Перевод: с английского на венгерский

с венгерского на английский


  • 1 abridg(e)ment

    noun (le)rövidítés

    English-Hungarian dictionary > abridg(e)ment

  • 2 abridg(e)ment

    noun (le)rövidítés

    English-Hungarian dictionary > abridg(e)ment

  • 3 acknowledg(e)ment

    noun elismerés, visszaigazolás; (plural) köszönetnyilvánítás

    English-Hungarian dictionary > acknowledg(e)ment

  • 4 acknowledg(e)ment

    noun elismerés, visszaigazolás; (plural) köszönetnyilvánítás

    English-Hungarian dictionary > acknowledg(e)ment

  • 5 judg(e)ment

    1) (the decision of a judge in a court of law: It looked as if he might be acquitted but the judgement went against him.) ítélet
    2) (the act of judging or estimating: Faulty judgement in overtaking is a common cause of traffic accidents.) megítélés
    3) (the ability to make right or sensible decisions: You showed good judgement in choosing this method.) ítélőképesség
    4) ((an) opinion: In my judgement, he is a very good actor.) vélemény

    English-Hungarian dictionary > judg(e)ment

  • 6 judg(e)ment

    1) (the decision of a judge in a court of law: It looked as if he might be acquitted but the judgement went against him.) ítélet
    2) (the act of judging or estimating: Faulty judgement in overtaking is a common cause of traffic accidents.) megítélés
    3) (the ability to make right or sensible decisions: You showed good judgement in choosing this method.) ítélőképesség
    4) ((an) opinion: In my judgement, he is a very good actor.) vélemény

    English-Hungarian dictionary > judg(e)ment

  • 7 free\ from\ sg

    English-Hungarian dictionary > free\ from\ sg

  • 8 ferment

    forrongás, erjesztő, kovász, erjesztő anyag to ferment: erjed, megerjeszt, megerjed, erjeszt
    * * *
    1. [fə'ment] verb
    1) (to (make something) go through a particular chemical change (as when yeast is added to dough in the making of bread): Grape juice must be fermented before it becomes wine.) (meg)erjeszt
    2) (to excite or be excited: He is the kind of person to ferment trouble.) felizgat
    2. ['fə:ment] noun
    (a state of excitement: The whole city was in a ferment.) forrongás (népé)

    English-Hungarian dictionary > ferment

  • 9 torment

    * * *
    1. ['to:ment] noun
    1) ((a) very great pain, suffering, worry etc: He was in torment.) kín
    2) (something that causes this.) fájdalom
    2. [to:'ment] verb
    (to cause pain, suffering, worry etc to: She was tormented with worry/toothache.) (meg)kínoz

    English-Hungarian dictionary > torment

  • 10 alimentary


    English-Hungarian dictionary > alimentary

  • 11 argumentative

    vitázó, érvelő, logikus, vitatkozó, bizonyítható
    * * *
    adjective (fond of arguing.) vitakedvelő

    English-Hungarian dictionary > argumentative

  • 12 augment

    gyarapít, gyarapodik, nagyobbít
    * * *
    (to increase in amount or make bigger in size or number.) növel

    English-Hungarian dictionary > augment

  • 13 cement

    cement, kötelék, fogcement, ragasztószer to cement: cementtel összeragaszt, cementez, összeragaszt
    * * *
    [sə'ment] 1. noun
    1) (a mixture of clay and lime (usually with sand and water added) used for sticking things (eg bricks) together in building and to make concrete for making very hard surfaces.) cement
    2) (any of several types of glue.) ragasztószer
    3) (a substance used to fill cavities in teeth.) (fog)cement
    2. verb
    (to join firmly with cement.) (cementtel) összeragaszt

    English-Hungarian dictionary > cement

  • 14 compliment

    dicséret, bók to compliment: gratulál, bókol, dicsér
    * * *
    1. ['kompləmənt] noun
    (an expression of praise or flattery: He's always paying her compliments.) bók
    2. [kompli'ment] verb
    (to praise or flatter: He complimented her on her cooking.) bókot mond
    - with compliments

    English-Hungarian dictionary > compliment

  • 15 lament

    panasz, sirám, lamentáció to lament: fájlal, sajnál, sirat, lamentál, siránkozik
    * * *
    [lə'ment] 1. verb
    (to feel or express regret for: We all lament his death; He sat lamenting over his past failures.) nagyon sajnál
    2. noun
    1) (a poem or piece of music which laments something: This song is a lament for those killed in battle.) sirám
    2) (a show of grief, regret etc: I'm not going to sit listening to her laments all day.) panasz

    English-Hungarian dictionary > lament

  • 16 meant

    jelent, akar, szándékozik, ért vhogyan
    * * *
    past tense, past participle; = mean III

    English-Hungarian dictionary > meant

  • 17 momentum

    nyomaték, mozzanat, mozgásmennyiség, impulzus
    * * *
    (the amount or force of motion in a moving body.) mozgásmennyiség; nyomaték

    English-Hungarian dictionary > momentum

  • 18 ornament

    dísz, díszítés, dísztárgy, díszítmény, ékesség to ornament: ékesít, díszít, feldíszít
    * * *
    1. ['o:nəmənt] noun
    (something decorative, intended to make a room etc more beautiful: china ornaments.) dísz(ítmény)
    2. [o:nə'ment] verb
    (to decorate: The church was richly ornamented.) (fel)díszít
    - ornamental

    English-Hungarian dictionary > ornament

  • 19 regiment

    tömeg, ezred to regiment: parancsolgat, fegyelmet gyakorol, ezredet alakít
    * * *
    1. ['re‹imənt] noun
    (a body of soldiers commanded by a colonel.) ezred
    2. [-ment] verb
    (to organize or control (people) very strictly: Children in schools are no longer regimented as they used to be.) parancsolgat vkinek
    - regimental

    English-Hungarian dictionary > regiment

  • 20 supplement

    pótlás, kiegészítő szög, pótkötet, újságmelléklet to supplement: kiegészít
    * * *
    1. noun
    (an addition made to supply something lacking, or to correct errors etc: A supplement to the dictionary is to be published next year.) kiegészítés; pótkötet
    2. [-ment] verb
    (to make, or be, an addition to: He does an evening job to supplement his wages.) kiegészít

    English-Hungarian dictionary > supplement

См. также в других словарях:

  • -ment — élément, du lat. mente, dans (tel) esprit, de (telle) manière , qui permet de former la plupart des adverbes de manière à partir du fém. des adjectifs (ex. gaie, gaiement; grande, grandement, etc.). I. ⇒ MENT1, suff. Suff. formateur de subst.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • MENT B.C. — MENT Leagues Greek B League Founded 1926 History 1926 Present …   Wikipedia

  • -ment — ment, [F. ment, L. mentum.] A suffix denoting that which does a thing; an act or process; the result of an act or process; state or condition; as, aliment, that which nourishes, ornament, increment; fragment, piece broken, segment; abridgment,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ment — ist der Name folgender Personen: Jo Ment (1923–2002), deutscher Musiker John Ment (* 1963), deutscher Radiomoderator Siehe auch Mendt Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung z …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • -ment — suffix forming nouns, originally from French and representing L. mentum, which was added to verb stems sometimes to represent the result or product of the action. French inserts an e between the verbal root and the suffix (e.g. commenc e ment… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Ment — Ment, p. p. of {Menge}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ment — MÉNT suf. acţiune (prin verb, substantiv sau adjectiv) . (< fr. ment, cf. lat. mente, fel) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN …   Dicționar Român

  • ment — f. et m. esprit ; pensée ; raison ; mémoire. Tenir d a ment : surveiller ; épier ; avoir à l œil …   Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu

  • -ment — [mənt, mint] [OFr < L mentum] suffix forming nouns 1. a result or product [revetment, hutment] 2. a means, agency, or instrument [escapement] 3. the act, art, or process of [impressment] 4. the state, condition, fact, or degree of being ed… …   English World dictionary

  • MENT — may refer to:* A brand name for testosterone * Myeloid and erythroid nuclear termination stage specific protein a member of the serpin family of protease inhibitors …   Wikipedia

  • ment — Mot Monosíl·lab Nom femení …   Diccionari Català-Català

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