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  • 21 hecho cisco

    (adj.) = wrecked
    Ex. The movie novel is about a trio of small-town guys who come across a wrecked plane containing a bag full of what they presume to be 'dirty money' and decide to hold onto it, with predictably hellish consequences.
    * * *
    (adj.) = wrecked

    Ex: The movie novel is about a trio of small-town guys who come across a wrecked plane containing a bag full of what they presume to be 'dirty money' and decide to hold onto it, with predictably hellish consequences.

    Spanish-English dictionary > hecho cisco

  • 22 hecho como de pasada

    (adj.) = throwaway
    Ex. This film is really just a series of throwaway skits that the director and scriptwriter attempt to lard with parody and freaky fantasy.
    * * *
    (adj.) = throwaway

    Ex: This film is really just a series of throwaway skits that the director and scriptwriter attempt to lard with parody and freaky fantasy.

    Spanish-English dictionary > hecho como de pasada

  • 23 hecho de antemano

    = off-the-peg, ready-made
    Ex. Certain makes of microprocessor have achieved sufficient sales to stimulate the production of a wide range of off-the-peg application packages.
    Ex. In some cases UDC provides the indexer with a ready-made class number for a compound subject.
    * * *
    = off-the-peg, ready-made

    Ex: Certain makes of microprocessor have achieved sufficient sales to stimulate the production of a wide range of off-the-peg application packages.

    Ex: In some cases UDC provides the indexer with a ready-made class number for a compound subject.

    Spanish-English dictionary > hecho de antemano

  • 24 hecho de encaje

    (adj.) = lacy
    Ex. Lingerie is ladies' underwear; lacy frilly knickers, bras, panties, undies, stockings, various fancy items.
    * * *
    (adj.) = lacy

    Ex: Lingerie is ladies' underwear; lacy frilly knickers, bras, panties, undies, stockings, various fancy items.

    Spanish-English dictionary > hecho de encaje

  • 25 hecho de grava

    (adj.) = metalled [metaled, -USA]
    Ex. The military effectiveness of Roman legionnaires was chiefly due to the metaled roads the soldiers built.
    * * *
    (adj.) = metalled [metaled, -USA]

    Ex: The military effectiveness of Roman legionnaires was chiefly due to the metaled roads the soldiers built.

    Spanish-English dictionary > hecho de grava

  • 26 hecho de trozos

    (adj.) = piecewise
    Ex. The constructed piecewise model generates the same portion of curve as the original one.
    * * *
    (adj.) = piecewise

    Ex: The constructed piecewise model generates the same portion of curve as the original one.

    Spanish-English dictionary > hecho de trozos

  • 27 hecho de un modo gratuito

    (n.) = pro bono
    Ex. Pro bono work should be a part of professional duty, not looked on as a charitable act = El trabajo desinteresado debería formar parte de los deberes profesionales y no considerarse como un acto caritativo.
    * * *
    (n.) = pro bono

    Ex: Pro bono work should be a part of professional duty, not looked on as a charitable act = El trabajo desinteresado debería formar parte de los deberes profesionales y no considerarse como un acto caritativo.

    Spanish-English dictionary > hecho de un modo gratuito

  • 28 hecho demostrado

    Ex. Care should be taken that the question asked solicits the information desired and that one does not proceed to make assumptions beyond established facts.
    * * *

    Ex: Care should be taken that the question asked solicits the information desired and that one does not proceed to make assumptions beyond established facts.

    Spanish-English dictionary > hecho demostrado

  • 29 hecho en América

    Ex. Technical difficulties beset the development of the Monotype through the 1890s, and it was not until 1901 that the English Monotype Corporation could offer American-built machines in quantity.
    * * *

    Ex: Technical difficulties beset the development of the Monotype through the 1890s, and it was not until 1901 that the English Monotype Corporation could offer American-built machines in quantity.

    Spanish-English dictionary > hecho en América

  • 30 hecho en el Reino Unido

    (adj.) = British-made
    Ex. This is a British-made general encyclopedia that dates back to 1913-14, is both authoritative and reliable as a source of information for adults and older students.
    * * *
    (adj.) = British-made

    Ex: This is a British-made general encyclopedia that dates back to 1913-14, is both authoritative and reliable as a source of information for adults and older students.

    Spanish-English dictionary > hecho en el Reino Unido

  • 31 hecho en el extranjero

    Ex. His small foreign-made car strained with the added burden of an interior packed to capacity with personal belongings and a heavily laden U-Haul trailor attached to the rear.
    * * *

    Ex: His small foreign-made car strained with the added burden of an interior packed to capacity with personal belongings and a heavily laden U-Haul trailor attached to the rear.

    Spanish-English dictionary > hecho en el extranjero

  • 32 hecho en lugar de otra persona

    (adj.) = delegated
    Ex. Reference librarians should be prepared to be the 'intermediaries' and to perform ' delegated' searches for the majority of libraries' clientele.
    * * *
    (adj.) = delegated

    Ex: Reference librarians should be prepared to be the 'intermediaries' and to perform ' delegated' searches for the majority of libraries' clientele.

    Spanish-English dictionary > hecho en lugar de otra persona

  • 33 hecho exclusivamente para

    Ex. By way of contrast, the great majority of the libraries grouped together as 'special' are very much twentieth century institutions, born and bred very often for the sole purpose of providing reference and information services.
    * * *

    Ex: By way of contrast, the great majority of the libraries grouped together as 'special' are very much twentieth century institutions, born and bred very often for the sole purpose of providing reference and information services.

    Spanish-English dictionary > hecho exclusivamente para

  • 34 hecho exclusivamente para la web

    (adj.) = Web-centric
    Ex. The author presents the obstacles and difficulties faced in making real video, Web-centric, network Java applications.
    * * *
    (adj.) = Web-centric

    Ex: The author presents the obstacles and difficulties faced in making real video, Web-centric, network Java applications.

    Spanish-English dictionary > hecho exclusivamente para la web

  • 35 hecho expresamente para

    Ex. Plenty of light, with a display spotlight if possible, should illuminate the exhibition (a number of inexpensive, safe little spotlights intended for the job are now on the market).
    * * *

    Ex: Plenty of light, with a display spotlight if possible, should illuminate the exhibition (a number of inexpensive, safe little spotlights intended for the job are now on the market).

    Spanish-English dictionary > hecho expresamente para

  • 36 hecho ineludible

    (n.) = hard fact
    Ex. To speak of books as 'new products for the market' sounds crassly commercial, but is nevertheless a hard fact of book-trade life.
    * * *
    (n.) = hard fact

    Ex: To speak of books as 'new products for the market' sounds crassly commercial, but is nevertheless a hard fact of book-trade life.

    Spanish-English dictionary > hecho ineludible

  • 37 hecho para una situación específica

    Ex. The history and analysis of CCML presented here is quite subjective and specific to BRS, but does reflect the issues associated with producing a niche-specific database.
    * * *

    Ex: The history and analysis of CCML presented here is quite subjective and specific to BRS, but does reflect the issues associated with producing a niche-specific database.

    Spanish-English dictionary > hecho para una situación específica

  • 38 hecho para una única ocasión

    (adj.) = one shot
    Ex. I think 'one shot' programming only works for a time.
    * * *
    (adj.) = one shot

    Ex: I think 'one shot' programming only works for a time.

    Spanish-English dictionary > hecho para una única ocasión

  • 39 hecho polvo

    1 converted to dust, powdered, converted into dust.
    2 exhausted, zonked, zonked out.
    * * *
    (adj.) = wrecked, dog tired
    Ex. The movie novel is about a trio of small-town guys who come across a wrecked plane containing a bag full of what they presume to be 'dirty money' and decide to hold onto it, with predictably hellish consequences.
    Ex. After all, who has not felt dog-tired and drained, sometimes for long stretches, at one time or another?.
    * * *
    (adj.) = wrecked, dog tired

    Ex: The movie novel is about a trio of small-town guys who come across a wrecked plane containing a bag full of what they presume to be 'dirty money' and decide to hold onto it, with predictably hellish consequences.

    Ex: After all, who has not felt dog-tired and drained, sometimes for long stretches, at one time or another?.

    Spanish-English dictionary > hecho polvo

  • 40 hecho por el autor

    = author-designated, author-prepared
    Ex. Citations, then, are explicit author-designated links between various items in the literature.
    Ex. The upshot has been that author-prepared abstracts vary considerably in quality.
    * * *
    = author-designated, author-prepared

    Ex: Citations, then, are explicit author-designated links between various items in the literature.

    Ex: The upshot has been that author-prepared abstracts vary considerably in quality.

    Spanish-English dictionary > hecho por el autor

См. также в других словарях:

  • hecho — cha adjetivo 1. (estar) Que se ha desarrollado completamente o ha alcanzado el punto debido: La pasta ya está hecha. Rafa es un hombre hecho. Los jardineros transplantaron el árbol cuando ya estaba hecho. 2. (estar) Que está acostumbrado: Julia …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • hecho — hecho, cha (Del part. irreg. de hacer; lat. factus). 1. adj. Acabado, maduro. Hombre, árbol, vino hecho. 2. semejante (ǁ que semeja). Hecho un [m6]león, un [m6]basilisco. [m6]Hecha una [m6]fiera …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • hecho — hecho, estar hecho expr. fácil de hacer, rápido. ❙ «De acuerdo dijo Lorenzo eso está hecho.» J. Semprún, Autobiografía de Federico Sánchez, 1977, RAE CREA. ❙ «Si el bicho asoma, eso está hecho.» Juan Pedro Aparicio, Retratos de ambigú, 1989, RAE… …   Diccionario del Argot "El Sohez"

  • Hecho — Hecho, fáctico y factual, pueden referirse a: Hecho (filosofía), una noción muy general sobre lo que es el caso. Hecho científico. Hecho histórico, o acontecimiento. Hecho jurídico. Hecho periodístico, o noticia. Hecho social. Hechos de los… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Hecho — Hecho, Flecken in der spanischen Provinz Huesca, im gleichnamigen Thal, in welchem Eisen, Kupfer, silberhaltiges Blei u. Porzellanerde gewonnen u. Getreide, Flachs, Hanf u. Hülsenfrüchte gebaut werden; 1500 Ew …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Hecho — Hecho, s. Cereus …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • hecho — (Del lat. factus.) ► adjetivo 1 Que ha alcanzado la madurez o desarrollo completo: ■ un árbol hecho. SINÓNIMO desarrollado maduro ANTÓNIMO [cincompleto] inmaduro 2 Con algunos nombres precedidos de artículo indeterminado, indica que tiene aspecto …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • hecho — I. pp irregular de hacer II. 1 s m Acto, fenómeno, cosa que sucede o que existe: Pude ver un hecho muy raro , Un relato de los hechos , La comunicación por satélite es un hecho , El hecho de escribir 2 Hecho de armas Acción o hazaña militar 3 adj …   Español en México

  • hecho — {{#}}{{LM H19866}}{{〓}} {{SynH20376}} {{[}}hecho{{]}}, {{[}}hecha{{]}} ‹he·cho, cha› {{<}}1{{>}} {{▲}}part. irreg. de{{△}} {{H19718}}{{↑}}hacer{{↓}}. {{《}}▍ adj.{{》}} {{<}}2{{>}} Que ha alcanzado el desarrollo completo, que está terminado o que… …   Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos

  • hecho — Derecho. Caso sobre el que se litiga o que da motivo a la causa. Derecho. Ver: ignorancia de hecho Derecho. Ver: condición imposible de hecho Derecho. Ver: presunción de hecho y de derecho hecho probado desus. Derecho. Sirve para denotar q …   Diccionario de Economía Alkona

  • hecho un — verdaderamente como un; completamente un; transformado en un; cf. hecho un cohete, hecho un peo, todo un; el Manuel está hecho un chancho últimamente , la vi hecha un trapo a la pobre Andrea; el divorcio la está afectando mucho , mira esta cocina …   Diccionario de chileno actual

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