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(behind time)

См. также в других словарях:

  • behind time — ► happening or being done later than expected: »Trains are running behind time due to an accident on the line. Main Entry: ↑time …   Financial and business terms

  • behind time — index back (in arrears), dilatory, late (tardy), overdue Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 20 …   Law dictionary

  • behind time — {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1a. Behind the correct time; slow. * /That clock is behind time./ 1b. Behind schedule; late. * /The train is running behind time today./ 2. Not keeping up; not at the proper time; overdue. * /Your lessons are good, but why… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • behind time — {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1a. Behind the correct time; slow. * /That clock is behind time./ 1b. Behind schedule; late. * /The train is running behind time today./ 2. Not keeping up; not at the proper time; overdue. * /Your lessons are good, but why… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • behind\ time — adv or adj. phr. 1a. Behind the correct time; slow. That clock is behind time. 1b. Behind schedule; late. The train is running behind time today. 2. Not keeping up; not at the proper time; overdue. Your lessons are good, but why are you behind… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • behind time — LATE, behind, behind schedule, behindhand, running late, overdue. → time * * * behind time Late • • • Main Entry: ↑time * * * late …   Useful english dictionary

  • behind time — 1. adjective Arriving late; unpunctual. We should leave now I dont want to be too behind time. 2. adverb In an unpunctual manner. Im sorry, Im running behind time, I should be home in half an hour or so …   Wiktionary

  • behind time — Synonyms and related words: after time, ahead of time, anachronistic, antedated, backward, beforehand, behind, behindhand, belatedly, dated, deep into, early, far on, foredated, late, metachronistic, misdated, mistimed, none too soon, out of date …   Moby Thesaurus

  • behind time — late, laggardly …   English contemporary dictionary

  • ahead behind time — ahead of/behind ˈtime idiom earlier/later than was expected • We finished 15 minutes ahead of time. Main entry: ↑timeidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • time — [tīm] n. [ME < OE tima, prob. < IE * dī men < base * dā(i) , to part, divide up > TIDE1] I duration; continuance 1. indefinite, unlimited duration in which things are considered as happening in the past, present, or future; every… …   English World dictionary

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