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  • 1 formally

    adverb formálně
    * * *
    • formálně

    English-Czech dictionary > formally

  • 2 renounce

    1) (to give up (a title, claim, intention etc) especially formally or publicly: He renounced his claim to the throne.) vzdát se
    2) (to say especially formally or publicly that one will no longer have anything to do with (something): I have renounced alcohol.) odříci si
    * * *
    • zapřít

    English-Czech dictionary > renounce

  • 3 apply

    1) ((with to) to put (something) on or against something else: to apply ointment to a cut.) přiložit
    2) ((with to) to use (something) for some purpose: He applied his wits to planning their escape.) využít, použít
    3) ((with for) to ask for (something) formally: You could apply (to the manager) for a job.) (po)žádat o
    4) ((with to) to concern: This rule does not apply to him.) týkat se
    5) (to be in force: The rule doesn't apply at weekends.) vztahovat se na, mít platnost
    - applicable
    - applicability
    - applicant
    - application
    - apply oneself/one's mind
    * * *
    • upotřebit
    • žádat
    • použít
    • obrátit se na
    • aplikovat

    English-Czech dictionary > apply

  • 4 certify

    1) (to declare formally (eg that something is true): I certify that I witnessed the signing of his will.) potvrdit
    2) (to declare officially that (someone) is insane.) prohlásit za duševně chorého
    * * *
    • potvrzovat
    • potvrdit
    • osvědčit

    English-Czech dictionary > certify

  • 5 declare

    1) (to announce publicly or formally: War was declared this morning.) vyhlásit
    2) (to say firmly: 'I don't like him at all,' she declared.) prohlásit
    3) (to make known (goods on which duty must be paid, income on which tax should be paid etc): He decided to declare his untaxed earnings to the tax-office.) proclít
    * * *
    • proclít
    • prohlašovat
    • prohlásit
    • deklarovat

    English-Czech dictionary > declare

  • 6 formal

    1) (done etc according to a fixed and accepted way: a formal letter.) formální
    2) (suitable or correct for occasions when things are done according to a fixed and accepted way: You must wear formal dress.) společenský
    3) ((of behaviour, attitude etc) not relaxed and friendly: formal behaviour.) obřadný
    4) ((of language) exactly correct by grammatical etc rules but not conversational: Her English was very formal.) formální
    5) ((of designs etc) precise and following a fixed pattern rather than occuring naturally: formal gardens.) geometrický, symetrický
    - formality
    * * *
    • formální

    English-Czech dictionary > formal

  • 7 inaugurate

    1) (to place (a person) in an official position with great ceremony: to inaugurate a president.) uvést do úřadu
    2) (to make a ceremonial start to: This meeting is to inaugurate our new Social Work scheme.) zahájit
    3) (to open (a building, exhibition etc) formally to the public: The Queen inaugurated the new university buildings.) slavnostně otevřít
    - inaugural
    * * *
    • uvést
    • zahájit
    • zasvětit
    • inaugurovat

    English-Czech dictionary > inaugurate

  • 8 informal

    1) (not formal or official; friendly and relaxed: The two prime ministers will meet for informal discussions today; Will the party be formal or informal?; friendly, informal manners.) neoficiální
    2) ((of speech or vocabulary) used in conversation but not usually when writing formally, speaking in public etc: `Won't' and `can't' are informal forms of `will not' and `cannot'.) hovorový
    - informally
    * * *
    • všední
    • pohodlný
    • obyčejný
    • každodenní
    • neformální

    English-Czech dictionary > informal

  • 9 inspect

    1) (to look at, or examine, carefully or formally: He inspected the bloodstains.) prozkoumat
    2) (to visit (eg a restaurant or school) officially, to make sure that it is properly run: Cafés must be regularly inspected to find out if they are kept clean.) (z)kontrolovat
    3) (to look at (troops etc) ceremonially: The Queen will inspect the regiment.) vykonat přehlídku
    - inspector
    * * *
    • prohlížet
    • prohlédnouti
    • prohlédnout
    • prohlídnout
    • ohledat
    • kontrolovat
    • dozírat

    English-Czech dictionary > inspect

  • 10 lodge

    [lo‹] 1. noun
    1) (a small house, especially one at a gate to the grounds of a large house.) domek
    2) (a room at a college gate etc for an attendant: the porter's lodge.) vrátnice
    2. verb
    1) (to live in rooms for which one pays, in someone else's house: He lodges with the Smiths.) být v podnájmu
    2) (to make or become fixed: The bullet was lodged in his spine.) uložit, vězet
    3) (to make (an objection, an appeal etc) formally or officially.) podat, předložit
    - lodging
    * * *
    • lóže
    • bouda
    • chata
    • domek

    English-Czech dictionary > lodge

  • 11 officially

    1) ((negative unofficially) as an official: He attended the ceremony officially.) oficiálně
    2) (formally: The new library was officially opened yesterday.) formálně
    3) (according to what is announced publicly (though not necessarily true in fact): Officially he is on holiday - actually he is working on a new book.) oficiálně
    - officious
    - officiously
    - officiousness
    - office-bearer
    - through the kind offices of
    - through the offices of
    * * *
    • oficiálně

    English-Czech dictionary > officially

  • 12 present

    I ['preznt] adjective
    1) (being here, or at the place, occasion etc mentioned: My father was present on that occasion; Who else was present at the wedding?; Now that the whole class is present, we can begin the lesson.) přítomný
    2) (existing now: the present moment; the present prime minister.) nynější, současný
    3) ((of the tense of a verb) indicating action now: In the sentence `She wants a chocolate', the verb is in the present tense.) přítomný
    - the present
    - at present
    - for the present
    II [pri'zent] verb
    1) (to give, especially formally or ceremonially: The child presented a bunch of flowers to the Queen; He was presented with a gold watch when he retired.) předat, obdařit
    2) (to introduce: May I present my wife (to you)?) představit
    3) (to arrange the production of (a play, film etc): The Elizabethan Theatre Company presents `Hamlet', by William Shakespeare.) uvést
    4) (to offer (ideas etc) for consideration, or (a problem etc) for solving: She presents (=expresses) her ideas very clearly; The situation presents a problem.) vyjádřit, klást
    5) (to bring (oneself); to appear: He presented himself at the dinner table half an hour late.) dostavit se
    - presentable
    - presentation
    - present arms
    III ['preznt] noun
    (a gift: a wedding present; birthday presents.) dar
    * * *
    • věnovat
    • při tom
    • přítomen
    • přítomný
    • přítomnost
    • prezentovat
    • přítomna
    • skutečný
    • současný
    • současnost
    • nynější
    • dosavadní
    • dárek
    • dar

    English-Czech dictionary > present

  • 13 pronounce

    1) (to speak (words or sounds, especially in a certain way): He pronounced my name wrongly; The `b' in `lamb' and the `k' in `knob' are not pronounced.) vyslovovat
    2) (to announce officially or formally: He pronounced judgement on the prisoner.) vynést
    - pronounced
    - pronouncement
    - pronunciation
    * * *
    • uznat
    • vyhlásit
    • vyslovovat
    • vyslovit

    English-Czech dictionary > pronounce

  • 14 ratify

    (to approve and agree to formally and officially, especially in writing.) potvrdit
    * * *
    • ratifikovat

    English-Czech dictionary > ratify

  • 15 resolution

    [rezə'lu:ʃən] 1. noun
    1) (a firm decision (to do something): He made a resolution to get up early.) odhodlání
    2) (an opinion or decision formally expressed by a group of people, eg at a public meeting: The meeting passed a resolution in favour of allowing women to join the society.) rezoluce
    3) (resoluteness.) odhodlanost
    4) (the act of resolving (a problem etc).) vyřešení
    - resolutely
    - resoluteness
    - resolve
    2. noun
    1) (determination to do what one has decided to do: He showed great resolve.) rozhodnost
    2) (a firm decision: It is his resolve to become a director of this firm.) předsevzetí
    * * *
    • usnesení
    • vyřešení
    • rozhodnutí
    • rozlišení
    • řešení
    • rezoluce
    • odhodlanost

    English-Czech dictionary > resolution

  • 16 second

    I 1. ['sekənd] adjective
    1) (next after, or following, the first in time, place etc: February is the second month of the year; She finished the race in second place.) druhý
    2) (additional or extra: a second house in the country.) druhý, další
    3) (lesser in importance, quality etc: She's a member of the school's second swimming team.) druhý
    2. adverb
    (next after the first: He came second in the race.) jako druhý
    3. noun
    1) (a second person, thing etc: You're the second to arrive.) druhý, -á
    2) (a person who supports and helps a person who is fighting in a boxing match etc.) sekundant
    4. verb
    (to agree with (something said by a previous speaker), especially to do so formally: He proposed the motion and I seconded it.) podpořit
    5. noun
    (a secondary school.) škola druhého stupně, střední
    - secondly
    - secondary colours
    - secondary school
    - second-best
    - second-class
    - second-hand
    - second lieutenant
    - second-rate
    - second sight
    - second thoughts
    - at second hand
    - come off second best
    - every second week
    - month
    - second to none
    II ['sekənd] noun
    1) (the sixtieth part of a minute: He ran the race in three minutes and forty-two seconds.) sekunda
    2) (a short time: I'll be there in a second.) vteřinka
    * * *
    • vteřina
    • sekunda
    • druhotný
    • druhý

    English-Czech dictionary > second

  • 17 swear in

    (to introduce (a person) into a post or office formally, by making him swear an oath: The new Governor is being sworn in next week.) složit přísahu
    * * *
    • přísaha

    English-Czech dictionary > swear in

  • 18 take an examination/test

    (to have one's knowledge or ability tested formally, often in writing.) dělat zkoušku

    English-Czech dictionary > take an examination/test

См. также в других словарях:

  • Formally — Form al*ly, adv. In a formal manner; essentially; characteristically; expressly; regularly; ceremoniously; precisely. [1913 Webster] That which formally makes this [charity] a Christian grace, is the spring from which it flows. Smalridge. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • formally — index pro forma Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • formally — (adv.) c.1400, in good form, from FORMAL (Cf. formal) + LY (Cf. ly) (2). Meaning in prescribed or customary form is from 1560s …   Etymology dictionary

  • formally — [fôr′məl ē] adv. [ME formali, formeliche] 1. in a formal manner 2. with regard to form …   English World dictionary

  • formally — formal for‧mal [ˈfɔːml ǁ ˈfɔːr ] adjective done or given officially and publicly: • The companies said they expect to sign a formal agreement before year s end. • No formal announcement has yet been made. • The British authorities have decided… …   Financial and business terms

  • formally — adverb a) In a formal manner. He dressed quite formally too formally for the occasion. b) In accordance with official procedure. He formally filed a complaint, which involved much paperwork …   Wiktionary

  • formally — for|mal|ly [ˈfo:məli US ˈfo:r ] adv 1.) officially ≠ ↑informally ▪ We announced a decision formally recognizing the new government. 2.) in a polite way ≠ ↑informally ▪ He put his hand out formally, and Liza took it. ▪ I apologize, Captain, she… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • formally — /fawr meuh lee/, adv. 1. in a formal manner: The store was formally opened on Tuesday. 2. as regards form; in form: It may be formally correct, but it is substantively wrong. [1350 1400; ME. See FORMAL1, LY] * * * …   Universalium

  • formally — adv. Formally is used with these adjectives: ↑distinct, ↑educated, ↑organized, ↑responsible, ↑trained Formally is used with these verbs: ↑abandon, ↑acknowledge, ↑adopt, ↑annex, ↑announce, ↑ …   Collocations dictionary

  • formally — adverb 1 officially: Mr Wright has formally accepted the job. 2 in a polite way: He bowed formally to each guest in turn …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • formally — adverb 1. with official authorization (Freq. 5) the club will be formally recognized • Syn: ↑officially • Derived from adjective: ↑official (for: ↑officially), ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

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