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  • 1 hizkuntza

    a. language, tongue; zein \hizkuntzataz hitz egiten dute? what language are they speaking?; \hizkuntzaen sailkapena classification of languages; ama-\hizkuntza mother tongue; jatorri-\hizkuntza mother language; berezko \hizkuntza own language; bertako \hizkuntza local language; \hizkuntza bizi living language; \hizkuntza gutxitu minority language; \hizkuntza haurride sister language; \hizkuntza hil dead language
    b. (irud.) language; giza \hizkuntza eta animalien \hizkuntza human language and animal language
    c. [ izenen aurrean hizkuntz ] hizkuntz eskakizun language profile
    a. (H. Jak.) language
    b. (Akad.) ( ikasgai bezala) Basque

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > hizkuntza

  • 2 hizkuntza


    Euskara-ingeles hiztegi berria > hizkuntza

  • 3 ilun

    [from *illun orfrom *iLun, cf. Aquit. ilun(n)] iz. darkness; \ilunak irentsi zituen they were swallowed up by the darkness io.
    1. ( oro.) dark; urdin \\ gorri \ilun dark blue \\ red
    2. ( eguraldia) overcast; zer egun dakar? — \ilun, jauna what weather are we in store for? — overcast, sir
    3. (irud.)
    a. ( melankolikoa) sombre, gloomy, dismal, glum; ai, ze berri \ilun tristea oh what sand and sombre news!
    b. ( gogoeta) sombre, dark, black; gure barrengo zoko \ilunak aztertzen baditugu if we delve into the dark reaches of our inner being
    c. ( etorkizuna) dark, dismal, dim, gloomy)
    d. ( ordua, kinka) dark; heriotzako ordu \ilunean at the dark hour of his death
    e. ( jatorria) mysterious; jatorri \iluneko hitza a word of {dubious || mysterious} origin
    f. ( aurpegia) sombre, grim, long
    g. ( hizkuntza) confused, obscure, muddled; neke du hizkuntza \ilun batek hizkuntza argi bati gogor egiten it is hard for an obscure language to resist a dazzling language
    h. ( idazlea) obscure adb.
    1. opaquely
    2. darkly; \ilun hitz egin to speak darkly

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ilun

  • 4 antz

    a. appearance, likeness; zure \antza du he looks like you; ez du zure \antzik he doesn' t look like you; ez dute elkarren \antz handirik they don' t look very much alike; aurpegia belztuta, handituta, eta \antz\\\antz guztia galduta utzi zioten they left him with a face that was bruised, swollen, and unrecognizable
    b. e-i \antza atera to copy | to imitate; i-en \antza eman to see a resemblance in sb; ba al dakizu noren \antz ematen diodan? do you know whoI can tell he looks like? ; i-en \antza hartu to take after; Garikoitzek aitonaren \antz hartzen dio Garikoitz takes after his grandfather; i-i \antz hartu to confuse sb with sb else; i-en \antz izan to look look sb; ez duzu zure aitaren \antzik you don' t look like your father; elkarren \antz handia dute they look a lot alike
    c. (esa.) \antza denez apparently |evidently; \antza denez Garikoitz da apparently it' s Garikoitz; \antza bai that' s how it looks; ez eta \antzik ere not in the {slightest || least}; hara joateko gogorik? — ez eta \antzik ere feel like going there? \emdash hardly! | not in the slightest!; tibetarrek ez zuten gerlarien \antz handirik the Tibetans didn' t look very much like warriors; gezur \antza du it {looks like || seems to be} a lie
    a. ( kutsua) taint; bekatuaren \antz guztiak kentzeko to remove all taint of sin
    b. ( kidetasuna) affinity, kinship; \antzeko hizkuntza related language; \antz handiko hizkuntza closely related language
    c. e-i \antz eman to recognize, know; abotsari \antz eman nion I recognized his voice; \antzik gabe different
    a. shape; kaxa horren \antza the shape of that box
    b. form; gizonaren \antzean agertu zen he appeared in the form of a man
    c. image, figure

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > antz

  • 5 berpiztu

    1. (piztu) to resurrect; hildako guztiak \berpiztu ditu He will resurrect all of the dead
    a. (landarea) to bring... back to life; loreak berpizten dituen udaberria the spring which brings flowers back to life
    b. (hizkuntza) to revive, revitalize
    c. (ideia, etab.) to reawake, resurrect, rekindle da/ad.
    1. (piztu) to resurrect, become resurrected; hilen artetik \berpiztu zenean when he was resurrected from the dead
    a. (landarea) to be brought... back to life
    b. (hizkuntza) to revive, be revived
    c. (ideia, e.a.) to be resurrected, come back

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > berpiztu

  • 6 heriotza

    1. death, demise; berezko \heriotza natural death; betiko \heriotza eternal death | death for eternity; heriotzeraino until death ; gorputzaren \heriotza physical death; espirituaren \heriotza spiritual death
    b. ( \heriotza jakin bat) death; urkamendiko \heriotza death at the scaffold ; haren \heriotzaren mendeurrena the centennial of his death; e-r \heriotzaren azpian debekatu to forbid sth by pain of death
    c. ( animaliena) death; zaldiaren \heriotzaa the horse's death
    d. ( gauza, hizkuntza) extinction, demise, death; bide horretatik doa gure hizkuntza by following that road our language is heading for its demise
    e. [ izenen aurrean heriotz ] death-; \heriotza-epai death sentence; \heriotza talde death squad
    2. ( Herio) Death; \heriotzak eraman zuenean when death took her; H\heriotza izugarriaren atzaparretan in the clutches of a dreadful death; O H\heriotza, non dago hire eztena? Oh Death, where is thy sting?

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > heriotza

  • 7 ibilaldi

    a. ( bidaialdia) trip, journey
    b. ( irtenaldia, txangoa) excursion
    c. (irud.) journey; sartaldeko hizkuntzetako prosa zenbait bideetan barrena ikasia eta trebatua da, latinaren ondoren; \ibilaldi horiek hizkuntza, edozein hizkuntza, arinago, zaluago, malguago bihurtu dute he had studied and became skilled from meandering somewhat through the prose of Western languages after studying Latin; these journeys have made the language, any language, lighter, more supple and more flexible
    2. rate of speed, velocity
    a. walk, stroll ; ibaiaren ondoan bere eguneroko \ibilaldia egiten zebilelarik as he was having his daily walk along the river
    b. ( luzea) hike, trek; \ibilaldi ederra egin dugu Iratin zehar we had a nice hike across Irati
    4. ( protestatzeko) march ; bakearen aldeko \ibilaldia a march for peace | a peace march

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ibilaldi

  • 8 aberastu

    1. to make... {rich || wealthy}; Jainkoak pobreak aberasten eta aberatsak pobretzen ditu God makes poor people rich and rich people poor
    2. ( aberatsago bihurtu) to enrich; hizkuntza hitz eratorriez \aberastu zuten they enriched the language with derived words
    3. Kim. to enrich; uranio \aberastua enriched uranium da/ad. to {get || grow || become} rich

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > aberastu

  • 9 adierazpide

    1. means of expression; hizkuntza ez da gizakion \adierazpide bakarra language is not the only means of expression we humans have
    2. Mat. representation

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > adierazpide

  • 10 ama

    a. mother; hiru seme-alabaren \ama da she' s the mother of three children; \ama-alabak mother and daughter
    b. [ izenen aurrean ] mother-; \ama hizkuntza mother tongue
    c. (irud.) (esa.) \amaren gonapetik urtenbako umea a spoilt brat; \amaren etxean bizi da! he lives a long way off | he lives out in the boondocks (USA) ; nolakoa baita \ama, halakoa ohi da alaba (atsot.) like mother, like daughter
    2. Kristau. A\ama Birjina the Virgin Mary; Arantzazuko A\ama Birjina Our Lady of Arantzazu
    3. ( jatorri, iturburu) mother; gudu guztien \ama mother of all battles

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ama

  • 11 arrasto

    a. trace, vestige; ez zuen \arrastorik utzi she didn' t leave a trace; egun ez da hizkuntza haren \arrastorik ere gelditzen today there' s not even a trace of that language left
    b. ( animaliek utzitakoak) track; ehizarako txakurrak \arrastoan dabiltza hunting dogs are on the trail; txakurrek azeriaren \arrastoa hartu zuten the dogs picked up the fox' s trail
    c. \arrastoan sartu i. to set (sb) right |to set (sb) straight ii. to settle down; andreak sartuko hau \arrastoan your wife will {set you right || straighten you out}
    2. ( gurdiari d., e.a.) track; gurpilen \arrastoak wheel tracks |wheel ruts

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > arrasto

  • 12 arrotz

    1. stranger
    a. foreigner, alien; \arrotz ibili to travel in strange lands
    b. [ izenen aurrean ] \arrotz-herri batera joan to exile
    3. ( ostatuan, e.a.) guest io.
    1. ( kanpotarra) foreign; hizkuntza \arrotzak foreign languages
    2. ( arraroa) strange, alien, odd
    3. ( parte hartu ez duena) esku \arrotzak ukitu du zure lana you haven' t laid a finger in your work
    4. ( ez jakituna, hasberri) unexperienced, new; \arrotz naiz lan honetan I' m new to this job

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > arrotz

  • 13 arroztu

    io. ( hitza) obsolete du/ad.
    1. to take away ; Herioak hainbat ditu \arroztu ezagunak Death has taken so many people we know
    2. ( erbesteratu) to banish, exile
    3. geure herrian \arroztu nahi gaituzte they want to make us foreigners in our own land da/ad.
    1. to become an outsider; hamasei urtez erbestean ibili eta zeharo \arroztu da he' s been sixteen years abroad and has become an utter foreigner
    a. ( ohitura) to fall away, disappear
    b. ( hitza) to fall into disuse
    c. ( hizkuntza batez aritzea) to get out of the habit of; gaeleraz \arroztu egin da he' s got out of the habit of speaking Gaelic

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > arroztu

  • 14 atzerri

    1. foreign country; \atzerri, otso herri (atsot.) foreign country, country of wolves | beware of people abroad
    2. ( kanpoa) abroad; \atzerritik etorri ziren gehienak most came from abroad
    3. [ izenen aurrean ] foreign -; \atzerri-hizkuntza foreign language

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > atzerri

  • 15 aupatu

    1. to push for, promote; Katalunian jende aberatsek tokiko hizkuntza aupatzen dute in Catalonia wealthy people promote the local language
    2. ( goretsi) to praise, laud

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > aupatu

  • 16 beharreko

    il. that has to; gure hizkuntza, gorde \beharreko altxorra our language, a treasure that ought to be maintained; hartu \beharrekoa du botika hori she's got to take that medicine

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > beharreko

  • 17 bihurtu

    1. (bestetu) to turn into; ura ardo \bihurtu zuen he turned water into wine
    2. (itzuli, atzera eman)
    a. to give back, return; liburuak \bihurtu zizkien he returned the books to them
    b. (eskubidea, e.a.) to restore
    c. (ordainduz) to pay back
    3. (orkatila) to sprain, twist
    4. (testu bat hizkuntza batera) to translate (- ra: into) da/ad.
    a. (besteratu) to turn into, change into
    b. to become, to turn; hauts bihurtzen da gorputza the body turns to dust ; mutila gizona \bihurtu zen the boy became a man; odolak ura \bihurtu zitzaizkion his blood ran cold
    a. to return, go back, come back, be back; atzo joan ziren eta bihar \bihurtuko dira they went yesterday and they'll be back tomorrow; bide onetara bihurtzeko in order to return to the straight and narrow
    b. to revert to, go back to; bizimondu basatira \bihurtu zen he reverted to his wild ways; bere zereginetara \bihurtu zen he went back to his activities
    3. (bildu) to come down to, boil down to; hiru alditan bihurtzen dira urte horiek those years boil down to three periods; lur-mota asko dira biana guztiak bitara bihurtzen dira there are many kinds of soil but they all boil down to two (kinds)
    4. (I) ( aurka egin, buru egin) to resist, oppose, face up to; etsaiei bihurtzeko in order to face up to his enemies

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > bihurtu

  • 18 bitore

    iz. victor, winner io. (trebea) skilled, capable, well-versed; zure laudatzeko ez naiz oso \bitore I'm not good at praising you; haien hizkuntza ez da oso \bitore their language is not very expressive

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > bitore

  • 19 bizi

    1. ( oso.) life; planeta hartan ba ote dago \bizirik? could there be life on that planet?; \bizia itsasoan sortu omen zen life is said to have originated in the sea
    a. ( norberea) life; guregatik eman zuen \bizia he gave his life for us; i-i \bizia kendu to take sb's life; \bizia galdu to lose one's life
    b. ( irud.) life; hizkuntzen \bizia the life of languages
    a. (bizitza) life; bere \bizian eta heriotzan in his life and death; neure \bizian ez dut horrelakorik ikusi I've never seen anything like it in my life; mila \bizi banitu ere even if I had a thousand lives to live
    b. [ izenen aurrean ] \bizi arnasa vital breathing; \bizi-maila standard of living
    c. (esa.) neguk luzaroko \bizirik ez dauka winter's not going to last very long | winter's on its last legs io.
    a. ( bizirik dagoena) living; \biziak eta hilak the living and the dead | the quick and the dead formala.
    b. (irud.) living; hizkuntza \biziak living languages
    a. (begia) bright
    b. (kolorea) bright, gaudy
    c. (pilota) bouncy
    d. (adimena) sharp, keen, alert
    e. (gorrotoa, maitasuna) intense, fervent; amorru \bizian in a furious bout of anger
    f. (ura) rough
    g. (edaria) strong, stiff
    3. ( negua) negu \bizian in the depths of winter
    a. (harri, e.a.) bare; arroka \bizian in bare rock
    b. (haragi) raw
    c. gerritik gora larru-\bizi zegoen he was naked from the waist up adb. (azkar) quick; goazen \bizi-\bizi! let's go, quick!

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > bizi

  • 20 dohain

    [from Rom. *done] iz.
    1. ( Jainkoagandik, izaditik hartzen dena) gift, grace; Espiritu Santuaren \dohaina gift of the Holy {Ghost || Spirit}; naturak \dohain guztiez hornitua endowed with every gift from nature
    2. ( nolakotasun ona) gift; hizkuntza askotan hitz egiteko \dohaina du he has the gift of speaking many languages; \dohain berezia du asmatzeko she has a special gift for guessing adb. gratuitously, free

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > dohain

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