Перевод: со всех языков на язык хинди

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  • 1 composer

    1. रचयिता
    Beethoven was a great composer.

    English-Hindi dictionary > composer

  • 2 composer

    रचयिता, ग्रन्थकर्ता

    English-Hindi new dictionary > composer

  • 3 fuse

    1. पलीता
    The police removed the fuse of the bomb to avoid explosion.
    Fuse is used for using electricity safely.
    1. मिलाना
    He is a composer who fuses carnatic music with western music.
    2. गलना
    The electrician fused two pieces of wire together.
    3. मिलाना
    The chemists can fuse two metals to make alloy.
    1. पलीते\fuseका\fuseगलना
    All the lights have fused.

    English-Hindi dictionary > fuse

См. также в других словарях:

  • composer — [ kɔ̃poze ] v. <conjug. : 1> • XIIe; lat. componere, d apr. poser I ♦ V. tr. 1 ♦ (1559) Former par l assemblage, la combinaison de parties. ⇒ agencer, arranger, assembler, disposer, organiser. Composer un parfum. ⇒ confectionner, préparer.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • composer — COMPOSER. v. act. Former, faire un tout de l assemblage de plusieurs parties. Dieu a composé l homme d un corps et d une âme. Toutes les pièces qui composent cette machine. Les Apothicaires et les Chimistes composent leurs remèdes de plusicurs… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • composer — Composer. v. a. Former, faire un tout de l assemblage de plusieurs parties. Dieu a composé l homme d un corps & d une ame. l Univers est composé de differentes parties. toutes les pieces qui composent cette machine. les Apoticaires & les… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • composer — Composer, act. acut. Digerer par ordre quelque matiere, soit de nostre invention, soit sur celle d autruy, Conscribere, Componere. Composer quelque livre, Librum scribere, Conscribere, Componere. Composer et escrire des vers, Condere carmen,… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • Composer — (englisch für „Komponist“) steht für: kurz für IBM Selectric Composer (1966–1978), eine Reihe von in der Drucktechnik verwendeten Schreibmaschinen, die das Setzen im Blocksatz ermöglichten (siehe auch en) den HTML Editor Netscape Composer, einen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Composer — Com*pos er, n. 1. One who composes; an author. Specifically, an author of a piece of music. [1913 Webster] If the thoughts of such authors have nothing in them, they at least . . . show an honest industry and a good intention in the composer.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Composer 669 — was the first (December 1992) 8 channel PCM tracker released for the PC. It produced .669 format module files and was created by Thomas Tran Pytel of the pioneering U.S. based demogroup Renaissance. It was a short lived tracker and was supplanted …   Wikipedia

  • Composer (disambiguation) — Composer may be a reference to: Composer, one who writes music Mozilla Composer, a component of the Mozilla Web browser See also Compose Key This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an …   Wikipedia

  • composer — index architect, author (originator) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • composer of a literary work — index author (writer) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Composer deux mouvements — ● Composer deux mouvements déterminer le mouvement d un mobile par rapport à un référentiel R, connaissant son mouvement par rapport à un autre référentiel R′, ainsi que le mouvement de R′ par rapport à R …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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