Перевод: с английского на финский

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  • 1 ret

    • evp

    English-Finnish dictionary > ret

  • 2 cigarette

    • tupakka
    • savuke
    * * *
    siɡə'ret, ]( American) 'siɡəret
    noun (a tube of finely cut tobacco rolled in thin paper.) savuke

    English-Finnish dictionary > cigarette

  • 3 minaret

    • minareetti
    * * *
    (a tower on a mosque from which the call to prayer is sounded.) minareetti

    English-Finnish dictionary > minaret

  • 4 regret

    • olla pahoillaan
    • pahoitella
    • pahoillaan
    • pahoittelu
    • toivoa tekemättömäksi
    • ikävä
    • tyytymättömyys
    • valittaa
    • valitella
    • valittelu
    • valittaminen
    • katua
    • katumapäällä
    • katumus
    • kaipaus
    • kaduttaa
    • haikailla
    • harmittaa
    • harmitella
    • mielinen
    • mielipaha
    • murehtia
    • pettymys
    • surkutella
    • suru
    • surra
    * * *
    rə'ɡret 1. past tense, past participle - regretted; verb
    (to be sorry about: I regret my foolish behaviour; I regret that I missed the concert; I regret missing the concert; I regret to inform you that your application for the job was unsuccessful.) katua, olla pahoillaan
    2. noun
    (a feeling of sorrow, or of having done something wrong: I have no regrets / I feel no regret about what I did; It was with deep regret that I heard the news of his death.) katumus, mielipaha
    - regretfully
    - regrettable
    - regrettably

    English-Finnish dictionary > regret

  • 5 threat

    • riski
    • vaara
    • uhkaus
    • uhka
    * * *
    1) (a warning that one is going to hurt or punish someone: He will certainly carry out his threat to harm you.) uhkaus
    2) (a sign of something dangerous or unpleasant which may be, or is, about to happen: a threat of rain.) uhka
    3) (a source of danger: His presence is a threat to our plan/success.) uhka

    English-Finnish dictionary > threat

  • 6 usherette

    • paikannäyttäjä(nainen)
    • paikannäyttäjä
    * * *
    feminine; = usher

    English-Finnish dictionary > usherette

См. также в других словарях:

  • RET — oder Ret steht für: Netz (Sternbild) (lat. Reticulum), ein Sternbild in der Nomenklatur der Fixsterne Rational Emotive Therapie, eine kognitive Verhaltenstherapie Rearranged during transfection protooncogen, ein Protoonkogen. Remote Electrical… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • RET — is a three letter abbreviation that may refer to:In engineering and computer science: *Resolution enhancement technology (image processing) *An instruction in the x86 assembly language *Reverse Engineering Team *Remote Electrical Tilt… …   Wikipedia

  • Ret — usw.: ↑ Reet usw. * * * RET,   Abkürzung für rational emotive Therapie. * * * Ret: usw. ↑Reet usw …   Universal-Lexikon

  • ret — [rEt] n. a tobacco cigarette. (Collegiate.) □ You got a ret I can bum? □ Give my buddy a ret, will you? …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • Ret — (r[e^]t), v. t. See {Aret}. [Obs.] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ret — Ret, v. t. [Akin to rot.] To prepare for use, as flax, by separating the fibers from the woody part by process of soaking, macerating, and other treatment. Ure. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ret(h)- —     ret(h)     English meaning: to run, to roll     Deutsche Übersetzung: “laufen, rollen”     Material: O.Ind. rátha m. “ cart “, rathī “Wagenlenker”, ráthya “zum cart gehörig”, ratharyáti “travels in cart “; ratheṣṭhü̆ “warrior” = Av.… …   Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

  • ret — ret1 [ret] vt. retted, retting [ME retten, reten < MDu reten, reeten < IE * reud : see ROTTEN] to dampen or soak (flax, hemp, timber, etc.) in water in order to separate the fibers from the woody tissue ret2 abbrev. 1. retail 2. retain …   English World dictionary

  • Ret|in-A — ret|i|na «REHT uh nuh», noun, plural nas, nae « nee». a layer of cells at the back of the eyeball which is sensitive to light and receives the images of things looked at. The retina contains the rods and cones near its outer surface, and is… …   Useful english dictionary

  • ret|i|na — «REHT uh nuh», noun, plural nas, nae « nee». a layer of cells at the back of the eyeball which is sensitive to light and receives the images of things looked at. The retina contains the rods and cones near its outer surface, and is continuous on… …   Useful english dictionary

  • ret|ro — ret|ro1 «REHT roh», noun. = retrorocket. (Cf. ↑retrorocket) ╂[< retro (rocket)] ret|ro2 «REHT roh», noun, adjective. –n. 1. a revival, as of the fashion, music, or plays, of earlier decades, especially in France: »The Group TSE s… …   Useful english dictionary

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