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  • 1 capture

    n. gripning; delvis el. full kopiering av skärmen till ett tillfälligt minne (data)
    v. ta till fånga, gripa
    * * *
    [- ə]
    1) (to take by force, skill etc: The soldiers captured the castle; Several animals were captured.) ta till fånga, inta, erövra
    2) (to take possession of (a person's attention etc): The story captured his imagination.) fånga, fängsla

    English-Swedish dictionary > capture

  • 2 data capture

    datafångst (organisation av data i en dator)

    English-Swedish dictionary > data capture

  • 3 screen capture

    skärm-gripning, att spara en kopia av dataskärmens bild till en fil (data)

    English-Swedish dictionary > screen capture

  • 4 captive

    adj. fången, fängslad
    n. fånge, slav
    * * *
    ['kæptiv] 1. noun
    (a prisoner: Two of the captives escaped.) fånge
    2. adjective
    (kept prisoner: captive soldiers; The children were taken/held captive.) fången, fängslad
    - captor
    - capture
    3. noun
    1) (the act of capturing.) tillfångatagande, fängslande
    2) (something caught: A kangaroo was his most recent capture.) fångst, byte

    English-Swedish dictionary > captive

  • 5 arrest

    n. avbrott; arrest, fängslande
    v. hejda, hindra; försena; arrestera, anhålla
    * * *
    [ə'rest] 1. verb
    1) (to capture or take hold of (a person) because he or she has broken the law: The police arrested the thief.) gripa, anhålla, arrestera
    2) (to stop: Economic difficulties arrested the growth of industry.) hejda, hämma
    2. noun
    1) (the act of arresting; being arrested: The police made several arrests; He was questioned after his arrest.) gripande, arrestering
    2) (a stopping of action: Cardiac arrest is another term for heart failure.) stopp, avbrott, stillestånd

    English-Swedish dictionary > arrest

  • 6 catch

    n. fångst; kap, byte; lås, hake; spydighet; knep, fälla, något skumt; hinder
    v. fånga; snärja, lura; begripa; smittas; komma i kläm, bli inblandad
    * * *
    [kæ ] 1. past tense, past participle - caught; verb
    1) (to stop and hold (something which is moving); to capture: He caught the cricket ball; The cat caught a mouse; Did you catch any fish?; I tried to catch his attention.) fånga
    2) (to be in time for, or get on (a train, bus etc): I'll have to catch the 9.45 (train) to London.) ta
    3) (to surprise (someone) in the act of: I caught him stealing (my vegetables).) ertappa
    4) (to become infected with (a disease or illness): He caught flu.) bli smittad, få
    5) (to (cause to) become accidentally attached or held: The child caught her fingers in the car door.) fastna med, klämma
    6) (to hit: The punch caught him on the chin.) träffa
    7) (to manage to hear: Did you catch what she said?) uppfatta
    8) (to start burning: I dropped a match on the pile of wood and it caught (fire) immediately.) fatta (ta) eld
    2. noun
    1) (an act of catching: He took a fine catch behind the wicket.) lyra
    2) (a small device for holding (a door etc) in place: The catch on my suitcase is broken.) knäppe, lås, klinka
    3) (the total amount (of eg fish) caught: the largest catch of mackerel this year.) fångst
    4) (a trick or problem: There's a catch in this question.) hake
    - catchy
    - catch-phrase
    - catch-word
    - catch someone's eye
    - catch on
    - catch out
    - catch up

    English-Swedish dictionary > catch

  • 7 fall

    n. fall; nedgång; sänkning; sammanstörtande; höst; vattenfall; kapitulation; lutning, sluttning
    v. falla; gå ner; reduceras, minskas; bli; drabba; bli tillfångatagen
    * * *
    [fo:l] 1. past tense - fell; verb
    1) (to go down from a higher level usually unintentionally: The apple fell from the tree; Her eye fell on an old book.) falla
    2) ((often with over) to go down to the ground etc from an upright position, usually by accident: She fell (over).) falla (ramla) omkull
    3) (to become lower or less: The temperature is falling.) sjunka, avta
    4) (to happen or occur: Easter falls early this year.) inträffa
    5) (to enter a certain state or condition: She fell asleep; They fell in love.) falla, bli
    6) ((formal: only with it as subject) to come as one's duty etc: It falls to me to take care of the children.) åligga, tillkomma
    2. noun
    1) (the act of falling: He had a fall.) fall, kull[]
    2) ((a quantity of) something that has fallen: a fall of snow.) -fall, nederbörd
    3) (capture or (political) defeat: the fall of Rome.) fall
    4) ((American) the autumn: Leaves change colour in the fall.) höst
    - fallout
    - his
    - her face fell
    - fall away
    - fall back
    - fall back on
    - fall behind
    - fall down
    - fall flat
    - fall for
    - fall in with
    - fall off
    - fall on/upon
    - fall out
    - fall short
    - fall through

    English-Swedish dictionary > fall

  • 8 hold prisoner

    (to (capture and) confine (a person) against his will: Many soldiers were killed and the rest taken prisoner; She was kept prisoner in a locked room.) ta till fånga/hålla fången

    English-Swedish dictionary > hold prisoner

  • 9 occupy

    v. bebo; ta; sysselsätta; uppta (hans tankar)
    v. ockupera, besätta; inneha
    * * *
    1) (to be in or fill (time, space etc): A table occupied the centre of the room.) uppta
    2) (to live in: The family occupied a small flat.) bebo, bo i
    3) (to capture: The soldiers occupied the town.) ockupera
    - occupation
    - occupational
    - occupier

    English-Swedish dictionary > occupy

  • 10 pursue

    v. förfölja; jaga efter; fullfölja; fortsätta
    * * *
    1) (to follow especially in order to catch or capture; to chase: They pursued the thief through the town.) förfölja, jaga
    2) (to occupy oneself with (studies, enquiries etc); to continue: He is pursuing his studies at the University.) bedriva
    - pursuit

    English-Swedish dictionary > pursue

  • 11 recapture

    v. återta, återerövra
    * * *
    [ri'kæp ə] 1. verb
    1) (to capture again: The soldiers recaptured the city; The prisoners were recaptured.) återta, återerövra
    2) (to convey (the feeling of something from the past): to recapture the atmosphere of medieval London.) erinra, återkalla
    2. noun
    (the process of recapturing or being recaptured.) återtagande, återerövrande

    English-Swedish dictionary > recapture

  • 12 retake

    n. omtagning (av film)
    v. ta tillbaka; filma om
    * * *
    1. [ri:'teik] past tense - retook; verb
    1) (to capture again: The soldiers retook the fort.) återta
    2) (to film (part of a film etc) again.) ta om, göra en omtagning
    2. ['ri:teik] noun
    (the filming of part of a film again: the fourth retake.) omtagning

    English-Swedish dictionary > retake

  • 13 siege

    n. belägring
    v. belägra
    * * *
    (an attempt to capture a fort or town by keeping it surrounded by an armed force until it surrenders: The town is under siege.) belägring

    English-Swedish dictionary > siege

  • 14 storm

    n. storm
    v. storma; rasa; vara ursinnig
    * * *
    [sto:m] 1. noun
    1) (a violent disturbance in the air causing wind, rain, thunder etc: a rainstorm; a thunderstorm; a storm at sea; The roof was damaged by the storm.) storm
    2) (a violent outbreak of feeling etc: A storm of anger greeted his speech; a storm of applause.) storm, []åska
    2. verb
    1) (to shout very loudly and angrily: He stormed at her.) vara ursinnig på, fara ut mot
    2) (to move or stride in an angry manner: He stormed out of the room.) rusa
    3) ((of soldiers etc) to attack with great force, and capture (a building etc): They stormed the castle.) storma
    - stormily
    - storminess
    - stormbound
    - stormtrooper
    - a storm in a teacup
    - take by storm

    English-Swedish dictionary > storm

  • 15 take by storm

    ta med storm
    * * *
    (to capture by means of a sudden violent attack: The invaders took the city by storm.) ta med storm

    English-Swedish dictionary > take by storm

  • 16 take by surprise

    1) (to catch unawares: The news took me by surprise.) överraska
    2) (to capture (a fort etc) by a sudden, unexpected attack.) ta med överraskning, överrumpla

    English-Swedish dictionary > take by surprise

  • 17 treachery

    n. förräderi
    * * *
    noun ((an act of) betraying someone; disloyalty: His treachery led to the capture and imprisonment of his friend.) förräderi, svek

    English-Swedish dictionary > treachery

См. также в других словарях:

  • capture — [ kaptyr ] n. f. • 1406; lat. captura, de capere « prendre » 1 ♦ Action de capturer. ⇒ prise, saisie. La capture d un navire. Capture d un criminel. ⇒ arrestation. 2 ♦ Ce qui est capturé. ⇒ butin, prise, trophée (cf. Coup de filet). Une belle… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Capture — can refer to a number of things aside from its usual :* In abstract strategy games (such as taekwondo), the process of eliminating or immobilising an opponent s game piece. * In radio, FM capture is a phenomenon of frequency modulation. In media …   Wikipedia

  • capture — cap‧ture [ˈkæptʆə ǁ ər] verb [transitive] 1. COMMERCE to get something that previously belonged to one of your competitors: • Japanese firms have captured over 60% of the electronics market. 2. COMPUTING to put something such as information or a… …   Financial and business terms

  • Capture — Cap ture, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Captured}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Capturing}.] 1. To seize or take possession of by force, surprise, or stratagem; to overcome and hold; to secure by effort. [1913 Webster] 2. to record or make a lasting representation of …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Capture Go — is a simplified variation of the Go board game established primarily as an introduction to the rules and concepts of Go. Known also as The Capture Game, First Capture Go, and Atari Go, it was first introduced by Yasuda Yasutoshi, an 8 dan… …   Wikipedia

  • capture — I verb apprehend, arrest, capere, carry away, catch, comprehendere, confine, hold captive, hold in captivity, immure, impress, imprison, incarcerate, jail, lock up, make an arrest, make prisoner, net, repress, restrain, restrict, seize, subdue,… …   Law dictionary

  • Capture — Cap ture, n. [L. capture, fr. caper to take: cf. F. capture. See {Caitiff}, and cf. {aptive}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of seizing by force, or getting possession of by superior power or by stratagem; as, the capture of an enemy, a vessel, or a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Capture — bezeichnet: Motion Capture, Computerlesetechnik für menschliche Bewegungen Adobe Capture, Konvertierungswerkzeug von Grafik zu PDF Capture/Compare Einheit, Rechnerbaustein Siehe auch: Kaptur …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • capture — CAPTURE. s. f. Prise au corps. Il ne se dit guère que d Un homme arrêté pour dettes, ou pour crime, par ordre de Justice. Ce sergent a fait deux captures ce matin. On a pris un fameux voleur, c est une belle capture. [b]f♛/b] On le dit… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • capture — [kap′chər] n. [Fr < L captura < captus: see CAPTIVE] 1. a taking or being taken by force, surprise, or skill, as enemy troops, an opponent s piece in chess, etc. 2. that which is thus taken or seized; specif., a prize or booty in war 3. the …   English World dictionary

  • capture — (n.) 1540s, from M.Fr. capture a taking, from L. captura a taking (especially of animals), from captus (see CAPTIVE (Cf. captive)). The verb is 1795; in chess, checkers, etc., 1820. Related: Captured; capturing …   Etymology dictionary

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