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(view etc)/en

  • 1 view

    I. 1. гледка, изглед, вид, илюстрована картичка
    2. гледане, зрително поле, кръгозор
    at one VIEW с един поглед
    in VIEW които се вижда/предвижда/предстои
    the end in VIEW целта, която се преследва
    in full VIEW of пред очите/погледа на, пред самия
    to come in VIEW of виждам, съзирам, пред очите ми се открива, бивам видян/съзрян от
    to come into VIEW появявам се, задавам се, изниквам, възниквам
    to burst on someone's VIEW изпречвам се пред (очите на) някого
    to keep in VIEW не изпyскам от очи, имам предвид
    to pass from someone's VIEW скривам се от погледа на
    3. представа, идея
    to form a clear VIEW of съставям си ясна представа за
    4. възглед, мнение, схващане, гледище (on)
    in my VIEW според мен, по мое мнение
    to take the VIEW that на мнение съм/смятам, че
    to take a dim/poor VIEW of не вярвам, че ще излезе нещо от, гледам скептично/неодобрително на
    to take the short VIEW мисля само за настоящето, проявявам късогледство
    to take the long VIEW гледам/виждам нещата в перспектива
    to meet/fall in with someone's VIEWs съгласен съм с, приемам мнението/идеите и пр. на някого
    to take a different/grave/light/sober, etc. VIEW of гледам по-иначе/сериозно/леко/трезво и пр. на
    to hold extreme VIEWs имам крайни възгледи, вземам крайни становища
    5. намерение, план, помисъл, замисъл
    in VIEW of предвид на, поради
    with a/the VIEW of, with a VIEW to c оглед на, с надежда/цел да, за да (с ger)
    6. преглед, разглеждане, обзор
    on VIEW изложен за разглеждане/на показ и пр.
    private VIEW закрита изложба (само за поканени), изложба на картини от частна колекция
    7. юр. оглед
    8. изглед, гледка, поглед
    front VIEW фасада, лице
    II. 1. гледам, разглеждам, съзерцавам
    an order to VIEW позволение за разглеждане (на обявена за продан къща и пр.)
    2. гледам на, имам отношение към, разглеждам, правя обзор на
    he VIEWs the matter in a different light той гледа на/вижда нещата по-иначе
    3. юр. правя оглед на
    4. гледам телевизия
    * * *
    {vju:} n 1. гледка, изглед, вид; илюстрована картичка; 2. гледан(2) {vju:} v 1. гледам, разглеждам; съзерцавам; an order to view по
    * * *
    съзерцавам; схващане; оглед; план; помисъл; представа; преглед; вид; възглед; разглеждане; разглеждам; гледане; гледище; гледка; гледам; замисъл; кръгозор; кроеж; намерение;
    * * *
    1. an order to view позволение за разглеждане (на обявена за продан къща и пр.) 2. at one view с един поглед 3. front view фасада, лице 4. he views the matter in a different light той гледа на/вижда нещата по-иначе 5. i. гледка, изглед, вид, илюстрована картичка 6. ii. гледам, разглеждам, съзерцавам 7. in full view of пред очите/погледа на, пред самия 8. in my view според мен, по мое мнение 9. in view of предвид на, поради 10. in view които се вижда/предвижда/предстои 11. on view изложен за разглеждане/на показ и пр 12. private view закрита изложба (само за поканени), изложба на картини от частна колекция 13. the end in view целта, която се преследва 14. to burst on someone's view изпречвам се пред (очите на) някого 15. to come in view of виждам, съзирам, пред очите ми се открива, бивам видян/съзрян от 16. to come into view появявам се, задавам се, изниквам, възниквам 17. to form a clear view of съставям си ясна представа за 18. to hold extreme views имам крайни възгледи, вземам крайни становища 19. to keep in view не изпyскам от очи, имам предвид 20. to meet/fall in with someone's views съгласен съм с, приемам мнението/идеите и пр. на някого 21. to pass from someone's view скривам се от погледа на 22. to take a different/grave/light/sober, etc. view of гледам по-иначе/сериозно/леко/трезво и пр. на 23. to take a dim/poor view of не вярвам, че ще излезе нещо от, гледам скептично/неодобрително на 24. to take the long view гледам/виждам нещата в перспектива 25. to take the short view мисля само за настоящето, проявявам късогледство 26. to take the view that на мнение съм/смятам, че 27. with a/the view of, with a view to c оглед на, с надежда/цел да, за да (с ger) 28. възглед, мнение, схващане, гледище (on) 29. гледам на, имам отношение към, разглеждам, правя обзор на 30. гледам телевизия 31. гледане, зрително поле, кръгозор 32. изглед, гледка, поглед 33. намерение, план, помисъл, замисъл 34. преглед, разглеждане, обзор 35. представа, идея 36. юр. оглед 37. юр. правя оглед на
    * * *
    view [vju:] I. n 1. гледка, изглед, вид; облик, панорама, пейзаж, картина; илюстрована картичка; \view of the sea гледка към морето; \view to the east гледка на изток; 2. гледане, зрително поле, кръгозор; at one \view с един поглед; in \view който се вижда, предстоящ; the end in \view целта, която се преследва; in \view of предвид на, поради; in full \view of пред самия; to be in \view виждам се, предстоя; to come in \view of виждам, пред очите ми се открива; бивам видян от; to come into \view появявам се, задавам се, явявам се, възниквам; to burst on s.o.'s \view изчерпвам се пред очите на; to have ( keep) in \view не си отклонявам погледа от, не изпускам от очи; имам предвид; to offer o.s. to s.o.'s \view изпречвам се пред погледа на; to pass from s.o.'s \view скривам се от погледа на; 3. представа, идея; to form a clear \view of the situation съставям си ясна представа за положението; 4. възглед, мнение, схващане, гледище (on); point of \view гледна точка, гледище; in my \view според моето мнение (мене); this is my \view of the matter това е моето мнение по въпроса; on a long \view в дългосрочна перспектива; on a short \view от гледище на най-близките, непосредствени резултати; to take a different ( favourable, grave, light, sober, etc.) \view of гледам иначе (благоприятно, сериозно, леко, трезво и пр.) на; to take an extereme \view възприемам крайно гледище, заставам на крайни позиции (of); to take the gloomy \view гледам на нещата откъм тъмната им страна; a dim ( poor) \view неодобрение, неблагоприятно мнение; a bird's eye \view птичи поглед; всеобхватен поглед; a worm's eye \view мнение на обикновен човек; ограничен поглед (of върху); 5. намерение, помисъл, замисъл, кроеж, план; with the \view of, with a \view to с оглед на; to have \views on имам планове по отношение на; will this meet your \views? отговаря ли това на твоите намерения? 6. преглед, разглеждане; to have a \view of правя преглед на, преглеждам, разглеждам; to take a general \view of правя общ преглед на; on \view изложен (на показ); private \view художествена изложба само за поканени; 7. юрид. оглед; II. v 1. гледам, разглеждам; съзерцавам; to \view a spectacle гледам зрелище; an order to \view позволение за разглеждане на къща (с оглед на купуването ѝ); 2. гледам на, имам дадено отношение към; разглеждам; he \views the matter in a different light той гледа на работата иначе (по друг начин); 3. юрид. правя оглед на; 4. разг. гледам телевизия.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > view

  • 2 view

    1. noun
    1) (range of vision) Sicht, die

    have a clear/distant view of something — etwas deutlich/in der Ferne sehen können

    be out of/in view — nicht zu sehen/zu sehen sein

    come into viewin Sicht kommen

    2) (what is seen) Aussicht, die

    the views from heredie Aussicht von hier

    3) (picture) Ansicht, die

    photographic view — Foto, das

    4) (opinion) Ansicht, die

    what is your view or are your views on this? — was meinst du dazu?

    don't you have any view[s] about it? — hast du keine Meinung dazu?

    the general/majority view is that... — die Allgemeinheit/Mehrheit ist der Ansicht, dass...

    have or hold views about or on something — eine Meinung über etwas (Akk.) haben

    hold or take the view that... — der Ansicht sein, dass...

    I take a different viewich bin anderer Ansicht

    take a critical/grave/optimistic view of something — etwas kritisch/ernst/optimistisch beurteilen


    be on view[Waren, Haus:] besichtigt werden können; [Bauplan:] [zur Einsicht] ausliegen

    in view of something(fig.) angesichts einer Sache

    with a view to or with a or the view of doing something — in der Absicht, etwas zu tun

    with a view to something(fig.) mit etwas im Auge

    with this in viewin Anbetracht dessen; see also academic.ru/56438/point">point I 1.

    6) (survey) Betrachtung, die; (of house, site) Besichtigung, die
    2. transitive verb
    1) (look at) sich (Dat.) ansehen
    2) (consider) betrachten; beurteilen [Situation, Problem]

    viewed in this light... — so gesehen...

    3) (inspect) besichtigen
    3. intransitive verb
    (Telev.) fernsehen
    * * *
    [vju:] 1. noun
    1) ((an outlook on to, or picture of) a scene: Your house has a fine view of the hills; He painted a view of the harbour.) die (An)Sicht
    2) (an opinion: Tell me your view/views on the subject.) die Ansicht
    3) (an act of seeing or inspecting: We were given a private view of the exhibition before it was opened to the public.) die Besichtigung
    2. verb
    (to look at, or regard (something): She viewed the scene with astonishment.) betrachten
    - viewer
    - viewpoint
    - in view of
    - on view
    - point of view
    * * *
    I. n
    1. no pl (sight) Sicht f
    in full \view of all the spectators vor den Augen aller Zuschauer
    to block [or obstruct] sb's \view jds Sicht behindern
    to come into \view in Sicht kommen, sichtbar werden
    to disappear from [or out of] \view [in der Ferne] verschwinden
    to hide [or shield] from \view sich akk dem Blick entziehen
    the house is hidden from \view behind a high hedge das Haus liegt den Blicken entzogen hinter einer hohen Hecke
    to keep sb/sth in \view jdn/etw im Auge behalten
    2. (panorama) [Aus]blick m, Aussicht f
    we have a clear \view of the sea wir haben freien Blick aufs Meer
    the \view from our living room over the valley is breathtaking der [Aus]blick von unserem Wohnzimmer über das Tal ist atemberaubend
    he paints rural \views er malt ländliche Motive
    he lifted his daughter up so that she could get a better \view er hob seine Tochter hoch, sodass sie besser sehen konnte
    to have a bird's-eye \view of sth etw aus der Vogelperspektive sehen
    panoramic \view Panoramablick m
    to afford a \view einen Blick [o eine Aussicht] bieten
    3. (opportunity to observe) Besichtigung f
    4. no pl (for observation)
    to be on \view works of art ausgestellt werden
    to be on \view to the public der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich sein
    5. (opinion) Ansicht f, Meinung f (about/on über + akk)
    in sb's \view nach jds Einschätzung
    what are your \views on this issue? was meinen Sie zu dieser Frage?
    it's my \view that the price is much too high meiner Meinung nach ist der Preis viel zu hoch
    exchange of \views Meinungsaustausch m
    \view of the market Markteinschätzung f
    point of \view Gesichtspunkt m, Standpunkt m
    from my point of \view... meiner Meinung nach...
    world \view Weltanschauung f
    conflicting \views widersprüchliche Meinungen
    jaundiced/prevailing \view zynische/vorherrschende Meinung
    there is a prevailing \view that... es herrscht die Ansicht, dass...
    to air one's \views seine Ansichten darlegen
    to echo [or endorse] a \view sich akk einer Meinung anschließen
    to express a \view eine Meinung ausdrücken [o zum Ausdruck bringen]
    to have [or take] a \view eine Meinung vertreten
    to have an optimistic \view of life eine optimistische Lebenseinstellung haben
    to take a dim [or poor] \view of sth nicht viel von etw dat halten
    to have [or hold] [or take] the \view that... der Meinung sein, dass...
    to have [or hold] \views about [or on] sb/sth Ansichten über jdn/etw haben
    to hold strong \views about sth über etw akk strenge Ansichten haben
    to make a \view known eine Ansicht mitteilen
    to share a \view gleicher Meinung sein, eine Ansicht teilen
    this \view is not widely shared diese Ansicht wird nicht von vielen geteilt
    in sb's \view jds Ansicht nach
    6. ( fig: perspective) Ansicht f
    from the money point of \view, the plan is very attractive but from the work point of \view, it's a disaster vom Finanziellen her gesehen ist der Plan sehr verlockend, aber von der Arbeit her ist er eine Katastrophe
    we take a very serious \view of the situation wir nehmen die Situation sehr ernst
    to take a long-/short-term \view eine langfristige/vorläufige Perspektive einnehmen
    to take an overall \view of sth etw von allen Seiten betrachten
    in \view of sth angesichts [o in Anbetracht] einer S. gen
    with a \view to doing sth mit der Absicht, etw zu tun
    7. (idea) Vorstellung f
    have you anything in \view for when you leave college? hast du [schon] irgendeine Idee, was du machen willst, wenn du vom College abgehst?
    II. vt
    1. (watch)
    to \view sth [from sth] etw [von etw dat aus] betrachten; (as a spectator) etw dat [von etw dat aus] zusehen [ o bes SÜDD, ÖSTERR, SCHWEIZ zuschauen
    2. ( fig: consider)
    to \view sb/sth [as sb/sth] jdn/etw [als jdn/etw] betrachten
    we \view the situation with concern wir betrachten die Lage mit Besorgnis
    to \view sth from a different angle etw aus einem anderen Blickwinkel betrachten
    to \view sth sich dat etw ansehen
    to \view a flat/a house eine Wohnung/ein Haus besichtigen
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (= range of vision) Sicht f

    the ship came into view —

    the cameraman had a job keeping the plane in view — der Kameramann fand es schwierig, das Flugzeug zu verfolgen

    to go out of view — außer Sicht kommen, verschwinden

    the house is within view of the sea —

    hidden from view — verborgen, versteckt

    on view (for purchasing) — zur Ansicht; (of exhibits) ausgestellt

    2) (= prospect, sight) Aussicht f

    there is a splendid view from here/from the top — von hier/von der Spitze hat man einen herrlichen Blick or eine wunderschöne Aussicht

    a view over... — ein Blick m über... (acc)

    he stood up to get a better viewer stand auf, um besser sehen zu können

    3) (= photograph etc) Ansicht f (ALSO COMPUT)

    views of LondonAnsichten pl or Stadtbilder pl von London

    4) (= opinion) Ansicht f, Meinung f

    to take the view that... — die Ansicht vertreten, dass...

    → point

    (= mental survey) an idealistic view of the world — eine idealistische Welt(an)sicht

    a general or overall view of a problem —

    in view ofwegen (+gen), angesichts (+gen)

    at first view —

    we must not lose from view the fact that... I'll keep it in view — wir dürfen die Tatsache nicht aus dem Auge verlieren, dass... ich werde es im Auge behalten

    6) (= intention, plan) Absicht f

    with a view to doing sth — mit der Absicht, etw zu tun

    he has the weekend in view when he says... — er denkt an das Wochenende, wenn er sagt...

    2. vt
    1) (= see) betrachten
    2) (= examine) house besichtigen
    3) (= consider) problem etc sehen
    4) (COMPUT: command) anzeigen
    3. vi
    (= watch television) fernsehen
    * * *
    view [vjuː]
    A v/t
    1. obs sehen, erblicken
    2. (sich) etwas ansehen, besichtigen, in Augenschein nehmen:
    view a flat eine Wohnung besichtigen
    3. prüfen, untersuchen ( beide auch JUR)
    4. fig (an)sehen, auffassen, betrachten, beurteilen ( alle:
    as als)
    B v/i fernsehen
    C s
    1. Besichtigung f, Inaugenscheinnahme f:
    at first view auf den ersten Blick;
    on nearer view bei näherer Betrachtung;
    be plain to (the) view gut sichtbar sein
    2. Prüfung f, Untersuchung f ( auch JUR)
    3. Sicht f (auch fig):
    a) in Sicht, sichtbar,
    b) fig in (Aus)Sicht;
    in view of fig im Hinblick auf (akk), in Anbetracht oder angesichts (gen);
    in full view of direkt vor jemandes Augen;
    get a full view of etwas ganz zu sehen bekommen;
    on view zu besichtigen(d), ausgestellt;
    on the long view fig auf weite Sicht;
    out of view außer Sicht, nicht mehr zu sehen;
    come in view in Sicht kommen, sichtbar werden;
    have in view fig im Auge haben, denken an (akk), beabsichtigen;
    keep sth in view fig etwas im Auge behalten;
    lose view of aus den Augen verlieren;
    there is no view of success es besteht keine Aussicht auf Erfolg
    4. a) (Aus)Sicht f, (Aus-)Blick m (of, over auf akk):
    there is a grand view of the mountains from here von hier hat man einen herrlichen Blick auf die Berge
    b) Szenerie f, Blick m
    5. MAL, FOTO Ansicht f, Bild n:
    6. (kritischer) Überblick (of über akk)
    7. Absicht f:
    a) mit oder in der Absicht ( doing zu tun), zu dem Zwecke (gen), um zu (inf),
    b) im Hinblick auf (akk)
    8. (of, on) Ansicht f, Meinung f, Urteil n (von, über akk), Auffassung f (von):
    view of life Lebensanschauung f;
    in my view in meinen Augen, meines Erachtens;
    what is your view on …? was halten Sie von …?, wie beurteilen Sie …?;
    be of ( oder take) the view that … der Ansicht sein oder die Ansicht vertreten, dass …;
    it is my view that … ich bin der Ansicht, dass …;
    be of the same view der gleichen Ansicht sein;
    form a view on sich ein Urteil bilden über (akk);
    hold extreme views extreme Ansichten vertreten;
    take a bright (dim, grave, strong) view of etwas optimistisch (pessimistisch, ernst, hart) beurteilen
    9. Vorführung f:
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (range of vision) Sicht, die

    have a clear/distant view of something — etwas deutlich/in der Ferne sehen können

    be out of/in view — nicht zu sehen/zu sehen sein

    2) (what is seen) Aussicht, die
    3) (picture) Ansicht, die

    photographic view — Foto, das

    4) (opinion) Ansicht, die

    what is your view or are your views on this? — was meinst du dazu?

    don't you have any view[s] about it? — hast du keine Meinung dazu?

    the general/majority view is that... — die Allgemeinheit/Mehrheit ist der Ansicht, dass...

    have or hold views about or on something — eine Meinung über etwas (Akk.) haben

    hold or take the view that... — der Ansicht sein, dass...

    take a critical/grave/optimistic view of something — etwas kritisch/ernst/optimistisch beurteilen


    be on view[Waren, Haus:] besichtigt werden können; [Bauplan:] [zur Einsicht] ausliegen

    in view of something(fig.) angesichts einer Sache

    with a view to or with a or the view of doing something — in der Absicht, etwas zu tun

    with a view to something(fig.) mit etwas im Auge

    with this in view — in Anbetracht dessen; see also point I 1.

    6) (survey) Betrachtung, die; (of house, site) Besichtigung, die
    2. transitive verb
    1) (look at) sich (Dat.) ansehen
    2) (consider) betrachten; beurteilen [Situation, Problem]

    viewed in this light... — so gesehen...

    3) (inspect) besichtigen

    ask to view something — darum bitten, etwas besichtigen zu dürfen

    3. intransitive verb
    (Telev.) fernsehen
    * * *
    betrachten v.
    prüfen v.
    sehen v.
    (§ p.,pp.: sah, gesehen) (in regard to) n.
    Hinblick -e m. (of) n.
    Betrachtungsweise f. n.
    Anblick -e m.
    Anschauung f.
    Ansicht -en f.
    Auffassung f.
    Aussicht -en f.
    Betrachtung f.
    Blick -e m.

    English-german dictionary > view

  • 3 view

    مَنْظَر \ outlook: view: the outlook from my window. scene: a view; what one sees in a view: Spring flowers in the garden make a pretty scene, one of the shorter divisions of a play Hamlet is killed in Scene 2 of Act 5 of the play. scenery: the general look of the countryside (of its hills, woods, etc.): mountain scenery; desert scenery. sight: sth. that is seen, or is worth seeing: The spring flowers in the public gardens are a wonderful sight. We are going to Rome to see the sights. spectacle: a sight; a show: a shameful spectacle; a splendid spectacle. view: a sight: From my window I had a view of the coast. The house came into view as we turned the corner. \ See Also مَشْهَد (من مسرحيّة)، فرجة (فُرْجَة)، مرأى (مَرْأى)، شيءٌ حَرِيٌّ بالنظر

    Arabic-English glossary > view

  • 4 view, to

    (dead body, etc)

    English-French legislative terms > view, to

  • 5 point of view

    (a way or manner of looking at a subject, matter etc: You must consider everyone's point of view before deciding.) synspunkt
    * * *
    (a way or manner of looking at a subject, matter etc: You must consider everyone's point of view before deciding.) synspunkt

    English-Danish dictionary > point of view

  • 6 point of view

    (a way or manner of looking at a subject, matter etc: You must consider everyone's point of view before deciding.) punto de vista
    point of view n punto de vista
    punto de vista
    : perspectiva f, punto m de vista
    noun (pl points point) punto m de vista
    * * *
    noun (pl points point) punto m de vista

    English-spanish dictionary > point of view

  • 7 point of view

    (a way or manner of looking at a subject, matter etc: You must consider everyone's point of view before deciding.) der Standpunkt
    * * *
    <pl points of view>
    n Ansicht f, Einstellung f, Perspektive f
    try and look at the situation from her \point of view versuche, die Situation aus ihrer Sicht zu betrachten
    from a student's \point of view aus studentischer Sicht
    from a purely practical \point of view rein praktisch betrachtet
    * * *
    Anschauungsweise f.
    Einstellung f.
    Gesichtspunkt m.
    Hinsicht -en f.
    Perspektive f.
    Standpunkt m.

    English-german dictionary > point of view

  • 8 point of view

    (a way or manner of looking at a subject, matter etc: You must consider everyone's point of view before deciding.) ponto de vista
    * * *
    point of view
    a) ponto de vista. b) opinião.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > point of view

  • 9 point of view

    punkt m widzenia
    * * *
    (a way or manner of looking at a subject, matter etc: You must consider everyone's point of view before deciding.) punkt widzenia

    English-Polish dictionary > point of view

  • 10 point of view

    (a way or manner of looking at a subject, matter etc: You must consider everyone's point of view before deciding.) sjónarhorn

    English-Icelandic dictionary > point of view

  • 11 point of view

    (a way or manner of looking at a subject, matter etc: You must consider everyone's point of view before deciding.) szempont

    English-Hungarian dictionary > point of view

  • 12 point of view

    * * *
    görüş açısı
    * * *
    (a way or manner of looking at a subject, matter etc: You must consider everyone's point of view before deciding.) görüş/bakış açısı

    English-Turkish dictionary > point of view

  • 13 point of view

    (a way or manner of looking at a subject, matter etc: You must consider everyone's point of view before deciding.) vidik

    English-Slovenian dictionary > point of view

  • 14 point of view

    • näkökohta
    • näkökulma
    • näkemys
    • näkökanta
    • ajatuskanta
    • ajattelutapa
    • asenne
    • katsantokanta
    • katsomus
    • kanta
    • mielipide
    • suhtautumistapa
    • suhtautuminen
    • käsityskanta
    • käsitys
    * * *
    (a way or manner of looking at a subject, matter etc: You must consider everyone's point of view before deciding.) näkökanta

    English-Finnish dictionary > point of view

  • 15 point of view

    (a way or manner of looking at a subject, matter etc: You must consider everyone's point of view before deciding.) syn(spunkt)

    English-Norwegian dictionary > point of view

  • 16 point of view

    nome punto m. di vista
    * * *
    (a way or manner of looking at a subject, matter etc: You must consider everyone's point of view before deciding.) punto di vista
    * * *
    nome punto m. di vista

    English-Italian dictionary > point of view

  • 17 point of view

    (a way or manner of looking at a subject, matter etc: You must consider everyone's point of view before deciding.) viedoklis; uzskats
    * * *
    uzskats, viedoklis

    English-Latvian dictionary > point of view

  • 18 point of view

    (a way or manner of looking at a subject, matter etc: You must consider everyone's point of view before deciding.) nuomonė, požiūris

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > point of view

  • 19 point of view

    * * *
    (a way or manner of looking at a subject, matter etc: You must consider everyone's point of view before deciding.) synpunkt, synvinkel, ståndpunkt

    English-Swedish dictionary > point of view

  • 20 point of view

    (a way or manner of looking at a subject, matter etc: You must consider everyone's point of view before deciding.) hledisko
    * * *
    • úhel pohledu

    English-Czech dictionary > point of view

См. также в других словарях:

  • view — view1 W1S1 [vju:] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(opinion)¦ 2¦(way of considering)¦ 3¦(sight)¦ 4¦(scenery)¦ 5¦(picture)¦ 6¦(chance to see something)¦ 7 in view of something 8 with a view to (doing) something 9 in view 10 take the lon …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • view — 1 /vju:/ noun 1 OPINION (C) what you think or believe about something (+ on/about): We d like to find out young people s views on religion. | in my/your etc view (=I, you etc think): In my view, what this country needs is a change of government.… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • View camera — The view camera is a type of camera first developed in the era of the DaguerreotypeStroebel, L. D. (1986). View Camera Technique , 5th ed., p. 212. Boston: Focal Press. ISBN 0 240 51711 3] and still in use today, though with many refinements. It… …   Wikipedia

  • view — n. & v. n. 1 range of vision; extent of visibility (came into view; in full view of the crowd). 2 a what is seen from a particular point; a scene or prospect (a fine view of the downs; a room with a view). b a picture etc. representing this. 3 an …   Useful english dictionary

  • view — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 opinion/idea about sth ADJECTIVE ▪ current, prevailing ▪ general, popular, widely held ▪ The prevailing view is that he has done a good job in difficult circumstances …   Collocations dictionary

  • view — view1 [ vju ] noun *** 1. ) count or uncount the ability to see something from a particular place: view of: We had a fantastic view of the mountains from our room. block someone s view: The new highrise is going to block our view. in view (=close …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • view */*/*/ — I UK [vjuː] / US [vju] noun Word forms view : singular view plural views 1) a) [countable] a personal opinion, belief, or attitude about a particular situation or subject view on: Jill and I have somewhat different views on the election. view… …   English dictionary

  • View (database) — In database theory, a view consists of a stored query accessible as a virtual table in a relational database or a set of documents in a document oriented database composed of the result set of a query or map and reduce functions. Unlike ordinary… …   Wikipedia

  • View (Datenbank) — Eine View (deutsch Sicht) ist eine logische Relation (auch virtuelle Relation oder virtuelle Tabelle) in einem Datenbanksystem. Diese logische Relation wird über eine im Datenbankmanagementsystem (DBMS) gespeicherte Abfrage definiert. Der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • view — /vyooh/, n. 1. an instance of seeing or beholding; visual inspection. 2. sight; vision. 3. range of sight or vision: Several running deer came into the view of the hunters. 4. a sight or prospect of a landscape, the sea, etc.: His apartment… …   Universalium

  • view — [[t]vyu[/t]] n. 1) an instance of seeing or beholding; visual inspection 2) sight or vision 3) range of sight or vision: objects in view[/ex] 4) a sight or prospect of a landscape, the sea, etc 5) a picture or photograph of a scene 6) a… …   From formal English to slang

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