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  • 1 grave

    1. गंभीर
    He is in grave danger of being attacked by the terrorists.
    1. कब्र
    The graves are the reminders of great men.

    English-Hindi dictionary > grave

  • 2 grave

    गंभीर, भारी, गुरु
    कब्र, समाधि
    v. tr.
    खोदना, नक्काशी करना

    English-Hindi new dictionary > grave

  • 3 adversity

    1. कठिनाई
    The people of Orissa are facing grave adversities due to the cyclone.

    English-Hindi dictionary > adversity

  • 4 cover

    1. ढक्कन
    The computer was covered with a plastic cover.
    2. बचाव/शरण
    The desert didnot give any cover to the troops.
    3. लिफ़ाफ़ा
    He forgot to past a postage stamp on the cover.
    4. चादर
    He pulled the cover over his head and went off to sleep.
    5. पुठ्ठा
    The notebook had a brown cover.
    6. सुरक्षा\coverराशी
    He took a policy that gives extra cover against theft.
    1. आच्छादित\coverकरना/ढाँकना
    She covered her face with her hands.
    2. छिपना
    The grass covered the grave.
    3. पर्याप्त\coverहोना
    The grant doesn't cover my salary.
    4. तय\coverकरना
    The caravan covered almost 100 miles each day.
    5. दबा\coverदेना
    The President covered the fact that he bugged the offices in the White House
    6. नुकसान\coverभरना
    The insurance won't cover the colossal loss of property.
    7. किसी\coverके\coverस्थान\coverपर\coverकार्य\coverकरना
    She is covering for our secretary who is ill.

    English-Hindi dictionary > cover

  • 5 tombstone

    1. कब्र\tombstoneपर\tombstoneलगाया\tombstoneहुआ\tombstoneयादगारी\tombstoneपत्थर
    It was diffcult to read the name of the dead burried in that grave because.
    the engraving on the tombstone had faded completely.

    English-Hindi dictionary > tombstone

См. также в других словарях:

  • grave — [ grav ] adj. • déb. XIVe « important »; lat. gravis I ♦ Abstrait 1 ♦ (1542) Vieilli Qui se comporte, agit avec réserve et dignité; qui donne de l importance aux choses. ⇒ austère, digne, posé, sérieux. Un grave magistra …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • grave — 1. (gra v . Du temps de Chifflet, Gramm. p. 183, on prononçait grâve) adj. 1°   Terme de physique. Qui a un certain poids. Les corps graves. 2°   Fig. Qui a du poids, du sérieux, de la réserve. •   Et certainement, messieurs, je puis dire avec… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Grave (brabant-septentrional) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Grave. Grave …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Grave (ville) — Grave (Brabant Septentrional) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Grave. Grave …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Grave Digger — Grave Digger …   Википедия

  • Grave Digger — Datos generales Origen Alemania …   Wikipedia Español

  • Grave goods — Grave goods, in archaeology and anthropology, are the items buried along with the body.They are usually personal possessions, supplies to smooth the deceased s journey into the afterlife or offerings to the gods. Grave goods are a type of votive… …   Wikipedia

  • Grave — Grave, a. [Compar. {Graver} (gr[=a]v [ e]r); superl. {Gravest.}] [F., fr. L. gravis heavy; cf. It. & Sp. grave heavy, grave. See {Grief.}] 1. Of great weight; heavy; ponderous. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] His shield grave and great. Chapman. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Grave accent — Grave Grave, a. [Compar. {Graver} (gr[=a]v [ e]r); superl. {Gravest.}] [F., fr. L. gravis heavy; cf. It. & Sp. grave heavy, grave. See {Grief.}] 1. Of great weight; heavy; ponderous. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] His shield grave and great. Chapman.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Grave Digger (comics) — Grave Digger is a fictional character from the comic Gold Digger , a distinct alter ego caused by the curse which created Brianna Diggers.When Brianna Diggers was originally created, the curse which Gina and Brittany Diggers had been attempting… …   Wikipedia

  • GRAVE — GRAVE, GRAVITÉ.     Grave, au sens moral, tient toujours du physique; il exprime quelque chose de poids; c est pourquoi on dit, Un homme, un auteur, des maximes de poids, pour homme, auteur, maximes graves. Le grave est au sérieux ce que le… …   Dictionnaire philosophique de Voltaire

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