Перевод: с английского на словенский

со словенского на английский


См. также в других словарях:

  • Ferryboat — Fer ry*boat , n. A vessel for conveying passengers, merchandise, etc., usually across streams, rivers, bays, and other narrow waters. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ferryboat — |ferribote| s. m. Navio especialmente utilizado para o transporte de automóveis, vagões de caminho de ferro e outros veículos e passageiros.   ‣ Etimologia: palavra inglesa …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • ferryboat — [fer′ēbōt΄] n. FERRY (n. 2) …   English World dictionary

  • Ferryboat — Ferry (bateau) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Ferry. Un ferry (de l anglais ferry), transbordeur, traversier ou ropax (au Canada) est un bateau ayant pour fonction principale de transporter des véhicules routiers ou ferroviaires avec leur… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • ferryboat — [[t]fe̱riboʊt[/t]] ferryboats N COUNT A ferryboat is a boat used as a ferry …   English dictionary

  • fêrryboat — in fêribot a [feribot] m (ȇ) navt. ladja za prevoz vozil in potnikov, zlasti na večje razdalje: vkrcati avtomobile na ferryboat …   Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika

  • Ferryboat Santa Rosa — The Ferryboat Santa Rosa was originally built as the Steel Electric Class ferry MV Santa Rosa in Alameda, California for Northwestern Pacific Railroad, she started out serving Southern Pacific Railways on their Golden Gate Ferries line on San… …   Wikipedia

  • ferryboat — noun Date: 15th century a boat used to ferry passengers, vehicles, or goods …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • ferryboat — /fer ee boht /, n. a boat used to transport passengers, vehicles, etc., across a river or the like. [1400 50; late ME feryboot. See FERRY, BOAT] * * * …   Universalium

  • ferryboat — noun A boat used to ferry passengers, vehicles, or goods across open water, especially one that runs to a regular schedule …   Wiktionary

  • ferryboat — ingl. Embarcación fluvial que traslada pasajeros, vehículos y originalmente vagones de ferrocarril. También entre islas por mar …   Diccionario Lunfardo

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