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  • 1 apron

    1) (a piece of cloth, plastic etc worn over the front of the clothes for protection against dirt etc: She tied on her apron before preparing the dinner.) priekšauts
    2) (something like an apron in shape, eg a hard surface for aircraft on an airfield.) betonēts laukums (lidostā)
    3) ((also apron-stage) the part of the stage in a theatre which is in front of the curtain.) avanscēna
    * * *
    priekšauts; ādas pārklājs; konveijera lente; betonēts laukums; aizsprosta gultne, kritgultne; sieviete, sieva; bārdāma, oficiante

    English-Latvian dictionary > apron

  • 2 basin

    1) (a bowl for washing oneself in: a wash-hand basin.) bļoda
    2) (a wide, open dish for preparing food in: a pudding-basin.) [] trauks
    3) (the area drained by a river: the basin of the Nile.) baseins
    4) (the deep part of a harbour: There were four yachts anchored in the harbour basin.) līcis
    * * *
    bļoda, trauks; baseins, rezervuārs, tvertne; līcis

    English-Latvian dictionary > basin

  • 3 busy

    ['bizi] 1. adjective
    1) (having a lot (of work etc) to do: I am very busy.) aizņemts; nevaļīgs
    2) (full of traffic, people, activity etc: The roads are busy; a busy time of year.) dzīvs; rosīgs
    3) ((especially American) (of a telephone line) engaged: All the lines to New York are busy.) (par telefona līniju) aizņemts
    2. verb
    ((sometimes with with) to occupy (oneself) with: She busied herself preparing the meal.) nodarbināt
    * * *
    nodarbināt; nevaļīgs, aizņemts, nodarbināts; rosīgs, dzīvs; nemierīgs

    English-Latvian dictionary > busy

  • 4 fingertip

    noun (the very end of a finger: He cut his fingertip by accident while preparing the salad.) pirksta gals
    * * *
    pirksta gals

    English-Latvian dictionary > fingertip

  • 5 preliminary

    (coming before, and preparing for, something: The chairman made a few preliminary remarks before introducing the speaker.) iepriekšējs, sagatavošanas-; ievada-
    * * *
    priekšdarbi, sagatavošanās; iepriekšējs, sagatavošanas

    English-Latvian dictionary > preliminary

  • 6 preparation

    1) (the act of preparing: You can't pass an exam without preparation.) []gatavošanās
    2) (something done to prepare: She was making hasty preparations for her departure.) priekšdarbi
    * * *
    gatavošana; sagatavošana; gatavošanās, priekšdarbi; stundu gatavošana; preparāts, līdzeklis

    English-Latvian dictionary > preparation

  • 7 preparatory school

    1) (a private school which educates children in preparation for a senior school ( abbreviation prep school [prep-]).) sagatavošanas skola, pirmskola
    2) ((American) a private secondary school preparing students for college.) vidusskola, kas sagatavo augstskolai
    * * *
    sagatavošanas skola, pirmskola; vidusskola, kas gatavo augstskolai

    English-Latvian dictionary > preparatory school

  • 8 prescription

    [-'skrip-] ( noun)
    1) (a doctor's (usually written) instructions for the preparing and taking of a medicine: He gave me a prescription to give to the chemist.) recepte
    2) (the act of prescribing.) norādījums; ieteikums
    * * *
    priekšraksts, rīkojums; recepte; noilguma tiesības

    English-Latvian dictionary > prescription

  • 9 taxidermy

    (the art of preparing and stuffing the skins of animals etc.) taksidermija, putnu vai zvēru izbāšana
    * * *
    putnu un zvēru izbāšana, taksidermija

    English-Latvian dictionary > taxidermy

  • 10 vinegar

    (a sour liquid made from wine, beer etc, used in seasoning or preparing food: Mix some oil and vinegar as a dressing for the salad.) etiķis
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > vinegar

  • 11 go to town

    (to do something very thoroughly or with great enthusiasm or expense: He really went to town on (preparing) the meal.) darīt aizrautīgi; neko nežēlot

    English-Latvian dictionary > go to town

См. также в других словарях:

  • preparing — index prospective Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Preparing — Prepare Pre*pare , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Prepare?}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Preparing}.] [F. pr[ e]parer, L. praeparare; prae before + parare to make ready. See {Pare}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To fit, adapt, or qualify for a particular purpose or condition;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Preparing for Emergencies — is a public information scheme, produced by the Home Office, a department of the United Kingdom Government, advising British citizens on what to do in the event of a natural disaster, accident or terrorism. The scheme was started on 26 July 2004… …   Wikipedia

  • Preparing for War — Сборник Darkthrone Дата выпуска 30 октября 2000 Жанр блэк метал дэт метал Длительность 01:14:47 Страна …   Википедия

  • Preparing For War — Album par Darkthrone Sortie 2000 Enregistrement 1987 1995 Genre Black metal Producteur Darkthrone Label …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Preparing for Emergencies — ▪ 2006 Introduction by Susan L. Cutter    When Hurricane Katrina devastated the U.S. Gulf Coast in 2005, it became not only a natural disaster but a social catastrophe as well. While there are many lessons to be learned from this tragic event,… …   Universalium

  • preparing for re-use — paruošimas naudoti pakartotinai statusas Aprobuotas sritis atliekos apibrėžtis Atliekų naudojimo veikla, kai atliekomis tapę produktai ar jų sudedamosios dalys tikrinami, valomi ar taisomi siekiant, kad vėl būtų tinkami naudoti be jokio kito… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • preparing — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. fitting, adapting, qualifying; see preparation 1 …   English dictionary for students

  • preparing — n. act of making ready, act of putting into the proper condition; act of getting oneself ready pre·pare || prɪ per /prɪ peÉ™ v. make ready; get oneself ready; put into the proper condition; do; be ready for …   English contemporary dictionary

  • preparing — …   Useful english dictionary

  • preparing the ground — making the ground ready, doing the preliminary work …   English contemporary dictionary

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