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  • 121 set point

    Satzball m;
    to convert a \set point einen Satzball verwandeln;
    to lose a \set point einen Satzball verlieren;
    to overcome a \set point einen Satzball abwehren

    English-German students dictionary > set point

  • 122 set

    set I v 1. BM erhärten, erstarren, fest werden (z. B. Zement); abbinden; 2. TE setzen; stellen; einrichten (Maschinen); einstellen (z. B. Messgeräte); 3. TE schränken (Säge) set II abgebunden (Zement); verfestigt (Boden); eingebaut (z. B. Rohre) set III 1. BM Erhärten n, Erstarrung f, Festwerden n (z. B. von Zement); 2. SB Oberputz m, Überputz m, Feinputz m (Mehrlagenputz); 3. BM bleibende Verformung f; 4. ERDB Rammsetzmaß n; 5. WSB Strömungsrichtung f; 6. BWG Schränkung f, Schrank m (einer Säge); 7. EB Satz m, Set n; Garnitur f; Aggregat n; 8. s.sett 2

    English-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > set

  • 123 set-off

    [ʹsetɒf] n
    1. контраст; противопоставление

    as a set-off to smth. - по контрасту с чем-л.

    2. украшение

    a set-off to beauty - что-л. подчёркивающее красоту

    3. компенсация ( долга)

    as a set-off against smth. - в качестве компенсации за что-л.

    4. отъезд; выезд
    5. стр.
    1) берма
    2) уступ
    6. эк., фин. встречное требование
    7. полигр. отмарывание ( краски)

    НБАРС > set-off

  • 124 set-to

    [ʹset|tu:] n (pl -tos [-{ʹset}tu:z]) разг.
    1. жаркий спор; шумная ссора

    they were having one of their usual set-tos - они, как обычно, шумно спорили

    2. 1) борьба, состязание
    2) кулачный бой
    3. наступление, натиск

    НБАРС > set-to

  • 125 set on

    set on/upon 1. наброситься, напасть

    He was passing by the front door, when suddenly their dog set on him.

    The youth set on the old man and robbed him.

    2. подстрекать

    The older boys set on the younger ones to get in trouble.

    I refuse to have that child to the party, he always sets the others on to misbehave.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > set on

  • 126 set out

    set off/out отправиться/тронуться в путь, поездку

    He set off on another of his European pleasure tours.

    She longed to set out for Europe, to see England, her father’s country.

    The children were always excited to set out on a camping trip.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > set out

  • 127 set upon

    set on/upon 1. наброситься, напасть

    He was passing by the front door, when suddenly their dog set on him.

    The youth set on the old man and robbed him.

    2. подстрекать

    The older boys set on the younger ones to get in trouble.

    I refuse to have that child to the party, he always sets the others on to misbehave.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > set upon

  • 128 set little by smb.

    (set little (store) by (или on) smb. (или smth.))
    пренебрегать кем-л. (или чем-л.; не придавать большого значения чему-л.); см. тж. set great store by smb.

    Oh, how he wished... that with a clear conscience at least he might say farewell to the tender and guileless being by whose love he had set such little store! (W. Thackeray, ‘Vanity Fair’, ch. XXIX) — Если бы он мог... по крайней мере, с чистой совестью проститься с нежным, невинным созданием, любовь которого он так мало ценил!

    They set little store by his opinion. — Они мало считаются с его мнением.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > set little by smb.

См. также в других словарях:

  • Set — (s[e^]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Set}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Setting}.] [OE. setten, AS. setton; akin to OS. settian, OFries. setta, D. zetten, OHG. sezzen, G. setzen, Icel. setja, Sw. s[ a]tta, Dan. s?tte, Goth. satjan; causative from the root of E.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Set — (s[e^]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Set}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Setting}.] [OE. setten, AS. setton; akin to OS. settian, OFries. setta, D. zetten, OHG. sezzen, G. setzen, Icel. setja, Sw. s[ a]tta, Dan. s?tte, Goth. satjan; causative from the root of E.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • set — /set/, v., set, setting, n., adj., interj. v.t. 1. to put (something or someone) in a particular place: to set a vase on a table. 2. to place in a particular position or posture: Set the baby on his feet. 3. to place in some relation to something …   Universalium

  • Set (game) — Set! redirects here. Set! is also a special form in the Scheme programming language. Set is a real time card game designed by Marsha Falco and published by Set Enterprises in 1991. The deck consists of 81 cards varying in four features: number… …   Wikipedia

  • set — [ sɛt ] n. m. • 1893; mot anglais I ♦ Anglic. Manche d un match de tennis, de ping pong, de volley ball. Gagner le premier set. Partie de tennis en cinq sets. Balle de set, qui décide du gain du set. II ♦ Set ou set de table : ensemble des… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • set — Ⅰ. set [1] ► VERB (setting; past and past part. set) 1) put, lay, or stand in a specified place or position. 2) put, bring, or place into a specified state. 3) cause or instruct (someone) to do something. 4) give someone (a task) …   English terms dictionary

  • set — [set] vt. set, setting [ME setten < OE settan (akin to Ger setzen & Goth satjan < Gmc * satjan), caus. formation “to cause to sit” < base of SIT] 1. to place in a sitting position; cause to sit; seat 2. a) to cause (a fowl) to sit on… …   English World dictionary

  • set*/*/*/ — [set] (past tense and past participle set) verb I 1) [T] to put someone or something in a position, or to be in a particular place or position Tea s ready, he told them and set down the tray.[/ex] She set the baby on the floor to play.[/ex] 2)… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • Set — (s[e^]t), v. i. 1. To pass below the horizon; to go down; to decline; to sink out of sight; to come to an end. [1913 Webster] Ere the weary sun set in the west. Shak. [1913 Webster] Thus this century sets with little mirth, and the next is likely …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Set — has 464 separate definitions in the Oxford English Dictionary, the most of any English word; its full definition comprises 10,000 words making it the longest definition in the OED. Set may refer to:In mathematics and science:*Set (mathematics), a …   Wikipedia

  • Set packing — is a classical NP complete problem in computational complexity theory and combinatorics, and was one of Karp s 21 NP complete problems. Suppose we have a finite set S and a list of subsets of S. Then, the set packing problem asks if some k… …   Wikipedia

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