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  • 1 Lowndes and Maxwell's Practice Cases

    Юридический термин: сборник судебных решений (составители Лаундес и Максвелл, 1852-1854), сборник судебных решений, составители Лаундес и Максвелл (1852-1854)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Lowndes and Maxwell's Practice Cases

  • 2 Bail Court Cases

    Юридический термин: сборник судебных решений (составители Лоундес и Максвел, 1852-1854)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Bail Court Cases

  • 3 Bail Court Cases, Lowndes and Maxwell

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Bail Court Cases, Lowndes and Maxwell

  • 4 сборник судебных решений, составители Лаундес и Максвелл

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > сборник судебных решений, составители Лаундес и Максвелл

  • 5 сборник судебных решений, составители Лоундес и Максвел

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > сборник судебных решений, составители Лоундес и Максвел

  • 6 B.C.C.

    сокр. от Bail Court Cases, Lowndes and Maxwell
    сборник судебных решений, составители Лоундес и Максвел (1852-1854)

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > B.C.C.

  • 7 L.&M.

    сокр. от Lowndes and Maxwell's Practice Cases
    сборник судебных решений, составители Лаундес и Максвелл (1852-1854)

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > L.&M.

  • 8 Lownd.&M.

    сокр. от Lowndes and Maxwell's Practice Cases
    сборник судебных решений, составители Лаундес и Максвелл (1852-1854)

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > Lownd.&M.

  • 9 сборник решений канцлерского суда

    Law: Ambler's Chancery Reports (составитель Эмблер, 1737-1784), Atkyn's Reports (составитель Эткин, 1736-1754), Bamardision's Reports (составитель Барнардистон, 1740-1741), Brown's Chancery Reports (составитель Браун, 1778-1794), Cases in Chancery (англ., 1660-1688), Cases in Chancery (1660-1688), Chancery (составитель Купер, 1837-1839), Chancery Chambers Reports (Верхняя Канада, 1857-1872), Choyce Cases in Chancery (1557-1606), Collyer's Chancery Cases (составитель Кольер, 1845-1847), Cox's Chancery Reports (составитель Кокс, 1783-1796), Craig and Phillips' Chancery Reports (англ. составители Крейг и Филипс, 1840-1841), De Gex and Jones' Chancery Reports (составители де Гекс и Джонс, 1857-1860), De Gex and Smale's Chancery Reports (составители де Гекс и Смейл, 1846-1852), Dickens' Chancery Reports (составитель Диккенс, 1559-1798), Donnely's Minutes of Cases (составитель Донели), Drewry and Smale's Chancery Reports (составители Друри и Смейл, 1860-1865), Drewry's Chancery Reports (составитель Друри, 1852-1859), Eden's Chancery Reports (составитель Иден, 1757-1766), Finch's Chancery Reports (составитель Финч, 1673-1681), Freeman's Chancery Reports (составитель Фримен, 1660-1706), Giffard's Chancery Reports (составитель Гиффард, 1857-1865), Gilbert's Chancery Reports (составитель Гилберт, 1705-1727), Grant's Upper Canada Chancery Reports (Верхняя Канада, составитель Грант, 1849-1882), Hall and Twell's Chancery Reports (составители Холл и Туэлл, 1849-1850), Hare's Chancery Reports (составитель Хэар, 1841-1853), Hemming and Miller's Chancery Reports (составители Хемминг и Миллер, 1862-1865), Jacob and Walker's Chancery Reports (составители Джейкоб и Уокер, 1819-1821), Jacob's Chancery Reports (составитель Джейкоб, 1821-1822), Johnson and Hemming's Chancery Reports (составители Джонсон и Хемминг 1859-1862), Johnson's Chancery Reports (составитель Джонсон, 1858-1860), Kay and Johnson's Chancery Reports (составители Кей и Джонсон, 1854-1858), Kay's Chancery Reports (составитель Кей, 1853-1854), Law Journal Reports, Chancery, Macnaghten and Gordon's Chancery Reports (составители Макнотен и Гордон, 1848-1852), Maddock and Geldari's Chancery Reports (составители Мэддок и Гелдарт, 1815-1822), Maddock's Chancery Reports (составитель Мэддок, 1815-1822), Merivale's Chancery Reports (составитель Мэривейл, 1815-1817), Mosely's Chancery Reports (составитель Моусли, 1726-1731), Mylne and Craig's Chancery Reports (составители Милн и Крейг, 1836-1840), Mylne and Keen's Chancery Reports (составители Милн и Кин, 1832-1835), Nelson's Chancery Reports (составитель Нелсон, 1625-1693), Peere Williams' Chancery Reports (составитель Пир Уильямс, 1695-1736), Phillip's Chancery Reports (составитель Филипс, 1841-1849), Reports in Chancery (1605-1712), Reports in Chancery (1615-1712), Romilly's Notes of Cases (составитель Ромили, 1767-1787), Russei and Mylne's Chancery Reports (составители Рассел и Милн, 1829-1831), Russel's Chancery Reports (составитель Рассел, 1823-1829), Simons and Stuart's Chancery Reports (составители Саймонс и Стюарт, 1822-1826), Simons' Chancery Reports (составитель Саймонс, 1826-1849), Smale and Giffard's Chancery Reports (составители Смейл и Гиффард, 1852-1857), Swanston's Chancery Reports (составитель Суонстон), Tamlyn's Chancery Reports (составитель Тэмлин, 1829-1830), Tothill's Chancery Reports (составитель Тотхилл, 1559-1606), Turner and Russell's Chancery Reports (составители Тернер и Рассел, 1822-1824), Vernon's Chancery Reports (составитель Верной, 1681-1720), Vesey Junior's Chancery Reports (составитель Веси-младший, 1789-1816), Vesey Senior's Chancery Reports (составитель Веси-старший, 1747-1756), Vesey and Beames' Chancery Reports (составители Веси и Бимс, 1812-1814), Vesey and Beams' Chancery Reports (составители Веси и Бимс, 1812-1814), William Kelynge's Chancery Reports (составитель У.Келиндж, 1730-1732), Wilson's Chancery Reports (составитель Уилсон, 1818-1819), Younge and Collyer's Chancery Reports (составители Янг и Кольер, 1841-1843)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > сборник решений канцлерского суда

  • 10 Ashland

    1) Город на северо-востоке штата Кентукки, на р. Огайо [ Ohio River], 21,9 тыс. жителей (2000). Металлургия, металлообработка. Кожевенно-обувная промышленность. Близ города добыча угля. Торгово-финансовый центр восточного Кентукки. Ипподром. Основан в 1815, город с 1870
    2) Город на севере штата Висконсин. 8,6 тыс. жителей (2000). Порт на озере Верхнем [ Superior, Lake]. Вывоз руды, добываемой в горах Гогибик [ Gogebic Range]. Деревообработка. Первая французская миссия. Основан в 1665, город с 1854
    3) Город на юге штата Орегон. 19,5 тыс. жителей (2000). Основан в 1852. Торговый центр сельскохозяйственного района (зерно, фрукты). Консервная промышленность. Рядом добыча гранита, золота. Курорт. Минеральные источники. Ежегодно с середины февраля по октябрь здесь проводится известный Орегонский Шекспировский фестиваль [Oregon Shakespeare Festival] (с 1935)

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Ashland

  • 11 Barton, Clara

    Полное имя - Кларисса Харлоу [Clarissa Harlowe]. Основательница Американского Красного Креста [ American Red Cross]. Получила образование на дому и сама начала преподавать уже в пятнадцатилетнем возрасте. В 1850-51 посещала Свободный институт [Liberal Institute] в г. Клинтоне, шт. Нью-Йорк, а в 1852 создала бесплатную школу в г. Бордентауне, шт. Нью-Джерси, ставшую вскоре настолько популярной, что местные власти не захотели смириться с тем, что это учебное заведение возглавляет женщина. Бартон была вынуждена уйти, и некоторое время (в 1854-1857, а затем в 1860) проработала в Патентном бюро США [Patent Office, U.S.] в Вашингтоне. С началом Гражданской войны [ Civil War] проявила активность в целом ряде общественных инициатив, начиная от розыска пропавшего багажа военнослужащих и заканчивая обеспечением поставок медикаментов для раненых во время первого сражения на р. Бул-Ран [ Bull Run, First Battle of]. Получила разрешение пересекать линию фронта для передачи провизии, поиска пропавших без вести и ухода за ранеными. В 1865 по просьбе президента Авраама Линкольна [ Lincoln, Abraham] Бартон занялась учреждением бюро содействия в поиске пропавших без вести. Оказавшись в Европе во время франко-прусской войны, занималось организацией гуманитарной помощи. По возвращении в США (1873) приняла активное участие в кампании за присоединение страны к Женевской конвенции. В 1881 Бартон учредила Американскую ассоциацию Красного Креста и была президентом этой организации до 1904, когда вынуждена была уйти в отставку под давлением исполнительного совета, недовольного ее авторитарными методами. Тем не менее, в историю она вошла как "ангел на поле битвы" ["angel of the battlefield"]. Клара Бартон - инициатор т.н. "американской поправки" к уставу Красного креста, согласно которой организация оказывает помощь не только во время войны, но и в случае голода, эпидемий и стихийных бедствий. Автор ряда книг, в том числе "Истории Красного креста" ["History of the Red Cross"] (1882), "Красный крест в мирное и военное время" ["The Red Cross in Peace and War"] (1899), "История моего детства" ["The Story of My Childhood"] (1907).

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Barton, Clara

  • 12 Perry Mission

    Военно-морская экспедиция, посланная в ноябре 1852 правительством США в Японию с целью установить с ней торговые и дипломатические отношения. Под угрозой применения силы коммодор Перри [ Perry, Matthew Calbraith] вынудил японские власти подписать 31 марта 1854 договор о мире и дружбе [ Treaty of Kanagawa], открывший для американских судов порты Хакодате и Симода

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Perry Mission

  • 13 Pierce, Franklin

    (1804-1869) Пирс, Франклин
    14-й президент США [ President, U.S.] (в 1853-57). До начала политической карьеры занимался адвокатской практикой. Деятель Демократической партии [ Democratic Party], конгрессмен в 1833-37, сенатор в 1837-42, бригадный генерал в годы Американо-мексиканской войны [ Mexican War]. Был выдвинут в качестве компромиссного кандидата в президенты в период раскола среди демократов. На выборах 1852 легко победил вига [ Whigs] У. Скотта [ Scott, Winfield]. В годы его президентства была совершена покупка Гадсдена [ Gadsden Purchase] (1853) и послана миссия коммодора Перри [ Perry Mission] в Японию (1853), признан режим авантюриста Уокера в Никарагуа. Во внутренней политике испытывал давление рабовладельцев-южан. При нем был подписан билль Канзас-Небраска [ Kansas-Nebraska Act; Squatter Sovereignty Doctrine] (1854). Неспособность Пирса урегулировать кризис в Канзасе, приведший к гражданской войне в штате [ Bleeding Kansas], в конечном счете привела к тому, что он лишился поддержки демократов-северян и не был переизбран, а затем полностью ушел из общественной жизни. После начала Гражданской войны [ Civil War] не поддержал А. Линкольна [ Lincoln, Abraham]. Умер в неизвестности

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Pierce, Franklin

  • 14 San Bernardino

    Город на юге штата Калифорния; 185,4 тыс. жителей (2000), с г. Риверсайд [ Riverside] и пригородами 3,2 млн. человек. Основан в 1852 мормонами [ Mormons], купившими землю у испанцев; статус города с 1854. Торговый центр плодородной долины Сан-Бернардино [San Bernardino Valley] (цитрусовые, виноград и др.). Пищевая промышленность, виноделие. Авиакосмическая промышленность, машиностроение, черная металлургия, полиграфия, производство цемента. База ВВС Нортон [Norton Air Force Base]. Отделение Университета штата Калифорния [ California State University]. Симфонический оркестр, муниципальный музыкальный театр [Civic Light Opera]. Курорт. Ежегодно с 1915 весной здесь организуется Национальная выставка апельсинов [National Orange Show]

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > San Bernardino

  • 15 Whig Party

    Политическая партия, возникшая на основе Национальной республиканской партии [ National Republican Party]. Существовала в 1834-56; сформировалась на почве оппозиции к Э. Джексону [ Jackson, Andrew] и демократам. В целом выступала за активную роль центральной власти в экономике, но из-за разногласий внутри партии не смогла выработать единой программы. Среди лидеров партии были видные политические деятели Г. Клэй [ Clay, Henry] и Д. Уэбстер [ Webster, Daniel]. На президентских выборах 1836 виги выдвинули трех кандидатов - У. Гаррисона [ Harrison, William Henry], Х. Уайта [White, Hugh L.] и Д. Уэбстера, и все они проиграли М. ван Бюрену [ Van Buren, Martin]. В 1840 виги выдвинули единого кандидата - У. Гаррисона, который стал президентом, но умер через месяц после инаугурации [ inauguration]. Его преемник Дж. Тайлер [ Tyler, John] наложил вето на программные законопроекты вигов в Конгрессе и был даже исключен из партии. В 1844 виги выдвинули кандидатуру Клэя, но в партии вновь произошел раскол, на этот раз по вопросу о рабстве, и они вновь проиграли. В 1848 виги привели в Белый дом своего кандидата З. Тейлора [ Taylor, Zachary]. Раскол в партии по вопросу о рабстве усилился при обсуждении проектов Компромисса 1850 года [ Compromise of 1850] и закона о Канзасе и Небраске [ Kansas-Nebraska Act]. В 1852, после выдвижения кандидатом на пост президента У. Скотта [ Scott, Winfield] многие южные, "хлопковые" виги [ Cotton Whigs] вступили в Демократическую партию [ Democratic Party]. В 1854 северные виги перешли в новую Республиканскую партию [ Republican Party]. К 1856 остатки вигов перешли в "Партию незнаек" [ Know-Nothing Party]. Название по аналогии с известной политической партией Англии XVIII-XIX вв.
    тж Whigs

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Whig Party

  • 16 Garrett, João Baptista de Almeida

       One of Portugal's greatest 19th-century writers, Garrett was a diplomat, civil servant, journalist, and intellectual. In exile abroad due to his adherence to the cause of constitutional liberal monarchy, during the period 1823-36 especially, Garrett studied and was influenced by his readings of Shakespeare and romantic writers such as Lord Byron and Walter Scott. He studied law at the University of Coimbra. Following the triumph of King Pedro IV's cause in the War of the Brothers, Garrett served in the new government as a diplomat in Belgium. In a later second residence abroad, he was influenced by his study of German literature.
       It was in the field of letters that Garrett made his greatest mark, and he was active in all aspects of literary endeavor: poetry, essays, theater, journalism, and the novel. He was the founder of Portugal's national theater, Teatro Nacional de D. Maria II, and several of his plays become standard in Portuguese theater repertory, including his adaptations of plays by Gil Vicente. Government censorship, however, prevented the staging of several of his plays. His classic play Frei Luís de Sousa premiered in 1843, in a private theater.
       Like so many other romantic writers of his era in Europe, Garrett collected, edited, and published Portuguese folk stories, poems, and songs from a rich rural heritage and preserved them for later generations. Many were collected in his Romanceiro e Cancioneiro, in three volumes. Uncomfortable in the maelstrom of unstable politics and already named a peer of the realm, Garrett accepted the post of minister of foreign affairs in 1852. Quickly disillusioned, he retired in 1853 to private life and to writing another novel, left unfinished at his death in the following year.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Garrett, João Baptista de Almeida

  • 17 Elder, John

    b. 9 March 1824 Glasgow, Scotland
    d. 17 September 1869 London, England
    Scottish engineer who introduced the compound steam engine to ships and established an important shipbuilding company in Glasgow.
    John was the third son of David Elder. The father came from a family of millwrights and moved to Glasgow where he worked for the well-known shipbuilding firm of Napier's and was involved with improving marine engines. John was educated at Glasgow High School and then for a while at the Department of Civil Engineering at Glasgow University, where he showed great aptitude for mathematics and drawing. He spent five years as an apprentice under Robert Napier followed by two short periods of activity as a pattern-maker first and then a draughtsman in England. He returned to Scotland in 1849 to become Chief Draughtsman to Napier, but in 1852 he left to become a partner with the Glasgow general engineering company of Randolph Elliott \& Co. Shortly after his induction (at the age of 28), the engineering firm was renamed Randolph Elder \& Co.; in 1868, when the partnership expired, it became known as John Elder \& Co. From the outset Elder, with his partner, Charles Randolph, approached mechanical (especially heat) engineering in a rigorous manner. Their knowledge and understanding of entropy ensured that engine design was not a hit-and-miss affair, but one governed by recognition of the importance of the new kinetic theory of heat and with it a proper understanding of thermodynamic principles, and by systematic development. In this Elder was joined by W.J.M. Rankine, Professor of Civil Engineering and Mechanics at Glasgow University, who helped him develop the compound marine engine. Elder and Randolph built up a series of patents, which guaranteed their company's commercial success and enabled them for a while to be the sole suppliers of compound steam reciprocating machinery. Their first such engine at sea was fitted in 1854 on the SS Brandon for the Limerick Steamship Company; the ship showed an improved performance by using a third less coal, which he was able to reduce still further on later designs.
    Elder developed steam jacketing and recognized that, with higher pressures, triple-expansion types would be even more economical. In 1862 he patented a design of quadruple-expansion engine with reheat between cylinders and advocated the importance of balancing reciprocating parts. The effect of his improvements was to greatly reduce fuel consumption so that long sea voyages became an economic reality.
    His yard soon reached dimensions then unequalled on the Clyde where he employed over 4,000 workers; Elder also was always interested in the social welfare of his labour force. In 1860 the engine shops were moved to the Govan Old Shipyard, and again in 1864 to the Fairfield Shipyard, about 1 mile (1.6 km) west on the south bank of the Clyde. At Fairfield, shipbuilding was commenced, and with the patents for compounding secure, much business was placed for many years by shipowners serving long-distance trades such as South America; the Pacific Steam Navigation Company took up his ideas for their ships. In later years the yard became known as the Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Company Ltd, but it remains today as one of Britain's most efficient shipyards and is known now as Kvaerner Govan Ltd.
    In 1869, at the age of only 45, John Elder was unanimously elected President of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland; however, before taking office and giving his eagerly awaited presidential address, he died in London from liver disease. A large multitude attended his funeral and all the engineering shops were silent as his body, which had been brought back from London to Glasgow, was carried to its resting place. In 1857 Elder had married Isabella Ure, and on his death he left her a considerable fortune, which she used generously for Govan, for Glasgow and especially the University. In 1883 she endowed the world's first Chair of Naval Architecture at the University of Glasgow, an act which was reciprocated in 1901 when the University awarded her an LLD on the occasion of its 450th anniversary.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    President, Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland 1869.
    Further Reading
    Obituary, 1869, Engineer 28.
    1889, The Dictionary of National Biography, London: Smith Elder \& Co. W.J.Macquorn Rankine, 1871, "Sketch of the life of John Elder" Transactions of the
    Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland.
    Maclehose, 1886, Memoirs and Portraits of a Hundred Glasgow Men.
    The Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Works, 1909, London: Offices of Engineering.
    P.M.Walker, 1984, Song of the Clyde, A History of Clyde Shipbuilding, Cambridge: PSL.
    R.L.Hills, 1989, Power from Steam. A History of the Stationary Steam Engine, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (covers Elder's contribution to the development of steam engines).
    RLH / FMW

    Biographical history of technology > Elder, John

  • 18 Fairbairn, William

    SUBJECT AREA: Ports and shipping
    b. 19 February 1789 Kelso, Roxburghshire, Scotland
    d. 18 August 1874 Farnham, Surrey, England
    Scottish engineer and shipbuilder, pioneer in the use of iron in structures.
    Born in modest circumstances, Fairbairn nevertheless enjoyed a broad and liberal education until around the age of 14. Thereafter he served an apprenticeship as a millwright in a Northumberland colliery. This seven-year period marked him out as a man of determination and intellectual ability; he planned his life around the practical work of pit-machinery maintenance and devoted his limited free time to the study of mathematics, science and history as well as "Church, Milton and Recreation". Like many before and countless thousands after, he worked in London for some difficult and profitless years, and then moved to Manchester, the city he was to regard as home for the rest of his life. In 1816 he was married. Along with a workmate, James Lillie, he set up a general engineering business, which steadily enlarged and ultimately involved both shipbuilding and boiler-making. The partnership was dissolved in 1832 and Fairbairn continued on his own. Consultancy work commissioned by the Forth and Clyde Canal led to the construction of iron steamships by Fairbairn for the canal; one of these, the PS Manchester was lost in the Irish Sea (through the little-understood phenomenon of compass deviation) on her delivery voyage from Manchester to the Clyde. This brought Fairbairn to the forefront of research in this field and confirmed him as a shipbuilder in the novel construction of iron vessels. In 1835 he operated the Millwall Shipyard on the Isle of Dogs on the Thames; this is regarded as one of the first two shipyards dedicated to iron production from the outset (the other being Tod and MacGregor of Glasgow). Losses at the London yard forced Fairbairn to sell off, and the yard passed into the hands of John Scott Russell, who built the I.K. Brunel -designed Great Eastern on the site. However, his business in Manchester went from strength to strength: he produced an improved Cornish boiler with two firetubes, known as the Lancashire boiler; he invented a riveting machine; and designed the beautiful swan-necked box-structured crane that is known as the Fairbairn crane to this day.
    Throughout his life he advocated the widest use of iron; he served on the Admiralty Committee of 1861 investigating the use of this material in the Royal Navy. In his later years he travelled widely in Europe as an engineering consultant and published many papers on engineering. His contribution to worldwide engineering was recognized during his lifetime by the conferment of a baronetcy by Queen Victoria.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Created Baronet 1869. FRS 1850. Elected to the Academy of Science of France 1852. President, Institution of Mechnical Engineers 1854. Royal Society Gold Medal 1860. President, British Association 1861.
    Fairbairn wrote many papers on a wide range of engineering subjects from water-wheels to iron metallurgy and from railway brakes to the strength of iron ships. In 1856 he contributed the article on iron to the 8th edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica.
    Further Reading
    W.Pole (ed.), 1877, The Life of Sir William Fairbairn Bart, London: Longmans Green; reprinted 1970, David and Charles Reprints (written in part by Fairbairn, but completed and edited by Pole).

    Biographical history of technology > Fairbairn, William

  • 19 Field, Cyrus West

    SUBJECT AREA: Telecommunications
    b. 30 November 1819 Stockbridge, Massachusetts, USA
    d. 12 July 1892 New York City, New York, USA
    American financier and entrepreneur noted for his successful promotion of the first transatlantic telegraph cable.
    At the age of 15 Field left home to seek his fortune in New York, starting work on Broadway as an errand boy for $1 per week. Returning to Massachusetts, in 1838 he became an assistant to his brother Matthew, a paper-maker, leaving to set up his own business two years later. By the age of 21 he was also a partner in a New York firm of paper wholesalers, but this firm collapsed because of large debts. Out of the wreckage he set up Cyrus W.Field \& Co., and by 1852 he had paid off all the debts. With $250,000 in the bank he therefore retired and travelled in South America. Returning to the USA, he then became involved with the construction of a telegraph line in Newfoundland by an English engineer, F.N. Osborne. Although the company collapsed, he had been fired by the dream of a transatlantic cable and in 1854 was one of the founders of the New York, Newfoundland and London Telegraph Company. He began to promote surveys and hold discussions with British telegraph pioneers and with Isambard Brunel, who was then building the Great Eastern steamship. In 1856 he helped to set up the Atlantic Telegraph Company in Britain and, as a result of his efforts and those of the British physicist and inventor Sir William Thomson (Lord Kelvin), work began in 1857 on the laying of the first transatlantic cable from Newfoundland to Ireland. After many tribulations the cable was completed on 5 August 1857, but it failed after barely a month. Following several unsuccessful attempts to repair and replace it, the cable was finally completed on 27 July 1866. Building upon his success, Field expanded his business interests. In 1877 he bought a controlling interest in and was President of the New York Elevated Railroad Company. He also helped develop the Wabash Railroad and became owner of the New York Mail and Express newspaper; however, he subsequently suffered large financial losses.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Congressional Gold Medal.
    Further Reading
    A.C.Clarke, 1958, Voice Across the Sea, London: Frederick Muller (describes the development of the transatlantic telegraph).
    H.M.Field, 1893, Story of the Atlantic Telegraph (also describes the transatlantic telegraph development).
    L.J.Judson (ed.), 1893, Cyrus W.Field: His Life and Work (a complete biography).

    Biographical history of technology > Field, Cyrus West

  • 20 Matteucci, Felice

    b. 1803 Italy
    d. 1887 Italy
    Italian engineer, co-inventor of internal-combustion engines.
    A distinguished hydraulic engineer, Matteucci is more widely known for his work on early internal-combustion engines. In 1851, during a landreclamation project in Florence, he became acquainted with Eugenio Barsanti. Together they succeeded in designing and producing a number of the first type of gas engines to produce a vacuum within a closed cylinder, atmospheric pressure then being utilized to produce the power stroke. The principle was demonstrated by Cecil in 1820 and was used by Samuel Brown in 1827 and by N.A. Otto in 1867. The company Società Promotrice del Nuovo Motore Barsanti e Matteucci was formed in 1860, but ill health forced Matteucci to resign in 1862, and in 1864 Barsanti, whilst negotiating mass production of engines with Cockerill of Seraing, Belgium, contracted typhoid and later died. Efforts to continue the business in Italy subsequently failed and Matteucci returned to his engineering practice.
    13 May 1852, British Provisional Patent no. 1,072 (the Barsanti and Matteucci engine). 12 June 1857, British patent no. 1,655 (contained many notable improvements to the design).
    Further Reading
    The Engineer (1858) 5:73–4 (for an account of the Italian engine).
    Vincenzo Vannacci, 1955, L'invenzione del motore a scoppio realizzota dai toscani Barsanti e Matteucci 1854–1954, Florence.

    Biographical history of technology > Matteucci, Felice

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