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  • 1 slaughter

    • ihmisteurastus
    • verilöyly
    • teurastaa
    • teurastus
    • tappaa
    • lahdata
    * * *
    'slo:tə 1. noun
    1) (the killing of people or animals in large numbers, cruelly and usually unnecessarily: Many people protested at the annual slaughter of seals.) teurastus
    2) (the killing of animals for food: Methods of slaughter must be humane.) teurastus
    2. verb
    1) (to kill (animals) for food: Thousands of cattle are slaughtered here every year.) teurastaa
    2) (to kill in a cruel manner, especially in large numbers.) teurastaa
    3) (to criticize unmercifully or defeat very thoroughly: Our team absolutely slaughtered the other side.) murskata

    English-Finnish dictionary > slaughter

  • 2 sanctuary

    • turvapaikka
    • turvallisuus
    • turvakoti
    • alttari
    • pyhäkkö
    • pyhättö
    • temppeli
    • suoja
    • piilopaikka
    * * *
    'sæŋk uəri
    plural - sanctuaries; noun
    1) (a holy or sacred place: the sanctuary of the god Apollo.) pyhäkkö
    2) (a place of safety from eg arrest: In earlier times a criminal could use a church as a sanctuary.) turvapaikka
    3) (an area of land in which the killing of wild animals etc is forbidden: a bird sanctuary.) luonnonsuojelualue

    English-Finnish dictionary > sanctuary

  • 3 homicide

    • henkirikos
    • miestappo
    • murhaaja
    • murha
    • surmaamisrikos
    • tappo
    * * *
    (the killing of one person by another: He has been found guilty of homicide.) tappo

    English-Finnish dictionary > homicide

  • 4 massacre

    • joukkosurma
    • joukkomurha
    • verenvuodatus
    • verilöyly
    • teurastus
    • teurastaa
    • surmata joukoittain
    • surmata
    • tappaa
    * * *
    'mæsəkə 1. noun
    1) (the killing of a large number of usually people, especially with great cruelty.) joukkomurha
    2) (a very bad defeat: That last game was a complete massacre.) murskatappio
    2. verb
    (to kill (large numbers) cruelly.) teurastaa joukoittain

    English-Finnish dictionary > massacre

  • 5 murder

    • rääkätä
    • miesmurha
    • murha
    • murhata
    • pidellä pahoin
    • tappo
    • tappaa
    • pilata
    * * *
    'mə:də 1. noun
    1) ((an act of) killing a person on purpose and illegally: The police are treating his death as a case of murder; an increase in the number of murders.) murha
    2) (any killing or causing of death that is considered as bad as this: the murder of innocent people by terrorists.) tappaminen
    2. verb
    (to kill (a person) on purpose and illegally: He murdered two children.) murhata
    - murderous
    - murderously

    English-Finnish dictionary > murder

  • 6 kill

    • ottaa hengiltä
    • saalis
    • tuhota
    • nitistää
    • hävittää
    • tehdä musertava vaikutus
    • teilata
    • teurastaa
    • teloittaa
    • tehdä selvää
    • kellistää
    • listiä
    • likvidoida
    • kaataa
    • mestata
    • murhata
    • surmata
    • tappaa
    • tappo
    • kuolettaa
    • lahdata
    • lopettaa
    • lynkata
    * * *
    kil 1. verb
    (to cause the death of: He killed the rats with poison; The outbreak of typhoid killed many people; The flat tyre killed our hopes of getting home before midnight.) tappaa
    2. noun
    (an act of killing: The hunter was determined to make a kill before returning to the camp.) tappo
    - kill off
    - kill time

    English-Finnish dictionary > kill

  • 7 execution

    automatic data processing
    • ohjelman ajaminen
    • pakkotäytäntö
    • toimittaminen
    finance, business, economy
    • toimitus
    • toimeenpano
    • tulos
    • toteutus
    • edistysaskel
    administration and government
    • esitys
    • aikaansaannos
    • täytäntöönpano
    • ulosotto
    • ulosmittaus
    • teko
    • teloitus
    • mestaus
    • saavutus
    • suoritus-
    • suoritus
    • suorittaminen
    automatic data processing
    • suoritus (ATK)
    • suoritus(tietotekn)
    • lynkkaus
    * * *
    1) ((an act of) killing by law: The judge ordered the execution of the murderer.) teloitus
    2) (the act of executing (orders or skilled movements etc).) suorittaminen, täytäntöönpano

    English-Finnish dictionary > execution

  • 8 euthanasia

    • helpottaminen armeliaisuussyistä
    • eutanasia
    • armomurha
    • armeliaisuuskuolema
    • armokuolema
    • armeliaisuusmurha
    medicine, veterinary
    • potilaan kuoleman jouduttaminen
    • kuolinapu
    * * *
    (the painless killing of someone who is suffering from a painful and incurable illness: Many old people would prefer euthanasia to the suffering they have to endure.) eutanasia

    English-Finnish dictionary > euthanasia

  • 9 suspect

    • olettaa
    • olla uskomatta
    • olla epäluuloinen
    • ounastella
    • otaksua
    • rikoksesta epäilty
    • epäillä
    • epäilyttävä
    • epäilyksenalainen
    • epäiltävä
    • epäilty
    • ajatella
    • aavistaa
    • arvella
    • päätellä
    • pelätä
    • kuvitella
    • kyseenalainen
    • pitää kyseenalaisena
    • pitää epävarmana
    • luulla
    * * *
    1. sə'spekt verb
    1) (to think (a person etc) guilty: Whom do you suspect (of the crime)?; I suspect him of killing the girl.) epäillä syylliseksi
    2) (to distrust: I suspected her motives / air of honesty.) epäillä
    3) (to think probable: I suspect that she's trying to hide her true feelings; I began to suspect a plot.) epäillä
    2. noun
    (a person who is thought guilty: There are three possible suspects in this murder case.) epäilty
    3. adjective
    (not trustworthy: I think his statement is suspect.) epäilyttävä
    - suspicious
    - suspiciously
    - suspiciousness

    English-Finnish dictionary > suspect

  • 10 aspirin

    • aspiriini
    * * *
    (a (tablet of a) kind of pain-killing drug: The child has a fever - give her some/an aspirin.) aspiriini

    English-Finnish dictionary > aspirin

  • 11 cull

    • noukkia
    • valita
    • poimia
    * * *
    1. verb
    1) (to gather or collect.) poimia
    2) (to select and kill (surplus animals): They are culling the kangaroos.) vähentää määrää
    2. noun
    (an act of killing surplus animals.) vähentäminen

    English-Finnish dictionary > cull

  • 12 genocide

    • joukkotuhonta
    • kansanmurha
    * * *
    (the deliberate killing of a race of people.) kansanmurha

    English-Finnish dictionary > genocide

  • 13 hanging

    • riippuva
    • hirtto
    • verhot
    * * *
    noun (the (act of) killing a criminal by hanging.) hirttäminen

    English-Finnish dictionary > hanging

  • 14 harpoon

    • harppuuna
    • harppunoida
    * * *
    1. noun
    (a spear fastened to a rope, used especially for killing whales.) harppuuna
    2. verb
    (to strike with a harpoon: He has harpooned the whale.) pyydystää harppuunalla

    English-Finnish dictionary > harpoon

  • 15 manslaughter

    • miestappo
    • tappo
    • kuolemantuottamus
    * * *
    noun (the crime of killing someone, without intending to do so: He was found guilty of manslaughter.) tappo

    English-Finnish dictionary > manslaughter

  • 16 patricide

    • isänmurha
    * * *
    1) (the act of killing one's father.) isänmurha
    2) (a person who does such an act.) isänmurhaaja

    English-Finnish dictionary > patricide

  • 17 suicide

    • itsemurhaaja
    • itsemurha
    • suisidi
    * * *
    1) (the/an act of killing oneself deliberately: She committed suicide; an increasing number of suicides.) itsemurha
    2) (a person who kills himself deliberately.) itsemurhaaja
    - suicidally

    English-Finnish dictionary > suicide

См. также в других словарях:

  • The Killing — bezeichnet einen Spielfilm von Stanley Kubrick aus dem Jahre 1956 Die Rechnung ging nicht auf eine dänische Fernsehserie von 2007 Kommissarin Lund – Das Verbrechen das 2011er US Remake von Kommissarin Lund The Killing (Fernsehserie) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • The Killing — Título Atraco perfecto (España) Casta de malditos (Hispanoamérica) Ficha técnica Dirección Stanley Kubrick Producción James B. Harris Alexander Singer …   Wikipedia Español

  • The Killing — Infobox Film name = The Killing image size = 225px caption = theatrical poster director = Stanley Kubrick producer = James B. Harris writer = Story: Lionel White Screenplay: Stanley Kubrick Jim Thompson starring = Sterling Hayden Coleen Gray… …   Wikipedia

  • The Killing —    United Artists, 85 minutes, 1956 Producer: James B. Harris and Alexander Singer; Director: Stanley Kubrick; Screenplay: Kubrick, Jim Thompson (dialogue), based on the novel, Clean Break, by Lionel White; Cinematographer: Lucien Ballard; Music …   The Encyclopedia of Stanley Kubrick

  • The Killing —  Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différentes œuvres portant le même titre. Cinéma The Killing est le titre original du film L Ultime Razzia de Stanley Kubrick. Télévision The Killing est une série télévisée danoise. The Killing est une …   Wikipédia en Français

  • The Killing Moon — «The Killing Moon» Сингл Echo the Bunnymen из альбома Ocean Rain Сторона «Б» Do It Clean Выпущен 20 января 1984 Формат 7”, 12” Записан Crescent St …   Википедия

  • The Killing Fields — were a number of sites in Cambodia where large numbers of people were killed and buried by the Khmer Rouge regime, during its rule of the country from 1975 to 1979. At least 200,000 people were executed by the Khmer Rouge [Chandler, David. The… …   Wikipedia

  • The Killing Fields (Soundtrack) — The Killing Fields Soundtrack von Mike Oldfield Veröffentlichung 10. Dezember 1984 Label Virgin Records …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • The Killing Fields — Обложка альбома «The Killing Fields» (Майка Олдфилда, 1984) Студийный альбом Майка Олдфилда Дата выпуска 26 ноября 1984 года Жанр Этническая музыка …   Википедия

  • The Killing House — The British Special Air Service s prime training facility for hostage rescue operations is the Killing House. The point of the Killing House is to train the SAS operatives to enter a room and be able to assess the situation and take down any… …   Wikipedia

  • The Killing Hand — «The Killing Hand» Canción de Dream Theater Álbum When Dream and Day Unite Publicación 1989 …   Wikipedia Español

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