מכלוכ׳ that he might be cleansed of all the food and drink in his bowels.Tosef.B. Bath. XI, 9 נמרק, read: נִמְחַק). Pi. מֵירֵק 1) to polish up. Koh. R. beg. סיתתה ומֵירְקָהּ he chiselled the stone and polished it, v. כִּרְכֵּם. Sabb.33a (ref. to תמרוק, Prov. 20:30) המְמָרֵק עצמווכ׳ he who polishes himself (makes toilet, prepares himself) for a sinful act; (Rashi: who makes himself free from all other thoughts, devoting himself entirely to sin, v. infra). 2) (cmp. מכה בפטיש) to finish. Tosef.Ḥull.I, 2 ומ׳ הגויוכ׳ and a gentile finished the slaughtering (by cutting farther than the ritual requires); (Ḥull.121b גמר); Yoma III, 4 ומֵרַ׳; Ḥull.29a ומֵי׳. Tam.IV, 2 מ׳ את ההפשט he finishes the flaying. Mikv. X, 1 הכניסן … ולא מֵרְקָן he inserted the handles properly but did not finish them off (by fastening). Ohol. XIII, 3 הגיפה ולא מֵירְקָהּ he fitted the door in, but did not finish it off (so that it fitted accurately). Y.R. Hash. I, end, 57c, a. e. מכיון שהתחיל … מָרֵק inasmuch as he commenced the act, we say to him, finish it; a. fr. 3) to cleanse from sin by suffering, to remove sin, effect forgiveness. Ber.5a יסורין שמְמָרְקִין כלוכ׳ sufferings which cleanse the entire body of man; ib. ממרקין כל עונותיווכ׳ wash away all sins of man; Yalk. Ex. 339; Yalk. Deut. 850. Yoma 86a מיתה מְמָרֶקֶת death finishes the atonement (v. supra); Y.Snh.X, 27c bot. מיתה ממרקת שליש death removes the last third of sins; a. fr.Y.Keth.VI, beg.30c (in mixed dict.) ולא מְמָרֵק לה פורנה and does not pay off the entire dowry.Sabb.33a, v. supra. Hof. הוּמְרַק to be washed off, cleansed. Snh.92a וה׳ סידו Ar. s. v. סר 3, ed. Koh., v. מָקַק Hof.

    Jewish literature > מָרַק

  • 75 נכי

    נְכֵי, נְכָאch. sam( Hif. הִכָּה, הִיכָּה to injure, knock, strike). Pa. נַכֵּי to deduct. Targ. Y. Lev. 27:18.Y.Sot.V, 20c bot.; Y.Ber.IX, 14b bot. אנא מְנַכֵּי, v. הַנְכָּיָה. Sabb.140a מְנַכּוּ, v. זְכוּתָא. B. Kam.97b, sq. אי מחמת … מְנַכִּינָן ליהוכ׳ if provisions have become cheaper in consequence of the increased weight of the coin, we impose upon the creditor a corresponding reduction of the debt ; a. fr. Ithpe. אִינְּכֵי, אִנְּכֵי to be injured, suffer. Y.Ab. Zar. II, 41d top אשתון … ואִנְּכוּן the first drank and did not die, but were sick; ib. ולא מייתין אינכון read ואִי׳; (Y.Ter.VIII, 45d bot. only מייתין). Y.Dem.I, 22a top ולא אנכון and they suffered no more (from mice). Ib. יעבור ולא מִנְּכָה let him cross, he shall not be injured. Y.Keth.XII, 35b top כל הן דהוא מהו מִנְּכֵי wherever he be buried, what does he lose (what difference does it make to him)?; Y.Kil.IX, 32c top טנכי (corr. acc.). Af. אַכֵּי to harm. Y.Sabb.III, 6a bot. (in Hebr. dict.) ומַכֵּי הוא לה כלום can he harm her in any manner?; Y.Bets. II, 61c.

    Jewish literature > נכי

  • 76 נכא

    נְכֵי, נְכָאch. sam( Hif. הִכָּה, הִיכָּה to injure, knock, strike). Pa. נַכֵּי to deduct. Targ. Y. Lev. 27:18.Y.Sot.V, 20c bot.; Y.Ber.IX, 14b bot. אנא מְנַכֵּי, v. הַנְכָּיָה. Sabb.140a מְנַכּוּ, v. זְכוּתָא. B. Kam.97b, sq. אי מחמת … מְנַכִּינָן ליהוכ׳ if provisions have become cheaper in consequence of the increased weight of the coin, we impose upon the creditor a corresponding reduction of the debt ; a. fr. Ithpe. אִינְּכֵי, אִנְּכֵי to be injured, suffer. Y.Ab. Zar. II, 41d top אשתון … ואִנְּכוּן the first drank and did not die, but were sick; ib. ולא מייתין אינכון read ואִי׳; (Y.Ter.VIII, 45d bot. only מייתין). Y.Dem.I, 22a top ולא אנכון and they suffered no more (from mice). Ib. יעבור ולא מִנְּכָה let him cross, he shall not be injured. Y.Keth.XII, 35b top כל הן דהוא מהו מִנְּכֵי wherever he be buried, what does he lose (what difference does it make to him)?; Y.Kil.IX, 32c top טנכי (corr. acc.). Af. אַכֵּי to harm. Y.Sabb.III, 6a bot. (in Hebr. dict.) ומַכֵּי הוא לה כלום can he harm her in any manner?; Y.Bets. II, 61c.

    Jewish literature > נכא

  • 77 נְכֵי

    נְכֵי, נְכָאch. sam( Hif. הִכָּה, הִיכָּה to injure, knock, strike). Pa. נַכֵּי to deduct. Targ. Y. Lev. 27:18.Y.Sot.V, 20c bot.; Y.Ber.IX, 14b bot. אנא מְנַכֵּי, v. הַנְכָּיָה. Sabb.140a מְנַכּוּ, v. זְכוּתָא. B. Kam.97b, sq. אי מחמת … מְנַכִּינָן ליהוכ׳ if provisions have become cheaper in consequence of the increased weight of the coin, we impose upon the creditor a corresponding reduction of the debt ; a. fr. Ithpe. אִינְּכֵי, אִנְּכֵי to be injured, suffer. Y.Ab. Zar. II, 41d top אשתון … ואִנְּכוּן the first drank and did not die, but were sick; ib. ולא מייתין אינכון read ואִי׳; (Y.Ter.VIII, 45d bot. only מייתין). Y.Dem.I, 22a top ולא אנכון and they suffered no more (from mice). Ib. יעבור ולא מִנְּכָה let him cross, he shall not be injured. Y.Keth.XII, 35b top כל הן דהוא מהו מִנְּכֵי wherever he be buried, what does he lose (what difference does it make to him)?; Y.Kil.IX, 32c top טנכי (corr. acc.). Af. אַכֵּי to harm. Y.Sabb.III, 6a bot. (in Hebr. dict.) ומַכֵּי הוא לה כלום can he harm her in any manner?; Y.Bets. II, 61c.

    Jewish literature > נְכֵי

  • 78 נְכָא

    נְכֵי, נְכָאch. sam( Hif. הִכָּה, הִיכָּה to injure, knock, strike). Pa. נַכֵּי to deduct. Targ. Y. Lev. 27:18.Y.Sot.V, 20c bot.; Y.Ber.IX, 14b bot. אנא מְנַכֵּי, v. הַנְכָּיָה. Sabb.140a מְנַכּוּ, v. זְכוּתָא. B. Kam.97b, sq. אי מחמת … מְנַכִּינָן ליהוכ׳ if provisions have become cheaper in consequence of the increased weight of the coin, we impose upon the creditor a corresponding reduction of the debt ; a. fr. Ithpe. אִינְּכֵי, אִנְּכֵי to be injured, suffer. Y.Ab. Zar. II, 41d top אשתון … ואִנְּכוּן the first drank and did not die, but were sick; ib. ולא מייתין אינכון read ואִי׳; (Y.Ter.VIII, 45d bot. only מייתין). Y.Dem.I, 22a top ולא אנכון and they suffered no more (from mice). Ib. יעבור ולא מִנְּכָה let him cross, he shall not be injured. Y.Keth.XII, 35b top כל הן דהוא מהו מִנְּכֵי wherever he be buried, what does he lose (what difference does it make to him)?; Y.Kil.IX, 32c top טנכי (corr. acc.). Af. אַכֵּי to harm. Y.Sabb.III, 6a bot. (in Hebr. dict.) ומַכֵּי הוא לה כלום can he harm her in any manner?; Y.Bets. II, 61c.

    Jewish literature > נְכָא

  • 79 סכף

    סָכַף( Saf. of כפף; cmp. Del. Assyr. Handwört. s. v. סכף) to bend, knock down, maltreat; to discourage. B. Mets.VII, 10 (93b) סְכָפָהּ Y. ed. a. Ar. (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 9), v. סָגַף.Part. pass. סָכוּף; pl. סְכוּפִים, סְכוּפִין. Gen. R. s. 88, beg. דווים וס׳, (Yalk. ib. 146 שחופים; Yalk. Ps. 735 סַחופין, v. סָחַף), v. סָגַף; v. infra. Hif. הִסְכִּיף to bend (a persons courage), to cause defeat, opp. סעד. Lam. R. to II, 2 לא תסעוד ולא תַסְכִּיף (some ed. תִסְכּוֹף Kal; Ar. לא תסעדינן ולא תִסְכְּפִינָן Chald.) neither raise up nor bend down (neither assist, nor discourage us); Y.Taan.IV, 68d bot. תכסוף (corr. acc.); ib. 69a (in the third person) לא יסעוד ולא יסמוך (read: יַסְכִּיף or יִסְכּוֹף).

    Jewish literature > סכף

  • 80 סָכַף

    סָכַף( Saf. of כפף; cmp. Del. Assyr. Handwört. s. v. סכף) to bend, knock down, maltreat; to discourage. B. Mets.VII, 10 (93b) סְכָפָהּ Y. ed. a. Ar. (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 9), v. סָגַף.Part. pass. סָכוּף; pl. סְכוּפִים, סְכוּפִין. Gen. R. s. 88, beg. דווים וס׳, (Yalk. ib. 146 שחופים; Yalk. Ps. 735 סַחופין, v. סָחַף), v. סָגַף; v. infra. Hif. הִסְכִּיף to bend (a persons courage), to cause defeat, opp. סעד. Lam. R. to II, 2 לא תסעוד ולא תַסְכִּיף (some ed. תִסְכּוֹף Kal; Ar. לא תסעדינן ולא תִסְכְּפִינָן Chald.) neither raise up nor bend down (neither assist, nor discourage us); Y.Taan.IV, 68d bot. תכסוף (corr. acc.); ib. 69a (in the third person) לא יסעוד ולא יסמוך (read: יַסְכִּיף or יִסְכּוֹף).

    Jewish literature > סָכַף

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