Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 folded

    adjective dobrado

    English-Portuguese dictionary > folded

  • 2 folded

    adjective dobrado, pregueado

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > folded

  • 3 fold

    I 1. [fould] verb
    1) (to double over (material, paper etc): She folded the paper in half.) dobrar
    2) (to lay one on top of another: She folded her hands in her lap.) cruzar
    3) (to bring in (wings) close to the body: The bird folded its wings.) recolher
    2. noun
    1) (a doubling of one layer of material, paper etc over another: Her dress hung in folds.) prega
    2) (a mark made especially on paper etc by doing this; a crease: There was a fold in the page.) dobra
    - folder
    - folding
    II [fould] noun
    (a place surrounded by a fence or wall, in which sheep are kept: a sheep fold.) redil
    * * *
    [fould] n 1 dobra, prega, ruga, vinco, Mech rebordo. 2 concavidade, recôncavo. 3 envoltório, embrulho, invólucro, rosca, volta (de serpente, etc.). 4 Geol dobra. • vt+vi 1 dobrar(-se), preguear(-se). 2 cruzar (os braços), entrelaçar (os dedos). he folded his arms / ele cruzou os braços. 3 abraçar, abarcar, enlaçar, cercar, juntar, rodear. 4 abraçar, cingir, prender nos braços. he folded his arms round her / ele cingiu-a com os braços. he folded the child in his arms / ele abraçou a criança. 5 envolver, embrulhar. 6 dobrar, ceder, vergar, esmorecer, frustrar-se. to fold in/ into Cook acrescentar, misturar, incorporar (ingredientes). to fold up coll fracassar, fechar (diz-se de um negócio).
    [fould] n 1 aprisco, redil, curral de ovelhas. 2 rebanho (de ovelhas). 3 congregação de fiéis, o sagrado aprisco, a Igreja. • vt encurralar, recolher, encerrar no aprisco.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fold

  • 4 fold

    I 1. [fould] verb
    1) (to double over (material, paper etc): She folded the paper in half.) dobrar
    2) (to lay one on top of another: She folded her hands in her lap.) cruzar
    3) (to bring in (wings) close to the body: The bird folded its wings.) recolher
    2. noun
    1) (a doubling of one layer of material, paper etc over another: Her dress hung in folds.) prega
    2) (a mark made especially on paper etc by doing this; a crease: There was a fold in the page.) dobra
    - folder - folding II [fould] noun
    (a place surrounded by a fence or wall, in which sheep are kept: a sheep fold.) redil

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > fold

  • 5 folio

    plural - folios; noun
    1) (a sheet of paper folded once.) fólio
    2) (a book in which the pages are made of sheets of paper folded once: Shakespeare's plays were first printed in folio.) fólio
    * * *
    [f'ouliou] n 1 fólio, folha de impressão dobrada apenas em duas. 2 livro comercial numerado por folhas. 3 in-fólio, livro em formato in-fólio. 4 Typogr o número de uma página. 5 as duas laudas de uma folha, folha de um livro, manuscrito, etc. numerado de um lado só. • vt paginar, numerar as páginas ou as folhas de. • adj in-fólio. folio volume formato, volume in-fólio, livro in-fólio, fig calhamaço. in folio na forma ou no tamanho de um fólio.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > folio

  • 6 folio

    plural - folios; noun
    1) (a sheet of paper folded once.) fólio
    2) (a book in which the pages are made of sheets of paper folded once: Shakespeare's plays were first printed in folio.) in-fólio

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > folio

  • 7 collapsible

    adjective (able to be folded up etc: These chairs are collapsible.) desdobrável
    * * *
    [kəl'æpsəbəl] adj 1 que pode desmoronar ou cair. 2 desmontável, dobradiço, articulado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > collapsible

  • 8 double

    1. adjective
    1) (of twice the (usual) weight, size etc: A double whisky, please.) duplo
    2) (two of a sort together or occurring in pairs: double doors.) duplo
    3) (consisting of two parts or layers: a double thickness of paper; a double meaning.) duplo
    4) (for two people: a double bed.) de casal
    2. adverb
    1) (twice: I gave her double the usual quantity.) duas vezes
    2) (in two: The coat had been folded double.) em dois
    3. noun
    1) (a double quantity: Whatever the women earn, the men earn double.) dobro
    2) (someone who is exactly like another: He is my father's double.) sósia
    4. verb
    1) (to (cause to) become twice as large or numerous: He doubled his income in three years; Road accidents have doubled since 1960.) duplicar
    2) (to have two jobs or uses: This sofa doubles as a bed.) desdobrar-se
    - double agent
    - double bass
    - double-bedded
    - double-check
    - double-cross
    - double-dealing
    5. adjective
    (cheating: You double-dealing liar!) traidor
    6. adjective
    a double-decker bus.) de dois andares
    - double figures
    - double-quick
    - at the double
    - double back
    - double up
    - see double
    * * *
    [d'∧bəl] n 1 dobro, duplo. 2 cópia duplicada, duplicata. 3 sósia, retrato, imagem, outro eu. 4 dobra, prega. 5 Theat, Cin ator ou atriz substituta. 6 volta, curva, meandro dos rios, rodeio. 7 astúcia, artifício. 8 Mil marcha acelerada, quase a correr. 9 Ten partida de duplas (também pl doubles). 10 Typogr a mesma palavra repetida por descuido. 11 ato de dobrar a parada no jogo de cartas. • vt+vi 1 dobrar, duplicar, multiplicar por dois, acrescentar outro tanto a. 2 fazer dobras em. 3 repetir. 4 dobrar o papel, a roupa, o pano, etc. 5 curvar(-se), vergar-se, dobrar-se. 6 voltar atrás, fazer voltas súbitas. 7 Naut dobrar um cabo, navegar ao redor. 8 Theat, Cin desempenhar dois papéis na mesma peça, ser o substituto, substituir um ator ou atriz por outro. 9 Mil marchar a passo acelerado, dobrar o passo, quase correr. 10 dobrar a parada no jogo de cartas. 11 fig enganar, fingir, embair, pregar uma peça a alguém. 12 trançar as pernas. 13 cerrar (o punho). • adj 1 dobro, dobrado, duplo, duplicado, de duas sortes, maneiras, aspectos ou sentidos. 2 ambíguo, equívoco. 3 fig dobrado, fingido, falso, enganador, hipócrita, traiçoeiro. 4 para dois, em pares, de casal. 5 Mus uma oitava abaixo. • adv dobradamente, duplicadamente, por dois modos, em pares, dois a dois. at the double muito rapidamente. double or quits o dobro ou nada. on the double 1 rapidamente. 2 Mil a passo dobrado. to bend double dobrar-se ao meio. to double a part representar, além do seu, o papel de outrem. to double back voltar. to double cape Horn estar sendo corneado. to double down fazer uma dobra (na falha de um livro). to double one’s legs cruzar as pernas. to double the fist cerrar o punho. to double up/ over 1 dobrar-se, curvar-se. 2 cerrar (o punho). 3 tornar enrugado, amassado (falando de papel, etc.). 4 cair em colapso. 5 usar de truques. 6 enfileirar-se de dois em dois. 7 dobrar-se de rir. 8 coll partilhar acomodações com alguém. to double upon 1 Mil dobrar (as fileiras de um batalhão, etc.). 2 fazer voltas súbitas ou curvas para escapar a uma perseguição. 3 usar de subterfúgios para com alguém. to play double enganar, dobrar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > double

  • 9 folding

    adjective (that can be folded: a folding chair.) desdobrável
    * * *
    [f'ouldiŋ] n 1 dobração, dobragem, dobradura. 2 Comp a) desdobramento. b) dualidade funcional. • adj dobradiço, flexível.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > folding

  • 10 hem

    [hem] 1. noun
    (the border of a piece of clothing, folded over and sewn.) bainha
    2. verb
    (to make a hem on (a piece of clothing): I've hemmed the skirt.) pôr bainha em
    * * *
    [hem] n bainha, orla, borda, margem. • vt abainhar, fazer bainha. to hem in cercar, encerrar.
    [hem] n pigarro. • vi pigarrear, tossir. to hem and haw pigarrear de embaraço.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hem

  • 11 lapel

    (the part of a coat joined to the collar and folded back against the chest: Narrow lapels are in fashion.) lapela
    * * *
    [ləp'el] n lapela.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lapel

  • 12 stiff

    1) (rigid or firm, and not easily bent, folded etc: He has walked with a stiff leg since he injured his knee; stiff cardboard.) rígido
    2) (moving, or moved, with difficulty, pain etc: I can't turn the key - the lock is stiff; I woke up with a stiff neck; I felt stiff the day after the climb.) duro
    3) ((of a cooking mixture etc) thick, and not flowing: a stiff dough.) espesso
    4) (difficult to do: a stiff examination.) difícil
    5) (strong: a stiff breeze.) forte
    6) ((of a person or his manner etc) formal and unfriendly: I received a stiff note from the bank manager.) formal
    - stiffness
    - stiffen
    - stiffening
    - bore
    - scare stiff
    * * *
    [stif] n 1 sl cadáver. 2 sl pessoa formal, cerimoniosa. 3 Amer sl pessoa desajeitada, caipira. 4 sl pessoa bêbada. 5 sl trabalhador migrante, trabalhador braçal. • vt sl 1 enganar, trapacear, ludibriar. 2 tratar rudemente, ser injusto com. 3 fracassar comercialmente. • adj 1 duro, rijo, teso. 2 firme, duro de mover. 3 inflexível, tenso. 4 apertado, esticado. 5 espesso, viscoso. 6 denso, compacto. 7 formal, afetado, constrangido, cerimonioso. he’s as stiff as a poker / ele é excessivamente formal (ou cerimonioso). 8 forte, constante (vento). 9 severo, rigoroso. 10 obstinado, persistente. 11 forte, com muito álcool. 12 coll alto, salgado (fig, falando de preço), excessivo. 13 entrevado, emperrado. 14 dolorido. 15 teimoso, intransigente. 16 formal, frio. 17 sl bêbado. • adv 1 duramente, rijamente. 2 muito, extremamente. it bored me stiff / foi muito cansativo ou enfadonho para mim. 3 totalmente. to bore someone stiff aborrecer alguém com conversa chata. to keep a stiff upper lip agüentar firme. to scare someone stiff assustar alguém, amedrontar alguém.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stiff

  • 13 swat

    [swot] 1. past tense, past participle - swatted; verb
    (to crush (a fly etc) by slapping it with something flat: He swatted the fly with a folded newspaper.) esmagar
    2. noun
    (an act of swatting: He gave the wasp a swat.) pancada
    * * *
    [swɔt] n 1 golpe violento. 2 mata-moscas. • vt 1 esmagar, matar com um golpe (moscas). 2 atingir com uma pancada.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > swat

  • 14 unwrap

    past tense, past participle - unwrapped; verb
    (to open (something wrapped or folded): He unwrapped the gift.) desembrulhar
    * * *
    [∧nr'æp] vt+vi 1 desembrulhar(-se), desempacotar, abrir(-se). 2 abrir a cama.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > unwrap

  • 15 lengthways/lengthwise

    adverb (in the direction of the length: She folded the towels lengthways.) ao comprido

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lengthways/lengthwise

  • 16 notelet

    noun (a small piece of notepaper, often folded like a card and with a picture on it, used for short letters.) cartão

    English-Portuguese dictionary > notelet

  • 17 paper sculpture

    (the art of modelling with folded paper.) origâmi QUERY

    English-Portuguese dictionary > paper sculpture

  • 18 turn-up

    noun (a piece of material which is folded up at the bottom of a trouser-leg: Trousers with turn-ups are not fashionable at the moment.) dobra

    English-Portuguese dictionary > turn-up

  • 19 collapsible

    adjective (able to be folded up etc: These chairs are collapsible.) desmontável

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > collapsible

  • 20 double

    1. adjective
    1) (of twice the (usual) weight, size etc: A double whisky, please.) duplo
    2) (two of a sort together or occurring in pairs: double doors.) duplo
    3) (consisting of two parts or layers: a double thickness of paper; a double meaning.) duplo
    4) (for two people: a double bed.) duplo
    2. adverb
    1) (twice: I gave her double the usual quantity.) duas vezes
    2) (in two: The coat had been folded double.) em dois
    3. noun
    1) (a double quantity: Whatever the women earn, the men earn double.) dobro
    2) (someone who is exactly like another: He is my father's double.) sósia
    4. verb
    1) (to (cause to) become twice as large or numerous: He doubled his income in three years; Road accidents have doubled since 1960.) duplicar
    2) (to have two jobs or uses: This sofa doubles as a bed.) desdobrar-se
    - double agent - double bass - double-bedded - double-check - double-cross - double-dealing 5. adjective
    (cheating: You double-dealing liar!) hipócrita, falso
    6. adjective
    a double-decker bus.) de dois andares
    - double figures - double-quick - at the double - double back - double up - see double

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > double

См. также в других словарях:

  • folded — adj. made compact by bending or doubling over. [Narrower terms: {accordion, plicate ; {bifold ; {closed ; {doubled ; {pleated ; {rolled, rolled up(prenominal) ; {sunburst, sunray .] Also See: {collapsible}, {collapsable}. Antonym: {unfolded}… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Folded — Fold Fold (f[=o]ld), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Folded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Folding}.] [OE. folden, falden, AS. fealdan; akin to OHG. faltan, faldan, G. falten, Icel. falda, Dan. folde, Sw. f[*a]lla, Goth. fal[thorn]an, cf. Gr. di pla sios twofold, Skr.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • folded — mod. alcohol intoxicated. □ Pete is folded. That’s the third time this week. □ Man, is he folded! …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • folded — adj. Folded is used with these nouns: ↑arm, ↑napkin, ↑newspaper, ↑paper, ↑sheet …   Collocations dictionary

  • folded — adj Drunk, intoxicated. Kat got folded at the party last night and now she s grounded for a week. 1990s …   Historical dictionary of American slang

  • folded mountain — folded mountain, a mountain formed when the earth s crust folds into great waves, somewhat like the folds of a washboard. An example of folded mountains is the Jura range on the French Swiss border …   Useful english dictionary

  • Folded optics — is an optical system in which the beam is bent in a way to make the optical path much longer than the size of the system. Prismatic binoculars are a well know example …   Wikipedia

  • Folded Spectrum Method — (FSM) ist ein mathematisches iteratives Optimierungsverfahren für Eigenwertprobleme. Mit ihm ist es möglich, den Eigenvektor Ψ eines großen Eigenwertproblems zur Matrix H zu bestimmen, der am nächsten an einem beliebigen Ziel Eigenwert ε liegt,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • folded circle — folded circle. См. складчатое кольцо. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

  • folded mountains — plural noun (geology) Mountains produced by folding processes • • • Main Entry: ↑fold …   Useful english dictionary

  • Folded unipole antenna — The folded unipole antenna was first devised for broadcast use by the late John H. Mullaney, an American radio broadcast pioneer, and consulting engineer. Designed to solve some difficult problems with existing medium wave (MW) amplitude… …   Wikipedia

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