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См. также в других словарях:

  • analytical — an|a|lyt|i|cal [ ,ænə lıtıkl ] or an|a|lyt|ic [ ,ænə lıtık ] adjective * using a method of separating things into their parts in order to examine and understand them: an analytical mind analytical skills ╾ an|a|lyt|i|cal|ly [ ,ænə lıtıkli ]… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • apolitical — a|po|lit|i|cal [ ,eıpə lıtıkl ] adjective 1. ) not interested in politics or political issues 2. ) not connected with a particular political party …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • geopolitics — ge|o|pol|i|tics [ ,dʒiou palətıks ] noun uncount the study of how a country s position, economy, and population influence its politics, especially in relation to other countries ╾ ge|o|po|lit|i|cal [ ,dʒioupə lıtıkl ] adjective …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • political — po|lit|i|cal [ pə lıtıkl ] adjective *** 1. ) relating to politics: the importance of political stability the political system in the U.S. their political leaders/opponents 2. ) interested or involved in politics: political activists (=members of …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • psychoanalysis — psy|cho|a|nal|y|sis [ ,saıkouə næləsıs ] noun uncount medical treatment in which someone talks to a psychoanalyst about their feelings in order to understand their own behavior better, or to solve their mental problems ╾ psy|cho|an|a|lyt|i|cal [ …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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