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См. также в других словарях:

  • Prognathism — Classification and external resources ICD 10 K07.1 I …   Wikipedia

  • Prognathism — Prog na*thism, n. (Anat.) Projection of the jaws. {Prog na*thy}, n. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • prognathism — The condition of being prognathic; abnormal forward projection of one or of both jaws beyond the established normal relationship with the cranial base; the mandibular condyles are in their normal rest …   Medical dictionary

  • prognathism — noun Date: circa 1864 the condition marked by a prognathous jaw • prognathic adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • prognathism — See prognathous. * * * …   Universalium

  • prognathism — noun An abnormal projection of the jaws See Also: prognathic …   Wiktionary

  • prognathism — prÉ‘gnəθɪzm / prÉ’g n. protrusion of the jaws, bulging of the jaws …   English contemporary dictionary

  • prognathism — prog·na·thism …   English syllables

  • prognathism — n. the state of one jaw being markedly larger than the other and therefore in front of it. Derivatives: prognathic adj …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • prognathism —   n. state of having projecting jaws.    ♦ prognathic,    ♦ prognathous, a …   Dictionary of difficult words

  • prognathism — noun the condition of being prognathous; the condition of having a projecting jaw • Derivationally related forms: ↑prognathic • Hypernyms: ↑condition, ↑status …   Useful english dictionary

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