Перевод: с английского на венгерский

с венгерского на английский


  • 1 astrological

    adjective csillagjósló

    English-Hungarian dictionary > astrological

  • 2 astronomic(al)

    1) ((of numbers or amounts) very large: The cost of the new building was astronomical.) csillagászati
    2) (of astronomy: astronomical observations.) asztronómiai

    English-Hungarian dictionary > astronomic(al)

  • 3 astronomic(al)

    1) ((of numbers or amounts) very large: The cost of the new building was astronomical.) csillagászati
    2) (of astronomy: astronomical observations.) asztronómiai

    English-Hungarian dictionary > astronomic(al)

  • 4 strangle

    (to kill by gripping or squeezing the neck tightly, eg by tightening a cord etc round it: He strangled her with a nylon stocking; This top button is nearly strangling me!) megfojt

    English-Hungarian dictionary > strangle

  • 5 strand

    szál, part, fonál to strand: zátonyra fut
    * * *
    I [strænd] II [strænd] noun
    (a thin thread, eg one of those twisted together to form rope, string, knitting-wool etc, or a long thin lock of hair: She pushed the strands of hair back from her face.) szál, fonal

    English-Hungarian dictionary > strand

  • 6 administrative

    közigazgatási, adminisztratív
    * * *
    [-strətiv, ]( American[) -streitiv]
    adjective an administrative post; administrative ability.) adminisztratív

    English-Hungarian dictionary > administrative

  • 7 astronaut

    * * *
    (a person who travels in space: Who was the first astronaut to land on the moon?) űrhajós

    English-Hungarian dictionary > astronaut

  • 8 catastrophe

    (a sudden great disaster: earthquakes and other natural catastrophes; Her brother's death was a catastrophe for the family.) katasztrófa
    - catastrophically

    English-Hungarian dictionary > catastrophe

  • 9 claustrophobia

    zárthely-iszony, klausztrofóbia
    * * *
    (fear of narrow, small or enclosed places.) bezártsági érzet

    English-Hungarian dictionary > claustrophobia

  • 10 distract

    szórakoztat, eltérít, elvon
    * * *
    (to draw aside (the mind or attention of): He was constantly being distracted from his work by the noisy conversation of his colleagues.) elvon (figyelmet)
    - distraction

    English-Hungarian dictionary > distract

  • 11 extract

    extraktum, szemelvény, kivonat, párlat, extrakt to extract: kicsikar, lepárol, eltávolít, extrahál, kivonatol
    * * *
    1. [ik'strækt] verb
    1) (to pull out, or draw out, especially by force or with effort: I have to have a tooth extracted; Did you manage to extract the information from her?) kihúz
    2) (to select (passages from a book etc).) kivonatol
    3) (to take out (a substance forming part of something else) by crushing or by chemical means: Vanilla essence is extracted from vanilla beans.) kivon
    2. ['ekstrækt] noun
    1) (a passage selected from a book etc: a short extract from his novel.) (tartalmi) kivonat
    2) (a substance obtained by an extracting process: beef/yeast extract; extract of malt.) eszencia

    English-Hungarian dictionary > extract

  • 12 extravagant

    túl magas (ár), tékozló
    * * *
    1) (using or spending too much; wasteful: He's extravagant with money; an extravagant use of materials/energy.) szertelen
    2) ((of ideas, emotions etc) exaggerated or too great: extravagant praise.) túlzó
    - extravagance

    English-Hungarian dictionary > extravagant

  • 13 gastronomic

    konyhaművészeti, gasztronómiai
    * * *
    (of good food: the gastronomic delights of France.) gasztronómiai

    English-Hungarian dictionary > gastronomic

  • 14 orchestra

    zsöllye, zenekar
    * * *
    (a (usually large) group of musicians playing together, led by a conductor.) zenekar

    English-Hungarian dictionary > orchestra

  • 15 straggle

    összevissza nő, elkóborol, elcsatangol
    * * *
    1) (to grow or spread untidily: His beard straggled over his chest.) összevissza nő
    2) (to walk too slowly to remain with a body of eg marching soldiers, walkers etc.) (el)kóborol
    - straggly
    - straggliness

    English-Hungarian dictionary > straggle

  • 16 strap

    szíj, heveder, váll-lap, pánt, ragtapasz, vállszíj to strap: szíjon kifen, összeszíjaz, szíjjal elver, beszíjaz
    * * *
    [stræp] 1. noun
    1) (a narrow strip of leather, cloth, or other material, eg with a buckle for fastening something (eg a suitcase, wristwatch etc) or by which to hold, hang or support something (eg a camera, rucksack etc): I need a new watch-strap; luggage straps.) szíj
    2) (a short looped strip of leather etc, hanging from the roof of a train, by which a standing passenger can support himself.) fogantyú
    2. verb
    1) (to beat (eg a schoolchild) on the hand with a leather strap: He was strapped for being rude to the teacher.) szíjjal elver
    2) (to fasten with a strap etc: The two pieces of luggage were strapped together; He strapped on his new watch.) szijjal átköt
    - strap in
    - strap up

    English-Hungarian dictionary > strap

  • 17 stratagem

    * * *
    (a trick or plan.) hadicsel

    English-Hungarian dictionary > stratagem

  • 18 strategy

    * * *
    plural - strategies; noun
    1) (the art of planning a campaign or large military operation: military strategy.) hadászat
    2) (the art of, or a scheme for, managing an affair cleverly.) stratégia
    - strategically
    - strategist

    English-Hungarian dictionary > strategy

  • 19 stroke

    karcsapás, felvillanás (gondolaté), szélhűdés to stroke: vezérevezősként evez, megbuliz, cirógat, simít
    * * *
    [strəuk] I noun
    1) (an act of hitting, or the blow given: He felled the tree with one stroke of the axe; the stroke of a whip.) csapás
    2) (a sudden occurrence of something: a stroke of lightning; an unfortunate stroke of fate; What a stroke of luck to find that money!) csapás; váratlan szerencse
    3) (the sound made by a clock striking the hour: She arrived on the stroke of (= punctually at) ten.) (óra)ütés
    4) (a movement or mark made in one direction by a pen, pencil, paintbrush etc: short, even pencil strokes.) (ecset)vonás
    5) (a single pull of an oar in rowing, or a hit with the bat in playing cricket.) evezőcsapás; ütés
    6) (a movement of the arms and legs in swimming, or a particular method of swimming: He swam with slow, strong strokes; Can you do breaststroke/backstroke?) (kar)tempó
    7) (an effort or action: I haven't done a stroke (of work) all day.) tollvonás
    8) (a sudden attack of illness which damages the brain, causing paralysis, loss of feeling in the body etc.) szélütés
    II 1. verb
    (to rub (eg a furry animal) gently and repeatedly in one direction, especially as a sign of affection: He stroked the cat / her hair; The dog loves being stroked.) cirógat
    2. noun
    (an act of stroking: He gave the dog a stroke.) cirógatás

    English-Hungarian dictionary > stroke

  • 20 stroll

    séta, kószálás
    * * *
    [strəul] 1. verb
    (to walk or wander without hurry: He strolled along the street.) sétál
    2. noun
    (an act of strolling: I went for a stroll round the town.) séta

    English-Hungarian dictionary > stroll

См. также в других словарях:

  • STR — STR, Str bzw. StR ist eine Abkürzung für: den Flughafen Stuttgart im IATA Code Trier Hauptbahnhof in der DS 100 Short tandem repeat in der Genetik Straße Studienrat (StR; beamtete Lehrkraft im höheren Schuldienst Deutschlands) Scuderia Toro Rosso …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Str — STR, Str bzw. StR ist eine Abkürzung: für den Flughafen Stuttgart im IATA Code in der Genetik für Short tandem repeat für Straße für Studienrat (StR; beamtete Lehrkraft im höheren Schuldienst Deutschlands) für Scuderia Toro Rosso für Stärke (Wird …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • stræbe — stræ|be vb., r, stræbte, stræbt; stræbe efter noget; stræbe nogen efter livet (forsøge at slå nogen ihjel) …   Dansk ordbog

  • stræk — sb., ket, stræk, kene; lægge i stræk; i ét stræk …   Dansk ordbog

  • Str — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. {{{image}}}   Sigles d une seule lettre   Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Str. — Str. 〈Abk. für〉 Straße * * * Str. = Straße. * * * Str. = Straße …   Universal-Lexikon

  • stræde — stræ|de sb., t, r, rne; på gader og stræder; de danske bælter og stræder …   Dansk ordbog

  • Strætó bs. — Strætó bs. est le nom de l entreprise islandaise chargée des transports publics dans la ville de Reykjavik et son agglomération. L entreprise possède 23 lignes de bus dont 6 lignes dites « express » qui permettent de rejoindre… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • STR — abbrev. 1. steamer 2. Music string(s) * * * STR abbr. synchronous transmitter receiver. * * * …   Universalium

  • stȑka — ž 〈D L stȑci, G mn stȓkā〉 jurnjava izazvana kakvim neobičnim i iznenadnim događajem; gužva, metež …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • stȑti — (što) svrš. 〈prez. strêm/stȁrēm, pril. pr. stȓvši, imp. stàri, prid. rad. strô, prid. trp. str̀ven/stȓt〉 ekspr. retor. uništiti, smrviti, zdrobiti; zatrti, zatrijeti [∼ zlo] …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

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