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  • 1 bequest

    • jälkilahjoitus
    • jälkisäädöslahjoitus
    • erityisjälkisäädös
    • perintö
    • legaatti
    • lahjoitus
    * * *
    noun (something bequeathed in a will: I received a bequest in my uncle's will.) testamenttilahjoitus

    English-Finnish dictionary > bequest

  • 2 conquest

    • valloitus
    • valtaus
    finance, business, economy
    • voitto
    • tappio
    * * *
    noun ((an) act of conquering: The Norman Conquest; He's impressed with you - you've made a conquest.) valloitus

    English-Finnish dictionary > conquest

  • 3 quest

    • etsiminen
    • etsiä
    • etsintä
    • haku
    * * *
    (a search: the quest for gold; the quest for truth.) etsintä

    English-Finnish dictionary > quest

  • 4 request

    • pakko
    • rukous
    • toivomus
    • toive
    • velvoittaa
    • vetoomus
    • ehto
    • esitys
    • anella
    • anomus
    • anoa
    • vaatimus
    • vaatia
    • pyyntö
    • pyytää
    • kehottaa
    • kehotus
    • halu
    • hakemus
    • haluta
    • määrätä
    • määräys
    • manaus
    • kovistella
    • kutsu
    • kovistaa
    • käskeä
    • kysyä
    • kysely
    finance, business, economy
    • kysyntä
    • käsky
    • komento
    * * *
    ri'kwest 1. noun
    1) (the act of asking for something: I did that at his request; After frequent requests, he eventually agreed to sing.) pyyntö
    2) (something asked for: The next record I will play is a request.) toivomus
    2. verb
    (to ask (for) something; People using this library are requested not to talk; Many people have requested this next song.) pyytää
    - on request

    English-Finnish dictionary > request

См. также в других словарях:

  • Kwest — (titre original : Quest) est un roman de science fiction de l auteur allemand Andreas Eschbach paru en 2001 et traduit en langue française en 2002. Prix littéraire Kwest a obtenu le : Prix Kurd Laßwitz du meilleur roman germanophone de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • question*/*/*/ — [ˈkwestʃ(ə)n] noun I 1) [C] something that someone asks you when they want information Why won t you answer my question?[/ex] I wish I hadn t asked that question.[/ex] Does anyone have any questions about the trip?[/ex] 2) [C] something that you… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • quest — kwest n. search, pursuit of something; expedition made in order to attain or achieve something; participants in an expedition; inquest, investigation (British) v. seek, search for, look for; pursue, go in search of …   English contemporary dictionary

  • quested — kwest n. search, pursuit of something; expedition made in order to attain or achieve something; participants in an expedition; inquest, investigation (British) v. seek, search for, look for; pursue, go in search of …   English contemporary dictionary

  • questing — kwest n. search, pursuit of something; expedition made in order to attain or achieve something; participants in an expedition; inquest, investigation (British) v. seek, search for, look for; pursue, go in search of …   English contemporary dictionary

  • quests — kwest n. search, pursuit of something; expedition made in order to attain or achieve something; participants in an expedition; inquest, investigation (British) v. seek, search for, look for; pursue, go in search of …   English contemporary dictionary

  • inquest — [ˈɪŋkwest] noun [C] an official attempt by a court to find the cause of someone s death …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • quest — [kwest] noun [C] literary a long difficult search …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • questionable — [ˈkwestʃ(ə)nəb(ə)l] adj 1) possibly not true, accurate, or complete The results of the test seem highly questionable.[/ex] 2) probably not good, honest, or worth admiring questionable behaviour/conduct/practices[/ex] questionably adv …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • questioning — [ˈkwestʃ(ə)nɪŋ] noun [U] a situation in which people ask someone questions …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • questionnaire — [ˌkwestʃəˈneə] noun [C] a set of questions that a lot of people are asked as a way of getting information about what people generally think or do …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

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