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с литовского на английский


  • 1 seal

    I 1. [si:l] noun
    1) (a piece of wax or other material bearing a design, attached to a document to show that it is genuine and legal.) antspaudas
    2) (a piece of wax etc used to seal a parcel etc.) antspaudas, plomba
    3) ((something that makes) a complete closure or covering: Paint and varnish act as protective seals for woodwork.) danga, izoliacija
    2. verb
    1) (to mark with a seal: The document was signed and sealed.) (už)antspauduoti
    2) ((negative unseal) to close completely: He licked and sealed the envelope; All the air is removed from a can of food before it is sealed.) hermetiškai uždaryti, užklijuoti, užplombuoti
    3) (to settle or decide: This mistake sealed his fate.) nulemti
    - seal of approval
    - seal off
    - set one's seal to
    II [si:l] noun
    (any of several types of sea animal, some furry, living partly on land.) ruonis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > seal

  • 2 seal of approval

    (official approval: Doctors have now given this new drug their seal of approval.) oficialus pritarimas/patvirtinimas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > seal of approval

  • 3 seal off

    (to prevent all approach to, or exit from, (an area): The police have sealed off the area where the murdered girl was found.) užtverti, užblokuoti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > seal off

  • 4 set one's seal to

    (to give one's authority or agreement to: He set his seal to the proposals for reforms.) palaiminti, vizuoti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > set one's seal to

  • 5 flipper

    1) (a limb for swimming, especially of a seal, walrus etc.) plaukmuo
    2) (a kind of rubber or plastic shoe, worn when swimming, which is shaped like the flipper of a seal etc.) plaukmuo

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > flipper

  • 6 airtight

    adjective ((of a container etc) into or through which air cannot pass: an airtight seal on a bottle.) hermetiškas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > airtight

  • 7 pup

    1) ((also puppy - plural puppies) a young dog: a sheepdog pup(py).) šuniukas
    2) (the young of certain other animals: a seal pup.) jauniklis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > pup

  • 8 sea-lion

    noun (a type of large seal.) jūrų liūtas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > sea-lion

  • 9 sealskin

    noun, adjective ((of) the fur of the furry type of seal: sealskin boots; made of sealskin.) ruonio kailis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > sealskin

  • 10 tape

    [teip] 1. noun
    1) ((a piece of) a narrow strip or band of cloth used for tying etc: bundles of letters tied with tape.) juostelė
    2) (a piece of this or something similar, eg a string, stretched above the finishing line on a race track: The two runners reached the tape together.) (finišo) juostelė
    3) (a narrow strip of paper, plastic, metal etc used for sticking materials together, recording sounds etc: adhesive tape; insulating tape; I recorded the concert on tape.) juostelė
    4) (a tape-measure.) metras, matavimo juosta
    2. verb
    1) (to fasten or seal with tape.) surišti/užklijuoti juostele
    2) (to record (the sound of something) on tape: He taped the concert.) įrašyti į juostą
    - measuring-tape
    - tape-recorder
    - tape-record
    - tape-recording

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > tape

  • 11 walrus

    plurals - walruses, walrus; noun
    (a type of large sea animal with huge tusks, related to the seal.) jūrų vėplys

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > walrus

См. также в других словарях:

  • Seal of the President of the United States — Details Armiger President of the Un …   Wikipedia

  • Seal Henry Olusegun Olumide Adelo Samuel — Seal (2006) Seal (* 19. Februar 1963 in Paddington, London, England; vollständiger Name Seal Henry Olusegun Olumide Adelo Samuel) ist ein britischer Sänger nigerianischer und brasilianischer Abstammung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • seal — 1 n [Old French seel, from Latin sigillum, from diminutive of signum mark, sign]: a device (as an emblem, symbol, or word) used to identify or replace a signature and to authenticate (as at common law) written matter see also contract under seal… …   Law dictionary

  • Seal — may refer to:Legal* Seal (contract law), a legal formality for contracts and other instruments * Seal (device), an official stamp or symbol used as a means of authentication * Seal (Chinese), a stamp used in East Asia as a form of a signature *… …   Wikipedia

  • Seal of Dartmouth College — The Seal of Dartmouth College is the official insignia of Dartmouth College, an Ivy League university located in Hanover, New Hampshire, United States. Anglo American law generally requires a corporate body to seek official government sanction,… …   Wikipedia

  • seal — seal1 [sēl] n. [ME seel < OFr < L sigillum, a seal, mark, dim. of signum: see SIGN] 1. a design, initial, or other device placed on a letter, document, etc., as a mark of genuineness or authenticity: letters were, esp. formerly, closed with …   English World dictionary

  • Seal of Connecticut — (also Connecticut State Seal, in full: Great Seal of the State of Connecticut) is a coat of arms of Connecticut. It depicts three grapevines and a ribbon below with the Latin motto: QUI TRANSTULIT SUSTINET ( He who transplanted, sustains… …   Wikipedia

  • Seal — auf der Berlinale 2008 Seal (* 19. Februar 1963 in London, als Seal Henry Olusegun Olumide Adeola Samuel) ist ein britischer Sänger nigerianischer und brasilianischer Abstammung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Seal (desambiguación) — Seal puede referirse a: Gente Seal (nacido en 1963), Cantante compositor de soul británico. Seal (álbum de 1991) Seal (álbum de 1994) Seal (álbum de 2003) Barry Seal (1939–1986), un traficante de drogas e informante de la CIA. Brajendra Nath Seal …   Wikipedia Español

  • Seal (álbum de 1991) — Seal Álbum de estudio de Seal Publicación Mayo de 1991 (Reino Unido) 11 de junio de 1991 (E.E.U.U.) Grabación Noviembre de 1990 – Abril de 1991 Género(s) R B/Soul …   Wikipedia Español

  • Seal (álbum de 1994) — Seal Álbum de estudio de Seal Publicación 23 de mayo de 1994[1] Género(s) Pop, soul Duración 50:29 …   Wikipedia Español

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