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  • 1 under

    1. preposition
    1) (in or to a position lower than, or covered by: Your pencil is under the chair; Strange plants grow under the sea.) pod
    2) (less than, or lower in rank than: Children under five should not cross the street alone; You can do the job in under an hour.) pod; do
    3) (subject to the authority of: As a foreman, he has about fifty workers under him.) pod
    4) (used to express various states: The fort was under attack; The business improved under the new management; The matter is under consideration/discussion.) pod, v
    2. adverb
    (in or to a lower position, rank etc: The swimmer surfaced and went under again; children aged seven and under.) dolu, menej
    * * *
    • za
    • stlmený
    • spodný
    • pri
    • dolný
    • dolu
    • pod
    • pod hladinou
    • podriadený
    • potlacený
    • kratší
    • menší
    • na úpätí
    • menej ako
    • nižší

    English-Slovak dictionary > under

  • 2 submarine

    1. noun
    (( abbreviation sub) a ship that can travel under the surface of the sea.) ponorka
    2. adjective
    (existing, or intended for use etc, under the surface of the sea: submarine vegetation.) podmorský
    * * *
    • zaútocit ponorkou
    • torpédovat
    • podmorský cln
    • podmorský
    • ponorný cln
    • ponorkový
    • ponorka

    English-Slovak dictionary > submarine

  • 3 bank

    I 1. [bæŋk] noun
    1) (a mound or ridge (of earth etc): The child climbed the bank to pick flowers.) svah
    2) (the ground at the edge of a river, lake etc: The river overflowed its banks.) breh
    3) (a raised area of sand under the sea: a sand-bank.) plytčina
    2. verb
    1) ((often with up) to form into a bank or banks: The earth was banked up against the wall of the house.) naviesť
    2) (to tilt (an aircraft etc) while turning: The plane banked steeply.) nakloniť sa
    II 1. [bæŋk] noun
    1) (a place where money is lent or exchanged, or put for safety and/or to acquire interest: He has plenty of money in the bank; I must go to the bank today.) banka
    2) (a place for storing other valuable material: A blood bank.) banka
    2. verb
    (to put into a bank: He banks his wages every week.) uložiť do banky
    - bank book
    - banker's card
    - bank holiday
    - bank-note
    - bank on
    III [bæŋk] noun
    (a collection of rows (of instruments etc): The modern pilot has banks of instruments.) rad
    * * *
    • banka
    • breh
    • rozsah
    • násyp

    English-Slovak dictionary > bank

  • 4 bury

    1) (to place (a dead body) in a grave, the sea etc.) pochovať
    2) (to hide (under the ground etc): My socks are buried somewhere in this drawer.) zahrabať
    - bury the hatchet
    * * *
    • zahrabat
    • zakopat
    • pochovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > bury

  • 5 occur

    past tense, past participle - occurred; verb
    1) (to take place: The accident occurred yesterday morning.) stať sa
    2) ((with to) to come into one's mind: An idea occurred to him; It occurred to me to visit my parents.) napadnúť (koho)
    3) (to be found: Oil occurs under the sea.) vyskytovať sa
    * * *
    • vyskytovat sa
    • vyskytnút sa
    • stat sa
    • udiat sa
    • prichádzat
    • príst na mysel
    • príst
    • prihodit sa
    • nachádzat sa
    • nastávat
    • napadnút
    • nastat
    • objavovat sa

    English-Slovak dictionary > occur

  • 6 periscope

    (a tube containing mirrors, through which a person can look in order to see things which cannot be seen from the position the person is in, especially one used in submarines when under water to allow a person to see what is happening on the surface of the sea.) periskop
    * * *
    • periskop

    English-Slovak dictionary > periscope

  • 7 reclaim

    1) (to ask for (something one owns which has been lost, stolen etc and found by someone else): A wallet has been found and can be reclaimed at the manager's office.) žiadať späť
    2) (to make (wasteland) fit for use; to get back (land) from under the sea etc by draining etc.) kultivovať, obrábať
    * * *
    • vymáhat
    • vyviest
    • vysúšat
    • vyrvat prírode
    • vychovat
    • zavlažovat
    • zavodnovat
    • žiadat k navráteniu
    • zdomácnit
    • žiadat spät
    • získat spät
    • skultivovat
    • skrotit
    • spracovávat odpad
    • civilizovat
    • reklamovat
    • regenerovat
    • protestovat
    • požadovat spät
    • polepšit
    • kultivovat (pôdu)
    • napravit
    • nenapravitelný
    • nezlepšitelný
    • namietat
    • odvodnovat
    • opät získat
    • odvrátit
    • obrábat (pôdu)
    • obrátit

    English-Slovak dictionary > reclaim

  • 8 weather

    ['weƟə] 1. noun
    (conditions in the atmosphere, especially as regards heat or cold, wind, rain, snow etc: The weather is too hot for me; stormy weather; ( also adjective) a weather chart/report, the weather forecast.) počasie
    2. verb
    1) (to affect or be affected by exposure to the air, resulting in drying, change of colour, shape etc: The wind and sea have weathered the rocks quite smooth.) zvetrať
    2) (to survive safely: The ship weathered the storm although she was badly damaged.) prežiť, prekonať
    - weathercock
    - weathervane
    - weatherperson
    - make heavy weather of
    - under the weather
    * * *
    • zvetrat
    • prežit
    • prestát
    • rozkladat sa
    • ošlahat
    • pocasie
    • otužit
    • otužovat
    • povetrie
    • odolat
    • oboplávat
    • obstát

    English-Slovak dictionary > weather

  • 9 continental shelf

    noun (the part of a continent that is under a relatively shallow sea.) šelf, okraj kontinentu zaplavený morom

    English-Slovak dictionary > continental shelf

  • 10 depths

    noun plural (a part far under the surface or in the middle of something: the depths of the sea; the depths of winter.) hlbina; uprostred

    English-Slovak dictionary > depths

  • 11 natural gas

    (gas suitable for burning, found underground or under the sea.) zemný plyn

    English-Slovak dictionary > natural gas

См. также в других словарях:

  • under-sea — …   Useful english dictionary

  • sea grape — noun 1. a. : gulfweed b. : a tree or shrub of the genus Coccoloba; especially : a variable plant (C. uvifera) of sandy shores of Florida and tropical America having rounded leaves with cordate bases and bearing clusters of bluish edible berries …   Useful english dictionary

  • Under The Sea — «Under The Sea» Canción de Samuel E. Wright Álbum The Little Mermaid Publicación 1988 Género …   Wikipedia Español

  • Under the Iron Sea — Студийный альбом Keane Дата выпуска 12 июня, 2006 Записан …   Википедия

  • Under the Iron Sea Tour — Мировой тур Keane К альбому Under the Iron Sea Начало тура 16 мая 2006 Конец тура 4 августа 2007 Концерты 91 39 в Европе (21 в Великобритании, по 5 в Германии и Нидерландах, по 4 в Испании и Франции, по 3 в Бельгии, Уэльсе и Шотландии, по 2 в… …   Википедия

  • Sea Patrol (season 1) — Sea Patrol Season 1 DVD cover Country of origin …   Wikipedia

  • Sea of Azov — at Novaya Yalta, Donetsk Oblast …   Wikipedia

  • Under The Iron Sea — álbum de Keane Publicación 12 de junio de 2006 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Under the Iron Sea (DVD) — DVD de Keane Publicación 12 de Junio de 2006 Grabación Helioscentric Studios, Magic Shop Studios, Various film sets Género …   Wikipedia Español

  • Sea Frontier — Sea Frontiers were established by the United States Navy from 1 July 1941 during World War II as areas of defense against enemy vessels, especially submarines, along the American coasts. Sea Frontiers generally started at the shore of the United… …   Wikipedia

  • Under The Iron Sea — (2006) Album par Keane Sortie 12 juin 2006 (UK) 20 juin 2006 (Canada et ÉU) Durée 50:25 Genre(s) …   Wikipédia en Français

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