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  • 101 application

    ( for job) podanie nt; ( for grant) podanie nt, wniosek m; (of rules, theory) zastosowanie nt; ( of cream) nałożenie nt; ( of compress) przyłożenie nt; ( of paint) położenie nt; ( hard work) pilność f
    * * *
    1) (a formal request; an act of applying: several applications for the new job; The syllabus can be obtained on application to the headmaster.) podanie
    2) (hard work: He has got a good job through sheer application.) przykładanie się
    3) (an ointment etc applied to a cut, wound etc.) opatrunek

    English-Polish dictionary > application

  • 102 application

    1) application fee — вступительный взнос;
    2) application for admission — заявление поступающего; 3) application program — прикладная программа

    English-Russian dictionary of musical terminology > application

  • 103 application

    طَلَبٌ (اسم)‏ \ application: applying sth. applied: An application of heat may help to lessen the pain. He made application for his son to enter the school. apply: to ask, esp. in writing: He applied (to me) for permission. demand: (an act of) demanding: They refused all his demands, a need (for goods, workers, etc.) The demand for new cars is greater than the supply. Language teachers are in great demand. order: a statement (made to an attendant or a trader) of what one wants: The waiter took my order for 3 cups of coffee. I sent an order to London for some new books. request: asking: He came at my request (because I asked him). Our requests were refused.

    Arabic-English glossary > application

  • 104 application

    A Commerce Server application is a logical representation of an application in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS); it appears in both Commerce Server Manager and the IIS console trees. In the IIS console tree an application is either at the root directory level of the Web site or at a subdirectory level of the Web site.

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > application

  • 105 application

    Dictionnaire Français-Turc > application

  • 106 application

    1. приведение в исполнение
    2. аппликация


    Способ плоскостного макетирования путём наклеивания графических или текстовых фрагментов на основной чертёж
    [Терминологический словарь по строительству на 12 языках (ВНИИИС Госстроя СССР)]





    приведение в исполнение

    [ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]


    The execution, carrying out or putting into effect an order, regulation, law or official decree. (Source: BLD)





    Франко-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > application

  • 107 application

    1) применение; употребление (напр. препарата)
    2) аппликация, прикладывание, наложение
    3) внесение (напр. удобрений)
    4) микр. масштабирование
    - single application
    * * *

    English-russian biological dictionary > application

  • 108 application

    1) (a formal request; an act of applying: several applications for the new job; The syllabus can be obtained on application to the headmaster.) umsókn
    2) (hard work: He has got a good job through sheer application.) ástundun
    3) (an ointment etc applied to a cut, wound etc.) áburður, smyrsl

    English-Icelandic dictionary > application

  • 109 application

    1) (a formal request; an act of applying: several applications for the new job; The syllabus can be obtained on application to the headmaster.) kérvény, pályázat
    2) (hard work: He has got a good job through sheer application.) igyekezet
    3) (an ointment etc applied to a cut, wound etc.) "külsőleg" (kenőcs)

    English-Hungarian dictionary > application

  • 110 application

    1) заява; заявка; прохання, звернення; клопотання; юp. заява, письмове клопотання суду або судді
    2) застосування, додаток; використання; застосування, вживання
    3) прикладання, накладання; нанесення ( шару речовини); мaт. накладення; c-г. внесення добрив або отрутохімікатів
    4) компрес, примочка; аплікація ( вишивка)
    5) старанність, ретельність, увага
    6) інформ. (прикладна) програма ( application program)

    English-Ukrainian dictionary > application

  • 111 application

    n. uygulama, kullanım, tatbik; başvuru, talep, başvuru formu, başvurma, dilekçe; sürme; dikkat, özen;
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (a formal request; an act of applying: several applications for the new job; The syllabus can be obtained on application to the headmaster.) başvuru, müracaat
    2) (hard work: He has got a good job through sheer application.) sıkı çalışma, çaba, gayret
    3) (an ointment etc applied to a cut, wound etc.) merhem

    English-Turkish dictionary > application

  • 112 application

    • hyödyntäminen
    • ilmoittautuminen
    • ahkeruus
    • anomuskirjelmä
    • anomus
    • applikointi (esim.ihon)
    • asennus (esim. voiteen)
    • uutteruus
    • vaatimus
    • päälle asettaminen
    • pyyntö
    • haku
    • harjaannus
    • hakemuskirja
    • hakemus
    • paperi
    • soveltaminen
    • sovellutus
    • sovellus
    • käyttösovellus
    • käyttäminen
    • käyttö
    • käyttötarkoitus
    * * *
    1) (a formal request; an act of applying: several applications for the new job; The syllabus can be obtained on application to the headmaster.) hakemus
    2) (hard work: He has got a good job through sheer application.) uutteruus
    3) (an ointment etc applied to a cut, wound etc.) voide

    English-Finnish dictionary > application

  • 113 application

    1) общ. внедрение, наложение, практика, проведение в жизнь, ситуация применения, случай применения (Dans beaucoup d'applications, la lampe LED peut avantager la qualité d'une lumière dirigée.), нанесение (краски), прикладывание (чего-л.), использование, применение, старание, аппликация, накладывание, прилежание, приложение
    2) мед. компресс, примочка, наложение повязки
    3) устар. тщание
    4) стр. покрытие, (действие) окраска (de couleurs)
    5) матем. отображение
    6) фин. суммы сделок, взаимно компенсируемые у одного и того же биржевого посредника
    7) метал. употребление, приложение (напряжений, нагрузки)
    8) маш. нанесение (напр. краски), приложение (напр. усилия)
    9) эл.тех. потребитель (электроэнергии) (On entend ici par " charge ", l'application électrique à laquelle est destiné le générateur.), подача (La sortie apparaît nécessairement après l'application du signal d'entrée.)

    Французско-русский универсальный словарь > application

  • 114 application

    1) (a formal request; an act of applying: several applications for the new job; The syllabus can be obtained on application to the headmaster.) iesniegums; lūgums
    2) (hard work: He has got a good job through sheer application.) uzcītība; centība
    3) (an ointment etc applied to a cut, wound etc.) (zāļu) lietošana; uzlikšana
    * * *
    iesniegums, lūgums; lietošana; izlietošana; uzlikšana; zāļu šķīdums, komprese; uzcītība, centība

    English-Latvian dictionary > application

  • 115 application

    1) (a formal request; an act of applying: several applications for the new job; The syllabus can be obtained on application to the headmaster.) prašymas, pareiškimas
    2) (hard work: He has got a good job through sheer application.) stropumas
    3) (an ointment etc applied to a cut, wound etc.) ant žaizdos dedami vaistai, pavilgas, tepalas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > application

  • 116 application

    n. applikation; ansökan; tillämpning; (data) dataprogram (t.ex. ordbehandling, kalkyleringsblad, webbrowser, etc.)
    * * *
    1) (a formal request; an act of applying: several applications for the new job; The syllabus can be obtained on application to the headmaster.) ansökan, hänvändelse
    2) (hard work: He has got a good job through sheer application.) flit, ansträngning
    3) (an ointment etc applied to a cut, wound etc.) omslag, förband

    English-Swedish dictionary > application

  • 117 application

    1) (a formal request; an act of applying: several applications for the new job; The syllabus can be obtained on application to the headmaster.) žádost
    2) (hard work: He has got a good job through sheer application.) píle, úsilí
    3) (an ointment etc applied to a cut, wound etc.) obklad, přikládaný lék
    * * *
    • užití
    • žádost
    • přihláška
    • program
    • aplikace

    English-Czech dictionary > application

  • 118 application

    1) заявление; прошение; to put in an application подать заявление
    2) применение; применимость
    3) прикладывание (горчичника, пластыря и т. п.)
    4) употребление (лекарства)
    5) прилежание, рвение, старание (тж. application to work)
    * * *
    (n) аппликация; внимание; заявка; заявка на приобретение вновь выпускаемых ценных бумаг; заявление; использование; компресс; наложение; нанесение; обращение за кредитом; обращение за признанием в качестве банка; обращение за признанием в качестве брокера; прилежание; приложение; применение; применимостьы
    * * *
    1) заявление 2) применение, употребление
    * * *
    [ap·pli·ca·tion || ‚æplɪ'keɪʃn] n. заявление, заявка; прилежание, рвение; просьба, прошение; применение, применимость, употребление; приложение; прикладывание, старание; программное приложение [компьют.]
    * * *
    * * *
    1) просьба; заявление; форма заявления 2) применение, использование 3) прикладывание 4) мат. наложение 5) компресс

    Новый англо-русский словарь > application

  • 119 application

    1) (a formal request; an act of applying: several applications for the new job; The syllabus can be obtained on application to the headmaster.) žiadosť
    2) (hard work: He has got a good job through sheer application.) snaha, úsilie
    3) (an ointment etc applied to a cut, wound etc.) priloženie
    * * *
    • žiadost
    • upotrebenie
    • aplikácia
    • používanie
    • použitie

    English-Slovak dictionary > application

  • 120 application

    1) (a formal request; an act of applying: several applications for the new job; The syllabus can be obtained on application to the headmaster.) candidatură; cerere
    2) (hard work: He has got a good job through sheer application.) sârguinţă
    3) (an ointment etc applied to a cut, wound etc.) alifie

    English-Romanian dictionary > application

См. также в других словарях:

  • application — [ aplikasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1361; de appliquer, d apr. lat. applicatio 1 ♦ Action de mettre une chose sur une autre de manière qu elle la recouvre et y adhère. L application d un enduit sur un mur. Application de feuilles de bois ou de métal précieux …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • application — ap‧pli‧ca‧tion [ˌæplɪˈkeɪʆn] noun 1. [countable] a formal, usually written, request for something or for permission to do something: an application to do something • It hassubmitted an application to establish a distribution company. • The… …   Financial and business terms

  • Application — Ap pli*ca tion, n. [L. applicatio, fr. applicare: cf. F. application. See {Apply}.] 1. The act of applying or laying on, in a literal sense; as, the application of emollients to a diseased limb. [1913 Webster] 2. The thing applied. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • application — ap·pli·ca·tion n: a request for action or relief most application s request bail...or an extension of time to file W. J. Brennan, Jr.; also: a form used to make such a request an insurance application Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam… …   Law dictionary

  • application — APPLICATION. sub. f. Action par laquelle on applique une chose sur une autre. L application d un emplâtre, d un topique sur une partie malade. f♛/b] Les Physiciens disent, que Le mouvement est l application successive d un corps aux différentes… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • Application — may refer to:Clerical and bureaucratic processes*Application form *College application *Job application *Grant application *School applicationComputing*Application layer, in computer networks, used in describing a type of networking protocol… …   Wikipedia

  • application — Application. s. f. v. Action par laquelle on applique. Il a les significations de son verbe. Application d un remede, d un cautere. application d esprit. application à l estude. grande, forte application. il n apprendra jamais rien, il n a point… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • application — [ap΄li kā′shən] n. [ME applicacioun < L applicatio, a binding on, joining to < pp. of applicare, APPLY] 1. the act of applying; specif., a) the act of putting something on [the application of cosmetics] b) the act of putting something to… …   English World dictionary

  • application — [n1] use appliance, appositeness, employment, exercise, exercising, function, germaneness, operation, pertinence, play, practice, purpose, relevance, usance, utilization, value; concepts 680,694 application [n2] request appeal, blank, claim,… …   New thesaurus

  • application — The act of making a request usually of the Court, for example, an application to have a bankrupt discharged. (Dictionary of Canadian Bankruptcy Terms) United Glossary of Bankruptcy Terms 2012 …   Glossary of Bankruptcy

  • Application —   Application means any request for certification of any site and related facility filed in accordance with the procedures established pursuant to this division. An applicant for a geothermal power plant and related facilities may propose more… …   Energy terms

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