1 need
[ni:d] 1. negative short form - needn't; verb1) (to require: This page needs to be checked again; This page needs checking again; Do you need any help?) būti reikalingam, (kam) reikėti2) (to be obliged: You need to work hard if you want to succeed; They don't need to come until six o'clock; She needn't have given me such an expensive present.) privalėti, turėti2. noun1) (something essential, that one must have: Food is one of our basic needs.) reikmė, poreikis2) (poverty or other difficulty: Many people are in great need.) skurdas, nelaimė3) (a reason: There is no need for panic.) priežastis, reikalas•- needless- needlessly
- needy
- a need for
- in need of -
2 in need of
(requiring; having a lack of: We're in need of more money; You're badly in need of a haircut.) (kam) reikėti -
3 a need for
(a lack of; a requirement for: There is an urgent need for teachers in this city.) reikalingumas, stygius -
4 demand
1. verb1) (to ask or ask for firmly and sharply: I demanded an explanation.) (pa)reikalauti2) (to require or need: This demands careful thought.) reikalauti2. noun1) (a request made so that it sounds like a command: They refused to meet the workers' demands for more money.) reikalavimas2) (an urgent claim: The children make demands on my time.) reikalavimas3) (willingness or desire to buy or obtain (certain goods etc); a need for (certain goods etc): There's no demand for books of this kind.) paklausa•- on demand -
5 self-evident
[self'evidənt](clear enough to need no proof: It is self-evident that we need food to stay alive.) akivaizdus -
6 some
1. pronoun, adjective1) (an indefinite amount or number (of): I can see some people walking across the field; You'll need some money if you're going shopping; Some of the ink was spilt on the desk.) šiek tiek, truputis2) ((said with emphasis) a certain, or small, amount or number (of): `Has she any experience of the work?' `Yes, she has some.'; Some people like the idea and some don't.) šiek tiek; kai kurie3) ((said with emphasis) at least one / a few / a bit (of): Surely there are some people who agree with me?; I don't need much rest from work, but I must have some.) nors vienas, nors kas4) (certain: He's quite kind in some ways.) kai kuris2. adjective1) (a large, considerable or impressive (amount or number of): I spent some time trying to convince her; I'll have some problem sorting out these papers!) nemažai, ganėtinai2) (an unidentified or unnamed (thing, person etc): She was hunting for some book that she's lost.) kažkoks3) ((used with numbers) about; at a rough estimate: There were some thirty people at the reception.) maždaug, apie3. adverb((American) somewhat; to a certain extent: I think we've progressed some.) kažkiek, šiek tiek- somebody- someday
- somehow
- someone
- something
- sometime
- sometimes
- somewhat
- somewhere
- mean something
- or something
- something like
- something tells me -
7 amplifier
noun (a piece of equipment for increasing the strength or power-level of electric currents especially so as to increase loudness: You need a new amplifier for your stereo equipment.) stiprintuvas -
8 apart from
(except for: I can't think of anything I need, apart from a car.) išskyrus -
9 around
1. preposition, adverb1) (on all sides of or in a circle about (a person, thing etc): Flowers grew around the tree; They danced around the fire; There were flowers all around.) aplink2) (here and there (in a house, room etc): Clothes had been left lying around (the house); I wandered around.) po2. preposition(near to (a time, place etc): around three o'clock.) apie3. adverb1) (in the opposite direction: Turn around!) aplink2) (near-by: If you need me, I'll be somewhere around.) netoliese -
10 assistance
noun (help: Do you need assistance?) pagalba -
11 bring up-to-date
(to update: We need to bring the system up-to-date.) atnaujinti, papildyti (ką) naujausiais duomenimis/aktualia medžiaga -
12 call
[ko:l] 1. verb1) (to give a name to: My name is Alexander but I'm called Sandy by my friends) vadinti2) (to regard (something) as: I saw you turn that card over - I call that cheating.) laikyti3) (to speak loudly (to someone) to attract attention etc: Call everyone over here; She called louder so as to get his attention.) (pa)šaukti4) (to summon; to ask (someone) to come (by letter, telephone etc): They called him for an interview for the job; He called a doctor.) (pa)kviesti5) (to make a visit: I shall call at your house this evening; You were out when I called.) užeiti6) (to telephone: I'll call you at 6 p.m.) (pa)skambinti telefonu7) ((in card games) to bid.) siūlyti sumą2. noun1) (an exclamation or shout: a call for help.) šauksmas2) (the song of a bird: the call of a blackbird.) giesmė, čiulbėjimas3) (a (usually short) visit: The teacher made a call on the boy's parents.) ap(si)lankymas4) (the act of calling on the telephone: I've just had a call from the police.) telefono skambutis, pokalbis telefonu5) ((usually with the) attraction: the call of the sea.) trauka6) (a demand: There's less call for coachmen nowadays.) pareikalavimas7) (a need or reason: You've no call to say such things!) reikalas, poreikis•- caller- calling
- call-box
- call for
- call off
- call on
- call up
- give someone a call
- give a call
- on call -
13 capital
I 1. ['kæpitl] noun1) (the chief town or seat of government: Paris is the capital of France.) sostinė2) ((also capital letter) any letter of the type found at the beginning of sentences, proper names etc: THESE ARE CAPITAL LETTERS / CAPITALS.) didžioji raidė3) (money (for investment etc): You need capital to start a new business.) kapitalas2. adjective1) (involving punishment by death: a capital offence.) baudžiamas mirtimi2) (excellent: a capital idea.) puikus3) ((of a city) being a capital: Paris and other capital cities.) sostinės•- capitalist
- capitalist
- capitalistic II ['kæpitl] noun(in architecture, the top part of a column of a building etc.) kapitelis -
14 coat
[kəut] 1. noun1) (an item of outdoor clothing, with sleeves, that covers from the shoulders usually to the knees: a coat and hat.) paltas2) (a jacket: a man's coat and trousers.) švarkas3) (the hair or wool of an animal: Some dogs have smooth coats.) kailis, vilnos4) (a covering (eg of paint): This wall will need two coats of paint.) danga2. verb(to cover: She coated the biscuits with chocolate.) apdengti- coating- coat of arms -
15 convalescent
noun (a person who is recovering from an illness: Convalescents often need a special diet.) sveikstantis ligonis -
16 cosmetic
[koz'metik] 1. adjective(designed to increase the beauty and hide the defects of something, especially the face: She had cosmetic surgery to improve the shape of her nose.) kosmetinis, kosmetikos2. noun(a preparation for this purpose: She's quite pretty - she does not need to wear so many cosmetics (= lipstick, eye-shadow etc).) kosmetika -
17 destitute
['destitju:t](in great need of food, shelter etc: They were left destitute when he died.) be lėšų, skurstantis -
18 discipline
['disiplin] 1. noun1) (training in an orderly way of life: All children need discipline.) disciplina, tvarka2) (strict self-control (amongst soldiers etc).) disciplina2. verb1) (to bring under control: You must discipline yourself so that you do not waste time.) disciplinuoti, drausminti2) (to punish: The students who caused the disturbance have been disciplined.) nubausti• -
19 do the trick
(to do or be what is necessary: I need a piece of paper. This old envelope will do the trick!) tikti, pavykti padaryti -
20 dry
1. adjective1) (having little, or no, moisture, sap, rain etc: The ground is very dry; The leaves are dry and withered; I need to find dry socks for the children.) sausas2) (uninteresting and not lively: a very dry book.) sausas, nuobodus3) ((of humour or manner) quiet, restrained: a dry wit.) santūrus4) ((of wine) not sweet.) sausas2. verb(to (cause to) become dry: I prefer drying dishes to washing them; The clothes dried quickly in the sun.) džiūti, džiovinti- dried- drier
- dryer
- drily
- dryly
- dryness
- dry-clean
- dry land
- dry off
- dry up
См. также в других словарях:
need — verb. 1. Like dare, need can behave in two ways: as an ordinary verb and as a modal auxiliary verb sharing some of the characteristics of the main modals including can, may, might, should, etc. As an ordinary verb, need is regular and can be… … Modern English usage
need — [nēd] n. [ME nede < OE nied, akin to Ger not, Goth nauths < IE * neuti < base * neu , to collapse with weariness > Welsh newyn, starvation] 1. necessity or obligation created by some situation [no need to worry] 2. a lack of something … English World dictionary
need — n Need, necessity, exigency may all denote either a state or condition requiring something as essential or indispensable or the thing required. Need implies pressure and urgency arising either from external or internal causes or forces; it may… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Need — (n[=e]d), n. [OE. need, neod, nede, AS. ne[ a]d, n[=y]d; akin to D. nood, G. not, noth, Icel. nau[eth]r, Sw. & Dan. n[ o]d, Goth. nau[thorn]s.] 1. A state that requires supply or relief; pressing occasion for something; necessity; urgent want.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
need — need·ces·si·ty; need·ful·ly; need·ful·ness; need·i·ness; need·less; need·ment; need; need·ful; need·less·ly; need·less·ness; … English syllables
Need To — Single by Korn from the album Korn Released April 8 … Wikipedia
Need To — «Need To» Сингл Korn из альбома Korn Выпущен 1995 Формат CD Записан … Википедия
Need — 〈[ni:d] n. 15; unz.; Psych.〉 Menge aller subjektiven, an der Umwelt orientierten Bedürfnisse [<engl. need „Bedürfnis“] * * * Need [ni:d], das; [s] [engl. need = Bedürfnis] (Psychol.): Gesamtheit der Antriebe, Bedürfnisse, Wünsche u. Haltungen… … Universal-Lexikon
Need — (n[=e]d), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Needed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Needing}.] [See {Need}, n. Cf. AS. n[=y]dan to force, Goth. nau[thorn]jan.] To be in want of; to have cause or occasion for; to lack; to require, as supply or relief. [1913 Webster] Other… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
need — [n1] want, requirement charge, commitment, committal, compulsion, demand, desideratum, devoir, duty, essential, exigency, extremity, longing, must, obligation, occasion, ought, requisite, right, the urge, urgency, use, weakness, wish; concepts 20 … New thesaurus
need|y — «NEE dee», adjective, need|i|er, need|i|est. not having enough to live on; characterized by poverty or need; very poor: »a needy family, to be in needy circumstances. SYNONYM(S): indigent, destitute, penniless … Useful english dictionary