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  • 61 forgive

    past tense - forgave; verb
    1) (to stop being angry with (someone who has done something wrong): He forgave her for stealing his watch.)
    2) (to stop being angry about (something that someone has done): He forgave her angry words.)
    - forgiving
    * * *
    piedot; atlaist

    English-Latvian dictionary > forgive

  • 62 gain

    [ɡein] 1. verb
    1) (to obtain: He quickly gained experience.) iegūt
    2) ((often with by or from) to get (something good) by doing something: What have I to gain by staying here?) gūt labumu
    3) (to have an increase in (something): He gained strength after his illness.) atgūt spēkus
    4) ((of a clock or watch) to go too fast: This clock gains (four minutes a day).) (par pulksteni) steigties
    2. noun
    1) (an increase (in weight etc): a gain of one kilo.) pieaugums
    2) (profits, advantage, wealth etc: His loss was my gain; He'd do anything for gain.) ieguvums; labums
    - gain on
    * * *
    ieguvums, labums; ienākums, peļņa; vinnests; pieaugums; izdobums, iedobums; pastiprinājums; iegūt; nopelnīt; gūt labumu; laimēt; nokļūt, sasniegt; uzņemt, palielināt; palielināties, pieaugt

    English-Latvian dictionary > gain

  • 63 guarantee

    1. noun
    1) (a statement by the maker that something will work for a certain period of time: This guarantee is valid for one year.) garantija
    2) (a thing that makes something likely or certain: It is no guarantee against failure.) garantija
    2. verb
    1) (to act as, or give, a guarantee: This watch is guaranteed for six months.) dot garantiju
    2) (to state that something is true, definite etc: I can't guarantee that what he told me is correct.) garantēt; galvot
    * * *
    galvojums, garantija; aizmaksa; galvotājs; garantēt, galvot; apdrošināt

    English-Latvian dictionary > guarantee

  • 64 hand

    [hænd] 1. noun
    1) (the part of the body at the end of the arm.) roka; plauksta
    2) (a pointer on a clock, watch etc: Clocks usually have an hour hand and a minute hand.) [] rādītājs
    3) (a person employed as a helper, crew member etc: a farm hand; All hands on deck!) Visi uz klāja!
    4) (help; assistance: Can I lend a hand?; Give me a hand with this box, please.) palīdzēt
    5) (a set of playing-cards dealt to a person: I had a very good hand so I thought I had a chance of winning.) kārtis (spēlmaņa rokās)
    6) (a measure (approximately centimetres) used for measuring the height of horses: a horse of 14 hands.) plauksta (kā mērvienība)
    7) (handwriting: written in a neat hand.) rokraksts
    2. verb
    (often with back, down, up etc)
    1) (to give (something) to someone by hand: I handed him the book; He handed it back to me; I'll go up the ladder, and you can hand the tools up to me.) padot; pasniegt
    2) (to pass, transfer etc into another's care etc: That is the end of my report from Paris. I'll now hand you back to Fred Smith in the television studio in London.) nodot (citam)
    - handbag
    - handbill
    - handbook
    - handbrake
    - handcuff
    - handcuffs
    - hand-lens
    - handmade
    - hand-operated
    - hand-out
    - hand-picked
    - handshake
    - handstand
    - handwriting
    - handwritten
    - at hand
    - at the hands of
    - be hand in glove with someone
    - be hand in glove
    - by hand
    - fall into the hands of someone
    - fall into the hands
    - force someone's hand
    - get one's hands on
    - give/lend a helping hand
    - hand down
    - hand in
    - hand in hand
    - hand on
    - hand out
    - hand-out
    - handout
    - hand over
    - hand over fist
    - hands down
    - hands off!
    - hands-on
    - hands up!
    - hand to hand
    - have a hand in something
    - have a hand in
    - have/get/gain the upper hand
    - hold hands with someone
    - hold hands
    - in good hands
    - in hand
    - in the hands of
    - keep one's hand in
    - off one's hands
    - on hand
    - on the one hand... on the other hand
    -... on the other hand
    - out of hand
    - shake hands with someone / shake someone's hand
    - shake hands with / shake someone's hand
    - a show of hands
    - take in hand
    - to hand
    * * *
    plauksta, roka; priekšķepa, priekškāja; rādītājs; spārns; rokraksts; kārtis, partija; plauksta; strādnieks; matrozis, komanda; stingra roka, vara; palīdzība, atbalsts; lietpratējs, meistars; izpildītājs, autors; paraksts; aplausi; padot, pasniegt; satīt

    English-Latvian dictionary > hand

  • 65 hour hand

    (the smaller of the two hands of a watch or clock, which shows the time in hours.) (pulksteņa) stundu rādītājs
    * * *
    stundu rādītājs

    English-Latvian dictionary > hour hand

  • 66 judge

    1. verb
    1) (to hear and try (cases) in a court of law: Who will be judging this murder case?) tiesāt
    2) (to decide which is the best in a competition etc: Is she going to judge the singing competition again?; Who will be judging the vegetables at the flower show?; Who is judging at the horse show?) vērtēt (sacensībās)
    3) (to consider and form an idea of; to estimate: You can't judge a man by his appearance; Watch how a cat judges the distance before it jumps; She couldn't judge whether he was telling the truth.) spriest; vērtēt
    4) (to criticize for doing wrong: We have no right to judge him - we might have done the same thing ourselves.) tiesāt
    2. noun
    1) (a public officer who hears and decides cases in a law court: The judge asked if the jury had reached a verdict.) tiesnesis
    2) (a person who decides which is the best in a competition etc: The judge's decision is final (= you cannot argue with the judge's decision); He was asked to be on the panel of judges at the beauty contest.) arbitrs; eksperts
    3) (a person who is skilled at deciding how good etc something is: He says she's honest, and he's a good judge of character; He seems a very fine pianist to me, but I'm no judge.) lietpratējs; pazinējs
    - judgment
    - judging from / to judge from
    - pass judgement on
    - pass judgement
    * * *
    tiesnesis; arbitrs, eksperts; lietpratējs, pazinējs; Soģu grāmata; tiesāt; būt par arbitru; spriest, vērtēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > judge

  • 67 just about

    (more or less: Is your watch just about right?) vairāk vai mazāk; aptuveni
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > just about

  • 68 keep

    [ki:p] 1. past tense, past participle - kept; verb
    1) (to have for a very long or indefinite period of time: He gave me the picture to keep.) []turēt
    2) (not to give or throw away; to preserve: I kept the most interesting books; Can you keep a secret?) glabāt
    3) (to (cause to) remain in a certain state or position: I keep this gun loaded; How do you keep cool in this heat?; Will you keep me informed of what happens?) []glabāt; noturēt
    4) (to go on (performing or repeating a certain action): He kept walking.) turpināt (kaut ko darīt)
    5) (to have in store: I always keep a tin of baked beans for emergencies.) paglabāt; turēt (krājumā)
    6) (to look after or care for: She keeps the garden beautifully; I think they keep hens.) []turēt
    7) (to remain in good condition: That meat won't keep in this heat unless you put it in the fridge.) (par pārtiku) saglabāties (svaigam)
    8) (to make entries in (a diary, accounts etc): She keeps a diary to remind her of her appointments; He kept the accounts for the club.) izdarīt ierakstus
    9) (to hold back or delay: Sorry to keep you.) aizkavēt
    10) (to provide food, clothes, housing for (someone): He has a wife and child to keep.) uzturēt (kādu)
    11) (to act in the way demanded by: She kept her promise.) turēt; ievērot
    12) (to celebrate: to keep Christmas.) svinēt
    2. noun
    (food and lodging: She gives her mother money every week for her keep; Our cat really earns her keep - she kills all the mice in the house.) iztika; uzturs
    - keeping
    - keep-fit
    - keepsake
    - for keeps
    - in keeping with
    - keep away
    - keep back
    - keep one's distance
    - keep down
    - keep one's end up
    - keep from
    - keep going
    - keep hold of
    - keep house for
    - keep house
    - keep in
    - keep in mind
    - keep it up
    - keep off
    - keep on
    - keep oneself to oneself
    - keep out
    - keep out of
    - keep time
    - keep to
    - keep something to oneself
    - keep to oneself
    - keep up
    - keep up with the Joneses
    - keep watch
    * * *
    uzturs, iztika; galvenais tornis; paturēt, turēt; glabāt; ievērot, turēt; noturēt, saglabāt; palikt; uzturēt; turpināt; sargāt; saglabāties; vest; aizkavēt; justies; svinēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > keep

  • 69 leisure

    ['leʒə, ]( American[) 'li:ʒər]
    (time which one can spend as one likes, especially when one does not have to work: I seldom have leisure to watch television.) vaļas brīdis; brīvs laiks
    * * *
    brīvs laiks, vaļas brīdis

    English-Latvian dictionary > leisure

  • 70 liable

    1) ((with to) tending to have, get, suffer from etc: This road is liable to flooding; He is liable to pneumonia.) pakļauts; disponēts
    2) (possibly or probably about (to do something or to happen): Watch the milk - it's liable to boil over.) iespējams
    3) (legally responsible (for): The airline is liable to you for any damage to your luggage.) (juridiski) atbildīgs
    4) (likely to get (a fine, a punishment): Do not litter! Offenders are liable to fines of up to $100.) pakļauts (sodam)
    * * *
    atbildīgs; pakļauts; disponēts; iespējams

    English-Latvian dictionary > liable

  • 71 lose

    past tense, past participle - lost; verb
    1) (to stop having; to have no longer: She has lost interest in her work; I have lost my watch; He lost hold of the rope.) []zaudēt
    2) (to have taken away from one (by death, accident etc): She lost her father last year; The ship was lost in the storm; He has lost his job.)
    3) (to put (something) where it cannot be found: My secretary has lost your letter.) pazaudēt
    4) (not to win: I always lose at cards; She lost the race.) paspēlēt; zaudēt
    5) (to waste or use more (time) than is necessary: He lost no time in informing the police of the crime.) nokavēt; palaist garām
    - loss
    - lost
    - at a loss
    - a bad
    - good loser
    - lose oneself in
    - lose one's memory
    - lose out
    - lost in
    - lost on
    * * *
    zaudēt; pazaudēt; nokavēt, palaist garām; paspēlēt, zaudēt; ciest zaudējumus; atpalikt; pazust, iet bojā

    English-Latvian dictionary > lose

  • 72 mainspring

    noun (the chief spring, especially the spring that causes the wheels to move in a watch or clock.) galvenā atspere
    * * *
    galvenā atspere; dzinulis, virzītājspēks

    English-Latvian dictionary > mainspring

  • 73 mechanism

    noun (a (usually small) piece of machinery: a watch mechanism.) mehānisms
    * * *
    mehānisms; tehnika; mehānicisms

    English-Latvian dictionary > mechanism

  • 74 movement

    1) ((an act of) changing position or going from one point to another: The animal turned sideways with a swift movement.) kustība
    2) (activity: In this play there is a lot of discussion but not much movement.) darbība
    3) (the art of moving gracefully or expressively: She teaches movement and drama.) kustība; kustību kultūra
    4) (an organization or association: the Scout movement.) kustība
    5) (the moving parts of a watch, clock etc.) mehānisms
    6) (a section of a large-scale piece of music: the third movement of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony.) (kompozīcijas) daļa
    7) (a general tendency towards a habit, point of view etc: There's a movement towards simple designs in clothing these days.) tieksme, tendence
    * * *
    kustība; žests, kustība; darbība; pārvākšanās; uzvedība, izturēšanās; ritms, temps; daļa; rosība; zarnu darbība

    English-Latvian dictionary > movement

  • 75 neighbour

    (a person who lives near oneself: my next-door neighbour.) kaimiņš
    - neighbourhood watch
    - neighbouring
    - neighbourly
    * * *
    būt kaimiņos, līdzcilvēks, tuvākais; kaimiņiene, kaimiņš; robežot; robežoties

    English-Latvian dictionary > neighbour

  • 76 observe

    1) (to notice: I observed her late arrival.) ievērot
    2) (to watch carefully: She observed his actions with interest.) vērot, sekot ar skatienu
    3) (to obey: We must observe the rules.) ievērot (likumus)
    4) (to make a remark: `It's a lovely day', he observed.) piezīmēt, piebilst
    - observant
    - observation
    - observatory
    - observer
    * * *
    vērot; novērot; ievērot; piezīmēt, piebilst

    English-Latvian dictionary > observe

  • 77 patrol

    [pə'trəul] 1. past tense, past participle - patrolled; verb
    (to watch or protect (an area) by moving continually around or through it: Soldiers patrolled the streets.) patrulēt; doties patruļā
    2. noun
    1) (a group of people etc who patrol an area: They came across several army patrols in the hills.) patruļa
    2) (the act of watching or guarding by patrolling: The soldiers went out on patrol; ( also adjective) patrol duty.) patrulēšana
    * * *
    patruļa; patrulēšana; patrulēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > patrol

  • 78 pawn

    [po:n] 1. verb
    (to give (an article of value) to a pawnbroker in exchange for money (which may be repaid at a later time to get the article back): I had to pawn my watch to pay the bill.) ieķīlāt
    2. noun
    1) (in chess, one of the small pieces of lowest rank.) bandinieks
    2) (a person who is used by another person for his own gain, advantage etc: She was a pawn in his ambitious plans.) marionete; pakalpiņš
    - pawnshop
    - in pawn
    * * *
    ķīla; bandinieks; ierocis, marionete; ieķīlāt

    English-Latvian dictionary > pawn

  • 79 pip

    I [pip] noun
    (a seed of a fruit: an orange/apple pip.) (augļa) sēkla; kauliņš
    II [pip] noun
    (a short sharp sound on radio, a telephone etc, used eg to show the exact time: He put his watch right by the pips.) (pareiza laika) signāls
    * * *
    sēkla, kauliņš; pareiza laika signāls; acs; zvaigznīte; īgnums; sašaut; uzvarēt, pārspēt; izbrāķēt; izbalsot; izgāzt

    English-Latvian dictionary > pip

  • 80 present

    I ['preznt] adjective
    1) (being here, or at the place, occasion etc mentioned: My father was present on that occasion; Who else was present at the wedding?; Now that the whole class is present, we can begin the lesson.) klātesošs
    2) (existing now: the present moment; the present prime minister.) pašreizējs; tagadējs
    3) ((of the tense of a verb) indicating action now: In the sentence `She wants a chocolate', the verb is in the present tense.) tagadnes-
    - the present
    - at present
    - for the present
    II [pri'zent] verb
    1) (to give, especially formally or ceremonially: The child presented a bunch of flowers to the Queen; He was presented with a gold watch when he retired.) pasniegt; dāvināt
    2) (to introduce: May I present my wife (to you)?) iepazīstināt, stādīt priekšā
    3) (to arrange the production of (a play, film etc): The Elizabethan Theatre Company presents `Hamlet', by William Shakespeare.) izrādīt; uzvest
    4) (to offer (ideas etc) for consideration, or (a problem etc) for solving: She presents (=expresses) her ideas very clearly; The situation presents a problem.) radīt grūtības
    5) (to bring (oneself); to appear: He presented himself at the dinner table half an hour late.) ierasties; parādīties
    - presentable
    - presentation
    - present arms
    III ['preznt] noun
    (a gift: a wedding present; birthday presents.) dāvana
    * * *
    dāvana; dāvana; tagadne; pasniegt, dāvināt; iesniegt; stādīt priekšā; apdāvināt; sagādāt, radīt; uzrādīt; izrādīt; klātesošs; tagadējs, pašreizējs

    English-Latvian dictionary > present

См. также в других словарях:

  • Watch — (w[o^]ch), n. [OE. wacche, AS. w[ae]cce, fr. wacian to wake; akin to D. wacht, waak, G. wacht, wache. [root]134. See {Wake}, v. i. ] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of watching; forbearance of sleep; vigil; wakeful, vigilant, or constantly observant… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Watch and ward — Watch Watch (w[o^]ch), n. [OE. wacche, AS. w[ae]cce, fr. wacian to wake; akin to D. wacht, waak, G. wacht, wache. [root]134. See {Wake}, v. i. ] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of watching; forbearance of sleep; vigil; wakeful, vigilant, or constantly… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Watch and watch — Watch Watch (w[o^]ch), n. [OE. wacche, AS. w[ae]cce, fr. wacian to wake; akin to D. wacht, waak, G. wacht, wache. [root]134. See {Wake}, v. i. ] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of watching; forbearance of sleep; vigil; wakeful, vigilant, or constantly… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Watch barrel — Watch Watch (w[o^]ch), n. [OE. wacche, AS. w[ae]cce, fr. wacian to wake; akin to D. wacht, waak, G. wacht, wache. [root]134. See {Wake}, v. i. ] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of watching; forbearance of sleep; vigil; wakeful, vigilant, or constantly… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Watch bell — Watch Watch (w[o^]ch), n. [OE. wacche, AS. w[ae]cce, fr. wacian to wake; akin to D. wacht, waak, G. wacht, wache. [root]134. See {Wake}, v. i. ] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of watching; forbearance of sleep; vigil; wakeful, vigilant, or constantly… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Watch bill — Watch Watch (w[o^]ch), n. [OE. wacche, AS. w[ae]cce, fr. wacian to wake; akin to D. wacht, waak, G. wacht, wache. [root]134. See {Wake}, v. i. ] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of watching; forbearance of sleep; vigil; wakeful, vigilant, or constantly… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Watch case — Watch Watch (w[o^]ch), n. [OE. wacche, AS. w[ae]cce, fr. wacian to wake; akin to D. wacht, waak, G. wacht, wache. [root]134. See {Wake}, v. i. ] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of watching; forbearance of sleep; vigil; wakeful, vigilant, or constantly… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Watch chain — Watch Watch (w[o^]ch), n. [OE. wacche, AS. w[ae]cce, fr. wacian to wake; akin to D. wacht, waak, G. wacht, wache. [root]134. See {Wake}, v. i. ] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of watching; forbearance of sleep; vigil; wakeful, vigilant, or constantly… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Watch clock — Watch Watch (w[o^]ch), n. [OE. wacche, AS. w[ae]cce, fr. wacian to wake; akin to D. wacht, waak, G. wacht, wache. [root]134. See {Wake}, v. i. ] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of watching; forbearance of sleep; vigil; wakeful, vigilant, or constantly… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • watch crystal — Watch Watch (w[o^]ch), n. [OE. wacche, AS. w[ae]cce, fr. wacian to wake; akin to D. wacht, waak, G. wacht, wache. [root]134. See {Wake}, v. i. ] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of watching; forbearance of sleep; vigil; wakeful, vigilant, or constantly… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Watch fire — Watch Watch (w[o^]ch), n. [OE. wacche, AS. w[ae]cce, fr. wacian to wake; akin to D. wacht, waak, G. wacht, wache. [root]134. See {Wake}, v. i. ] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of watching; forbearance of sleep; vigil; wakeful, vigilant, or constantly… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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