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  • 1 descendant

    (chim) produs al reacţiei

    English-Romanian technical dictionary > descendant

  • 2 descendant

    noun (the child, grandchild, great-grandchild etc of a person: This is a photograph of my grandmother with all her descendants.) descendent, urmaş

    English-Romanian dictionary > descendant

  • 3 be descended from

    (to be a descendant of.) a se trage din

    English-Romanian dictionary > be descended from

  • 4 descend

    1) (to go or climb down from a higher place or position: He descended the staircase.) a coborî
    2) (to slope downwards: The hills descend to the sea.) a coborî
    3) ((with on) to make a sudden attack on: The soldiers descended on the helpless villagers.) a se arunca (asupra)
    - descent
    - be descended from

    English-Romanian dictionary > descend

  • 5 direct

    [di'rekt] 1. adjective
    1) (straight; following the quickest and shortest way: Is this the most direct route?) direct
    2) ((of manner etc) straightforward and honest: a direct answer.) sincer
    3) (occurring as an immediate result: His dismissal was a direct result of his rudeness to the manager.) direct
    4) (exact; complete: Her opinions are the direct opposite of his.) exact
    5) (in an unbroken line of descent from father to son etc: He is a direct descendant of Napoleon.) pe linie directă
    2. verb
    1) (to point, aim or turn in a particular direction: He directed my attention towards the notice.) a îndrepta
    2) (to show the way to: She directed him to the station.) a îndruma
    3) (to order or instruct: We will do as you direct.) a ordona
    4) (to control or organize: A policeman was directing the traffic; to direct a film.) a dirija; a regiza (un film)
    - directional
    - directive
    - directly
    - directness
    - director
    - directory

    English-Romanian dictionary > direct

См. также в других словарях:

  • descendant — descendant, ante [ desɑ̃dɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. et n. • v. 1260; de descendre 1 ♦ Qui descend, est issu d un ancêtre. Ligne descendante (opposé à ascendante) . N. Personne qui est issue d un ancêtre. ⇒ enfant, petits enfants; neveu; descendance. « Ces… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • descendant — descendant, ante 1. (dè san dan, dan t ) adj. 1°   Qui descend, qui va en bas. •   Serait ce abuser de la permission de conjecturer que de supposer qu il y a aussi un suc descendant ou dont la direction est en sens opposé ?, BONNET Consid. corps… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Descendant — or Descendent may refer to: Lineal descendant, a blood relative in the direct line of descent Collateral descendant, a relative descended from a brother or sister of an ancestor Descendant (astrology), the point directly opposite from the… …   Wikipedia

  • descendant — de·scen·dant also de·scen·dent /di sen dənt/ n: a blood relative of a later generation Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. descendant …   Law dictionary

  • Descendant (2003 film) — Descendant Directed by Kermit Christman Del Tenney Written by Kermit Christman (Screenplay) Margot Hartman Starring …   Wikipedia

  • descendant — mid 15c. (adj.), c.1600 (n.), from Fr. descendant (13c.), prp. of descendre (see DESCEND (Cf. descend)). Despite a tendency to use descendent for the adjective and descendant for the noun, descendant seems to be prevailing in all uses and appears …   Etymology dictionary

  • Descendant — De*scend ant, a. [F. descendant, p. pr. of descendre. Cf. {Descendent}.] Descendent. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Descendant — De*scend ant, n. One who descends, as offspring, however remotely; correlative to ancestor or ascendant. [1913 Webster] Our first parents and their descendants. Hale. [1913 Webster] The descendant of so many kings and emperors. Burke. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • descendant — descendant, descendent In BrE descendant is the noun and descendent is the adjective, but in AmE either form is used in both cases …   Modern English usage

  • descendant or descendent — Those persons who are in the blood stream of the ancestor. Term means those descended from another, persons who proceed from a body of another such as a child or grandchild, to the remotest degree; it is the opposite of ascendants . Bassett v.… …   Black's law dictionary

  • descendant — or descendent Those persons who are in the blood stream of the ancestor. Term means those descended from another, persons who proceed from a body of another such as a child or grandchild, to the remotest degree; it is the opposite of ascendants …   Black's law dictionary

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