Перевод: со всех языков на венгерский

с венгерского на все языки


  • 21 common

    útszéli, hivatásos, barátságos, közösségi, átlagos
    * * *
    ['komən] 1. adjective
    1) (seen or happening often; quite normal or usual: a common occurrence; These birds are not so common nowadays.) közönséges
    2) (belonging equally to, or shared by, more than one: This knowledge is common to all of us; We share a common language.) közös
    3) (publicly owned: common property.) közös
    4) (coarse or impolite: She uses some very common expressions.) ordenáré
    5) (of ordinary, not high, social rank: the common people.) átlagos
    6) (of a noun, not beginning with a capital letter (except at the beginning of a sentence): The house is empty.) köznév
    2. noun
    ((a piece of) public land for everyone to use, with few or no buildings: the village common.) közlegelő
    - common knowledge
    - common law
    - common-law
    - commonplace
    - common-room
    - common sense
    - the Common Market
    - the House of Commons
    - the Commons
    - in common

    English-Hungarian dictionary > common

  • 22 complement

    teljes létszám, teljes mennyiség, kiegészítés to complement: pótol, kipótol
    * * *
    ['kompləmənt] 1. noun
    1) (in a sentence, the words of the predicate, not including the verb.) állítmánykiegészítő
    2) ((something added to make) a complete number or amount.) teljes szám
    2. verb
    (to complete, fill up.) kiegészít

    English-Hungarian dictionary > complement

  • 23 condemn

    megbélyegez, elítél
    * * *
    1) (to criticize as morally wrong or evil: Everyone condemned her for being cruel to her child.) megbélyegez, elítél
    2) (to sentence to (a punishment): She was condemned to death.) (el)ítél
    3) (to declare (a building) to be unfit to use: These houses have been condemned.) szanál
    - condemned cell

    English-Hungarian dictionary > condemn

  • 24 condemned cell

    (a cell for a prisoner under sentence of death.) siralomház

    English-Hungarian dictionary > condemned cell

  • 25 construct

    (to build; to put together: They are planning to construct a new supermarket near our house; Construct a sentence containing `although'.) (meg-, fel)épít
    - constructive
    - constructively
    - constructor
    - construction site
    - construction worker

    English-Hungarian dictionary > construct

  • 26 convict

    * * *
    1. [kən'vikt] verb
    (to prove or declare (someone) guilty: She was convicted of theft.) elítél
    2. ['konvikt] noun
    (a person serving a sentence for a crime: Two of the convicts have escaped from prison.) elítélt

    English-Hungarian dictionary > convict

  • 27 conviction

    elítélés, meggyőzés, meggyőződés, rábizonyítás
    * * *
    1) (the passing of a sentence on a guilty person: She has had two convictions for drunken driving.) ítélet
    2) ((a) strong belief: It's my conviction that he's right.) meggyőződés

    English-Hungarian dictionary > conviction

  • 28 damn

    káromkodás, átok, francos, fránya, rohadt to damn: átkoz, lehúz (irodalmi művet), elítél, elátkoz
    * * *
    [dæm] 1. verb
    1) (to sentence to unending punishment in hell: His soul is damned.) (el)átkoz
    2) (to cause to be condemned as bad, unacceptable etc: That film was damned by the critics.) elítél, lehúz
    2. interjection
    (expressing anger, irritation etc: Damn! I've forgotten my purse.) a fene egye meg!
    3. noun
    (something unimportant or of no value: It's not worth a damn; I don't give a damn! (= I don't care in the least).) fütyülök rá
    - damning

    English-Hungarian dictionary > damn

  • 29 dash

    borravaló, vonás, megvesztegetés, nekilendülés to dash: fröcsköl, befröcsköl, elegyít, hozzákever, robog
    * * *
    [dæʃ] 1. verb
    1) (to move with speed and violence: A man dashed into a shop.) beront vhová
    2) (to knock, throw etc violently, especially so as to break: He dashed the bottle to pieces against the wall.) nekivág (vmit vminek)
    3) (to bring down suddenly and violently or to make very depressed: Our hopes were dashed.) összetör
    2. noun
    1) (a sudden rush or movement: The child made a dash for the door.) vmi után veti magát
    2) (a small amount of something, especially liquid: whisky with a dash of soda.) egy (pár) csepp(nyi)
    3) ((in writing) a short line (-) to show a break in a sentence etc.) gondolatjel
    4) (energy and enthusiasm: All his activities showed the same dash and spirit.) lendület
    - dash off

    English-Hungarian dictionary > dash

  • 30 emphasise

    * * *
    verb (to lay or put emphasis on: You emphasize the word `too' in the sentence `Are you going too?'; He emphasized the importance of working hard.) (ki)hangsúlyoz

    English-Hungarian dictionary > emphasise

  • 31 emphasize

    aláhúz, hangsúlyoz
    * * *
    verb (to lay or put emphasis on: You emphasize the word `too' in the sentence `Are you going too?'; He emphasized the importance of working hard.) (ki)hangsúlyoz

    English-Hungarian dictionary > emphasize

  • 32 full stop

    (a written or printed point (.) marking the end of a sentence; a period.) pont (mondat végén)

    English-Hungarian dictionary > full stop

  • 33 grammatical

    1) ((negative ungrammatical) correct according to the rules of grammar: a grammatical sentence.) nyelvtanilag helyes
    2) (of (a) grammar: a grammatical rule.) nyelvtani

    English-Hungarian dictionary > grammatical

  • 34 imperative

    felszólító mód, ellentmondást nem tűrő, parancsoló
    * * *
    [im'perətiv] 1. noun, adjective
    1) (used of verbs that are expressing a command: In the sentence `Come here!', `come' is an imperative (verb).)
    2) (absolutely necessary: It is imperative that we take immediate action to reduce pollution.)
    2. noun
    In `Sit down!' the verb is in the imperative.) felszólító mód

    English-Hungarian dictionary > imperative

  • 35 impersonal

    1) (not showing, or being affected by, personal feelings: His manner was formal and impersonal.) személytelen
    2) ((of a verb) having a subject which does not refer to a person, thing etc: In the sentence `It snowed last night', `snowed' is an example of an impersonal verb.) személytelen (ige)
    - impersonality

    English-Hungarian dictionary > impersonal

  • 36 indirect object

    (the word in a sentence which stands for the person or thing to or for whom something is given, done etc: In `Give me the book', `Tell the children a story', `Boil John an egg', me, the children and John are indirect objects.) részeshatározó

    English-Hungarian dictionary > indirect object

  • 37 infinitive

    (the part of the verb used in English with or without to, that expresses an action but has no subject: The sentence `You need not stay if you want to go' contains two infinitives, stay and go.) főnévi igenév

    English-Hungarian dictionary > infinitive

  • 38 leave out

    (not to include or put in: You've left out a word in that sentence.) kihagy

    English-Hungarian dictionary > leave out

  • 39 magistrate

    * * *
    (a person who has power to put the laws into force and sentence those guilty of lesser crimes.) rendőrbíró

    English-Hungarian dictionary > magistrate

  • 40 mild

    enyhe, kedves, könnyű, jóindulatú
    * * *
    1) ((of a person or his personality) gentle in temper or behaviour: such a mild man.) szelíd
    2) ((of punishment etc) not severe: a mild sentence.) mérsékelt
    3) ((of weather especially if not in summer) not cold; rather warm: a mild spring day.) enyhe
    4) ((of spices, spiced foods etc) not hot: a mild curry.) enyhe
    - mildness

    English-Hungarian dictionary > mild

См. также в других словарях:

  • sentence — sen·tence 1 / sent əns, ənz/ n [Old French, opinion, judicial sentence, from Latin sententia, ultimately from sentire to feel, think, express an opinion] 1: a judgment formally pronouncing the punishment to be inflicted on one convicted of a… …   Law dictionary

  • sentence — [ sɑ̃tɑ̃s ] n. f. • 1190; lat. sententia, de sentire « juger » 1 ♦ Décision rendue par un juge ou un arbitre. Prononcer, rendre, exécuter une sentence. ⇒ arrêt, décret, jugement, verdict. « sous le coup d un arrêt de mort, entre la sentence et l… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • sentence — de juge, Iudicium. Une sentence et jugement de laquelle le peuple a esté mal content, Iudicium inuidiosum. Bailler sentence, Pronuntiare. Donner quelque sentence ou appoinctement contre aucun, Decernere aliquid contra rem alicuius. On a donné… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • sentence — Sentence. s. f. Dit memorable, Apophtegme, maxime qui renferme un grand sens, une belle moralité. Les Proverbes de Salomon sont autant de Sentences admirables. un discours plein de Sentences. le Style de Seneque est rempli de Sentences. une des… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Sentence — Sen tence, n. [F., from L. sententia, for sentientia, from sentire to discern by the senses and the mind, to feel, to think. See {Sense}, n., and cf. {Sentiensi}.] 1. Sense; meaning; significance. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Tales of best sentence and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sentence — • In canon law, the decision of the court upon any issue brought before it Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Sentence     Sentence      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • sentence — 1. Many users of this book will have been taught that a sentence is a group of words that makes complete sense, contains a main verb, and when written begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop (or a question mark if it is a question… …   Modern English usage

  • Sentence — or sentencing may refer to:* Sentence (linguistics), a grammatical unit of language * Sentence (mathematical logic), a formula with no free variables * Sentence (music), the smallest period in a musical composition * Sentence (law), the final act …   Wikipedia

  • sentence — vb Sentence, condemn, damn, doom, proscribe can all mean to decree the fate or punishment of a person or sometimes a thing that has been adjudged guilty, unworthy, or unfit. Sentence is used in reference to the determination and pronouncement of… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • sentence — [sent′ ns] n. [OFr < L sententia, way of thinking, opinion, sentiment, prob. for sentientia < sentiens, prp. of sentire, to feel, SENSE] 1. a) a decision or judgment, as of a court; esp., the determination by a court of the punishment of a… …   English World dictionary

  • Sentence — Sen tence, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Sentenced}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Sentencing}.] 1. To pass or pronounce judgment upon; to doom; to condemn to punishment; to prescribe the punishment of. [1913 Webster] Nature herself is sentenced in your doom. Dryden.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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