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  • 1 order

    ['o:də] 1. noun
    1) (a statement (by a person in authority) of what someone must do; a command: He gave me my orders.) įsakymas, nurodymas
    2) (an instruction to supply something: orders from Germany for special gates.) užsakymas
    3) (something supplied: Your order is nearly ready.) užsakymas
    4) (a tidy state: The house is in (good) order.) tvarka, gera būklė
    5) (a system or method: I must have order in my life.) tvarka
    6) (an arrangement (of people, things etc) in space, time etc: in alphabetical order; in order of importance.) tvarka, seka
    7) (a peaceful condition: law and order.) tvarka
    8) (a written instruction to pay money: a banker's order.) pervedimas, perlaida
    9) (a group, class, rank or position: This is a list of the various orders of plants; the social order.) rūšis, rangas, padėtis
    10) (a religious society, especially of monks: the Benedictine order.) ordinas
    2. verb
    1) (to tell (someone) to do something (from a position of authority): He ordered me to stand up.) liepti, įsakyti
    2) (to give an instruction to supply: I have ordered some new furniture from the shop; He ordered a steak.) užsakyti
    3) (to put in order: Should we order these alphabetically?) sutvarkyti
    3. noun
    1) (a hospital attendant who does routine jobs.) sanitaras
    2) (a soldier who carries an officer's orders and messages.) pasiuntinys
    - order-form
    - in order
    - in order that
    - in order
    - in order to
    - made to order
    - on order
    - order about
    - out of order
    - a tall order

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > order

  • 2 that

    1. [ðæt] plural - those; adjective
    (used to indicate a person, thing etc spoken of before, not close to the speaker, already known to the speaker and listener etc: Don't take this book - take that one; At that time, I was living in Italy; When are you going to return those books?) tas, anas
    2. pronoun
    (used to indicate a thing etc, or (in plural or with the verb be) person or people, spoken of before, not close to the speaker, already known to the speaker and listener etc: What is that you've got in your hand?; Who is that?; That is the Prime Minister; Those present at the concert included the composer and his wife.) tai
    3. [ðət, ðæt] relative pronoun
    (used to refer to a person, thing etc mentioned in a preceding clause in order to distinguish it from others: Where is the parcel that arrived this morning?; Who is the man (that) you were talking to?) kuris
    4. [ðət, ðæt] conjunction
    1) ((often omitted) used to report what has been said etc or to introduce other clauses giving facts, reasons, results etc: I know (that) you didn't do it; I was surprised (that) he had gone.) kad
    2) (used to introduce expressions of sorrow, wishes etc: That I should be accused of murder!; Oh, that I were with her now!) kad
    5. adverb
    (so; to such an extent: I didn't realize she was that ill.) taip
    - that's that

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > that

  • 3 so that

    1) (with the purpose that; in order that: I'll wash this dress so that you can wear it.) tam, kad
    2) (with the result that: He got up very late, so that he missed the bus and was late for work.) todėl

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > so that

  • 4 work

    [wə:k] 1. noun
    1) (effort made in order to achieve or make something: He has done a lot of work on this project) darbas
    2) (employment: I cannot find work in this town.) darbas
    3) (a task or tasks; the thing that one is working on: Please clear your work off the table.) darbas
    4) (a painting, book, piece of music etc: the works of Van Gogh / Shakespeare/Mozart; This work was composed in 1816.) kūrinys
    5) (the product or result of a person's labours: His work has shown a great improvement lately.) darbas
    6) (one's place of employment: He left (his) work at 5.30 p.m.; I don't think I'll go to work tomorrow.) darbas
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause to) make efforts in order to achieve or make something: She works at the factory three days a week; He works his employees very hard; I've been working on/at a new project.) dirbti
    2) (to be employed: Are you working just now?) dirbti
    3) (to (cause to) operate (in the correct way): He has no idea how that machine works / how to work that machine; That machine doesn't/won't work, but this one's working.) (priversti) veikti
    4) (to be practicable and/or successful: If my scheme works, we'll be rich!) pasisekti
    5) (to make (one's way) slowly and carefully with effort or difficulty: She worked her way up the rock face.) skintis (kelią), keberiotis
    6) (to get into, or put into, a stated condition or position, slowly and gradually: The wheel worked loose.) (pamažu) pasidaryti (kokiam)
    7) (to make by craftsmanship: The ornaments had been worked in gold.) pagaminti
    - - work
    - workable
    - worker
    - works
    3. noun plural
    1) (the mechanism (of a watch, clock etc): The works are all rusted.) mechanizmas
    2) (deeds, actions etc: She's devoted her life to good works.) darbai
    - work-box
    - workbook
    - workforce
    - working class
    - working day
    - work-day
    - working hours
    - working-party
    - work-party
    - working week
    - workman
    - workmanlike
    - workmanship
    - workmate
    - workout
    - workshop
    - at work
    - get/set to work
    - go to work on
    - have one's work cut out
    - in working order
    - out of work
    - work of art
    - work off
    - work out
    - work up
    - work up to
    - work wonders

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > work

  • 5 do

    [du:] 1. 3rd person singular present tense - does; verb
    1) (used with a more important verb in questions and negative statements: Do you smoke?)
    2) (used with a more important verb for emphasis; ; [ðo sit down])
    3) (used to avoid repeating a verb which comes immediately before: I thought she wouldn't come, but she did.)
    4) (used with a more important verb after seldom, rarely and little: Little did he know what was in store for him.)
    5) (to carry out or perform: What shall I do?; That was a terrible thing to do.) daryti
    6) (to manage to finish or complete: When you've done that, you can start on this; We did a hundred kilometres in an hour.) padaryti
    7) (to perform an activity concerning something: to do the washing; to do the garden / the windows.) atlikti
    8) (to be enough or suitable for a purpose: Will this piece of fish do two of us?; That'll do nicely; Do you want me to look for a blue one or will a pink one do?; Will next Saturday do for our next meeting?) tikti, uþtekti
    9) (to work at or study: She's doing sums; He's at university doing science.) mokytis, studijuoti
    10) (to manage or prosper: How's your wife doing?; My son is doing well at school.) sektis
    11) (to put in order or arrange: She's doing her hair.) tvarkyti
    12) (to act or behave: Why don't you do as we do?) daryti
    13) (to give or show: The whole town gathered to do him honour.) atiduoti, parodyti
    14) (to cause: What damage did the storm do?; It won't do him any harm.) padaryti
    15) (to see everything and visit everything in: They tried to do London in four days.) apþiûrëti
    2. noun
    (an affair or a festivity, especially a party: The school is having a do for Christmas.) pobûvis, vakarëlis
    - doings
    - done
    - do-it-yourself
    - to-do
    - I
    - he could be doing with / could do with
    - do away with
    - do for
    - done for
    - done in
    - do out
    - do out of
    - do's and don'ts
    - do without
    - to do with
    - what are you doing with

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > do

  • 6 reach

    [ri: ] 1. verb
    1) (to arrive at (a place, age etc): We'll never reach London before dark; Money is not important when you reach my age; The noise reached our ears; Has the total reached a thousand dollars yet?; Have they reached an agreement yet?) pasiekti
    2) (to (be able to) touch or get hold of (something): My keys have fallen down this hole and I can't reach them.) pasiekti
    3) (to stretch out one's hand in order to touch or get hold of something: He reached (across the table) for another cake; She reached out and took the book; He reached across/over and slapped her.) ištiesti ranką, siekti ranka
    4) (to make contact with; to communicate with: If anything happens you can always reach me by phone.) pasiekti, susisiekti su
    5) (to stretch or extend: My property reaches from here to the river.) siekti
    2. noun
    1) (the distance that can be travelled easily: My house is within (easy) reach (of London).) pasiekiamas nuotolis
    2) (the distance one can stretch one's arm: I keep medicines on the top shelf, out of the children's reach; My keys are down that hole, just out of reach (of my fingers); The boxer has a very long reach.) ranka pasiekiamas atstumas
    3) ((usually in plural) a straight part of a river, canal etc: the lower reaches of the Thames.) tiesus ruožas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > reach

  • 7 spare

    [speə] 1. verb
    1) (to manage without: No-one can be spared from this office.) apsieiti be
    2) (to afford or set aside for a purpose: I can't spare the time for a holiday.) leisti sau
    3) (to treat with mercy; to avoid injuring etc: `Spare us!' they begged.) pasigailėti
    4) (to avoid causing grief, trouble etc to (a person): Break the news gently in order to spare her as much as possible.) pagailėti
    5) (to avoid using, spending etc: He spared no expense in his desire to help us.) gailėtis
    6) (to avoid troubling (a person with something); to save (a person trouble etc): I answered the letter myself in order to spare you the bother.) apsaugoti
    2. adjective
    1) (extra; not actually being used: We haven't a spare (bed) room for guests in our house.) atliekamas
    2) ((of time etc) free for leisure etc: What do you do in your spare time?) laisvas
    3. noun
    1) (a spare part (for a car etc): They sell spares at that garage.) atsarginė dalis
    2) (an extra wheel etc, kept for emergencies.) atsarginis ratas
    - sparingly
    - spare part
    - spare rib
    - and to spare
    - to spare

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > spare

  • 8 stop

    [stop] 1. past tense, past participle - stopped; verb
    1) (to (make something) cease moving, or come to rest, a halt etc: He stopped the car and got out; This train does not stop at Birmingham; He stopped to look at the map; He signalled with his hand to stop the bus.) (su)stoti, (su)stabdyti
    2) (to prevent from doing something: We must stop him (from) going; I was going to say something rude but stopped myself just in time.) sulaikyti, sukliudyti
    3) (to discontinue or cease eg doing something: That woman just can't stop talking; The rain has stopped; It has stopped raining.) nustoti
    4) (to block or close: He stopped his ears with his hands when she started to shout at him.) už(si)kimšti
    5) (to close (a hole, eg on a flute) or press down (a string on a violin etc) in order to play a particular note.) prispausti
    6) (to stay: Will you be stopping long at the hotel?) viešėti, apsistoti
    2. noun
    1) (an act of stopping or state of being stopped: We made only two stops on our journey; Work came to a stop for the day.) sustojimas
    2) (a place for eg a bus to stop: a bus stop.) stotelė
    3) (in punctuation, a full stop: Put a stop at the end of the sentence.) taškas
    4) (a device on a flute etc for covering the holes in order to vary the pitch, or knobs for bringing certain pipes into use on an organ.) vožtuvėlis, ventilis, klavišas
    5) (a device, eg a wedge etc, for stopping the movement of something, or for keeping it in a fixed position: a door-stop.) ribotuvas
    - stopper
    - stopping
    - stopcock
    - stopgap
    - stopwatch
    - put a stop to
    - stop at nothing
    - stop dead
    - stop off
    - stop over
    - stop up

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > stop

  • 9 fire

    1. noun
    1) (anything that is burning, whether accidentally or not: a warm fire in the kitchen; Several houses were destroyed in a fire.) ugnis, gaisras
    2) (an apparatus for heating: a gas fire; an electric fire.) reflektorius, krosnis, židinys
    3) (the heat and light produced by burning: Fire is one of man's greatest benefits.) ugnis
    4) (enthusiasm: with fire in his heart.) užsidegimas, liepsna
    5) (attack by gunfire: The soldiers were under fire.) ugnis, šaudymas
    2. verb
    1) ((of china, pottery etc) to heat in an oven, or kiln, in order to harden and strengthen: The ceramic pots must be fired.) išdegti
    2) (to make (someone) enthusiastic; to inspire: The story fired his imagination.) uždegti, sužadinti
    3) (to operate (a gun etc) by discharging a bullet etc from it: He fired his revolver three times.) (iš)šauti iš
    4) (to send out or discharge (a bullet etc) from a gun etc: He fired three bullets at the target.) iššauti
    5) ((often with at or on) to aim and operate a gun at; to shoot at: They suddenly fired on us; She fired at the target.) šauti
    6) (to send away someone from his/her job; to dismiss: He was fired from his last job for being late.) išmesti (iš darbo)
    - firearm
    - fire-brigade
    - fire-cracker
    - fire-engine
    - fire-escape
    - fire-extinguisher
    - fire-guard
    - fireman
    - fireplace
    - fireproof
    - fireside
    - fire-station
    - firewood
    - firework
    - firing-squad
    - catch fire
    - on fire
    - open fire
    - play with fire
    - set fire to something / set something on fire
    - set fire to / set something on fire
    - set fire to something / set on fire
    - set fire to / set on fire
    - under fire

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > fire

  • 10 freeze

    [fri:z] 1. past tense - froze; verb
    1) (to make into or become ice: It's so cold that the river has frozen over.) užšalti
    2) ((of weather) to be at or below freezing-point: If it freezes again tonight all my plants will die.) šalti
    3) (to make or be very cold: If you had stayed out all night in the snow you might have frozen to death (= died of exposure to cold).) sušalti, sušaldyti
    4) (to make (food) very cold in order to preserve it: You can freeze the rest of that food and eat it later.) užšaldyti
    5) (to make or become stiff, still or unable to move (with fear etc): She froze when she heard the strange noise.) sustingti
    6) (to fix prices, wages etc at a certain level: If the situation does not improve, wages will be frozen again.) užšaldyti
    2. noun
    (a period of very cold weather when temperatures are below freezing-point: How long do you think the freeze will last?) šaltis, speigas
    - freezing
    - frozen
    - freezing-point
    - freeze up

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > freeze

  • 11 gland

    (a part of the body that takes substances from the blood and stores them for use or in order that the body may get rid of them: a sweat gland; He has swollen glands in his neck.) liauka

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > gland

  • 12 law

    1) (the collection of rules according to which people live or a country etc is governed: Such an action is against the law; law and order.) teisė
    2) (any one of such rules: A new law has been passed by Parliament.) įstatymas
    3) ((in science) a rule that says that under certain conditions certain things always happen: the law of gravity.) dėsnis
    - lawfully
    - lawless
    - lawlessly
    - lawlessness
    - lawyer
    - law-abiding
    - law court
    - lawsuit
    - be a law unto oneself
    - the law
    - the law of the land
    - lay down the law

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > law

  • 13 tap

    I 1. [tæp] noun
    (a quick touch or light knock or blow: I heard a tap at the door.) barškinimas, beldimas
    2. verb
    ((often with at, on or with) to give a light knock (on or with something): He tapped at/on the window.) (pa)barðkinti, (pa)belsti
    - tap-dancer II 1. [tæp] noun
    ((American faucet) any of several types of device (usually with a handle and valve that can be shut or opened) for controlling the flow of liquid or gas from a pipe, barrel etc: Turn the tap off/on!) čiaupas
    2. verb
    1) (to start using (a source, supply etc): The country has many rich resources that have not been tapped.) pradėti naudoti
    2) (to attach a device to (someone's telephone wires) in order to be able to listen to his telephone conversations: My phone was being tapped.) (į ką) įtaisyti klausymosi aparatą

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > tap

  • 14 tune

    [tju:n] 1. noun
    (musical notes put together in a particular (melodic and pleasing) order; a melody: He played a tune on the violin.) melodija
    2. verb
    1) (to adjust (a musical instrument, or its strings etc) to the correct pitch: The orchestra tuned their instruments.) derinti
    2) (to adjust a radio so that it receives a particular station: The radio was tuned to a German station.) nustatyti
    3) (to adjust (an engine etc) so that it runs well.) sureguliuoti
    - tunefully
    - tunefulness
    - tuneless
    - tunelessly
    - tunelessness
    - tuner
    - change one's tune
    - in tune
    - out of tune
    - tune in
    - tune up

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > tune

  • 15 earth

    [ə:ð] 1. noun
    1) (the third planet in order of distance from the Sun; the planet on which we live: Is Earth nearer the Sun than Mars is?; the geography of the earth.) Žemė
    2) (the world as opposed to heaven: heaven and earth.) žemė
    3) (soil: Fill the plant-pot with earth.) žemė
    4) (dry land; the ground: the earth, sea and sky.) žemė
    5) (a burrow or hole of an animal, especially of a fox.) ola
    6) ((a wire that provides) an electrical connection with the earth.) įžeminimas
    2. verb
    (to connect to earth electrically: Is your washing-machine properly earthed?) įžeminti
    - earthly
    - earthenware
    - earthquake
    - earthworm
    - on earth
    - run to earth

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > earth

  • 16 scale

    I [skeil] noun
    1) (a set of regularly spaced marks made on something (eg a thermometer or a ruler) for use as a measure; a system of numbers, measurement etc: This thermometer has two scales marked on it, one in Fahrenheit and one in Centigrade.) skalė
    2) (a series or system of items of increasing or decreasing size, value etc: a wage/salary scale.) skalė
    3) (in music, a group of notes going up or down in order: The boy practised his scales on the piano.) gama
    4) (the size of measurements on a map etc compared with the real size of the country etc shown by it: In a map drawn to the scale 1:50,000, one centimetre represents half a kilometre.) mastelis
    5) (the size of an activity: These guns are being manufactured on a large scale.) mastas
    II [skeil] verb
    (to climb (a ladder, cliff etc): The prisoner scaled the prison walls and escaped.) užlipti, užkopti
    III [skeil] noun
    (any of the small thin plates or flakes that cover the skin of fishes, reptiles etc: A herring's scales are silver in colour.) žvynas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > scale

  • 17 scan

    [skæn] 1. past tense, past participle - scanned; verb
    1) (to examine carefully: He scanned the horizon for any sign of a ship.) atidžiai apžiūrėti, ištirti
    2) (to look at quickly but not in detail: She scanned the newspaper for news of the murder.) peržvelgti, permesti akimis
    3) (to pass radar beams etc over: The area was scanned for signs of enemy aircraft.) žvalgyti, tyrinėti
    4) (to pass an electronic or laser beam over a text or picture in order to store it in the memory of a computer.) (nu)skaityti
    5) (to examine and get an image of what is inside a person's body or an object by using ultra-sound and x-ray: They scanned his luggage at the airport to see if he was carrying drugs.) skenuoti, patikrinti skeneriu
    6) (to fit into a particular rhythm or metre: The second line of that verse doesn't scan properly.) rimuotis
    2. noun
    She had an ultrasound scan to see whether the baby was a boy or a girl; a brain scan; a quick scan through the report.) skenavimas, patikrinimas skeneriu

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > scan

  • 18 account

    1) (an arrangement by which a person keeps his money in a bank: I have (opened) an account with the local bank.) sąskaita
    2) (a statement of money owing: Send me an account.) sąskaitos
    3) (a description or explanation (of something that has happened): a full account of his holiday.) sąskaita
    4) (an arrangement by which a person makes a regular (eg monthly) payment instead of paying at the time of buying: I have an account at Smiths.) sąskaita
    5) ((usually in plural) a record of money received and spent: You must keep your accounts in order; ( also adjective) an account book.) pasakojimas, ataskaita
    - accountant
    - account for
    - on account of
    - on my/his etc account
    - on my/his account
    - on no account
    - take something into account
    - take into account
    - take account of something
    - take account of

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > account

  • 19 installation

    1) (the act of installing.) įrengimas, įvedimas
    2) (a piece of equipment that has been installed: The cooker, fridge and other electrical installations are all in working order.) įrenginys, instaliacija

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > installation

  • 20 police

    [pə'li:s] 1. noun plural
    (the men and women whose job is to prevent crime, keep order, see that laws are obeyed etc: Call the police!; The police are investigating the matter; ( also adjective) the police force, a police officer.) policija
    2. verb
    (to supply (a place) with police: We cannot police the whole area.) apstatyti policija
    - policeman
    - policewoman
    - police station

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > police

См. также в других словарях:

  • Honors and awards of the Order of the Arrow — It is important to distinguish between awards, honors, and membership levels in the Order of the Arrow – the honor camping society of the Boy Scouts of America. The Founder s Award, the Red Arrow Award, and the Distinguished Service Award… …   Wikipedia

  • To put this and that — Put Put, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Put}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Putting}.] [AS. potian to thrust: cf. Dan. putte to put, to put into, Fries. putje; perh. akin to W. pwtio to butt, poke, thrust; cf. also Gael. put to push, thrust, and E. potter, v. i.] 1. To …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Order of the Phoenix (organisation) — Order of the Phoenix Harry Potter association Some Order of the Phoenix members in the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix film adaptation, from left to right: Alastor Moody, Nymphadora Tonks, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Albus Dumbledore …   Wikipedia

  • Order of Canada — Insignia of a Member of the Order of Canada Awarded by the …   Wikipedia

  • Order of the Bath — Badge of a Companion of the Order of the Bath (Military Division) Awarded by the Queen of the United Kingdom Motto TRIA IUNCTA IN UNO …   Wikipedia

  • Order of the Garter — Arms of the Order of the Garter Awarded by the Sovereign of the United Kingdom …   Wikipedia

  • Order of the Arrow — Owner …   Wikipedia

  • Order of the Thistle — Insignia of a Knight of the Order of the Thistle Awarded by the Queen of the United Kingdom Type …   Wikipedia

  • Order of Friars Minor Capuchin — Abbreviation Capuchins, O.M.Cap., O.F.M. Cap., O.S.F.C., Capuchin Franciscans Formation 1520 Type Catholic religi …   Wikipedia

  • Order of St. Patrick — Order of Saint Patrick Insignia of a Knight of the Order of St. Patrick Awarded by the Queen of the United Kingdom Type Or …   Wikipedia

  • Order and Justice — Tvarka ir teisingumas Leader Rolandas Paksas Founded 9 March 2002 …   Wikipedia

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