1 ♦ picture
♦ picture /ˈpɪktʃə(r)/n.1 quadro ( anche fig.); disegno; pittura; ritratto ( anche fig.); (vivida) descrizione: to paint a picture, dipingere un quadro; The girl is the picture of her mother, la ragazza è il ritratto di sua madre; Tom is the picture of health, Tom è il ritratto della salute; the present political picture, il quadro politico attuale; a poor picture of the times, una descrizione inadeguata del nostro tempo2 fotografia; foto; illustrazione: a book full of pictures, un libro pieno d'illustrazioni; to take sb. 's picture (o a picture of sb.) fare la foto a q.3 (fig.) immagine; idea: to make a picture of the situation, farsi un'idea della situazione; to draw a mental picture of st., farsi un'idea di qc.; to have a clear picture of st., avere un'idea ben precisa di qc.; to paint a rosy picture of st., tracciare un quadro roseo di qc.4 (cinem.) fotogramma6 pellicola cinematografica; film; (pl.) (il) cinema: My cousin is in pictures, mio cugino lavora nel cinema7 (med.) quadro clinico; sintomatologia● the big picture, il film principale ( in una sala multipla); ( USA) il quadro generale ( della situazione) □ picture book, libro illustrato (spec. per bambini) □ ( carte da gioco) picture card, figura □ picture-frame, portaritratti □ picture framer, corniciaio □ ( arte) picture gallery, pinacoteca □ picture-goer, frequentatore di cinema □ picture hat, cappellino a larga tesa, ornato di penne di struzzo □ picture hook, gancetto per quadri □ picture library, archivio iconografico □ (tel.) picture message, mms, messaggio multimediale □ (arc.) picture palace (o picture theatre, picture house), cinematografo; sala cinematografica □ picture postcard, cartolina illustrata □ picture restorer, restauratore di quadri □ (TV) picture signal, segnale video □ picture story, fotoromanzo □ (elettron.) picture tube, cinescopio; tubo di riproduzione ( di televisore) □ picture valuer, stimatore di quadri □ (edil.) picture window, finestra panoramica □ picture writing, scrittura pittografica □ (fam.) to get the picture, afferrare la situazione; capire: Get the picture?, (hai) capito? □ (fam.) to be in the picture, essere al corrente (o informato); ( anche) essere al centro dell'attenzione □ (fam.) to be out of the picture, essere disinformato; essere trascurato (o ignorato) □ (fam.) to put sb. in the picture, mettere q. al corrente; informare q. □ (fam.) You'll look a picture in that dress!, con quel vestito farai un figurone! □ (prov.) Every picture tells a story, la situazione è più che chiaraFALSI AMICI: picture non significa pittura nel senso di arte del dipingere. (to) picture /ˈpɪktʃə(r)/v. t.1 dipingere; ritrarre; raffigurare; rappresentare2 immaginare; immaginarsi: Just picture the scene!, immaginati la scena!4 (fotogr.) riprendere● to picture oneself, immaginarsi: Picture yourself in my place!, immaginati al mio posto! □ to picture to oneself, immaginarsi; figurarsi: Picture to yourself how I felt!, figurati come mi sentivo! -
2 picture
I 1. ['pɪktʃə(r)]1) (painting) quadro m., pittura f.; (drawing) disegno m.; (in book) illustrazione f.; (in child's book) figura f.; (in mind) immagine f.to paint a picture of sth. — dipingere qcs.
to paint sb.'s picture — fare il ritratto di qcn
2) fig. (description) descrizione f., quadro m.to paint a picture of sb., sth. — descrivere qcn., qcs.
to give o present a clear, accurate picture of sth. — fare un quadro chiaro, accurato di qcs
3) fot. foto(grafia) f.4) fig. (overview) situazione f.to put sb. in the picture — mettere qcn. al corrente
5) cinem. (film) film m.6) telev. immagine f.2.••II ['pɪktʃə(r)]to look o be a picture sembrare dipinto; her face was a picture! — la sua espressione la diceva lunga!
1) (form mental image of) immaginare [place, scene]* * *['pik ə] 1. noun1) (a painting or drawing: This is a picture of my mother.) quadro, ritratto, disegno2) (a photograph: I took a lot of pictures when I was on holiday.) fotografia, foto3) (a cinema film: There's a good picture on at the cinema tonight.) film4) ((with the) a symbol or perfect example (of something): She looked the picture of health/happiness.) immagine5) ((with a) a beautiful sight: She looked a picture in her new dress.) fare un figurone6) (a clear description: He gave me a good picture of what was happening.) quadro, descrizione2. verb(to imagine: I can picture the scene.) immaginare- put someone / be in the picture- put / be in the picture
- the pictures* * *I 1. ['pɪktʃə(r)]1) (painting) quadro m., pittura f.; (drawing) disegno m.; (in book) illustrazione f.; (in child's book) figura f.; (in mind) immagine f.to paint a picture of sth. — dipingere qcs.
to paint sb.'s picture — fare il ritratto di qcn
2) fig. (description) descrizione f., quadro m.to paint a picture of sb., sth. — descrivere qcn., qcs.
to give o present a clear, accurate picture of sth. — fare un quadro chiaro, accurato di qcs
3) fot. foto(grafia) f.4) fig. (overview) situazione f.to put sb. in the picture — mettere qcn. al corrente
5) cinem. (film) film m.6) telev. immagine f.2.••II ['pɪktʃə(r)]to look o be a picture sembrare dipinto; her face was a picture! — la sua espressione la diceva lunga!
1) (form mental image of) immaginare [place, scene] -
3 picture **** pic·ture
['pɪktʃə(r)]1. n1) (Art: painting) quadro, pittura, dipinto, (drawing) disegno, (portrait) ritratto, (photo) fotografia, (in book) illustrazione fto take a picture of sb/sth — fare una foto a qn/di qc
to be in/out of the picture — essere/non essere coinvolto (-a)
2) TV immagine f3) Cine film m invthe pictures esp Brit — il cinema
4) (mental image) immagine f, idea2. vt(imagine) immaginare, (remember) ricordare -
4 picture messaging
npicture messaging m, invio di messaggini con disegni -
5 picture book
6 picture frame
7 picture gallery
8 picture library
9 picture postcard
10 picture window
11 picture card
12 picture desk
13 picture editor
14 picture framing
15 picture hook
16 picture rail
17 picture writing
18 put (someone) / be in the picture
(to give or have all the necessary information (about something): He put me in the picture about what had happened.) mettere/essere al correnteEnglish-Italian dictionary > put (someone) / be in the picture
19 put (someone) / be in the picture
(to give or have all the necessary information (about something): He put me in the picture about what had happened.) mettere/essere al correnteEnglish-Italian dictionary > put (someone) / be in the picture
20 motion-picture industry motion-picture in·dus·try n Am
[ˌməʊʃ(ə)n'pɪktʃərˌɪndəstrɪ]English-Italian dictionary > motion-picture industry motion-picture in·dus·try n Am
См. также в других словарях:
Picture — Pic ture, n. [L. pictura, fr. pingere, pictum, to paint: cf. F. peinture. See {Paint}.] 1. The art of painting; representation by painting. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Any well expressed image . . . either in picture or sculpture. Sir H. Wotton. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Picture-LP — Picture Disc Hit the North der Gruppe The Fall in Form einer Dartscheibe Transp … Deutsch Wikipedia
Picture LP — Picture Disc Hit the North der Gruppe The Fall in Form einer Dartscheibe Transp … Deutsch Wikipedia
picture — [n1] illustration, likeness of something account, art, blueprint, canvas, cartoon, copy, delineation, depiction, description, doodle, double, draft, drawing, duplicate, effigy, engraving, figure, icon, image, impression, lookalike, outline,… … New thesaurus
picture — [pik′chər] n. [ME pycture < L pictura < pictus, pp. of pingere, to PAINT] 1. a) an image or likeness of an object, person, or scene produced on a flat surface, esp. by painting, drawing, or photography b) a printed reproduction of this 2.… … English World dictionary
picture — ► NOUN 1) a painting, drawing, or photograph. 2) an image on a television screen. 3) a cinema film. 4) (the pictures) the cinema. 5) an impression formed from an account or description. 6) informal a state of being fully informed: in the picture … English terms dictionary
Picture CD — is a product by Kodak, following on from the earlier Photo CD product. It holds photos from a single roll of color film, stored at 1024×1536 resolution using JPEG compression. The product is aimed at consumers. Software to view and perform simple … Wikipedia
Picture — Pic ture, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Pictured}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Picturing}.] To draw or paint a resemblance of; to delineate; to represent; to form or present an ideal likeness of; to bring before the mind. I . . . do picture it in my mind. Spenser.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
picture — index characterize, conceive (comprehend), concept, contour (outline), delineate, depict, describe … Law dictionary
Picture — Picture, [engl.], Bild … Universal-Lexikon
picture — vb *represent, depict, portray, delineate, limn Analogous words: describe, *relate, narrate, recount: *sketch, outline … New Dictionary of Synonyms