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  • 81 WITH

    For the purpose of Neo-Quenya writing, the best translation of "with" (in the sense of "together with") is probably \#as, attested with a pronominal suffix (see below). A string of various prepositional elements meaning "with" are attested, but all are probably not meant to coexist in the same form of Quenya; rather Tolkien often changed his mind about the details. The preposition lé, le found in early material (QL:52) is probably best avoided in LotR-style Quenya (in which langauge le is rather the pronoun "you"). Tolkien later seems to be experimenting with yo and ó/o as words for "with"; yo hildinyar in SD:56 probably means *"with my heirs", and VT43:29 reproduces a table where various pronouns are suffixed to ó-, probably meaning "with" (óni *"with me", ólë *"with you", etc.) In the essay Quendi and Eldar, Tolkien assigns a dual meaning to ó- as a prefix; it was used "in words describing the meeting, junction, or union of two things or persons, or of two groups thought of as units" (WJ:367; cf. 361 regarding the underlying stem WO, said to be a dual adverb "together"). The plural equivalent of dual ó- is yo- (as in yomenië, WJ:407 cf. 361 regarding the underlying root JŌ), and it may seem to be this yo that occurs as an independent preposition in yo hildinyar in SD:56. The idea that ó- is a distinctly dual form does not appear in all sources; in VT43:29 we have forms like *ómë *"with us", implying at least three persons. In Tolkien's drafts for a Quenya rendering of the Hail Mary, he experimented with various prepositional elements for the phrase "with thee" (see VT43:29). A form carelyë was replaced with aselyë in the final version. Removing the ending -lyë "thee" and the connecting vowel before it leaves us with \#as as the word (or a word) for "with"; this is ultimately related to the conjunction ar "and" (see VT43:30, 47:31). – In English, the preposition "with" may also have an instrumental force, which is best rendered by the Quenya instrumental case (e.g. *nambanen "with [= using] a hammer").

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > WITH

  • 82 HE, HIM

    (personal 3rd sg. pronoun): As a pronominal suffix, the entire 3rd person singular “he, she, it” is expressed by the ending -s, e.g. caris *“(s)he/it does” (VT49:16, 48). Sometimes a verb with no pronominal ending whatsoever implies a subject “he, she, it”, e.g. nornë “he ran” (PE17:58), fírië “she has breathed forth” (MR:250), tinë “it glints” (TIN). A distinctly masculine ending -ro does occur in early material (antaváro “he will give”, LR:63), but was apparently abandoned by Tolkien. The ending -s may also appear in the “rare” longer form -së (VT49:51, descended from older -sse, VT49:20), perhaps distinctly personal (cf. násë “he [or she] is” vs. nás “it is”, VT49:27, 30). The ending -s is also attested in object position, e.g. melinyes “I love him” (VT49:21; this could also mean *”I love her” or *”I love it”). “He/she” (or even “it”, when some living thing is concerned) does have a distinct form when it appears as an independent pronoun: se (VT49:37), also with a long vowel (sé, VT49:51) when stressed. (Contrast the use of sa for “it” with reference to non-living things.) The independent form may also appear in object position: melin sé, “I love him [/her]” (VT49:21). Case endings may be added, e.g. allative sena or senna “at him [/her]”, “to him/her” (VT49:14, 45-46); se also appears suffixed to a preposition in the word ósë *”with him/her” (VT43:29). A distinct pronoun hé can be used for “he/she” = “the other”, as in a sentence like “I love him (sé) but not him (hé).” Genitive HIS/HER (or ITS, of a living thing) would normally appear as the ending -rya, e.g. coarya “his house” (WJ:369), máryat “her hands” (Nam), the latter with a dual ending following -rya. “His/her” as an independent word could be *senya (compare ninya “my” vs. ni “I”, nin “for me”). – Reflexive pronoun, see HIMSELF. –VT49:16, 51, VT43:29, VT49:15, LotR:1008

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > HE, HIM

  • 83 MAKE

    \#car- (1st pers. aorist carin "I make, build". The same verb is translated "form" in WJ:391: i carir quettar, "those who form words". According to Etym the past tense is carnë, though FS and SD:246 have cárë. Past participle \#carna *"made" is attested in Vincarna *"newly-made" in MR:305; the longer participial form carina occurs in VT43:15, read probably *cárina with a long vowel to go with such late participial forms like rácina "broken"). MAKING carmë (glossed "art" in UT:396 and is also translated "production", but cf. the following:) NAME-MAKING Essecarmë (an Eldarin seremony in which the father of a child announces its name.) MAKE FAST avalerya- (bind, restrain, deprive of liberty). TO (MAKE) FIT camta- (sic; the cluster mt seems unusual for Quenya, and while the source does not explicitly say that this word is Quenya, it is difficult to understand what other language could be intended) (suit, accomodate, adapt). MAKE FOR IT mína- (desire to go in some direction, to wish to go to a place, have some end in view). –KAR, WJ:391, MR:214, VT41:5, 6, VT44:14, VT39:11

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > MAKE

  • 84 BRIDE

    indis (wife) (This word may obsolete akairis in LT1:252.) The stem-form of indis "bride" is somewhat obscure; according to VT45:37 the stem could be indiss- (pl. indissi given), but the alternative form pl. form inderi shows a curious shift from i to e as well as the more regular change from s (via z) to r between vowels. Indiss- may be preferred by writers. –NDIS/UT:8, VT45:37

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > BRIDE

  • 85 OUR

    As described in the entry WE, the 3rd person pl. pronouns distinguish plural forms from dual (depending on whether two or more persons are involved) and exclusive forms from inclusive (depending on whether the party addressed is included in “we/our”). Tolkien revised the relevant endings repeatedly. According to one late resolution described in VT49:16, the endings for exclusive “our” are –lma in the plural and –mma as a dual form, hence *aldalma “our tree” (with an “our” of at least three persons, not including the party addressed), but *aldamma “our tree = my and one other person’s tree”. The corresponding inclusive forms are –lwa (plural) and –ngwa (dual). Since the subject ending corresponding to the former is attested as “-lwe, –lve” (VT49:51), –lwa can surely also appear as *-lva, as in *omentielva “our meeting” (attested in the genitive case: omentielvo “of our meeting”, WJ:367). Hence *aldalwa/aldalva “our tree” (an “our” of at least three persons, including the party addressed), dual *aldangwa “our tree = thy and my tree”. – An independent word for plural exclusive "our" appears in VT43:19, 35: menya (also menyë modifying a plural noun). The corresponding plural inclusive form should apparently be *venya (pl. *venyë) for archaic *wenya (pl. wenyai > wenyë). The dual forms would most likely be *mentya (excl.) and *ventya (incl.); compare me, we/ve as the independent pronouns for “we” (with dual forms met, wet/*vet and dative forms *ment, * went/vent, from which the independent possessive pronouns are apparently derived by adding the adjectival ending -ya). – Notice that in an earlier conceptual phase, the forms in –mm- were plural (not as later dual) inclusive, and the forms in –lm- were plural inclusive rather than exclusive. This is why the word translated “of our meeting” appeared as omentielmo in the first edition of LotR, but was changed to omentielvo in the Second Edition. Cf. also Átaremma “our Father” as the first word of Tolkien’s translation of the Lord’s Prayer (VT43:12); this “our” is obviously meant to be plural exclusive rather than dual as it later became (according to Tolkien’s later conventions, “our Father” would be *Átarelma when a group of three or more persons addresses a party not included in “our”, in this case the Father himself).

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > OUR

  • 86 BLUE

    luinë (pl. luini in Nam; for "blue" Etym and LT1:262 have lúnë; both luinë and lúnë would be expected to have stem-forms in –i- given the primitive form luini, lugni), ninwa, ulban (adopted from Valarin; only used in Vanyarin Quenya), PALE BLUE helwa, BLUISH *luinincë (given in archaic form luininki, so the Quenya word would have the stem-form luininci-) –VT48:24, Nam/LT2:340, LT1:262, LUG, WJ:399, 3EL, VT48:18, 23

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > BLUE

  • 87 FIRST

    minya (cf. Minyar "Firsts", the first clan among the Elves), inga (this is also a noun "top"), *yesta (but this is a noun “beginning” according to a later source, PE17:120), FIRSTBORN (= the Elves) Minnónar, sg. \#Minnóna. (*Yesta is emended from the actual reading esta; see BEGINNING. For FIRSTBORN, Etym has Estanessi, which would similarly become *Yestanessi, but this word is propably obsoleted by the later [TLT] form Minnónar. Writers should use the latter word.) FIRST-BEGOTTEN Minyon (a personal name. The element yon, translated "begotten", may be a reduced form of yondo "son". Alternatively, and perhaps more likely, Minyon may be the adjective minya "first" turned into a masculine name by adding the masculine ending -on. In that case, the literal meaning is simply *"First One". But it is possible that on is actually derived from the stem ONO "beget", and that "First-begotten" really is the literal meaning.) FIRST FINGER lepetas (evidently lepetass-) (index finger), also tassa –MIN/Silm:434/WJ:420, ING, ESE, WJ:403, VT47:10, VT48:5

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > FIRST

  • 88 NAME

    (noun) essë (pl. essi is attested, but see below concerning \#esser as a possible alternative pl. form. Note: the word essë was also used in the sense "person as a whole", body and soul.) AFTER-NAME epessë (i.e., "a nickname – mostly given as a title of admiration or honour"); MOTHER-NAME (OF INSIGHT) \#amilessë (tercenya) (i.e. names given by Elvish mothers to their children, indicating some dominant feature of the nature of the child as perceived by its mother. Only pl amilessi tercenyë is attested.) NAME OF INSIGHT \#essë tercenya (i.e., the same as "mother-name"; only pl essi tercenyë is attested); GIVEN (OR ADDED) NAME anessë (pl anessi is attested. This term includes both "after-names" and "mother-names".) NAME-MAKING Essecarmë (an Eldarin seremony in which the father of a child announces its name), NAME-CHOOSING Essecilmë (an Eldarin seremony in which a person chooses a name according to his or her personal lámatyávë or sound-taste); SELF-NAME \#cilmessë (only pl. cilmessi is attested, said to mean more literally "names of personal choice": \#cilmë "choice" + essi "names". PM:339 explains that "some among the exiles gave themselves names, as disguises or in reference to their own deeds and personal history: such names were called kilmessi 'self-names'.") PLACE NAME \#nómessë (isolated from the gen. pl. form nómesseron, "of place-names", VT42:17. This word suggests that the plural of essë can be esser as well as essi). –ES/LotR:1157/MR:216, UT:266, MR:217, 214, VT42:17 (verb) esta- –ES, VT45:12

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > NAME

  • 89 WIND

    \#súrë (Þ?) (instrumental form súrinen is attested, indicating a stem-form súri-), súlimë (Þ) (also the name of the month of March), vaiwa, waiwa (the latter is probably an older [MET] form); SOUND/NOISE OF WIND sú, WINDY wanwavoitë (pl. wanwavoisi) –MC:222 cf. 215, LT1:266, Nam/RGEO:66, VT47:12, WĀ, LT1:266

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > WIND

  • 90 YEAR

    loa (lit. "growth"), coranar (lit. "sun-round", used when the year was considered more or less astronomically – but loa is stated to be the more usual word for "year"). The pl. coranári is attested (PM:126). LONG-YEAR yén (pl. yéni is attested in Nam; the Etymologies as printed in LR cite the stem-form as yen-, but according to VT46:22 Tolkien's manuscript actually has the pl. form yéni as in Nam). A "long-year" is a period of 144 solar years, an Elvish "century" – the Eldar used duodecimal counting, in which 144 is the first three-digit number, like our 100. But sometimes it seems that yén simply means "year". Cf the following words: LAST YEAR yenya, HAVING MANY YEARS linyenwa (old), *RECKONING OF YEARS Yénonótië –LotR:1141, YEN, MR:51

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > YEAR


    \#pataca (only pl. patacar is attested), \#lambetengwë (literally "tongue-sign"; only pl. lambetengwi is attested; this refers to consonants as tengwi or phonemes), also náva-tengwë ("ñava-") (literally "mouth-sign"; only pl. náva-tengwi is attested; the shorter form \#návëa pl. návëar was also used, but Fëanor replaced these terms with \#pataca). Yet another term for "consonant" was \#tapta tengwë "impeded element". (Only pl. tapta tengwi is attested; we would rather expect *taptë tengwi with the pl. form of the adjective. The nominal pl. of the adjective, taptar, was used in the same sense as tapta tengwi.) Tolkien also notes: "Since...in the mode of spelling commonly used the full signs were consonantal, in ordinary non-technical use tengwar [sg tengwa, see LETTER] became equivalent to 'consonants'." Cf. also surya "spirant consonant" and punta "stopped consonant", i.e. a consonant sign with an underposed dot to indiate that it is not followed by a vowel. –VT39:8, VT39:16, 17, WJ:396, SUS, PUT (see PUS), VT46:10, 33

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > CONSONANT

  • 92 FRIEND

    meldo (pl meldor is attested). MY FRIEND meldonya (VT49:40). Apparently meldo is a masculine form, corresponding to feminine \#meldë (cf. meldenya *"my friend" in the Elaine inscription, Tolkien here referring to Elaine Griffiths). Other words for "friend": nildo (m.), nildë (f.), sermo, seron (m.), sermë (f.), málo (m.?), -ser (final element in compounds), –(n)dil (final element in compounds, e.g. Elendil, Anardil, Valandil – sometimes translated "lover" rather than "friend". When the first part of the compound ends in l, n, or r, the n of -ndil is left out).The final element -ndil also appears in the variant form -nil and with the longer forms -nildo, -dildo (VT46:4). FRIENDLY nilda (lovely), FRIENDSHIP nilmë –WJ:412 cf. VT45:34, NIL, SER, MEL, Letters:386

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > FRIEND

  • 93 I

    (1st pers. sg): This pronoun normally appears as the ending -n or -nyë (VT49:51) added to verbs, e.g. carin and carinyë “I do”, maruvan "I will abide". The long form -nye must be used if another pronominal ending is to be added after it: utúvienyes, "I [-nye-] have found it [-s]". Independent pronouns: ni (in the "Arctic" sentence, ni is translated "I"), stressed ní with long vowel (VT49:51), as in ní nauva tanomë “I will be there” (VT49:19; ní nauva puts more emphasis on “I” than nauvan, with the pronoun expressed as an ending). The dative pronoun nin "for me" is transparently ni + the dative ending -n; other case endings may also be added to ni. It may be that ni, ní can also function as object (“me”), though a distinct form nye has also been proposed. The longer pronoun inyë may also be used where “I” is emphatic, and presumably can also take case endings. –VT49:48, 50, LotR:1008/1003, Arct, LR:61

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > I

  • 94 MY

    -nya (possessive suffix), e.g. meldonya "my friend" (VT49:40, 48), tyenya “my tye” (VT49:51, this is a term of address used to a dear kins(wo)man, literally “my thou”, with tye as an intimate 2nd person pronoun). An i seems to be inserted between the ending and the noun when the latter ends in a consonant: atarinya "my father" (LR:61). If the last consonant(s) of the noun is n or the cluster nd, a contracted form may be used in vocatives: hinya "my child" (for hínanya, WJ:403), yonya "my son" (for *yondonya, LR:61). – “My” as an independent word is apparently ninya, (derived from the dative form nin “for me”), though in FS it is used as a quasi-suffix (indo-ninya “my heart”).

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > MY

  • 95 IT

    (impersonal 3rd sg. pronoun – notice that “personal” forms are used of all living things including plants; see HE): As a pronominal suffix, the entire 3rd person singular “he, she it” is expressed by the ending -s, e.g. caris *“(s)he/it does” (VT49:16). The ending -s is also attested in object position, e.g. utúvienyes, "I have found [utúvienye-] it [-s]"). “It”, with reference to non-living or abstract things, does have a distinct form when appearing as an independent pronoun: sa (VT49:37), with long vowel (sá, VT49:51) when stressed. It is attested in object position: carë sa, “to do it” (VT49:34). Another word for “it” or “that” is ta (though in some sources, Tolkien used ta for plural impersonal “they, them” instead). Case endings may probably be added to sa, e.g. dative *san “for it” (cf. nin “for me”); sa also appears suffixed to a preposition in the word ósa *”with it” (VT43:29). Genitive ITS would normally appear as the ending -rya (only attested with personal meanings “his, her” – see HIS). “Its” as an independent word may be *sanya, formed from *san as the dative form of sa “it” (compare ninya “my” vs. ni “I”, dative nin “for me”). –VT49:16, 51, VT43:29, LotR:1008, TA

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > IT

  • 96 SHADOW

    lëo ( =shadow cast by an object) (shade), also laimë (shadow "cast by an object or form", VT45:8), lómin (shade), lumbulë (=[heavy] shadow), fuinë, huinë (= deep shadow) (gloom, darkness – according to VT41:8, fuinë is actually a Telerin form, the proper Quenya form being huinë), ungo (=dark shadow) (cloud), mordo (obscurity, stain, smear, dimness), lumbë (gloom). "The Shadow" meaning Sauron should probably be Huinë, as this word is associated with his coming to Númenor in LR:47 and SD:246/310. SHADOWED halda (veiled, hidden, shady). –DAY/VT45:8, LT1:255, Nam/RGEO:67, PHUY, UÑG, MOR/VT45:35, LUM, SKAL

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > SHADOW

  • 97 BRANCH

    *olva (PM:340 actually gives olba, a form that can only occur in the variant of Quenya that uses lb for lv). Etym has olwa, but probably this should also be *olva according to the phonology Tolkien used later (notice that the w of the Etym form is to be derived from older b, since the root is GÓLOB; later Tolkien apparently presupposed that older lb becomes either lv or is preserved as lb in Quenya). TRUNCATED BRANCH, see STUB, STUMP. –PM:340, GÓLOB

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > BRANCH


    wendë, vendë (the latter is the Exilic Quenya form), also short form wen with stem wend- as in pl. wendi (girl) (read v- for w- in Exilic Quenya). Tolkien also used the word wendë (variants vénë, véndë, read evidently vendë) to translate "virgin" in his Quenya version of a Catholic prayer, where the reference is to the Virgin Mary. According to VT47:17, this term can be used of a "maiden" of any age up to fully adult (until marriage). In compounds –wen, e.g. Nerwen "Man-maiden" (probably with stem *-wend-). MAIDENHOOD wendelë (Exilic Quenya *vendelë). –WEN, LT1:271/273/Silm:439, VT44:10, 18, VT47:17

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > MAID, MAIDEN

  • 99 NOT

    lá (as for not- as a prefix = un-, see below). According to VT42:33, lá is the stressed form of the negation, whereas la is the unstressed form (cf. la- as the pretonic prefix *"not-" or *"un-", VT45:25). NO INDEED NOT lala; DON'T áva, avá; DON'T DO IT! áva carë!; I WILL NOT: vá (exclamation, also = Do not!); avan, ván, vanyë "I won't", avammë, vammë "we won't" (notice that if plural rather than dual, Tolkien later revised the ending for “we” from –mmë to –lmë); NOT COUNTING hequa (leaving aside, excluding, except), NOT COUNTED unotë, unotëa (read *únotë, *únotëa?) (uncounted), NOT TO BE SAID, THAT MUST NOT BE SAID avaquétima, NOT TO BE TOLD OR RELATED avanyárima. There are also specific verbs for NOT BE, NOT DO; concerning these, see entry BE. –LA, WJ:371, 364/365, VT39:14, WJ:370

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > NOT

  • 100 BUILD

    \#car- (cited as carin "I make, build", 1st pers. aorist – according to FS and SD:246 the past tense is cárë, but Etym has carnë; writers should probably use the latter form, not to be confused with the adjective carnë "red". The passive participle \#carna *"built, made" is attested in Vincarna *"newly-made" in MR:305.) BUILDING car (card-) (house), ampano (= especially building of wood, wooden hall; umpano in VT45:36 sems to be a variant form), ataquë (construction). BUILDER samno (Þ) (carpenter, wright) –KAR, PAN, VT45:36, TAK, STAB

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > BUILD

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