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  • 1 lag behind

    släntra efter

    English-Swedish dictionary > lag behind

  • 2 lag

    n. eftersläpning, förhalning; tids-intervall, -skillnad, (data) avbrott mellan två datorer p.g.a. en för läng reaktionstid; måttenhet för försening ; maskin-trumkant
    n. fånge, kåkfarare, befriad fånge (slang); tid i fängelse (slang)
    v. bli efter; komma för sent, vara sen; komma på efterkälken; ta sin tid; tona bort, sjunka; haffa, anhålla (slang); isolera (från värme)
    * * *
    [læɡ] 1. past tense, past participle - lagged; verb
    ((often with behind) to move too slowly and become left behind: We waited for the smaller children, who were lagging behind the rest.) bli (komma, ligga, sacka) efter
    2. noun
    (an act of lagging or the amount by which one thing is later than another: There is sometimes a time-lag of several seconds between our seeing the lightning and our hearing the thunder.) försening, eftersläpning

    English-Swedish dictionary > lag

  • 3 was behind in his studies

    låg efter i sina studier

    English-Swedish dictionary > was behind in his studies

  • 4 was behind on his payments

    låg efter med avbetalningarna, kunde inte betala sina skulder i tid

    English-Swedish dictionary > was behind on his payments

См. также в других словарях:

  • lag behind — (someone/something) to not be at the level that someone or something else has already achieved. The pay for government workers lags behind the pay for workers in private industry. He lagged far behind his classmates in reading and math skills.… …   New idioms dictionary

  • lag behind — v. (D; intr.) to lag behind in (to lag behind in one s work) * * * (D;intr.) to lag behind in (to lag behind in one s work) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • lag behind someone — lag behind (someone/something) to not be at the level that someone or something else has already achieved. The pay for government workers lags behind the pay for workers in private industry. He lagged far behind his classmates in reading and math …   New idioms dictionary

  • lag behind something — lag behind (someone/something) to not be at the level that someone or something else has already achieved. The pay for government workers lags behind the pay for workers in private industry. He lagged far behind his classmates in reading and math …   New idioms dictionary

  • lag behind — Synonyms and related words: back, back up, come after, come last, dawdle, drag, fall astern, fall back, fall behind, follow, get behind, go back, go backwards, hang back, lag, linger, linger behind, loiter, regress, retrogress, revert, straggle,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • lag behind — be unable to keep up, move at a slower pace than others …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Lag — Lag, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Lagged}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Lagging}.] To walk or more slowly; to stay or fall behind; to linger or loiter. I shall not lag behind. Milton. Syn: To loiter; linger; saunter; delay; be tardy. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Lag — (del inglés lag behind, rezagarse) es el retraso producido en una telecomunicación que dificulta el desarrollo normal de la misma, provocando desorientación o incomodidad en el usuario. Mientras toda comunicación a distancia implica un cierto… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Behind — Be*hind , adv. 1. At the back part; in the rear. I shall not lag behind. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. Toward the back part or rear; backward; as, to look behind. [1913 Webster] 3. Not yet brought forward, produced, or exhibited to view; out of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Lag — (del inglés lag behind, rezagarse; quedarse atrás) es un retraso producido en una comunicación, que produce una sensación desagradable en el usuario del medio de transmisión. Se produce especialmente en comunicaciones telefónicas vía satélite, en …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Lag — Payment of a financial obligation later than is expected or required, as in lead and lag. Also, the number of periods that an independent variable in a regression model is held back in order to predict the dependent variable. The New York Times… …   Financial and business terms

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