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  • 121 שחת

    שָׁחַת(b. h.) to be low, bent. Pi. שִׁחֵת (cmp. חָבַל) to pervert, ruin, do harm. Ex. R. s. 8 ש׳ לנפשו he did harm to himself; a. e.Ab. d. R. N. ch. I, end וירדו … לשַׁחֲתֹו ed. Schechter (ed. לשרתו, corr. acc.) and the ministering angels came down to destroy him (Adam). Kidd.24b (ref. to Ex. 21:26) עד שיתכוין לשַׁחַתָהּ when he intended to destroy it. Naz.4b לשַׁחֵת, v. שֵׂעָר; a. e. Hif. הִשְׁחִית 1) same. Ex. R. l. c. ה׳ לנפשו, v. supra. Tanḥ. Told. 6 לילך … להַשְׁחִיתֹו to go to Nabal to ruin him; a. fr.Esp. בַּל תַּשְׁחִית (v. בַּל) the law forbidding to ruin anything wantonly (derived from Deut. 20:19). Sabb.129a והא קעבר מר משום בל ת׳ in doing so, do you not disregard the law which forbids wilful destruction? בל ת׳ דגופאי עדיף לי not to do injury to myself is a higher duty to me; ib. 140b; a. fr. 2) to commit a nuisance. Y.Succ.V, 55c (play on משתחויתם, Ez. 8:16) (read:) שהיו משתחוים לחמה ומַשְׁחִיתִים להיכל they prostrated themselves in worship of the sun, and committed nuisance towards the Temple (v. Bab. ib. 53b; Yoma 77a).

    Jewish literature > שחת

  • 122 שָׁחַת

    שָׁחַת(b. h.) to be low, bent. Pi. שִׁחֵת (cmp. חָבַל) to pervert, ruin, do harm. Ex. R. s. 8 ש׳ לנפשו he did harm to himself; a. e.Ab. d. R. N. ch. I, end וירדו … לשַׁחֲתֹו ed. Schechter (ed. לשרתו, corr. acc.) and the ministering angels came down to destroy him (Adam). Kidd.24b (ref. to Ex. 21:26) עד שיתכוין לשַׁחַתָהּ when he intended to destroy it. Naz.4b לשַׁחֵת, v. שֵׂעָר; a. e. Hif. הִשְׁחִית 1) same. Ex. R. l. c. ה׳ לנפשו, v. supra. Tanḥ. Told. 6 לילך … להַשְׁחִיתֹו to go to Nabal to ruin him; a. fr.Esp. בַּל תַּשְׁחִית (v. בַּל) the law forbidding to ruin anything wantonly (derived from Deut. 20:19). Sabb.129a והא קעבר מר משום בל ת׳ in doing so, do you not disregard the law which forbids wilful destruction? בל ת׳ דגופאי עדיף לי not to do injury to myself is a higher duty to me; ib. 140b; a. fr. 2) to commit a nuisance. Y.Succ.V, 55c (play on משתחויתם, Ez. 8:16) (read:) שהיו משתחוים לחמה ומַשְׁחִיתִים להיכל they prostrated themselves in worship of the sun, and committed nuisance towards the Temple (v. Bab. ib. 53b; Yoma 77a).

    Jewish literature > שָׁחַת

  • 123 שיחלא

    שִׁיחְלָאf. (שְׁחַל) 1) slip, fœtus; the eggs of one fecundation. B. Kam.55a הא טעונא חדא בעתא בש׳ והא … בש׳ the one (the wild goose) becomes pregnant with only one egg at one fecundation, and the other with several. Ḥull.57b sq. הני … ש׳ קמא אסירן Ms. M. (Ms. H. a. R. 2 דש׳ … אסירן; ed. אסירא) as to the eggs of a bird that became ṭrefah, the first set (the eggs conceived before the accident) is forbidden. Ib. 58a דש׳ קמא משהינןוכ׳ the eggs of the first set are kept, and if the bird becomes pregnant again, they are permitted. 2) the skin of dates. Ḥag.15b ר״מ … ושדא ש׳וכ׳ R. Meir (in studying under Elisha b. Abuya) ate the fig, and threw the peel away; (oth. opin. the kernel; Ms. M. 2 שילחה, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 30), v. תּוּחְלָא.

    Jewish literature > שיחלא

  • 124 שִׁיחְלָא

    שִׁיחְלָאf. (שְׁחַל) 1) slip, fœtus; the eggs of one fecundation. B. Kam.55a הא טעונא חדא בעתא בש׳ והא … בש׳ the one (the wild goose) becomes pregnant with only one egg at one fecundation, and the other with several. Ḥull.57b sq. הני … ש׳ קמא אסירן Ms. M. (Ms. H. a. R. 2 דש׳ … אסירן; ed. אסירא) as to the eggs of a bird that became ṭrefah, the first set (the eggs conceived before the accident) is forbidden. Ib. 58a דש׳ קמא משהינןוכ׳ the eggs of the first set are kept, and if the bird becomes pregnant again, they are permitted. 2) the skin of dates. Ḥag.15b ר״מ … ושדא ש׳וכ׳ R. Meir (in studying under Elisha b. Abuya) ate the fig, and threw the peel away; (oth. opin. the kernel; Ms. M. 2 שילחה, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 30), v. תּוּחְלָא.

    Jewish literature > שִׁיחְלָא

  • 125 שיפוי

    שִׁיפּוּי, שִׁפּ׳I m. (שָׁפָה I) planing, shavings, chips. Meïl. III, 8 (14a) בשפוי (Talm. ed. בשפויי, Rashi בשפוי); Tosef. ib. I, 25 ed. Zuck. (Var. בשפוד, corr. acc.); Tem.31b, v. נְבָיָיה.Pl. שִׁיפּוּיִים, שִׁיפּוּיִין, שִׁפּ׳. Ab. Zar.42b top והא ש׳ … ושִׁיפּוּיֶיהָ מותרין but there are the chips, when the idol itself remains, and yet it is said, if the gentile chipped an idol for its own sake (to embellish it), itself is forbidden, but the shavings from it are permitted to be used. Ib. a; a. e.V. שְׁפָאִים.

    Jewish literature > שיפוי

  • 126 שפ׳

    שִׁיפּוּי, שִׁפּ׳I m. (שָׁפָה I) planing, shavings, chips. Meïl. III, 8 (14a) בשפוי (Talm. ed. בשפויי, Rashi בשפוי); Tosef. ib. I, 25 ed. Zuck. (Var. בשפוד, corr. acc.); Tem.31b, v. נְבָיָיה.Pl. שִׁיפּוּיִים, שִׁיפּוּיִין, שִׁפּ׳. Ab. Zar.42b top והא ש׳ … ושִׁיפּוּיֶיהָ מותרין but there are the chips, when the idol itself remains, and yet it is said, if the gentile chipped an idol for its own sake (to embellish it), itself is forbidden, but the shavings from it are permitted to be used. Ib. a; a. e.V. שְׁפָאִים.

    Jewish literature > שפ׳

  • 127 שִׁיפּוּי

    שִׁיפּוּי, שִׁפּ׳I m. (שָׁפָה I) planing, shavings, chips. Meïl. III, 8 (14a) בשפוי (Talm. ed. בשפויי, Rashi בשפוי); Tosef. ib. I, 25 ed. Zuck. (Var. בשפוד, corr. acc.); Tem.31b, v. נְבָיָיה.Pl. שִׁיפּוּיִים, שִׁיפּוּיִין, שִׁפּ׳. Ab. Zar.42b top והא ש׳ … ושִׁיפּוּיֶיהָ מותרין but there are the chips, when the idol itself remains, and yet it is said, if the gentile chipped an idol for its own sake (to embellish it), itself is forbidden, but the shavings from it are permitted to be used. Ib. a; a. e.V. שְׁפָאִים.

    Jewish literature > שִׁיפּוּי

  • 128 שִׁפּ׳

    שִׁיפּוּי, שִׁפּ׳I m. (שָׁפָה I) planing, shavings, chips. Meïl. III, 8 (14a) בשפוי (Talm. ed. בשפויי, Rashi בשפוי); Tosef. ib. I, 25 ed. Zuck. (Var. בשפוד, corr. acc.); Tem.31b, v. נְבָיָיה.Pl. שִׁיפּוּיִים, שִׁיפּוּיִין, שִׁפּ׳. Ab. Zar.42b top והא ש׳ … ושִׁיפּוּיֶיהָ מותרין but there are the chips, when the idol itself remains, and yet it is said, if the gentile chipped an idol for its own sake (to embellish it), itself is forbidden, but the shavings from it are permitted to be used. Ib. a; a. e.V. שְׁפָאִים.

    Jewish literature > שִׁפּ׳

См. также в других словарях:

  • והא ראיה — זו היא ההוכחה, והנה ההנמקה {{}} …   אוצר עברית

  • Hebrew punctuation — Hebrew specific marks orthographically similar marks maqaf ־ …   Wikipedia

  • Китниот — Предположительно, эта страница или раздел нарушает авторские права. Eё содержимое, вероятно, скопировано с http://www.ejwiki.org/wiki/Китниот практически без изменений. Пожалуйста, проверьте …   Википедия

  • SERVITUDES — (Heb. שִׁעְבּוּדִים, shi budim). Generally a person is prohibited from using his land in such manner as to cause an interference with his neighbor s quiet use or enjoyment of his own land. A man may therefore restrain his neighbor from such use… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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