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  • 1 מקל

    מַקֵּלc. (b. h.; קלל to swing) walking stick, in gen. staff. Sabb.66a מ׳ של זקנים old mens stick. Kel. XVII, 16; Tosef. ib. B. Mets. VII, 9 מ׳ שיש בו ביתוכ׳ a staff which has a secret receptacle for a mzuzah (מְזוּזָה) or jewels. Ab. Zar. III, 1 כל שיש בידו מ׳ a statue holding in its hand a staff; ib. 41a מ׳ שרודה את עצמו … כמ׳ the staff intimates symbolically that he causes himself to be chastised as with a staff in behalf of the entire world (vicarious sacrifice). Y.Dem.VII, beg.26a (read:) מהו דחמית בחלמי דמ׳ בלשיוכ׳ (not דמיקל) what does it mean that I saw in my dream an officers staff suspended from my body?Y.Ned.IX, beg., 41b מַקְלֹו שלר״מ היתהוכ׳ R. Meirs staff was in my hand, and it taught me knowledge. Toh. VIII, 9 מ׳ שהיא מלאהוכ׳ a staff which has become wet with unclean fluids; Tosef. ib. IX, 15 מ׳ שהיהוכ׳ (corr. acc.); a. v. fr.Sabb.139a (ref. to Is. 14:5) אלו הדיינים שנעשווכ׳ this alludes to judges who are a staff (of support) to their beadles (conniving at their abuses).Pl. מַקְלוֹת. Pes.V, 9. R. Hash. I, 9 לוקחין בידם מ׳ they may take sticks with them (for defence); a. e.Yoma VI, 7 (67b) קלען במ׳ Y. ed. (Bab. a. Mish. במקלעות, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 6) he twisted the limbs of the animals around carrying poles.

    Jewish literature > מקל

  • 2 מַקֵּל

    מַקֵּלc. (b. h.; קלל to swing) walking stick, in gen. staff. Sabb.66a מ׳ של זקנים old mens stick. Kel. XVII, 16; Tosef. ib. B. Mets. VII, 9 מ׳ שיש בו ביתוכ׳ a staff which has a secret receptacle for a mzuzah (מְזוּזָה) or jewels. Ab. Zar. III, 1 כל שיש בידו מ׳ a statue holding in its hand a staff; ib. 41a מ׳ שרודה את עצמו … כמ׳ the staff intimates symbolically that he causes himself to be chastised as with a staff in behalf of the entire world (vicarious sacrifice). Y.Dem.VII, beg.26a (read:) מהו דחמית בחלמי דמ׳ בלשיוכ׳ (not דמיקל) what does it mean that I saw in my dream an officers staff suspended from my body?Y.Ned.IX, beg., 41b מַקְלֹו שלר״מ היתהוכ׳ R. Meirs staff was in my hand, and it taught me knowledge. Toh. VIII, 9 מ׳ שהיא מלאהוכ׳ a staff which has become wet with unclean fluids; Tosef. ib. IX, 15 מ׳ שהיהוכ׳ (corr. acc.); a. v. fr.Sabb.139a (ref. to Is. 14:5) אלו הדיינים שנעשווכ׳ this alludes to judges who are a staff (of support) to their beadles (conniving at their abuses).Pl. מַקְלוֹת. Pes.V, 9. R. Hash. I, 9 לוקחין בידם מ׳ they may take sticks with them (for defence); a. e.Yoma VI, 7 (67b) קלען במ׳ Y. ed. (Bab. a. Mish. במקלעות, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 6) he twisted the limbs of the animals around carrying poles.

    Jewish literature > מַקֵּל

  • 3 קליעה

    קְלִיעָהf. (קָלַע II) twist, network; screen. Y.Shek.VIII, 51b top אילו אמר חוט … ק׳ שלשהוכ׳ if the text (Ex. 26:31) had the word ḥuṭ, it would mean a double thread, if ḳliʿah, a triple thread Y.Succ.III, 53c bot.; Sifra Emor Par. 12, ch. XVI, v. עָבוֹת. Yoma 67b (expl. קלען במקלעות, Mish. ib. VI, 7) כמין ק׳ he intertwined the limbs of the animals so as to form a network. Y.Taan.II, 65b top (in Chald. dict.), v. עַבְיָא.Trnsf. band, league. Pesik. R. s. 33 (ref. to עבתים, Ez. 31:3) משעה … ק׳ אחת להכעיסוכ׳ as soon as the whole world became one league to provoke the Lord, he (Ashur) left their council Pl. קְלִיעוֹת. Eduy. III, 4 כל הק׳וכ׳ all networks (woven sheets) are clean Yalk. Num. 713, v. קוֹלְיָינִין.

    Jewish literature > קליעה

  • 4 קְלִיעָה

    קְלִיעָהf. (קָלַע II) twist, network; screen. Y.Shek.VIII, 51b top אילו אמר חוט … ק׳ שלשהוכ׳ if the text (Ex. 26:31) had the word ḥuṭ, it would mean a double thread, if ḳliʿah, a triple thread Y.Succ.III, 53c bot.; Sifra Emor Par. 12, ch. XVI, v. עָבוֹת. Yoma 67b (expl. קלען במקלעות, Mish. ib. VI, 7) כמין ק׳ he intertwined the limbs of the animals so as to form a network. Y.Taan.II, 65b top (in Chald. dict.), v. עַבְיָא.Trnsf. band, league. Pesik. R. s. 33 (ref. to עבתים, Ez. 31:3) משעה … ק׳ אחת להכעיסוכ׳ as soon as the whole world became one league to provoke the Lord, he (Ashur) left their council Pl. קְלִיעוֹת. Eduy. III, 4 כל הק׳וכ׳ all networks (woven sheets) are clean Yalk. Num. 713, v. קוֹלְיָינִין.

    Jewish literature > קְלִיעָה

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