61 claim
I [kleɪm]1) (demand) richiesta f., rivendicazione f.to make claims o lay claim to rivendicare [land, right]; rivendicare, avanzare pretese a [throne, title]; wage claim rivendicazione salariale; there are too many claims on her generosity si abusa della sua generosità; there are many claims on my time sono molto impegnato; I've got first claim on the money ho la priorità sui soldi; my claim to fame — la mia pretesa di diventare famoso
2) (in insurance) (against a person) richiesta f. di risarcimento; (for fire, theft) denuncia f. di sinistro3) burocr. richiesta f. di sussidio4) (refund request) richiesta f. di rimborso5) (assertion) affermazione f., dichiarazione f., asserzione f.some extraordinary claims have been made for this drug — sono state dette cose straordinarie su questa medicina
6) (piece of land) concessione f.II 1. [kleɪm]1) (assert)2) (assert right to) rivendicare [money, property]3) (apply for) richiedere [ benefit]; richiedere il rimborso di [ expenses]4) (cause)2.2) (apply for benefit) richiedere il sussidio•* * *[kleim] 1. verb1) (to say that something is a fact: He claims to be the best runner in the class.) affermare2) (to demand as a right: You must claim your money back if the goods are damaged.) chiedere, esigere3) (to state that one is the owner of: Does anyone claim this book?) rivendicare2. noun1) (a statement (that something is a fact): Her claim that she was the millionaire's daughter was disproved.) affermazione2) ((a demand for) a payment of compensation etc: a claim for damages against her employer.) reclamo, domanda3) (a demand for something which (one says) one owns or has a right to: a rightful claim to the money.) rivendicazione•- claimant* * *claim /kleɪm/n.1 asserzione; affermazione; dichiarazione: conflicting claims about the cause of the accident, affermazioni contrastanti sulla causa dell'incidente; his claim that he was kept prisoner, la sua dichiarazione di essere stato tenuto prigioniero2 (leg.) rivendicazione, affermazione ( d'un diritto); richiesta, domanda ( di riconoscimento d'un diritto); diritto ( di cui si chiede il riconoscimento); titolo: Britain's claim on that territory, la rivendicazione di quel territorio da parte britannica; wage claims, rivendicazioni salariali; He has a claim to the property, rivendica la proprietà; The Duke had no claim on the throne, il duca non aveva alcun diritto al trono; He has no claim on me, non mi può imporre nulla; non ho nessun dovere verso di lui; to lay a claim on (o to stake a claim to) st., avanzare pretese su, rivendicare, vantare il proprio diritto a qc.; to disallow a claim, rifiutare una richiesta; to dispute a claim, contestare un diritto; to renounce a claim, abbandonare una pretesa; to substantiate a claim, provare la validità di un diritto3 (comm.) reclamo: to put in (o to lodge) a claim, presentare un reclamo; to reject a claim, respingere un reclamo5 (ass.) richiesta di risarcimento; denuncia di sinistro: a claim for damages, una richiesta di risarcimento dei danni; compensation claim, richiesta d'indennizzo7 (= mining claim) concessione (mineraria): to stake out a claim, segnare ( con paletti, ecc.) i confini di una concessione mineraria● (ass.) claim adjuster, perito liquidatore □ (ass., naut.) claim agent, commissario d'avaria □ (ass.) claims assessor, perito; stimatore □ (fisc.) claim for discharge, domanda di sgravio □ (ass.) claim form, modulo per richiesta di rimborso □ ( USA) claim holder, concessionario di miniere □ ( USA) claim jumper, chi occupa abusivamente il terreno di una concessione mineraria altrui □ claim on sb. 's time, richiesta di attenzione; impegno: I have many claims on my time, sono occupatissimo; ho molti impegni □ claim to fame, possibile motivo di fama □ (ass.) no-claim bonus (o no-claim discount), sconto per mancanza di sinistri; bonus-malus.♦ (to) claim /kleɪm/A v. t.1 affermare; sostenere; asserire; pretendere: She claims she's never seen the man before, sostiene di non aver mai visto quest'uomo; He claimed to be innocent, sosteneva d'essere innocente; I don't claim to be an expert, non dico (o non pretendo) di essere un esperto2 reclamare; rivendicare; chiedere (formalmente); esigere: to claim credit for st., rivendicare il merito di qc.; Both parties claim victory, entrambi i partiti rivendicano la vittoria; to claim compensation, pretendere un indennizzo; to claim responsibility for st., rivendicare qc.; dichiararsi responsabile di qc.; Nobody claimed that wallet, nessuno ha chiesto (la restituzione di) quel portafoglio; I only claim my due, mi limito a rivendicare i miei diritti; to claim the throne, rivendicare il trono3 (ass.) chiedere; avanzare richiesta di: to claim damages, chiedere il risarcimento dei danni; chiedere i danni4 causare (la morte di q.): to claim the lives of 1,000 people, fare mille vittime; costare la vita a mille personeB v. i.● to claim acquaintance with sb., affermare di conoscere q. □ to claim sb. 's attention, esigere l'attenzione di q. □ to claim expenses, chiedere il rimborso spese □ (trasp.) to claim one's luggage, ritirare i bagagli.* * *I [kleɪm]1) (demand) richiesta f., rivendicazione f.to make claims o lay claim to rivendicare [land, right]; rivendicare, avanzare pretese a [throne, title]; wage claim rivendicazione salariale; there are too many claims on her generosity si abusa della sua generosità; there are many claims on my time sono molto impegnato; I've got first claim on the money ho la priorità sui soldi; my claim to fame — la mia pretesa di diventare famoso
2) (in insurance) (against a person) richiesta f. di risarcimento; (for fire, theft) denuncia f. di sinistro3) burocr. richiesta f. di sussidio4) (refund request) richiesta f. di rimborso5) (assertion) affermazione f., dichiarazione f., asserzione f.some extraordinary claims have been made for this drug — sono state dette cose straordinarie su questa medicina
6) (piece of land) concessione f.II 1. [kleɪm]1) (assert)2) (assert right to) rivendicare [money, property]3) (apply for) richiedere [ benefit]; richiedere il rimborso di [ expenses]4) (cause)2.2) (apply for benefit) richiedere il sussidio• -
62 draw
I [drɔː]1) (raffle) sorteggio m., estrazione f. (di lotteria)2) (tie) (in match) pareggio m., pari m.it was a draw — (in match) hanno pareggiato; (in race) sono arrivati ex aequo o a pari merito
3) (attraction) attrazione f.••II 1. [drɔː]to be quick, slow on the draw — colloq. (in understanding) essere pronto, lento a capire; (in replying) avere, non avere la battuta pronta; [ cowboy] essere veloce, lento nell'estrarre (l'arma)
1) fare, disegnare [picture, plan]; disegnare [person, object]; tracciare [ line]2) fig. rappresentare, tratteggiare [character, picture]; tracciare [ comparison]3) (pull) [animal, engine] tirare, trainare [cart, plough]; tirare [ rope]; [machine, suction] aspirare [liquid, gas]4) (derive) trarre, tirare [ conclusion] ( from da); trarre [ inspiration] ( from da)to be drawn from — [energy, information] essere ricavato o ottenuto da
5) (cause to talk) fare parlare [ person] (about, on di)to draw sth. from o out of sb. — ottenere da qcn., carpire a qcn. [ information]; strappare a qcn. [truth, smile]
6) (attract) attirare [crowd, person] (to verso); suscitare [reaction, interest]to draw sb.'s attention to sth. — attirare o richiamare l'attenzione di qcn. su qcs.
to draw sb. into — coinvolgere qcn. in [conversation, argument]; attirare qcn. in [ battle]
7) econ. (take out) prelevare [ money] ( from da); emettere [ cheque] (on su); (receive) ritirare, ricevere [wages, pension]8) gioc. (choose at random) tirare a sorte, estrarre [ticket, winner]Italy has been drawn against Spain o to play Spain — l'Italia è stata sorteggiata per giocare contro la Spagna
9) sportto draw a match — pareggiare, terminare l'incontro con un pareggio
10) (remove, pull out) togliere, estrarre [tooth, thorn] ( from da); togliere [ cork] ( from a); estrarre, sguainare [ sword]; estrarre [knife, gun]; prendere, estrarre [ card]11) (disembowel) eviscerare [ chicken]2.1) (make picture) disegnare2) (move)to draw ahead (of sth., sb.) — superare (qcs., qcn.)
to draw alongside — [ boat] accostare
to draw close o near [ time] avvicinarsi; they drew nearer to listen si avvicinarono per ascoltare; to draw into [ bus] arrivare in [ station]; [ train] entrare in [ station]; to draw level pareggiare, raggiungere (gli altri); to draw over [ vehicle] accostare; the lorry drew over to the right-hand side of the road il camion accostò a destra; to draw to one side [ person] scostarsi; to draw round o around [ people] avvicinarsi; to draw to a halt fermarsi; to draw to a close o an end — [day, event] avvicinarsi alla fine, volgere al termine
3) sport (in match) [ teams] pareggiare; (in race) [ runners] arrivare ex aequo; (finish with same points) terminare ex aequo, con gli stessi punti, a pari meritoto draw for sth. — tirare, estrarre a sorte qcs
5) [chimney, pipe] tirare6) [ tea] essere, stare in infusione•- draw in- draw off- draw on- draw out- draw up••* * *[dro:] 1. past tense - drew; verb1) (to make a picture or pictures (of), usually with a pencil, crayons etc: During his stay in hospital he drew a great deal; Shall I draw a cow?) disegnare2) (to pull along, out or towards oneself: She drew the child towards her; He drew a gun suddenly and fired; All water had to be drawn from a well; The cart was drawn by a pony.) tirare, trainare; estrarre3) (to move (towards or away from someone or something): The car drew away from the kerb; Christmas is drawing closer.) allontanarsi; avvicinarsi4) (to play (a game) in which neither side wins: The match was drawn / We drew at 1-1.) pareggiare5) (to obtain (money) from a fund, bank etc: to draw a pension / an allowance.) ritirare, prelevare6) (to open or close (curtains).) tirare7) (to attract: She was trying to draw my attention to something.) attirare2. noun1) (a drawn game: The match ended in a draw.) pareggio2) (an attraction: The acrobats' act should be a real draw.) attrazione3) (the selecting of winning tickets in a raffle, lottery etc: a prize draw.) estrazione4) (an act of drawing, especially a gun: He's quick on the draw.) (l'estrarre la pistola)•- drawing- drawn
- drawback
- drawbridge
- drawing-pin
- drawstring
- draw a blank
- draw a conclusion from
- draw in
- draw the line
- draw/cast lots
- draw off
- draw on1
- draw on2
- draw out
- draw up
- long drawn out* * *draw /drɔ:/n.1 ( sport) pareggio, patta: The match ended in a draw, la partita è finita con un pareggio; an away draw, un pareggio fuori casa (o in trasferta); a goalless draw, un pareggio zero a zero2 estrazione, sorteggio ( anche sport); ( anche) numeri estratti, lettere estratte: a prize draw, un'estrazione di premi; The draw for the raffle will take place at the end of the evening, l'estrazione dei premi della lotteria avrà luogo al termine della serata; the draw for the first round of the Champions League, il sorteggio per il primo turno della Champions League3 attrazione, richiamo: Her name on a film poster was a great draw, il suo nome sulla locandina di un film era un potente richiamo5 strattone; tirata6 (ind. costr.) ala di ponte levatoio7 (metall.) cricca di ritiro9 ( slang ingl.) marijuana, erba (pop.): to smoke draw, fumare l'erba; to be high on draw, essere fatto di marijuana● (metall.) draw-bench, trafilatrice; banco di trafilatura □ (metall.) draw piece, pezzo trafilato; profilato □ (metall.) draw-plate, trafila □ (tecn.) draw-point, punta per tracciare □ draw poker, poker in cui si prendono carte ( dopo la prima distribuzione) □ to be quick on the draw, essere rapido nell'estrarre la pistola; (fig.) essere pronto a replicare (o a rimbeccare); avere la risposta pronta □ draw table (o draw-top table), tavolo allungabile □ That's the luck of the draw!, così ha voluto la sorte!; la fortuna è cieca!♦ (to) draw /drɔ:/A v. t.1 tracciare, disegnare: to draw a line, tracciare una riga; He drew a line through her name [under the title], ha tracciato una riga sul suo nome [sotto il titolo]; to draw a circle, disegnare un cerchio; to draw a picture, disegnare un quadro; (fig.) descrivere una scena; I'll draw you a map, ti disegno una piantina2 tirare: to draw the curtains, tirare le tende ( per aprirle o per chiuderle); to draw the blinds, tirare ( su o giù) le tendine; The oxen draw the plough, i buoi tirano l'aratro; to draw a bow, tendere un arco; to draw a breath, tirare un respiro; He drew a deep breath, ha tirato un profondo respiro3 (seguito da una prep. o da un avv., quali across, close, aside, ecc.) passare, avvicinare, scostare, ecc.: She drew a hand across her eyes, si è passata una mano sugli occhi; He drew his chair closer to the table, ha avvicinato la sedia al tavolo; She drew the curtains aside, ha scostato le tende; He drew her aside and asked her a few questions, l'ha presa da parte e le ha fatto alcune domande4 estrarre, cavare: to draw a tooth, cavare (o estrarre) un dente; to draw a weapon, estrarre un'arma; to draw a sword, estrarre (o sguainare) una spada; to draw nails from a board, estrarre chiodi da un'asse; to draw water from a well, attingere acqua da un pozzo; He put his hand in his pocket and drew out a wallet, si è messo la mano in tasca e ha tirato fuori un portafoglio5 attirare; attrarre: to draw sb. 's eye, attirare lo sguardo di q.; The event drew large crowds, l'evento ha attirato una gran folla; to draw sb.'s attention [gaze o eye], attirare l'attenzione [lo sguardo] di q.; to draw tears [applause], strappare le lacrime [gli applausi]6 ottenere; ricevere; trarre: to draw a refusal [a response], ottenere un rifiuto [una reazione]; to draw praise [criticism], ricevere (o attirare) lodi [critiche]; The band drew whistles from the crowd, il gruppo ha ricevuto fischi dalla folla; He draws his evidence from a number of sources, trae le sue prove da numerose fonti; Walter Scott drew his inspiration from history, Walter Scott traeva ispirazione dalla storia; to draw a conclusion [a moral], trarre una conclusione [una morale]; We drew a great deal of encouragement from the preliminary results, abbiamo ricevuto molto incoraggiamento dai risultati preliminari; to draw a pension [a salary, a benefit], percepire (o prendere) una pensione [uno stipendio, un sussidio]; ( USA) to draw disability, prendere la pensione di invalidità7 stabilire; tracciare: to draw a comparison [a parallel, an analogy] with st., tracciare un confronto [un parallelo, un'analogia] con qc.8 (fig.: seguito da un avv., quale together, closer ecc.) avvicinare: The tragedy drew them together, la tragedia li ha avvicinati; The incident drew them even closer, l'incidente li ha ulteriormente avvicinati9 (di solito al passivo) selezionare, ricevere (q.): Our students are drawn from all corners of the globe, riceviamo studenti da ogni angolo del mondo; They draw their recruits from the most disaffected groups in society, trovano nuovi adepti nei gruppi più scontenti della società10 ( banca, = to draw out) prelevare ( denaro): to draw money from a bank, prelevare denaro in banca; I drew out £50 yesterday, ho prelevato ieri 50 sterline11 (comm.) emettere; spiccare ( una tratta): to draw a cheque, emettere (fam.: staccare) un assegno; to draw a bill of exchange, spiccare una tratta (o una cambiale)12 (di solito al passivo) indurre a parlare: They bombarded her with questions, but she refused to be drawn, l'hanno bombardata di domande, ma non si è lasciata indurre a parlare; to draw sb. on st., indurre q. a parlare di qc.; He tried to draw his opponent on the subject of tax cuts, ha cercato di indurre il suo avversario a parlare dei tagli fiscali13 (metall.) rinvenire14 (mecc.) imbutire; ( anche) trafilare ( un metallo): to draw gold [silver], trafilare l'oro [l'argento]15 (chim.) estrarre17 pescare ( una carta da gioco, un biglietto della lotteria, ecc.): to draw a card from the pack, pescare una carta dal mazzo; ( poker) to draw cards, prendere carte: The mayor was asked to draw the winning ticket, hanno chiesto al sindaco di pescare il biglietto vincente18 ( sport) pareggiare, chiudere con un pareggio: ( un incontro, una partita): to draw a game [a match], chiudere una partita con un pareggio; In the end they drew the match 2 all, alla fine, hanno pareggiato due a due19 ( sport: di solito al passivo) sorteggiare: England were drawn in group three, l'Inghilterra è stata sorteggiata nel gruppo 3; He was drawn against Roddick, è stato sorteggiato contro Roddick20 (stor.) sbudellare ( un condannato da vivo): He was hanged, drawn and quartered, fu impiccato; sbudellato e squartato27 (ind. tess.) stirareB v. i.1 disegnare: I can't draw, non so disegnare; Jim is very good at drawing, Jim è molto bravo a disegnare3 (seguito da una prep. o da un avv., quali to, near, away from ecc.) muoversi verso, avvicinarsi a, allontanarsi da, ecc.: The speaker was drawing towards a conclusion, l'oratore si avviava alla conclusione; The holidays are drawing near, le vacanze si avvicinano; As we drew nearer, I could see that the building was badly damaged, man mano che ci avvicinavamo, ho potuto notare che l'edificio era seriamente danneggiato; They drew aside to let him pass, si sono scostati per lasciarlo passare; They drew apart as she entered the room, si sono allontanati l'uno dall'altra quando è entrata nella stanza; As the years went by, they were drawing even further apart, con il passare degli anni, si sono allontanati sempre di più l'uno dall'altra; At last we drew level with them, alla fine li abbiamo raggiunti; A car drew alongside, un'auto si è accostata; He drew ahead of the other runners [of his competitors], ha superato gli altri corridori [i suoi concorrenti]5 estrarre (o tirare) a sorte: to draw for who will go first, tirare a sorte per decidere chi sarà il primo8 ( di un camino, ecc.) tirare; ( del fuoco) prendere: This flue doesn't draw well, questa canna (fumaria) non tira bene● (antiq.) to draw a bath, far scorrere l'acqua per il bagno; riempire la vasca □ (fig.) to draw a blank, far fiasco; restare con un pugno di mosche; ( USA) avere un vuoto di memoria □ to draw blood, far sanguinare; (fig.) dar del filo da torcere: The dog bit her, but didn't draw blood, il cane l'ha morsa, ma non l'ha fatta sanguinare; The opposition has yet to draw blood on this issue, l'opposizione deve ancora dare del filo da torcere su questa questione □ to draw breath, prendere fiato; fermarsi per riposare □ to draw the cork from a bottle, stappare una bottiglia □ to draw a distinction (o a line), fare una distinzione: We have to draw a line between acts that are criminal and acts that are unethical, dobbiamo fare una distinzione tra atti criminali e atti contrari all'etica □ to draw one's first breath, emettere il primo vagito; nascere □ ( a carte) to draw for partners, tirare a sorte per formare le coppie di giocatori □ to draw sb. 's fire, attirare il fuoco di q.; (fig.) attirare le critiche di q. □ (pitt.) to draw from memory, disegnare a memoria □ to draw one's last breath, dare l'ultimo respiro; esalare l'anima □ (fig.) to draw a line, porre un limite; dire basta (fig.); rifiutarsi di andare oltre (fig.) □ (fam. ingl.) to draw a line under st., mettere una pietra sopra a qc. □ to draw the line at, non voler arrivare a ( un certo punto); rifiutarsi di: I don't mind helping him with his studies but I draw the line at writing his essay for him, lo aiuto volentieri nei suoi studi, ma mi rifiuto di scrivergli il tema □ to draw lots, tirare a sorte □ to draw a prize, vincere un premio (per es., alla lotteria); tirar su un numero vincente □ (mil.) to draw rations, ritirare le razioni di viveri □ (fig.) to draw the short straw –: I drew the short straw, mi è toccato il compito più ingrato □ ( cricket) to draw stumps, estrarre i paletti del wicket; smontare il wicket; chiudere la partita □ to draw to a halt (o to a stop), fermarsi: The train drew to a halt just outside the station, il treno si è fermato appena fuori dalla stazione □ to draw to a close (o to an end), avviarsi al termine: The evening drew to a close, la serata si avviava al termine; His period in office was drawing to an end, il suo periodo in ufficio si avviava al termine □ ( a carte) to draw trumps, tirare giù tutte le briscole (o tutti gli atout) di un avversario.* * *I [drɔː]1) (raffle) sorteggio m., estrazione f. (di lotteria)2) (tie) (in match) pareggio m., pari m.it was a draw — (in match) hanno pareggiato; (in race) sono arrivati ex aequo o a pari merito
3) (attraction) attrazione f.••II 1. [drɔː]to be quick, slow on the draw — colloq. (in understanding) essere pronto, lento a capire; (in replying) avere, non avere la battuta pronta; [ cowboy] essere veloce, lento nell'estrarre (l'arma)
1) fare, disegnare [picture, plan]; disegnare [person, object]; tracciare [ line]2) fig. rappresentare, tratteggiare [character, picture]; tracciare [ comparison]3) (pull) [animal, engine] tirare, trainare [cart, plough]; tirare [ rope]; [machine, suction] aspirare [liquid, gas]4) (derive) trarre, tirare [ conclusion] ( from da); trarre [ inspiration] ( from da)to be drawn from — [energy, information] essere ricavato o ottenuto da
5) (cause to talk) fare parlare [ person] (about, on di)to draw sth. from o out of sb. — ottenere da qcn., carpire a qcn. [ information]; strappare a qcn. [truth, smile]
6) (attract) attirare [crowd, person] (to verso); suscitare [reaction, interest]to draw sb.'s attention to sth. — attirare o richiamare l'attenzione di qcn. su qcs.
to draw sb. into — coinvolgere qcn. in [conversation, argument]; attirare qcn. in [ battle]
7) econ. (take out) prelevare [ money] ( from da); emettere [ cheque] (on su); (receive) ritirare, ricevere [wages, pension]8) gioc. (choose at random) tirare a sorte, estrarre [ticket, winner]Italy has been drawn against Spain o to play Spain — l'Italia è stata sorteggiata per giocare contro la Spagna
9) sportto draw a match — pareggiare, terminare l'incontro con un pareggio
10) (remove, pull out) togliere, estrarre [tooth, thorn] ( from da); togliere [ cork] ( from a); estrarre, sguainare [ sword]; estrarre [knife, gun]; prendere, estrarre [ card]11) (disembowel) eviscerare [ chicken]2.1) (make picture) disegnare2) (move)to draw ahead (of sth., sb.) — superare (qcs., qcn.)
to draw alongside — [ boat] accostare
to draw close o near [ time] avvicinarsi; they drew nearer to listen si avvicinarono per ascoltare; to draw into [ bus] arrivare in [ station]; [ train] entrare in [ station]; to draw level pareggiare, raggiungere (gli altri); to draw over [ vehicle] accostare; the lorry drew over to the right-hand side of the road il camion accostò a destra; to draw to one side [ person] scostarsi; to draw round o around [ people] avvicinarsi; to draw to a halt fermarsi; to draw to a close o an end — [day, event] avvicinarsi alla fine, volgere al termine
3) sport (in match) [ teams] pareggiare; (in race) [ runners] arrivare ex aequo; (finish with same points) terminare ex aequo, con gli stessi punti, a pari meritoto draw for sth. — tirare, estrarre a sorte qcs
5) [chimney, pipe] tirare6) [ tea] essere, stare in infusione•- draw in- draw off- draw on- draw out- draw up•• -
63 lead
I 1. [liːd]to be in the lead to have the lead essere in testa o al primo posto; to go into the lead to take the lead — passare in testa, assumere il comando
2) (amount by which one is winning) vantaggio m. ( over su)3) (initiative)to follow sb.'s lead — seguire l'esempio di qcn
4) (clue) pista f., indizio m.5) teatr. cinem. parte f. principale, ruolo m. principale6) giorn.7) el. (wire) filo m.8) BE (for dog) guinzaglio m.9) (in cards)2. II 1. [liːd]1) (guide, escort) guidare, condurre [ person] (to sth. a qcs.; to sb. da qcn.)to lead sb. away — condurre via o allontanare qcn.
to lead sb. across the road — fare attraversare la strada a qcn
2) (bring) [path, sign] portare (to a), guidare (to da, verso); [ smell] guidare [ person] (to da, verso)3) (be leader of) guidare [army, team, attack, procession]; dirigere [orchestra, research]to lead the field — (in commerce, research) essere il leader nel settore; (in race) condurre, essere in testa
5) (cause, influence)to lead sb. to do — portare qcn. a fare
6) (conduct, have) condurre, fare [ active life]2.verbo intransitivo (pass., p.pass. led)1) (go, be directed)to lead to — [ path] condurre, portare a; [ door] dare su; [exit, trapdoor] portare a
2) (result in)to lead to — portare a [complication, discovery, accident, response]
one thing led to another, and we... — da cosa nacque cosa, e noi
3) (be ahead) [ company] essere in testa; [runner, car, team] condurre, essere in testa, essere al comando4) (go first) (in walk) fare strada; (in procession) essere in testa; (in action, discussion) prendere l'iniziativa5) (in dancing) condurre, guidare6) giorn.to lead with — mettere in prima pagina [story, headline]
7) (in boxing)8) (in cards) essere di mano•- lead off- lead on••III 1. [led]to lead the way — (go first) fare strada; (guide others) mostrare la via o strada; (be ahead, winning) essere in testa
1) (metal) piombo m.2) colloq. fig. (bullets) piombo m.3) (anche blacklead) (graphite) grafite f.; (in pencil) mina f.4) mar. (for sounding) piombo m., scandaglio m.5) BE (for roofing) piombo m.2.lead poisoning — avvelenamento da piombo, saturnismo
••to fill o pump sb. full of lead colloq. riempire qcn. di piombo; to get the lead out AE colloq. (stop loafing) darsi una mossa; (speed up) liberarsi della zavorra; to go over AE o down BE like a lead balloon — colloq. fallire miseramente
* * *I 1. [li:d] past tense, past participle - led; verb1) (to guide or direct or cause to go in a certain direction: Follow my car and I'll lead you to the motorway; She took the child by the hand and led him across the road; He was leading the horse into the stable; The sound of hammering led us to the garage; You led us to believe that we would be paid!)2) (to go or carry to a particular place or along a particular course: A small path leads through the woods.)3) ((with to) to cause or bring about a certain situation or state of affairs: The heavy rain led to serious floods.)4) (to be first (in): An official car led the procession; He is still leading in the competition.)5) (to live (a certain kind of life): She leads a pleasant existence on a Greek island.)2. noun1) (the front place or position: He has taken over the lead in the race.)2) (the state of being first: We have a lead over the rest of the world in this kind of research.)3) (the act of leading: We all followed his lead.)4) (the amount by which one is ahead of others: He has a lead of twenty metres (over the man in second place).)5) (a leather strap or chain for leading a dog etc: All dogs must be kept on a lead.)6) (a piece of information which will help to solve a mystery etc: The police have several leads concerning the identity of the thief.)7) (a leading part in a play etc: Who plays the lead in that film?)•- leader- leadership
- lead on
- lead up the garden path
- lead up to
- lead the way II [led] noun1) (( also adjective) (of) an element, a soft, heavy, bluish-grey metal: lead pipes; Are these pipes made of lead or copper?)2) (the part of a pencil that leaves a mark: The lead of my pencil has broken.)•- leaden* * *lead (1) /lɛd/n.4 (tipogr.) interlinea5 [u] (fig.) piombo; proiettili● ( slang) lead balloon, fiasco (fig.); fallimento □ (elettr.) lead-covered cable, cavo sotto piombo □ (fam. USA) lead foot (o lead-footed driver), automobilista che ha il piede pesante ( sull'acceleratore) □ (chim., ecc.) lead-free, senza piombo: lead-free petrol, benzina senza piombo; benzina verde □ (miner.) lead glance, galena □ lead grey, (color) plumbeo: The sky turned a lead grey, il cielo si fece plumbeo □ (naut.) lead line, scandaglio a sagola □ lead paint, minio □ (med.) lead paralysis, paralisi saturnina □ lead pencil, matita ( di grafite) □ ( slang USA) lead-pipe cinch, fatto inevitabile; certezza assoluta □ lead piping, tubazione di piombo □ (med.) lead poisoning, avvelenamento da piombo; saturnismo □ lead seal, piombino ( per sigillare) □ lead shot, pallini di piombo □ lead wool, lana di piombo ( per condutture dell'acqua) □ (naut.) to cast (o to heave) the lead, gettare lo scandaglio □ ( slang) to have lead in one's pencil, esser pieno di vigore sessuale □ ( slang) to put lead in sb. 's pencil, dare la carica a q. □ (fam. ingl.) to swing the lead, oziare, battere la fiacca; darsi malato, marcare visita.♦ lead (2) /li:d/n.1 [u] comando; guida; posizione di testa; primo posto; avanguardia: We will follow your lead, ci lasceremo guidare da te; ti verremo dietro; to be in the lead, essere all'avanguardia; ( in una gara o classifica) essere in testa, essere al comando, condurre; Burns pulled out to an early lead, Burns passò ben presto in testa; ( sport) to gain the lead, portarsi in testa; prendere il comando; passare in vantaggio; to take the lead, prendere l'iniziativa; prendere il comando; ( in una gara o classifica) portarsi in testa; Asia has taken the lead in car production, l'Asia è diventata la prima produttrice al mondo di automobili; to lose the lead, perdere il comando, ( in una gara o classifica) perdere il primo posto (o la prima posizione)2 ( anche polit.) vantaggio: He has a good lead over the other candidates, ha un buon vantaggio sugli altri candidati3 suggerimento; indizio; pista, traccia: to give sb. a lead in solving a problem, dare a q. un suggerimento per la soluzione d'un problema; to follow (up) various leads, seguire varie piste5 (teatr., cinem.) parte principale; primo attore, prima attrice: to play the lead, avere il ruolo principale: DIALOGO → - Discussing a film- I thought that George Harrington was perfect for the lead role, penso che George Harrington fosse perfetto nel ruolo di protagonista NOTA D'USO: - protagonist o main character?-6 ( a carte) mano: Whose lead is it?, chi è di mano?; Your lead!, la mano è tua!; sta a te!; sei di mano tu!18 (pl.) (autom., elettr.) collegamenti; fili● lead-in, introduzione; ( radio, TV) filo dell'antenna, discesa d'antenna □ ( basket) lead official, primo arbitro □ (equit.) lead rope, longia, longina ( corda per guidare un cavallo a mano) □ (mecc.) lead-screw, madrevite □ (mus.) lead singer, voce principale ( di un gruppo musicale) □ lead time, intervallo tra l'inizio e la fine di un processo di produzione □ (mus.) lead violin, primo violino □ (mus.) lead vocals, voce solista; prima voce □ ( sport) to give sb. the lead, mandare in vantaggio q. □ to give sb. a lead, fare strada a, instradare q. □ ( a carte) return lead, rimessa ( di carta dello stesso seme).(to) lead (1) /lɛd/A v. t.1 piombare; impiombare; rivestire di piombo3 (tipogr.) interlineareB v. i.( della canna d'arma da fuoco) incrostarsi di piombo.♦ (to) lead (2) /li:d/(pass. e p. p. led)A v. t.1 condurre, essere alla testa di; guidare ( anche nella danza): to lead the demonstration, essere alla testa dei dimostranti; to lead a blind man, guidare un cieco; The captain led his team onto the field, il capitano era alla testa della squadra quando entrarono in campo3 condurre, portare (a): This road will lead you to the country house, questa strada ti condurrà (o ti porterà) alla villa6 convincere; persuadere; indurre; portare (fig.): His embarrassment led me to believe he was lying, il suo imbarazzo mi ha indotto (o mi ha portato) a credere che mentisse7 essere il primo di; essere in testa a: Saudi Arabia leads the world in oil production, l'Arabia Saudita è il primo paese del mondo per produzione del petrolio9 (mus.) dirigere: to lead an orchestra [a band, a chorus], dirigere un'orchestra [una banda, un coro]10 ( a carte) giocare (o calare) come prima carta; aprire il gioco con: to lead the ace of hearts, calare l'asso di cuori (in apertura di gioco)15 ( sport) passare in avanti, prolungare la palla (o il disco) per ( un compagno); fare un suggerimento aB v. i.1 essere in testa; fare strada; essere in vantaggio; ( sport) condurre: (autom.) Which car is leading?, quale macchina è in testa (o conduce)?2 – to lead to, condurre a; portare a: All roads lead to Rome, tutte le strade portano a Roma; This situation could lead to war, questa situazione potrebbe portare alla guerra3 ( boxe) saggiare l'avversario; partire (fig.): Never lead with your right, non partire mai di destro!6 (elettr.) essere in anticipo● to lead sb. by the hand, condurre q. per mano □ to lead sb. by the nose, tenere q. al guinzaglio; tenere il piede sul collo a q. □ to lead sb. captive, far prigioniero q. □ to lead the dance, aprire le danze □ to lead a double life, avere una doppia vita □ to lead the fashion, dettare la moda □ ( sport) to lead from the start, prendere subito il comando ( della corsa) □ (fam.) to lead sb. a hard life, rendere la vita difficile a q.; tormentare q. □ (fig.) to lead sb. a merry (o a pretty) dance, menare q. per il naso; portare a spasso q. (fig.) □ to lead a parade, aprire una sfilata □ ( sport) to lead the race, condurre (la corsa); aprire la corsa; essere in testa □ to lead the way, fare strada; (fig.) prendere l'iniziativa □ to lead with one's chin, ( boxe) cominciare l'incontro con il mento scoperto; (fig.) gettarsi ( in una discussione, ecc.) a capofitto; esporsi; scoprirsi; essere avventato □ led horse, cavallo condotto a mano; cavallo di riserva □ (prov.) One thing leads to another, da cosa nasce cosa.* * *I 1. [liːd]to be in the lead to have the lead essere in testa o al primo posto; to go into the lead to take the lead — passare in testa, assumere il comando
2) (amount by which one is winning) vantaggio m. ( over su)3) (initiative)to follow sb.'s lead — seguire l'esempio di qcn
4) (clue) pista f., indizio m.5) teatr. cinem. parte f. principale, ruolo m. principale6) giorn.7) el. (wire) filo m.8) BE (for dog) guinzaglio m.9) (in cards)2. II 1. [liːd]1) (guide, escort) guidare, condurre [ person] (to sth. a qcs.; to sb. da qcn.)to lead sb. away — condurre via o allontanare qcn.
to lead sb. across the road — fare attraversare la strada a qcn
2) (bring) [path, sign] portare (to a), guidare (to da, verso); [ smell] guidare [ person] (to da, verso)3) (be leader of) guidare [army, team, attack, procession]; dirigere [orchestra, research]to lead the field — (in commerce, research) essere il leader nel settore; (in race) condurre, essere in testa
5) (cause, influence)to lead sb. to do — portare qcn. a fare
6) (conduct, have) condurre, fare [ active life]2.verbo intransitivo (pass., p.pass. led)1) (go, be directed)to lead to — [ path] condurre, portare a; [ door] dare su; [exit, trapdoor] portare a
2) (result in)to lead to — portare a [complication, discovery, accident, response]
one thing led to another, and we... — da cosa nacque cosa, e noi
3) (be ahead) [ company] essere in testa; [runner, car, team] condurre, essere in testa, essere al comando4) (go first) (in walk) fare strada; (in procession) essere in testa; (in action, discussion) prendere l'iniziativa5) (in dancing) condurre, guidare6) giorn.to lead with — mettere in prima pagina [story, headline]
7) (in boxing)8) (in cards) essere di mano•- lead off- lead on••III 1. [led]to lead the way — (go first) fare strada; (guide others) mostrare la via o strada; (be ahead, winning) essere in testa
1) (metal) piombo m.2) colloq. fig. (bullets) piombo m.3) (anche blacklead) (graphite) grafite f.; (in pencil) mina f.4) mar. (for sounding) piombo m., scandaglio m.5) BE (for roofing) piombo m.2.lead poisoning — avvelenamento da piombo, saturnismo
••to fill o pump sb. full of lead colloq. riempire qcn. di piombo; to get the lead out AE colloq. (stop loafing) darsi una mossa; (speed up) liberarsi della zavorra; to go over AE o down BE like a lead balloon — colloq. fallire miseramente
64 A
ei(one of the notes in the musical scale.) la- A flat- A sharp
a det un / unaRecuerda que a se emplea delante de una palabra que empieza por consonante; delante de una palabra que empieza por un sonido vocálico se emplea anMultiple Entries: A a A,◊ a sustantivo femenino (pl aes) (read as /a/) the letter A, a
a preposición Nota: La preposición a suele emplearse precedida de ciertos verbos como empezar, ir, oler, sonar etc, en cuyo caso ver bajo el respectivo verbo.No se traduce cuando introduce el complemento directo de persona (ser humano, pronombres personales que lo representan, como quien, alguien, algún etc) o un nombre con un objeto o animal personalizado: amo a mi patria = I love my country, paseo a mi perro = I walk my dog.En los casos en que precede al artículo definido el para formar la contracción al, ver bajo la siguiente entrada, donde también se encontrarán otros ejemplos y usos de a. 1◊ voy a México/la tienda I'm going to Mexico/to the shop;voy a casa I'm going home; se cayó al río she fell into the riverb) ( indicando posición):a orillas del Ebro on the banks of the Ebro; se sentó al sol he sat in the sun; se sentó a mi derecha he sat down on my rightc) ( indicando distancia):2a) (señalando hora, momento) at;a la hora de comer at lunch time; ¿a qué hora vengo? what time shall I come?; a mediados de abril in mid-April; al día siguiente the next o following dayb) ( señalando fecha):◊ hoy estamos a lunes/a 20 today is Monday/it's the 20th todayc) al + inf:al enterarse de la noticia when he learnt o on learning the news ( antes) a few minutes before she arrived; 3 (en relaciones de proporción, equivalencia): sale a 100 euros cada uno it works out at 100 euros each; a 100 kilómetros por hora (at) 100 kilometers per hour; nos ganaron cinco a tres they beat us five three o (AmE) five to three 4 (indicando modo, medio, estilo):◊ a pie/a caballo on foot/on horseback;a crédito on credit; funciona a pilas it runs on batteries; a mano by hand; a rayas striped; vestirse a lo punk to wear punk clothes 5◊ ¿viste a José? did you see José?;no he leído a Freud I haven't read (any) Freud dáselo a ella give it to her; les enseña inglés a mis hijos she teaches my children English; le echó (la) llave a la puerta she locked the doorc) ( indicando procedencia):◊ se lo compré a una gitana I bought it from o (colloq) off a gipsy
A, a f (letra) A 'A' also found in these entries: Spanish: a. C. - a.m. - abajeña - abajeño - abanderada - abanderado - abandonar - abandonada - abandonado - abanico - abarquillada - abarquillado - abarrotada - abarrotado - abasto - abatida - abatido - abatirse - abdicar - aberración - abertura - abierta - abierto - abigarrada - abigarrado - abigarrar - ablandar - ablusada - ablusado - abnegada - abnegado - abobada - abobado - abocada - abocado - abogacía - abogada - abogado - abombada - abombado - abonar - abonada - abonado - abonarse - abono - abordar - abordaje - aborregar - abortar - abortiva English: A - A-level - a.m. - abandon - abandoned - abide by - ability - abject - abnormal - aboard - aborigine - abortion - abortive - about - above - above-board - above-mentioned - abrasive - abreast - abridged - abrupt - absent - absent-minded - absolute - absolutely - absorbed - abstemious - abstract - absurd - abundant - abuse - abusive - abysmal - academic - academy - accede - accent - acceptable - access - accident-prone - accidental - accidentally - acclimatized - accommodate - accommodation - accomplish - accomplished - account - account for - accountableAtr[æmp, 'æmpeəSMALLr/SMALL]1) : un m, una fa house: una casahalf an hour: media horawhat a surprise!: ¡qué sorpresa!2) per: por, a la, al30 kilometers an hour: 30 kilómetros por horatwice a month: dos veces al mesA (note)n.• la (Música) s.f.a eɪ noun1)a) ( letter) A, a fhe knows his subject from A to Z — conoce el tema perfectamente or de cabo a rabo
to get from A to B — ir* de un sitio a otro
b) ( Mus) la mA flat/sharp/natural — la bemol/sostenido/natural
A major/minor — la mayor/menor
2)a) ( in house numbers)35A — ≈35 bis, ≈35 duplicado
b) ( in sizes of paper) (BrE)A3 — A3 ( 420 x 297mm)
A4 — A4 ( 297 x 210mm)
A5 — A5 ( 210 x 148mm)
A road — ≈carretera f or ruta f nacional
I [eɪ]1. N1) (=letter) A, a fNo. 32A — (=house) núm. 32 bis, núm. 32 duplicado
the A-Z of Management Techniques — el manual básico de Técnicas de Gestión, Técnicas de Gestión de la A a la Z
- know sth from A to Z2) (Mus)A — la m
A major/minor — la mayor/menor
A sharp/flat — la sostenido/bemol
3) (Scol) sobresaliente m2.CPDA level N ABBR (Brit) (Scol) = Advanced level — ≈ bachillerato m
she has an A level in chemistry — tiene un título de A level en química
A road N — (Brit) ≈ carretera f nacional
A side N — [of record] cara f A
A LEVELS Al terminar la educación secundaria obligatoria, los estudiantes de Inglaterra, Gales e Irlanda del Norte pueden estudiar otros dos años para preparar tres o cuatro asignaturas más y examinarse de ellas a los 18 años. Estos exámenes se conocen con el nombre de A levels o Advanced levels. Cada universidad determina el número de A levels y la calificación necesaria para acceder a ella. En Escocia los exámenes equivalentes son los Highers o Higher Grades, que se hacen de unas cinco asignaturas tras un año de estudios. Después se puede optar entre entrar en la universidad directamente o estudiar otro año más, bien para hacer el mismo examen de otras asignaturas, o para sacar los Advanced Highers.A to Z ® N — (=map book) callejero m
[eɪ] [ˌǝ]INDEF ART ( before vowel or silent h an) [ˌæn] [ˌǝn] [ˌn]1) un(a) m / f ; (+ fem noun starting with stressed [a] or [ha]) unthat child's a thief! — ¡ese niño es un ladrón!
b) (after [tener]/[buscar] if singular object the norm)have you got a passport? — ¿tiene usted pasaporte?
See:LOOK FOR in looka fine excuse! — ¡bonita disculpa!
what an idiot! — ¡qué idiota!
e) (apposition)Patrick, a lecturer at Glasgow University, says that... — Patrick, profesor de la Universidad de Glasgow, dice que...
the Duero, a Spanish river — el Duero, un río español
3) (=a certain) un(a) tal4) (=each, per) por£80 a week — 80 libras por semana
once a week/three times a month — una vez a la semanaes veces al mes
* * *a [eɪ] noun1)a) ( letter) A, a fhe knows his subject from A to Z — conoce el tema perfectamente or de cabo a rabo
to get from A to B — ir* de un sitio a otro
b) ( Mus) la mA flat/sharp/natural — la bemol/sostenido/natural
A major/minor — la mayor/menor
2)a) ( in house numbers)35A — ≈35 bis, ≈35 duplicado
b) ( in sizes of paper) (BrE)A3 — A3 ( 420 x 297mm)
A4 — A4 ( 297 x 210mm)
A5 — A5 ( 210 x 148mm)
A road — ≈carretera f or ruta f nacional
65 a
ei(one of the notes in the musical scale.) la- A flat- A sharp
a det un / unaRecuerda que a se emplea delante de una palabra que empieza por consonante; delante de una palabra que empieza por un sonido vocálico se emplea anMultiple Entries: A a A,◊ a sustantivo femenino (pl aes) (read as /a/) the letter A, a
a preposición Nota: La preposición a suele emplearse precedida de ciertos verbos como empezar, ir, oler, sonar etc, en cuyo caso ver bajo el respectivo verbo.No se traduce cuando introduce el complemento directo de persona (ser humano, pronombres personales que lo representan, como quien, alguien, algún etc) o un nombre con un objeto o animal personalizado: amo a mi patria = I love my country, paseo a mi perro = I walk my dog.En los casos en que precede al artículo definido el para formar la contracción al, ver bajo la siguiente entrada, donde también se encontrarán otros ejemplos y usos de a. 1◊ voy a México/la tienda I'm going to Mexico/to the shop;voy a casa I'm going home; se cayó al río she fell into the riverb) ( indicando posición):a orillas del Ebro on the banks of the Ebro; se sentó al sol he sat in the sun; se sentó a mi derecha he sat down on my rightc) ( indicando distancia):2a) (señalando hora, momento) at;a la hora de comer at lunch time; ¿a qué hora vengo? what time shall I come?; a mediados de abril in mid-April; al día siguiente the next o following dayb) ( señalando fecha):◊ hoy estamos a lunes/a 20 today is Monday/it's the 20th todayc) al + inf:al enterarse de la noticia when he learnt o on learning the news ( antes) a few minutes before she arrived; 3 (en relaciones de proporción, equivalencia): sale a 100 euros cada uno it works out at 100 euros each; a 100 kilómetros por hora (at) 100 kilometers per hour; nos ganaron cinco a tres they beat us five three o (AmE) five to three 4 (indicando modo, medio, estilo):◊ a pie/a caballo on foot/on horseback;a crédito on credit; funciona a pilas it runs on batteries; a mano by hand; a rayas striped; vestirse a lo punk to wear punk clothes 5◊ ¿viste a José? did you see José?;no he leído a Freud I haven't read (any) Freud dáselo a ella give it to her; les enseña inglés a mis hijos she teaches my children English; le echó (la) llave a la puerta she locked the doorc) ( indicando procedencia):◊ se lo compré a una gitana I bought it from o (colloq) off a gipsy
A, a f (letra) A 'A' also found in these entries: Spanish: a. C. - a.m. - abajeña - abajeño - abanderada - abanderado - abandonar - abandonada - abandonado - abanico - abarquillada - abarquillado - abarrotada - abarrotado - abasto - abatida - abatido - abatirse - abdicar - aberración - abertura - abierta - abierto - abigarrada - abigarrado - abigarrar - ablandar - ablusada - ablusado - abnegada - abnegado - abobada - abobado - abocada - abocado - abogacía - abogada - abogado - abombada - abombado - abonar - abonada - abonado - abonarse - abono - abordar - abordaje - aborregar - abortar - abortiva English: A - A-level - a.m. - abandon - abandoned - abide by - ability - abject - abnormal - aboard - aborigine - abortion - abortive - about - above - above-board - above-mentioned - abrasive - abreast - abridged - abrupt - absent - absent-minded - absolute - absolutely - absorbed - abstemious - abstract - absurd - abundant - abuse - abusive - abysmal - academic - academy - accede - accent - acceptable - access - accident-prone - accidental - accidentally - acclimatized - accommodate - accommodation - accomplish - accomplished - account - account for - accountableAtr[æmp, 'æmpeəSMALLr/SMALL]1) : un m, una fa house: una casahalf an hour: media horawhat a surprise!: ¡qué sorpresa!2) per: por, a la, al30 kilometers an hour: 30 kilómetros por horatwice a month: dos veces al mesA (note)n.• la (Música) s.f.a eɪ noun1)a) ( letter) A, a fhe knows his subject from A to Z — conoce el tema perfectamente or de cabo a rabo
to get from A to B — ir* de un sitio a otro
b) ( Mus) la mA flat/sharp/natural — la bemol/sostenido/natural
A major/minor — la mayor/menor
2)a) ( in house numbers)35A — ≈35 bis, ≈35 duplicado
b) ( in sizes of paper) (BrE)A3 — A3 ( 420 x 297mm)
A4 — A4 ( 297 x 210mm)
A5 — A5 ( 210 x 148mm)
A road — ≈carretera f or ruta f nacional
I [eɪ]1. N1) (=letter) A, a fNo. 32A — (=house) núm. 32 bis, núm. 32 duplicado
the A-Z of Management Techniques — el manual básico de Técnicas de Gestión, Técnicas de Gestión de la A a la Z
- know sth from A to Z2) (Mus)A — la m
A major/minor — la mayor/menor
A sharp/flat — la sostenido/bemol
3) (Scol) sobresaliente m2.CPDA level N ABBR (Brit) (Scol) = Advanced level — ≈ bachillerato m
she has an A level in chemistry — tiene un título de A level en química
A road N — (Brit) ≈ carretera f nacional
A side N — [of record] cara f A
A LEVELS Al terminar la educación secundaria obligatoria, los estudiantes de Inglaterra, Gales e Irlanda del Norte pueden estudiar otros dos años para preparar tres o cuatro asignaturas más y examinarse de ellas a los 18 años. Estos exámenes se conocen con el nombre de A levels o Advanced levels. Cada universidad determina el número de A levels y la calificación necesaria para acceder a ella. En Escocia los exámenes equivalentes son los Highers o Higher Grades, que se hacen de unas cinco asignaturas tras un año de estudios. Después se puede optar entre entrar en la universidad directamente o estudiar otro año más, bien para hacer el mismo examen de otras asignaturas, o para sacar los Advanced Highers.A to Z ® N — (=map book) callejero m
[eɪ] [ˌǝ]INDEF ART ( before vowel or silent h an) [ˌæn] [ˌǝn] [ˌn]1) un(a) m / f ; (+ fem noun starting with stressed [a] or [ha]) unthat child's a thief! — ¡ese niño es un ladrón!
b) (after [tener]/[buscar] if singular object the norm)have you got a passport? — ¿tiene usted pasaporte?
See:LOOK FOR in looka fine excuse! — ¡bonita disculpa!
what an idiot! — ¡qué idiota!
e) (apposition)Patrick, a lecturer at Glasgow University, says that... — Patrick, profesor de la Universidad de Glasgow, dice que...
the Duero, a Spanish river — el Duero, un río español
3) (=a certain) un(a) tal4) (=each, per) por£80 a week — 80 libras por semana
once a week/three times a month — una vez a la semanaes veces al mes
* * *a [eɪ] noun1)a) ( letter) A, a fhe knows his subject from A to Z — conoce el tema perfectamente or de cabo a rabo
to get from A to B — ir* de un sitio a otro
b) ( Mus) la mA flat/sharp/natural — la bemol/sostenido/natural
A major/minor — la mayor/menor
2)a) ( in house numbers)35A — ≈35 bis, ≈35 duplicado
b) ( in sizes of paper) (BrE)A3 — A3 ( 420 x 297mm)
A4 — A4 ( 297 x 210mm)
A5 — A5 ( 210 x 148mm)
A road — ≈carretera f or ruta f nacional
66 fuse
I [fjuːz]nome el. fusibile m.II 1. [fjuːz]to blow a fuse — fare saltare un fusibile; colloq. fig. andare su tutte le furie
1) BE el.2) munire di fusibile [ plug]4) fig. fondere [ideas, images]2.1) BE el.2) tecn. [metals, chemicals] fondersi3) fig. (anche fuse together) [images, ideas] fondersiIII [fjuːz]1) (cord) (for explosive device) miccia f.2) (detonator) detonatore m., spoletta f.••* * *I 1. [fju:z] verb1) (to melt (together) as a result of great heat: Copper and tin fuse together to make bronze.)2) ((of an electric circuit or appliance) to (cause to) stop working because of the melting of a fuse: Suddenly all the lights fused; She fused all the lights.)2. noun(a piece of easily-melted wire included in an electric circuit so that a dangerously high electric current will break the circuit and switch itself off: She mended the fuse.)- fusionII [fju:z] noun(a piece of material, a mechanical device etc which makes a bomb etc explode at a particular time: He lit the fuse and waited for the explosion.)* * *1. na fuse has blown — è saltata una valvola, è saltato un fusibile
2. vt1) Elec2) (metals) fondere3. vi1) Elec2) (metals) fondersi* * *fuse (1) /fju:z/n.2 (fam.) cortocircuito; interruzione della corrente● (elettr.) fuse box, scatola delle valvole; portafusibili □ fuse-carrier, portafusibili □ (elettr.) fuse clip, contatto a molla per fusibile □ (elettr.) fuse cutout, interruttore automatico □ (elettron.) fuse diode, diodo fusibile □ fuse-holder, portafusibili □ fuse wire, filo fusibile □ plug fuse, fusibile a tappo □ (fig.) to blow a fuse, perdere la pazienza; andare su tutte le furieFALSI AMICI: fuse non significa fuso. fuse (2) /fju:z/n.● (fam.) to have a short fuse, essere irascibile; scattare per un nonnulla.(to) fuse (1) /fju:z/A v. t.1 fondere; unireB v. i.1 fondersi; unirsi4 (elettr., GB: di fusibile) saltare: The lights have fused, sono saltate le valvole; è andata via la luce.(to) fuse (2) /fju:z/v. t.* * *I [fjuːz]nome el. fusibile m.II 1. [fjuːz]to blow a fuse — fare saltare un fusibile; colloq. fig. andare su tutte le furie
1) BE el.2) munire di fusibile [ plug]4) fig. fondere [ideas, images]2.1) BE el.2) tecn. [metals, chemicals] fondersi3) fig. (anche fuse together) [images, ideas] fondersiIII [fjuːz]1) (cord) (for explosive device) miccia f.2) (detonator) detonatore m., spoletta f.•• -
67 ♦ set
♦ set (1) /sɛt/n.1 assortimento; collezione; raccolta; complesso; insieme ( di cose affini); serie; servizio ( di piatti, ecc.); set; coordinato: a set of medical instruments, un assortimento di strumenti medicali; a set of rare books, una collezione di libri rari; a carpentry set, un complesso di arnesi da falegname; a set of lectures, una serie di conferenze; a china set, un servizio di porcellana; a tea set, un servizio da tè2 gruppo ( di persone); consorteria; cricca; squadra; ambiente, mondo (fig.): a set of politicians, una consorteria di politicanti; a set of smugglers, una cricca di contrabbandieri; the political set, gli ambienti politici; the racing set, l'ambiente delle corse ippiche; the literary set, gli ambienti letterari; the smart set, il bel mondo3 ( radio, TV) apparecchio; radio; televisore: a radio set, un apparecchio radio; a television set, un televisore4 (solo al sing.) conformazione; portamento; positura, postura: (geogr.) the set of the hills, la conformazione delle colline; the set of one's head, il modo di tenere la testa ( alta, china, ecc.); the set of one's shoulders, la positura delle spalle5 (solo al sing.) direzione; corso; moto; tendenza; inclinazione; propensione: the set of the current, la direzione della corrente6 (teatr.) set; scenario; allestimento scenico; (cinem.) set: The actors are now on ( the) set, adesso gli attori sono sul set10 [u] (edil., mecc.) deformazione permanente22 (poet.) tramonto; occaso (poet.)● (cinem.) set decorator (o set designer), scenografo □ (comput.) set of characters, insieme di caratteri □ a set of diamonds, una parure di diamanti □ (mat.) a set of equations, un sistema di equazioni □ (comm., fin.) set of exchange, prima, seconda e terza di cambio □ a set of horses, un tiro (a due, a quattro) □ the set of a jacket, il taglio d'una giacca; il modo in cui cade una giacca □ a set of pearls, un vezzo di perle □ (leg.) a set of rules, un regolamento; una normativa □ (naut.) a set of sails, una muta (o un corredo) di vele □ (comm.) set of samples, campionario □ a set of ( false o artificial) teeth, una dentiera □ a set of ( natural) teeth, una dentatura □ (autom.) a set of tyres, un treno di gomme □ ( slang USA) a set of wheels, un'automobile □ ( tennis, pallavolo) set point, punto che decide un set; set point; palla set □ (TV) set-top box, set-top box; decodificatore ( di segnali di cavo o satellite) □ to change the set of a thermostat, regolare un termostato in modo diverso □ (fig.) to make a dead set at sb., fare una corte accanita a ( una donna, ecc.) □ a toilet set, un set da bagno ( pettine, specchietto, ecc.).set (2) /sɛt/a.1 posto; collocato; situato: The cottage is set back from the road, la villetta è in posizione arretrata rispetto alla strada; The village is set on a hill, il paese è situato su una collina2 fisso; fermo; saldo; reciso: set rules, regole fisse; a set stare, uno sguardo fisso; set wages, salario fisso; a set purpose, un saldo proposito; a man of set opinions, un uomo dalle idee ferme (o recise); un testardo3 fisso; fissato; stabilito; prestabilito: at set hours, a ore fisse; at the set time, all'ora stabilita; (comm.) set terms, condizioni fisse; termini precisi ( di un accordo)4 preparato; studiato, stereotipato; fatto: a set speech, un discorso preparato; a set smile, un sorriso studiato (o stereotipato); set phrases, frasi fatte; luoghi comuni5 deciso; risoluto; determinato: He is set on leaving the country, è deciso a emigrare; He's dead set on marrying her, è fermamente deciso a sposarla; His mother is dead set against his marriage, sua madre è decisamente contraria al suo matrimonio9 destinato; probabile: The bill is [looks] set to cause controversy, il progetto di legge è [sembra] destinato a creare polemiche; The weather is set to change for the worse, è probabile che il tempo peggiori10 (fam.; anche all set) pronto: Everything was set for the picnic, tutto era pronto per il picnic; DIALOGO → - Paying for petrol- All set?, tutto pronto?; I'm all set!, sono pronto!● ( pallavolo) set ball, alzata □ (mil.) a set battle, una battaglia campale □ set books, libri da portare per l'esame; testi prescritti □ ( del tempo) set fair, messo al bello; bello stabile □ set hammer, martello piano; butteruola □ to be set in one's ways, avere abitudini radicate □ set lunch, menù turistico □ set piece, ( arte, letter.) lavoro convenzionale; ( anche fig.) pezzo forte (o di bravura); (teatr.) scena fissa; fuochi d'artificio fissi; (mil.) operazione preparata a tavolino; ( sport) manovra studiata, schema: ( calcio) set-piece specialist, specialista nei tiri da fermo □ ( sport) set play, gioco basato su schemi fissi □ ( basket) set-play offence, attacco contro zona □ ( rugby) set scrum, mischia chiusa (o comandata) □ (teatr.) set scene, scenario □ ( sport) set shot, ( basket) tiro da fermo; ( pallamano) tiro a giavellotto □ ( disegno) set square, squadra a triangolo □ ( del cielo) set with stars, trapunto di stelle □ ( sport: nelle corse) «Get set! – go!», «pronti! – via!».♦ (to) set /sɛt/(pass. e p. p. set)A v. t.1 mettere; porre; posare; disporre; collocare; preparare: She set the bowl of milk before the kitten, ha messo la ciotola di latte davanti al gattino; He set his hand on my shoulder, mi ha posato la mano sulla spalla; to set a trap, collocare (o preparare) una trappola; to set a wheel on the axle, collocare una ruota sull'asse; Set your mind at ease, mettiti l'animo in pace; He set the men to dig a ditch, ha messo gli uomini a scavare un fossato; The barons set the pretender on the throne, i baroni misero sul trono il pretendente; We set pickets around the factory, mettemmo picchetti intorno alla fabbrica; They set a price on his head ( o on his life), hanno messo una taglia sulla sua testa2 conficcare; piantare: I set the tent pole in the ground, ho piantato (o ho conficcato) il palo della tenda nel terreno; to set potatoes, piantar patate3 fissare; rendere fisso; assicurare4 fissare; stabilire: The price was set at 5,000 pounds, il prezzo è stato fissato in cinquemila sterline; The time of the meeting has not yet been set, l'ora della riunione non è stata ancora stabilita5 (mecc.) regolare; registrare; tarare, mettere a punto; sistemare; inserire, attaccare: to set a clock (o a watch) regolare un orologio; rimettere un orologio (all'ora giusta); to set an alarm clock, regolare (o mettere) una sveglia; to set a burglar alarm, inserire un antifurto6 assegnare; dare; proporre: The teacher set us five exercises, l'insegnante ci ha assegnato cinque esercizi7 fare rapprendere; rendere solido; seccare; solidificare; rassodare: to set varnish, seccare la vernice13 (tipogr.) comporre: to set close [wide], comporre con poca [con molta] spaziatura15 (letter., cinem., teatr., ecc.) ambientare ( una storia, un racconto, ecc.): The ( action of the) film is set in Venice, il film è ambientato a Venezia; l'azione del film si svolge a Venezia16 (med.) aggiustare, mettere a posto ( un osso rotto, ecc.): to set a ( broken) leg, aggiustare una gamba rotta18 accostare; avvicinare; applicare19 ( anche sport) stabilire: to set new rules, stabilire regole nuove; to set a record, stabilire un primato22 (naut.: del vento, ecc.) portare, spingere ( una nave): The tide set us towards the island, la corrente della marea ci spinse verso l'isola23 (naut.) dirigere, volgere ( un'imbarcazione): They set the trawler for shore, diressero il peschereccio a riva25 (comput.) impostareB v. i.1 ( di un astro o pianeta) tramontare; calare: The sun sets in the west, il sole tramonta a occidente; The moon is setting, sta calando la luna2 (fig.) tramontare; essere in declino3 indurirsi; (edil.) fare presa; solidificare; rassodarsi; rapprendersi; coagularsi: The mortar hasn't set yet, la malta non ha ancora fatto presa; This jam has set at last, questa marmellata s'è finalmente rassodata; The milk has set, il latte s'è rappreso (o s'è coagulato)4 (fig.) indurirsi; irrigidirsi; assumere un'espressione dura: His face set and he hit back, la faccia gli s'indurì ed egli colpì a sua volta5 muoversi, fluire, scorrere; (cominciare a) spirare ( in una data direzione): The Gulf Stream sets eastwards, la Corrente del Golfo fluisce verso est6 volgersi (o voltarsi, orientarsi) verso; prendere posizione (fig.): Public opinion has set hard against him, l'opinione pubblica gli è nettamente avversa● to set one's affairs in order, mettere in ordine i propri affari □ to set st. [the law] at defiance, sfidare qc. [la legge] □ to set sb. at ( his) ease, mettere q. a suo agio □ (form.) to set (sb., st.) at naught, non fare alcun conto di, non stimare affatto (q., qc.) □ (fig.) to set one's cap at ( USA: for) sb., ( di donna) mettere gli occhi addosso a q.; cercar d'accalappiare q. □ to set the ball rolling, mettere le cose in moto; ( sport) mettere in gioco la palla □ to set eggs, far covare le uova □ to set one's face homeward, prendere la via del ritorno □ to set the fashion, fare (o lanciare) la moda □ to set sb. free, mettere q. in libertà; lasciar libero, liberare q.; (leg.) rilasciare ( un detenuto); ( sport) smarcare ( un compagno) □ (mecc.) to set going, mettere in moto; avviare □ to set sb. 's heart (o mind) at rest, tranquillizzare q. □ (fig.) to set one's house in order, fare ordine nella propria vita □ (topogr.) to set a map, orientare una carta □ to set sb. laughing, far ridere q. □ to set the pace, fare il passo; ( sport) fare l'andatura; (fig.) fare da esempio, servir da modello □ ( a scuola) to set the papers, preparare (o proporre) i temi d'esame □ to set pen to paper, metter mano alla penna; cominciare a scrivere □ to set right, accomodare, aggiustare ( un apparecchio, ecc.); mettere a posto, correggere ( un errore, un conto, ecc.); rimettere a posto (o in sesto); rinvigorire: A short holiday will set you right, una breve vacanza ti rimetterà in sesto □ (naut.) to set sail, far vela; salpare □ to set seed, piantar semi; seminare □ to set st. straight, raddrizzare qc.; chiarire, spiegare qc. □ to set sb. straight, spiegare a q. come stanno le cose □ ( canottaggio) to set the stroke, battere il tempo della voga; stabilire la vogata □ to set the table, apparecchiare (la tavola) □ to set one's teeth, serrare (o stringere) i denti; (fig.) tener duro □ to set sb. 's teeth on edge, ( di suono) far rabbrividire q.; ( di cibo) allegare i denti a q.; (fig.) irritare q., dare ai nervi a q. □ to set sb. thinking, fare pensare (o fare riflettere) q.; dare da pensare a q. □ to set things going, dare l'avvio; mettere le cose in moto; ( sport) movimentare il gioco □ to set the tone of st., dare il tono a qc. □ (mil.) to set a watch, piazzare le sentinelle □ His eyes set, ha sbarrato gli occhi ( per uno svenimento o in punto di morte). -
68 cut
I [kʌt]1) taglio m.; (in surgery) incisione f.to get a cut from sth. — tagliarsi o farsi un taglio con qcs.
to give [sth.] a cut — tagliare [hair, grass]
2) (hairstyle) taglio m.3) colloq. (share) parte f.4) (reduction) riduzione f., taglio m. (in di)5) gastr. taglio m.6) (shape) (of gem, suit, jacket) taglio m.8) mus. colloq. (track) pezzo m.••II 1. [kʌt]to be a cut above sb., sth. — essere superiore a qcn., qcs
1) tagliare [bread, fabric, paper, slice, wood]; fare [hole, slit]to cut sth. out of — ritagliare qcs. da [fabric, magazine]
to cut [sth.] open — aprire [packet, sack]
2) (sever) tagliare [rope, throat]; tagliare, recidere [flower, vein]; tagliare, mietere [ wheat]; fig. rompere [ links]3) (carve out) fare [ notch]; scavare [channel, tunnel]; incidere [ initials]4) (wound)5) (trim) tagliare [hair, grass, hedge]7) (liberate)to cut sb. from — liberare qcn. da [ wreckage]
to cut sb. free o loose — liberare qcn. ( from da)
8) (edit) tagliare [article, film, scene]9) (reduce) ridurre, abbassare [ price]; ridurre, tagliare [rate, expenditure, wages]; ridurre [cost, budget, inflation, staff, working day] (by di); diminuire [ length]10) (grow)12) inform. tagliare13) gioc. tagliare [ cards]14) (intersect) [ line] intersecare [ circle]; [ track] tagliare [ road]15) colloq. (stop)2.to cut sb. dead — ignorare completamente qcn
1) tagliareto cut into — tagliare [cake, fabric, paper]; incidere [flesh, organ]; fig. incidere su [ leisure time]
2) (move, go)to cut in front of sb. — (in a queue) passare davanti a qcn.; (in a car) sorpassare qcn
3) cinem. [ camera] staccare4) gioc. tagliare3.- cut back- cut down- cut in- cut off- cut out- cut up••III 1. [kʌt]to cut and run — fig. darsela a gambe
passato, participio passato cut II2.1) (sliced, sawn) [fabric, rope, pages, timber] tagliato2) (shaped) [gem, stone] tagliato4) [hay, grass] tagliato; [ flowers] tagliato, reciso5) (edited) [film, text] con tagli, tagliato••* * *1. present participle - cutting; verb1) (to make an opening in, usually with something with a sharp edge: He cut the paper with a pair of scissors.) tagliare2) (to separate or divide by cutting: She cut a slice of bread; The child cut out the pictures; She cut up the meat into small pieces.) tagliare; ritagliare3) (to make by cutting: She cut a hole in the cloth.) fare4) (to shorten by cutting; to trim: to cut hair; I'll cut the grass.) tagliare5) (to reduce: They cut my wages by ten per cent.) tagliare, ridurre6) (to remove: They cut several passages from the film.) tagliare7) (to wound or hurt by breaking the skin (of): I cut my hand on a piece of glass.) tagliare8) (to divide (a pack of cards).) tagliare9) (to stop: When the actress said the wrong words, the director ordered `Cut!') tagliare10) (to take a short route or way: He cut through/across the park on his way to the office; A van cut in in front of me on the motorway.) tagliare11) (to meet and cross (a line or geometrical figure): An axis cuts a circle in two places.) tagliare12) (to stay away from (a class, lecture etc): He cut school and went to the cinema.) marinare13) ((also cut dead) to ignore completely: She cut me dead in the High Street.) fingere di non vedere2. noun1) (the result of an act of cutting: a cut on the head; a power-cut (= stoppage of electrical power); a haircut; a cut in prices.) taglio2) (the way in which something is tailored, fashioned etc: the cut of the jacket.) taglio3) (a piece of meat cut from an animal: a cut of beef.) taglio•- cutter- cutting 3. adjective(insulting or offending: a cutting remark.) tagliente, pungente- cut-price
- cut-throat 4. adjective(fierce; ruthless: cut-throat business competition.) spietato- cut and dried
- cut back
- cut both ways
- cut a dash
- cut down
- cut in
- cut it fine
- cut no ice
- cut off
- cut one's losses
- cut one's teeth
- cut out
- cut short* * *I [kʌt]1) taglio m.; (in surgery) incisione f.to get a cut from sth. — tagliarsi o farsi un taglio con qcs.
to give [sth.] a cut — tagliare [hair, grass]
2) (hairstyle) taglio m.3) colloq. (share) parte f.4) (reduction) riduzione f., taglio m. (in di)5) gastr. taglio m.6) (shape) (of gem, suit, jacket) taglio m.8) mus. colloq. (track) pezzo m.••II 1. [kʌt]to be a cut above sb., sth. — essere superiore a qcn., qcs
1) tagliare [bread, fabric, paper, slice, wood]; fare [hole, slit]to cut sth. out of — ritagliare qcs. da [fabric, magazine]
to cut [sth.] open — aprire [packet, sack]
2) (sever) tagliare [rope, throat]; tagliare, recidere [flower, vein]; tagliare, mietere [ wheat]; fig. rompere [ links]3) (carve out) fare [ notch]; scavare [channel, tunnel]; incidere [ initials]4) (wound)5) (trim) tagliare [hair, grass, hedge]7) (liberate)to cut sb. from — liberare qcn. da [ wreckage]
to cut sb. free o loose — liberare qcn. ( from da)
8) (edit) tagliare [article, film, scene]9) (reduce) ridurre, abbassare [ price]; ridurre, tagliare [rate, expenditure, wages]; ridurre [cost, budget, inflation, staff, working day] (by di); diminuire [ length]10) (grow)12) inform. tagliare13) gioc. tagliare [ cards]14) (intersect) [ line] intersecare [ circle]; [ track] tagliare [ road]15) colloq. (stop)2.to cut sb. dead — ignorare completamente qcn
1) tagliareto cut into — tagliare [cake, fabric, paper]; incidere [flesh, organ]; fig. incidere su [ leisure time]
2) (move, go)to cut in front of sb. — (in a queue) passare davanti a qcn.; (in a car) sorpassare qcn
3) cinem. [ camera] staccare4) gioc. tagliare3.- cut back- cut down- cut in- cut off- cut out- cut up••III 1. [kʌt]to cut and run — fig. darsela a gambe
passato, participio passato cut II2.1) (sliced, sawn) [fabric, rope, pages, timber] tagliato2) (shaped) [gem, stone] tagliato4) [hay, grass] tagliato; [ flowers] tagliato, reciso5) (edited) [film, text] con tagli, tagliato•• -
69 rate
ком. 1. норма; розмір; 2. курс; ціна; 3. ставка; тариф; 4. відсоток; пропорція; частка; коефіцієнт; 5. темп; швидкість; частота; ступінь; частотність; 6. місцевий податок (у Великобританії); 7. сорт; ґатунок; категоріявимір, розмір, показник, межа, міра та ін. точки відносного підрахунку якої-небудь суми, вартості, витрати тощо═════════■═════════absenteeism rate коефіцієнт прогулів; absorption rate ставка поглинання накладних витрат; accession rate темп приросту • відносний приріст чисельності робочої сили; accident rate частота нещасних випадків; accident frequency rate коефіцієнт травматизму; accuracy rate показник точності; actual burden rate фактична ставка накладних витрат; actual operating rate коефіцієнт фактичного використання виробничої потужності; adoption rate темп сприймання; advance booking rate тарифна ставка за попереднє замовлення; adjusted rate стандартизований коефіцієнт • скоригований коефіцієнт; advertising rate рекламний тариф • рекламна ставка; agreed rate домовлений відсоток • домовлена ставка; airfreight rate тарифи повітряного вантажного перевезення • тарифи вантажного авіаперевезення; all-commodity rate тарифи для всіх вантажів; all-in rate ставка, яка включає все; all-plant burden rate загальнофабрична ставка накладних витрат; alternative rates альтернативні тарифні ставки; amortization rate норма амортизації • норма погашення кредиту • відсоток сплати боргу; annual rate річний показник • річний рівень; annual average growth rate середньорічний темп зростання; annual capital-turnover rate річний коефіцієнт оборотності капіталу; annual interest rate річний відсоток; annualized percentage rate (APR) ставка відсотка за річним обрахуванням; annual production rate річна продуктивність; any-quantity rate тариф для будь-якої кількості вантажу; area rate зональний тариф; asset growth rate темпи зростання активів; attrition rate інтенсивність витрачання • коефіцієнт зменшення (чисельності працівників); average rate середня норма • середня ставка • середня тарифна ставка; average post-tax profit rate середня норма прибутку після сплати податку; average tax rate середня податкова ставка; average weighted rate середньозважена ставка; awareness rate ступінь обізнаності • ступінь поінформованості; backhaul rate тариф зворотного пробігу; baggage rate багажний тариф; bank rate облікова ставка банку • банківська ставка • банківський відсоток; base rate основна ставка; basic rate базова ставка • основна ставка; basing rate початковий тариф • вихідний тариф • базовий тариф; benefit reduction rate норма скорочення пільг; berth rate фрахтова ставка; birth rate коефіцієнт народжуваності; blanket rate єдиний тариф • акордна ставка; blanket burden rate єдина ставка накладних витрат • середня ставка накладних витрат; blend rate реальна відсоткова ставка • прибутковість фінансового інструменту; block meter rate ступінчасто-пропорційний тариф; bond rate курс облігацій; bonus rates нормативи нарахування премій; borrowing rate ставка відсотка на позичений капітал; brand rates ставки за багатомарочність; bridge rate проміжний тариф • перехідний тариф; budgeted factory-overhead rate кошторисна ставка розподілу фабричних накладних витрат; bulk rate тариф за розсилання великих партій; bulk cargo rate тариф на вантаж навалом; burden rate норма розподілу накладних витрат • відношення накладних витрат до витрат на оплату праці; buyer's rate курс покупця; buying rate курс покупця; cable rate курс телеграфних переказів; call rate ставка онкольних позик; call loan rate ставка відсотка онкольної позики; capacity rate коефіцієнт потужності • питома вантажомісткість судна; capitalization rate коефіцієнт капіталізації • норма капіталізації • відсоткове відношення доходу до капітальних затрат; carrier rate фрахтова ставка; case rate сума витрат з розрахунку на ящик; cash rate готівковий курс; ceiling rate гранична норма відсотка; central rate центральний курс • центральний валютний курс; check rate чековий курс • курс купівлі чеків; checkoff rate норма відрахувань; cheque rate чековий курс • курс купівлі чеків; class rate класний тариф; clearing rate розрахунковий курс; closing rate курс на момент закриття біржі • заключний курс; combination rate комбінований тариф; combined rate комбінована норма (розподілу накладних витрат); commission rate розмір комісійних • комісійні ставки; commodity rate спеціальний тариф на перевезення масових вантажів; common freight rate загальна фрахтова ставка; composite rate складна ставка; consolidated rate повна погодинна ставка; constant rate постійна інтенсивність • постійний коефіцієнт; consumption rate норма споживання • темпи споживання; container rate контейнерна ставка; contract rate договірний тариф; conventional rate домовлений відсоток; conversion rate курс конверсії • переказний курс • курс переказу; corrected rate виправлена ставка • скоригований коефіцієнт; cost rate ставка витрат • ставка накладних витрат; cost centre burden rate ставка накладних витрат для даного центру обліку; cost-per-thousand rate тариф з розрахунку на тисячу рекламних контактів; coupon rate ставка купона • купонна ставка; cover rate тариф за розміщення реклами на обкладинці; credit rate ставка за кредитом; crude rate загальний коефіцієнт; cumulative rate сумарний коефіцієнт; curb rate курс позабіржового ринку • курс чорного ринку; currency rate курс валюти • валютний курс; current rate поточна ставка • поточний курс • курс дня; customer rate сума витрат з розрахунку на клієнта; customs rate ставка митного тарифу; cut rate тариф зі знижкою • знижка; daily rate одноденна ставка; daily wage rate поденна ставка заробітної плати; death rate коефіцієнт смертності; deferred rate відстрочена ставка; demand rate обсяг потреби • курс покупців • обсяг попиту; departmental overhead rate норма накладних витрат цеху • цехова ставка накладних витрат; deposit rate ставка відсотка за вкладом • ставка за депозитом; depreciation rate норма амортизації • норма зношення; development rates темпи розвитку; differential rate диференційний тариф; discharging rates ставка на розвантажувальні роботи; discount rate ставка дисконту • дисконтний відсоток • коефіцієнт дисконтування • ставка дисконтування • облікова ставка; discountable rate тариф, з якого надається знижка; dispatch rate ставка на відправлення; dividend rate розмір дивіденду • норма дивідендів; divorce rate відсоток розлучень; dollar rate курс долара • доларовий курс; double exchange rate подвійний валютний курс; downtime rate коефіцієнт перестою; drawing rate курс продавців; driving rate пропускна спроможність за одиницю часу; dual rate подвійна ставка; dual prime rate подвійна базова ставка; duty rate митна ставка; earned rate погодинна заробітна плата • погодинна зарплата • фактичний тариф; earning rate норма виручки; economic rate економічний темп; economic expansion rate темп економічного зростання; effective rate реальна відсоткова ставка • фактична ставка; effective annual rate фактична ставка, яка виплачується щорічно; effective exchange rate ефективний валютний курс; effective interest rate фактична ставка відсотка • прибуток на момент сплати; effective tax rate ефективна податкова ставка; employment rate рівень зайнятості; equilibrium exchange rate рівноважний валютний курс; equilibrium growth rate темп рівноважного зростання; equitable rate справедливий розмір премії; error rate відсоток помилок • частота повторення помилок; estimated rate орієнтовна оцінка; evaluated wage rate тариф заробітної плати • тарифна ставка, визначена за оцінкою робіт; exchange rate; existing rates чинні ставки; exorbitant rate надмірна ставка; exorbitant interest rate надмірна ставка відсотка; expansion rate темп росту; expenditure rate швидкість витрачання • швидкість витрат; export rate експортний тариф • тариф для експортних вантажів; failure rate частота відмов • частота пошкоджень • частота невдач; fair rate пільговий курс • задовільна ставка; fallback rate відступна (мінімальна) ставка; favourable rate сприятлива ставка; final rate остаточний показник; fixed rate встановлена ставка • фіксована ставка • тверда ставка • твердий курс; fixed exchange rate встановлений курс валюти • фіксований курс валюти; fixed interest rate встановлена ставка відсотка • фіксована ставка відсотка; fixed royalty rate твердий розмір авторського гонорару • твердий розмір ліцензійної винагороди • твердий розмір платні винахідникові; flat rate однакова ставка • єдина ставка • єдиний курс; flexible exchange rate гнучкий курс валюти; floating rate плаваючий курс; floating exchange rate плаваючий валютний курс; floating interest rate плаваюча відсоткова ставка; fluctuating rate курс, що коливається; foreign exchange rate; forward rate курс за строковою угодою; free exchange rate валютний курс, що не контролюється • валютний курс, що не встановлюється урядом • вільний (ринковий) валютний курс; freight rate вантажний тариф • фрахтова ставка; future rate майбутня ставка • майбутній курс; general rate загальний коефіцієнт • загальна ставка; going rate поточний курс • звичайна ставка • поточний рівень цін • поточна ставка; going market rate поточний ринковий курс • поточний ринковий валютний курс; going wage rate чинна ставка зарплати • чинна ставка заробітної плати; goods rate вантажний тариф; gross rate максимальний тариф • валовий тариф; group rate груповий тариф • групова ставка; growth rate темп зростання • темп приросту; guaranteed rate гарантована ставка; guaranteed hourly rate гарантована ставка погодинної заробітної плати; guaranteed wage rate гарантована ставка заробітної плати • гарантована ставка зарплати; handling rate норма обробки вантажу; high rate висока ставка • високий тариф; higher rate підвищений курс; hiring rate темп набору робочої сили; hotel rate вартість одного дня перебування в готелі; hourly rate погодинна ставка; hourly wage rate погодинна ставка заробітної плати; hurdle rate мінімальна ставка прибутку; illiteracy rate відсоток неграмотного населення; import rate імпортний тариф • тариф для імпортних вантажів; incapacity rate показник непрацездатності; income tax rate ставка прибуткового податку; increment rate відсоток приросту; inflation rate темп інфляції; insurance rate страхова ставка • ставка страхової премії; interbank rate міжбанківська ставка відсотка; interest rate відсоткова ставка • процентна ставка; interruption rate частота переривання обслуговування; inventory carrying charge rate вартість збереження запасів • ставка оплати за збереження запасів; investment rate темп зростання капіталовкладень • норма інвестування; job rate виробнича норма; jobless rate відсоток безробітних; jockeying rate частота переходу з однієї черги в іншу; joint rate комбінований тариф; key rates основні ставки; labour rate ставка заробітної плати; labour turnover rate коефіцієнт обороту робочої сили; lending rate ставка позичкового відсотка; line rate тариф за рядок • рядковий тариф; literacy rate відсоток грамотного населення; loan rate відсоткова ставка позики; local rate місцева ставка; Lombard rate ломбардна ставка; low rate низька ставка; lower rate знижена норма; machine-hour rate норма витрат на машино-час; machine-hour burden rate ставка накладних витрат на машино-час; manufacturing labour rates ставки заробітної плати робітників на виробництві; marginal rate гранична ставка; marginal tax rate гранична ставка податку • гранична податкова ставка; marine rate ставка морського страхування вантажу; marine transport rate морський тариф; market rate ринкова ставка • ринковий курс; material consumption rate норма витрат матеріалу; material cost burden rate ставка накладних витрат, що відносяться на матеріали; maturing rate термін оплати • наступний термін платежу • коефіцієнт терміну платежу; maximum rate максимальна ставка; maximum tax rate максимальна ставка податку; mean annual rate середній річний показник • середньорічний показник; memory rate швидкість запам'ятовування; mileage rate плата за перевезення, що обраховуються в милях; minimum rate мінімальна ставка; moderate rate помірна ставка; monetary exchange rate грошовий курс; money market rate ставка відсотка на грошовому ринку; monthly rate місячна норма • місячна ставка; mortality rate коефіцієнт смертності; mortgage rate відсоткова ставка за заставною; multiple rate множинний курс; multiple exchange rates множинні валютні курси; national rate національна ставка; negative interest rates негативні відсоткові ставки; net rate чистий тариф; network rate мережний тариф; new-product failure rate рівень невдач нових товарів • показник відмови функціонування • показник браку; nominal interest rate номінальна ставка відсотка; nominal wage rate номінальна ставка заробітної плати; non-discountable rate тариф, з якого не надається знижок; normal spoilage rate нормативний відсоток браку; obsolescence rate ступінь старіння • швидкість старіння; offered rate пропонований курс • пропонована ставка; official rate офіційна ставка • офіційний курс; official exchange rate офіційний обмінний курс; one-time rate разовий тариф • одноразовий тариф • тариф за разове користування; open rate змінний тариф; opening rate курс при відкритті біржі; open-market rates ставки відсотка відкритого ринку; operating rate коефіцієнт використання виробничої потужності • показник діяльності; output rate норма виробітку • продуктивність; overhead rate ставка накладних витрат; overnight rate ставка відсотка одноденного вкладу • добова ставка; overtime rate розмір винагороди за понаднормову роботу; page rate тариф за шпальту • ставка за шпальту; parallel rate ринковий курс валют; par exchange rate валютний паритет; parity rate паритетний курс; par price rate курс цінного папера; participation rate норма участі; passenger rate пасажирський тариф; pay rates ставки заробітної плати; pegged rate штучно підтримуваний валютний курс; penalty rate штрафна (підвищена) ставка • розмір штрафу; penetration rate ступінь впровадження • ступінь проникнення; per diem rate добова ставка • поденна ставка; performance rate норма виробітку • рівень продуктивності • рівень виробітку; piece rate ставка відрядної заробітної плати; population growth rate темп зростання населення; port rates портові ставки; postal rate поштовий тариф; poverty rate рівень бідності; preemptive rate тариф за негарантований час; preferential rate пільгова ставка • пільговий тариф; premium rate розмір премії • норма преміальної виплати; prevailing rate чинна ставка • загально-поширена ставка; prime rate базова ставка • ставка для першокласних грошових зобов'язань; prime cost burden rate ставка витрат, які належать до прямих виробничих витрат; priority rate пріоритетна ставка; private market rates ставки приватного ринку; probability rate показник ймовірності; product failure rate відсоток товарних невдач • показник відмови функціонування товару • показник товарного браку; production rate продуктивність • виробництво • норма виробітку; profit rate норма прибутку; profitability rate норма рентабельності • норма прибутковості; profit growth rate темпи зростання прибутку; proportional rate пропорційний тариф; provisional rate умовний показник • попередній показник; published rate опублікований тариф; purchase rate частота покупок; radio rate тариф на радіорекламу; rail rates ставки залізничних тарифів; railway rate залізничний тариф; reaction rate швидкість реакції; real interest rate реальна ставка відсотка; recall rate норма вилучення; redemption rate відсоток сплати • норма сплати; reduced rate знижений тариф • знижений курс • пільгова ставка; regional rate місцевий тариф • місцева ставка • районна ставка • регіональна ставка; regular rate стандартний тариф; renewal rate ставка за пролонгованими онкольними позиками; rent rate ставка орендної плати; replacement rate коефіцієнт заміщення; repurchase rate частотність повторних покупок; retail rate роздрібний тариф • роздрібна ставка • тариф для роздрібних торговців; risk-free rate без-ризикова ставка; royalty rate розмір авторського гонорару; sales rate темп збуту; sales growth rate темпи зростання збуту • зростання темпів збуту; sampling rate темп вибору; savings rate норма заощаджень; scrap rate норма відходів; seasonal rates сезонні ставки; second rate другий сорт • другий ґатунок; seller's rate курс продавця; selling rate курс продавців; series rate тариф за серію • ставка за серію; service rate інтенсивність обслуговування; settlement rate розрахунковий курс; share turnover rate оборотність акцій; shipping rate фрахтова ставка; short rate штрафний тариф за недобір; short-term rate короткочасний тариф • короткочасна ставка; short-term interest rate ставка відсотка короткострокових позик; sickness rate коефіцієнт захворюваності; single rate єдина ставка; space rate плата за оголошення • тариф за місце • ставка за місце; special rate особливий тариф • особлива ставка; specified rate номінальний показник • розрахунковий показник; spot rate поточний курс • курс за касовими угодами; stable exchange rate стійкий валютний курс; standard rate стандартний курс • звичайна ставка • основна ставка; standardized rate стандартизований коефіцієнт; starting rate початкова ставка; stevedoring rates ставки портових вантажно-розвантажувальних робіт • норма портово-вантажних робіт; stock depletion rate інтенсивність витрачання запасів; stocking rate рівень запасів; stockturn rate інтенсивність оборотності товарних запасів; storage rate рівень запасів; straight-line rate пропорційний тариф • одноставковий тариф; subjective interest rate суб'єктивна відсоткова ставка; subscription rate ставка за передплату; substitution rate норма заміщення; survival rate коефіцієнт виживання • коефіцієнт довголіття; sustainable growth rate темп стійкого зростання; target rate запланована норма • заплановані темпи; target profit rate цільова норма прибутку; tariff rate тарифна ставка; tax rate податкова ставка • ставка оподаткування • ставка податку; taxation rate податкова ставка • ставка оподаткування; technical interest rate технічна відсоткова ставка; television rate телевізійна ставка • телевізійний тариф; television advertising rate ставка телереклами • тариф телереклами; temporary rate тимчасова ставка; third rate третій сорт • третій ґатунок; throughput rate пропускна спроможність; time rate почасова ставка • почасовий тариф; today's rate курс дня; top rate максимальна ставка; total rate загальний коефіцієнт; traffic rate інтенсивність руху • транспортний тариф; transit rate транзитний тариф; transportation rate транспортний тариф; trial rate ставка зарплати за період освоєння нової моделі; turnover rate швидкість обороту; unacceptable rate неприйнятна ставка; underwriting rate страховий тариф • розмір страхової премії; unemployment rate відсоток безробітних • рівень безробіття; unofficial rate неофіційний курс; utilization rate коефіцієнт використання; vacancy rate відсоток вільних місць • відсоток вільних приміщень; variable rate змінна ставка; variable interest rate змінна ставка відсотка; wage rate ставка заробітної плати; wastage rate норма відходів; wholesale rate оптова ставка • оптовий тариф; world market rates ставки світового ринку; zone rate зональний тариф═════════□═════════acceptable rate of profit прийнятна норма прибутку; accounting rate of return (ARR) облікова норма прибутку; at a growing rate у прискореному темпі • в зростаючому обсязі; at a high rate дорого • швидко; at a low rate дешево • повільно; at the rate of розміром • за курсом • за ставкою; average annual rates of change середньорічні темпи зміни; average annual rate of growth середньорічний темп зростання; average rate of operation середня норма завантаження виробничих потужностей; average rate of rent per capital середня норма ренти на капітал; average rate of return середня норма прибутку; below the rate нижче курсу; book-value rate of return балансова норма прибутку; end-of-year rate of operation коефіцієнт використання виробничої потужності на кінець року; expected rate of net profits очікувана норма чистого прибутку; general rate of profit загальна норма прибутку; internal rate of return внутрішня ставка доходу; marginal rate of return on investment гранична норма окупності • гранична норма віддачі інвестицій; marginal rate of substitution гранична норма заміщення • гранична норма заміни; marginal rate of time preference гранична норма часової переваги; marginal rate of transformation гранична норма трансформації; rate applicable чинний тариф; rate base база для обчислення тарифу; rate card тарифний розклад; rate earned on common stockholders' equity норма прибутку на звичайні акції; rate earned on stockholders' equity норма прибутку на звичайні акції; rate earned on total assets норма прибутку на капіталовкладення; rate increase підвищення ставки • підвищення тарифу; rate of accumulation норма нагромадження • темп нагромадження; rate of activity рівень діяльності • рівень активності; rate of adjustment швидкість економічного пристосування; rate of allowance розмір зниження ціни • розмір знижки; rate of balanced growth темп збалансованого зростання; rate of change ступінь зміни • темп зміни; rate of charge ставка збору; rate of commission ставка комісійної винагороди; rate of company tax ставка оподаткування компанії; rate of compensation розмір компенсації; rate of competitiveness ступінь конкурентоспроможності; rate of consumption норма споживання; rate of conversion обмінний курс • курс переказу • курс перерахунку; rate of corporation tax ставка корпоративного податку; rate of cover розмір страхової премії; rate of currency курс валюти; rate of customer's order швидкість замовлення споживачем • темп замовлення споживачем; rate of the day курс дня; rate of dependency ступінь залежності; rate of depletion швидкість витрачання запасів; rate of deposit turnover швидкість оборотності депозитів; rate of depreciation норма амортизації • ступінь знецінення; rate of development темп розвитку; rate of discharge швидкість розвантаження • норма вивантаження • норма розвантаження; rate of discount дисконтний курс; rate of dispatch ставка відправляння; rate of drawdown темп зниження; rate of duty ставка мита; rate of earnings норма доходу; rate of economic growth темп економічного зростання; rate of exchange курс закордонної валюти • обмінний курс • курс обміну; rate of expansion ступінь розширення • темп зростання; rate of expenditure розмір витрат; rate of expenses розмір витрат; rate of foreign exchange курс закордонної валюти; rate of freight фрахтова ставка; rate of growth темп зростання; rate of increase темп збільшення • темп приросту • темп зростання; rate of increment темп приросту; rate of inflation темп інфляції • рівень інфляції; rate of insurance ставка страхової премії; rate of interest процентна ставка • відсоткова ставка; rate of inventory turnover швидкість руху товарних запасів • оборотність товарних запасів; rate of investment інвестиційна квота • норма інвестицій; • норма капіталовкладень; rate of issue курс випуску • емісійний курс; rate of levy ставка податку; rate of loading норма навантаження; rate of loading and discharging норма вантажно-розвантажувальних робіт; rate of loss норма втрат; rate of migratory increase коефіцієнт збільшення мігруючого населення; rate of option розмір премії; rate of pay ставка заробітної плати; rate of premium розмір премії; rate of price increases темп зростання цін; rate of production рівень виробництва; rate of profit норма прибутку; rate of profitability норма прибутковості • норма рентабельності • ступінь рентабельності; rate of purchase частота покупок; rate of rebuying частотність повторних покупок; rate of reduction розмір знижки; rate of remuneration розмір винагороди; rate of replacement норма заміщення; rate of return норма прибутку • коефіцієнт окупності капіталовкладень • норма прибутковості • норма віддачі; rate of return on capital норма прибутку на капітал; rate of return on investment норма прибутку на інвестицію; rate of return on net worth норма прибутку на власний капітал • норма прибутку на акціонерний капітал; rate of return regulation регулювання норми віддачі; rate of securities курс цінних паперів; rate of shrinkage норма скорочення; rate of spending темпи витрат; rate of stevedoring operations ставка портових вантажно-розвантажувальних робіт • норма портово-вантажних робіт; rate of stockturn норма оборотності товарних запасів • швидкість оборотності товарних запасів; rate of surplus value норма додаткової вартості; rate of tax ставка податку • ставка оподаткування; rate of taxation ставка оподаткування; rate of the day курс дня; rate of throughput продуктивність • виробництво • пропускна спроможність; rate of time preference коефіцієнт часової переваги; rate of turnover швидкість обороту • оборотність; rate of unemployment рівень безробіття; rate of unloading норма розвантаження; rate of underutilization коефіцієнт недовикористання; rate of use коефіцієнт використання; rate of VAT норма податку на додану вартість; rate of wages ставка заробітної плати; rate of wastage норма відходів; rate of wear and tear ступінь зношування; rate of work темп роботи • інтенсивність роботи • продуктивність роботи; rate on credit ставка за кредитом; rate on the day of payment курс на день платежу; rate per hour погодинна ставка; rate per kilometre кілометровий тариф • кілометрова ставка; to accelerate the rate прискорювати/прискорити темп; to apply tariff rates застосовувати/застосувати тариф; to cut rates знижувати/знизити ставку; to determine a rate встановлювати/встановити ставку • встановлювати/встановити курс • встановлювати/встановити норму; to establish a rate встановлювати/встановити ставку • встановлювати/встановити курс • встановлювати/ встановити норму; to fix a rate встановлювати/встановити ставку • встановлювати/встановити курс • встановлювати/встановити норму; to increase rates підвищувати/підвищити ставку • підвищувати/підвищити курс • підвищувати/ підвищити норму; to maintain high interest rates підтримувати/підтримати високий відсоток; to prescribe rates встановлювати/встановити тариф; to quote a rate призначати/призначити ставку; to reduce a rate зменшувати/зменшити ставку; to revise a rate переглядати/переглянути норму; to set a rate встановлювати/встановити норму; to slow down the rate притримувати/притримати темп • гальмувати темп; to step up the rate of growth збільшувати/збільшити темп зростання • прискорювати/прискорити темп зростання -
70 part
I 1. [pɑːt]1) (of whole) parte f.; (of country) parte f., area f.in o around these parts da queste parti; part of the reason is... in parte è perché...; to be (a) part of fare parte di; the early part of my life la prima parte della mia vita, la mia gioventù; it's all part of being young è tipico della giovinezza; that's the best part questa è la parte migliore; to be good in parts BE avere delle parti buone; for the most part per la maggior parte; my part of the world il mio paese; what are you doing in this part of the world? — che cosa ci fai da queste parti?
2) (component) parte f., pezzo m.3) telev. (of serial, programme) parte f.4) (share, role) parte f., ruolo m.I want no part in it I don't want any part of it non voglio saperne niente o averci a che fare; to take part — partecipare, prendere parte (in a)
5) teatr. telev. cinem. ruolo m., parte f.6) (equal measure) parte f.in a concentration of 30,000 parts per million — in una concentrazione del 3%
7) mus. (for instrument, voice) parte f.; (score) partitura f.8) (behalf)to take sb.'s part — prendere le parti di qcn., parteggiare per qcn
9) AE (in hair) scriminatura f., riga f.2.avverbio in parteit was part fear, part greed — in parte era paura, in parte avidità
••II 1. [pɑːt]to take sth. in good part — non prendersela per qcs
1) (separate) separare, dividere [ two people]; divaricare, aprire [ legs]; scostare, aprire [lips, curtains]; aprirsi un varco tra [ crowd]; aprire [ocean, waves]2.1) (split up) [ partners] separarsito part from — separarsi da [ spouse]
2) (divide) [crowd, clouds] aprirsi3) (break) [rope, cable] rompersi•* * *1. noun1) (something which, together with other things, makes a whole; a piece: We spent part of the time at home and part at the seaside.) parte2) (an equal division: He divided the cake into three parts.) parte3) (a character in a play etc: She played the part of the queen.) parte4) (the words, actions etc of a character in a play etc: He learned his part quickly.) parte5) (in music, the notes to be played or sung by a particular instrument or voice: the violin part.) parte6) (a person's share, responsibility etc in doing something: He played a great part in the government's decision.) parte2. verb(to separate; to divide: They parted (from each other) at the gate.) separarsi- parting- partly
- part-time
- in part
- part company
- part of speech
- part with
- take in good part
- take someone's part
- take part in* * *I 1. [pɑːt]1) (of whole) parte f.; (of country) parte f., area f.in o around these parts da queste parti; part of the reason is... in parte è perché...; to be (a) part of fare parte di; the early part of my life la prima parte della mia vita, la mia gioventù; it's all part of being young è tipico della giovinezza; that's the best part questa è la parte migliore; to be good in parts BE avere delle parti buone; for the most part per la maggior parte; my part of the world il mio paese; what are you doing in this part of the world? — che cosa ci fai da queste parti?
2) (component) parte f., pezzo m.3) telev. (of serial, programme) parte f.4) (share, role) parte f., ruolo m.I want no part in it I don't want any part of it non voglio saperne niente o averci a che fare; to take part — partecipare, prendere parte (in a)
5) teatr. telev. cinem. ruolo m., parte f.6) (equal measure) parte f.in a concentration of 30,000 parts per million — in una concentrazione del 3%
7) mus. (for instrument, voice) parte f.; (score) partitura f.8) (behalf)to take sb.'s part — prendere le parti di qcn., parteggiare per qcn
9) AE (in hair) scriminatura f., riga f.2.avverbio in parteit was part fear, part greed — in parte era paura, in parte avidità
••II 1. [pɑːt]to take sth. in good part — non prendersela per qcs
1) (separate) separare, dividere [ two people]; divaricare, aprire [ legs]; scostare, aprire [lips, curtains]; aprirsi un varco tra [ crowd]; aprire [ocean, waves]2.1) (split up) [ partners] separarsito part from — separarsi da [ spouse]
2) (divide) [crowd, clouds] aprirsi3) (break) [rope, cable] rompersi• -
71 point
I 1. [pɔɪnt]1) (of knife, needle, pencil) punta f.2) (location, position on scale) punto m.; (less specific) posto m.point of entry — (into country) punto di sbarco; (into atmosphere) punto di impatto
3) (extent) punto m.4) (moment) (precise) punto m., momento m.; (stage) punto m., stadio m.5) (question) punto m., questione f.; (idea) opinione f.; (in discussion) commento m.you've made your point, please let me speak — hai espresso la tua opinione, (adesso) per favore fammi parlare
to make a point of doing — (make sure one does) sforzarsi di fare; (do proudly) ritenere doveroso fare
to raise a point about sth. — fare di qcs. una questione essenziale
I take your point — (agreeing) sono d'accordo con te
I take your point, but — ho capito quello che vuoi dire, ma
all right, point taken! — bene, ne terrò conto!
6) (central idea) punto m.the point is (that)... — il punto o fatto è che...
to come straight to the point — venire al punto o al sodo o al dunque
to keep to o stick to the point restare in tema, non divagare; to get, miss the point cogliere, non cogliere il nocciolo della questione; what he said was short and to the point ha fatto un discorso breve e pertinente; that's beside the point questo non è pertinente; that's not the point — non è questo il punto
7) (purpose) motivo m., scopo m., utilità f.what's the point (of doing)? — a che scopo o a cosa serve (fare)?
there's no point in doing — non c'è motivo di o non serve fare
8) (feature) lato m., punto m., caratteristica f.9) sport punto m.to win on points — (in boxing) vincere ai punti
10) econ.to be up, down 3 points — guadagnare, perdere 3 punti
11) (dot) punto m.; (decimal point) virgola f.; (diacritic) segno m. diacritico12) mat. (in geometry) punto m.13) geogr. promontorio m.2.1) BE ferr. ago m.sing. dello scambio2) aut. puntine f. (platinate)3) (in ballet)II 1. [pɔɪnt]1) (aim, direct)to point one's finger at sb. — indicare o mostrare qcn. (col dito), additare qcn.
to point the finger at sb. — (accuse) puntare il dito contro qcn.
to point sb. in the right direction — indicare a qcn. la direzione giusta; fig. mettere qcn. sulla buona strada
2) (show)to point the way to — [person, signpost] indicare la direzione per
3) (in ballet, gym)4) edil. rabboccare [ wall]2.1) (indicate)to point at sb., sth. — indicare qcn., qcs. (col dito)
2) [signpost, arrow, needle] indicareto point at sb. o in sb.'s direction [ gun] essere puntato verso qcn.; [ camera] inquadrare qcn.; everything points in that direction — (suggest) tutto fa pensare che sia così
3) inform.to point at sth. — puntare qcs. (col mouse)
•- point up* * *[point] 1. noun1) (the sharp end of anything: the point of a pin; a sword point; at gunpoint (= threatened by a gun).) punta2) (a piece of land that projects into the sea etc: The ship came round Lizard Point.) punta3) (a small round dot or mark (.): a decimal point; five point three six (= 5.36); In punctuation, a point is another name for a full stop.) punto4) (an exact place or spot: When we reached this point of the journey we stopped to rest.) punto5) (an exact moment: Her husband walked in at that point.) momento, istante6) (a place on a scale especially of temperature: the boiling-point of water.) punto7) (a division on a compass eg north, south-west etc.) punto8) (a mark in scoring a competition, game, test etc: He has won by five points to two.) punto9) (a particular matter for consideration or action: The first point we must decide is, where to meet; That's a good point; You've missed the point; That's the whole point; We're wandering away from the point.) punto10) ((a) purpose or advantage: There's no point (in) asking me - I don't know.) motivo11) (a personal characteristic or quality: We all have our good points and our bad ones.) qualità12) (an electrical socket in a wall etc into which a plug can be put: Is there only one electrical point in this room?) presa2. verb1) (to aim in a particular direction: He pointed the gun at her.) puntare2) (to call attention to something especially by stretching the index finger in its direction: He pointed (his finger) at the door; He pointed to a sign.) additare, indicare3) (to fill worn places in (a stone or brick wall etc) with mortar.) stuccare•- pointed- pointer
- pointless
- pointlessly
- points
- be on the point of
- come to the point
- make a point of
- make one's point
- point out
- point one's toes* * *I 1. [pɔɪnt]1) (of knife, needle, pencil) punta f.2) (location, position on scale) punto m.; (less specific) posto m.point of entry — (into country) punto di sbarco; (into atmosphere) punto di impatto
3) (extent) punto m.4) (moment) (precise) punto m., momento m.; (stage) punto m., stadio m.5) (question) punto m., questione f.; (idea) opinione f.; (in discussion) commento m.you've made your point, please let me speak — hai espresso la tua opinione, (adesso) per favore fammi parlare
to make a point of doing — (make sure one does) sforzarsi di fare; (do proudly) ritenere doveroso fare
to raise a point about sth. — fare di qcs. una questione essenziale
I take your point — (agreeing) sono d'accordo con te
I take your point, but — ho capito quello che vuoi dire, ma
all right, point taken! — bene, ne terrò conto!
6) (central idea) punto m.the point is (that)... — il punto o fatto è che...
to come straight to the point — venire al punto o al sodo o al dunque
to keep to o stick to the point restare in tema, non divagare; to get, miss the point cogliere, non cogliere il nocciolo della questione; what he said was short and to the point ha fatto un discorso breve e pertinente; that's beside the point questo non è pertinente; that's not the point — non è questo il punto
7) (purpose) motivo m., scopo m., utilità f.what's the point (of doing)? — a che scopo o a cosa serve (fare)?
there's no point in doing — non c'è motivo di o non serve fare
8) (feature) lato m., punto m., caratteristica f.9) sport punto m.to win on points — (in boxing) vincere ai punti
10) econ.to be up, down 3 points — guadagnare, perdere 3 punti
11) (dot) punto m.; (decimal point) virgola f.; (diacritic) segno m. diacritico12) mat. (in geometry) punto m.13) geogr. promontorio m.2.1) BE ferr. ago m.sing. dello scambio2) aut. puntine f. (platinate)3) (in ballet)II 1. [pɔɪnt]1) (aim, direct)to point one's finger at sb. — indicare o mostrare qcn. (col dito), additare qcn.
to point the finger at sb. — (accuse) puntare il dito contro qcn.
to point sb. in the right direction — indicare a qcn. la direzione giusta; fig. mettere qcn. sulla buona strada
2) (show)to point the way to — [person, signpost] indicare la direzione per
3) (in ballet, gym)4) edil. rabboccare [ wall]2.1) (indicate)to point at sb., sth. — indicare qcn., qcs. (col dito)
2) [signpost, arrow, needle] indicareto point at sb. o in sb.'s direction [ gun] essere puntato verso qcn.; [ camera] inquadrare qcn.; everything points in that direction — (suggest) tutto fa pensare che sia così
3) inform.to point at sth. — puntare qcs. (col mouse)
•- point up -
72 study
I 1. ['stʌdɪ]1) (gaining of knowledge) studio m.2) (piece of research) studio m., ricerca f. (of, on su)3) (room) studio m., ufficio m.4) art. mus. studio m.5) (model)2. 3.modificatore [ group] di studio••II 1. ['stʌdɪ]verbo transitivo studiare2.to study to be a teacher — studiare per diventare o studiare da colloq. insegnante
1) (revise) studiare2) (get one's education) seguire un corso di studi, studiare (under sb. con qcn.)* * *1. verb1) (to give time and attention to gaining knowledge of a subject: What subject is he studying?; He is studying French; He is studying for a degree in mathematics; She's studying to be a teacher.) studiare2) (to look at or examine carefully: He studied the railway timetable; Give yourself time to study the problem in detail.) studiare, esaminare2. noun1) (the act of devoting time and attention to gaining knowledge: He spends all his evenings in study; She has made a study of the habits of bees.) studio2) (a musical or artistic composition: a book of studies for the piano; The picture was entitled `Study in Grey'.) studio3) (a room in a house etc, in which to study, read, write etc: The headmaster wants to speak to the senior pupils in his study.) studio, ufficio* * *I 1. ['stʌdɪ]1) (gaining of knowledge) studio m.2) (piece of research) studio m., ricerca f. (of, on su)3) (room) studio m., ufficio m.4) art. mus. studio m.5) (model)2. 3.modificatore [ group] di studio••II 1. ['stʌdɪ]verbo transitivo studiare2.to study to be a teacher — studiare per diventare o studiare da colloq. insegnante
1) (revise) studiare2) (get one's education) seguire un corso di studi, studiare (under sb. con qcn.) -
73 break
I [breɪk]1) (fracture) rottura f., frattura f.2) (crack) spaccatura f., incrinatura f.3) (gap) (in wall) breccia f.; (in row, line) spazio m. (vuoto); (in circuit, chain) interruzione f.; (in conversation, match) pausa f.; (in performance) intervallo m.a break in the clouds — uno squarcio fra le nuvole, una schiarita
4) rad. telev. (anche commercial break) pausa f. pubblicitaria, pubblicità f.5) (pause) pausa f.; scol. intervallo m., ricreazione f.to take o have a break from working smettere di lavorare per un lungo periodo; give us a break! — colloq. dacci tregua!
6) (holiday) vacanze f.pl.7) fig. (departure) rottura f.it's time to make the break — (from family) è ora di lasciare il nido; (from job) è ora di cambiare
8) (opportunity) colloq. opportunità f.9) (dawn)at the break of day — allo spuntar del giorno, all'alba
10) (escape bid)to make a break for it — (from prison) colloq. tentare la fuga
11) (in tennis) (anche service break) break m.12) (in snooker, pool)II 1. [breɪk]to break a tooth, a bone — rompersi o spezzarsi un dente, un osso
3) (interrupt) [ person] rompere [ silence]; [shout, siren] squarciare [ silence]; interrompere [ circuit]; rompere [monotony, spell]; spezzare, rompere [ties, links]4) (disobey) infrangere [law, rule]; non rispettare [embargo, terms]; violare [ treaty]; sospendere [ strike]; rompere, venir meno a [ vow]; mancare a [ appointment]he broke his word, promise — ha mancato di parola, è venuto meno alla sua promessa
5) (exceed, surpass) oltrepassare, superare [speed limit, bounds]; battere [ record]; superare [ speed barrier]to break sb.'s spirit — abbattere il morale di qcn.
9) equit. domare [ young horse]10) (in tennis)to break sb.'s serve — strappare il servizio a qcn
11) (decipher) decifrare [ code]12) (leave)13) (announce) annunciare [ news]; rivelare [ truth]2.to break the news to sb. — comunicare la notizia a qcn
1) (be damaged) [chair, egg, string] rompersi; [ branch] rompersi, spezzarsi; [plate, window] rompersi, infrangersi; [arm, bone, leg] rompersi, fratturarsi; [ bag] spaccarsi2) (separate) [ clouds] aprirsi, squarciarsi; [ waves] (in)frangersi3) (stop for a rest) fare una pausa4) (change) [ good weather] guastarsi; [ heatwave] cessareto break with sb. — rompere (i rapporti) con qcn.
to break with a party, the church — lasciare un partito, la chiesa
7) (weaken)to break under torture — crollare, cedere sotto le torture
8) (change tone) [ boy's voice] mutare, cambiare•- break in- break up* * *[breik] 1. past tense - broke; verb1) (to divide into two or more parts (by force).) rompere, spezzare2) ((usually with off/away) to separate (a part) from the whole (by force).) rompere, spezzare3) (to make or become unusable.) rompere4) (to go against, or not act according to (the law etc): He broke his appointment at the last minute.) infrangere, venire meno5) (to do better than (a sporting etc record).) battere, superare6) (to interrupt: She broke her journey in London.) interrompere7) (to put an end to: He broke the silence.) rompere8) (to make or become known: They gently broke the news of his death to his wife.) comunicare9) ((of a boy's voice) to fall in pitch.) alterarsi, mutare10) (to soften the effect of (a fall, the force of the wind etc).) smussare11) (to begin: The storm broke before they reached shelter.) scoppiare, cominciare2. noun1) (a pause: a break in the conversation.) pausa2) (a change: a break in the weather.) cambiamento3) (an opening.) inizio4) (a chance or piece of (good or bad) luck: This is your big break.) opportunità, occasione•3. noun((usually in plural) something likely to break.) oggetto fragile- breakage- breaker
- breakdown
- break-in
- breakneck
- breakout
- breakthrough
- breakwater
- break away
- break down
- break into
- break in
- break loose
- break off
- break out
- break out in
- break the ice
- break up
- make a break for it* * *I [breɪk]1) (fracture) rottura f., frattura f.2) (crack) spaccatura f., incrinatura f.3) (gap) (in wall) breccia f.; (in row, line) spazio m. (vuoto); (in circuit, chain) interruzione f.; (in conversation, match) pausa f.; (in performance) intervallo m.a break in the clouds — uno squarcio fra le nuvole, una schiarita
4) rad. telev. (anche commercial break) pausa f. pubblicitaria, pubblicità f.5) (pause) pausa f.; scol. intervallo m., ricreazione f.to take o have a break from working smettere di lavorare per un lungo periodo; give us a break! — colloq. dacci tregua!
6) (holiday) vacanze f.pl.7) fig. (departure) rottura f.it's time to make the break — (from family) è ora di lasciare il nido; (from job) è ora di cambiare
8) (opportunity) colloq. opportunità f.9) (dawn)at the break of day — allo spuntar del giorno, all'alba
10) (escape bid)to make a break for it — (from prison) colloq. tentare la fuga
11) (in tennis) (anche service break) break m.12) (in snooker, pool)II 1. [breɪk]to break a tooth, a bone — rompersi o spezzarsi un dente, un osso
3) (interrupt) [ person] rompere [ silence]; [shout, siren] squarciare [ silence]; interrompere [ circuit]; rompere [monotony, spell]; spezzare, rompere [ties, links]4) (disobey) infrangere [law, rule]; non rispettare [embargo, terms]; violare [ treaty]; sospendere [ strike]; rompere, venir meno a [ vow]; mancare a [ appointment]he broke his word, promise — ha mancato di parola, è venuto meno alla sua promessa
5) (exceed, surpass) oltrepassare, superare [speed limit, bounds]; battere [ record]; superare [ speed barrier]to break sb.'s spirit — abbattere il morale di qcn.
9) equit. domare [ young horse]10) (in tennis)to break sb.'s serve — strappare il servizio a qcn
11) (decipher) decifrare [ code]12) (leave)13) (announce) annunciare [ news]; rivelare [ truth]2.to break the news to sb. — comunicare la notizia a qcn
1) (be damaged) [chair, egg, string] rompersi; [ branch] rompersi, spezzarsi; [plate, window] rompersi, infrangersi; [arm, bone, leg] rompersi, fratturarsi; [ bag] spaccarsi2) (separate) [ clouds] aprirsi, squarciarsi; [ waves] (in)frangersi3) (stop for a rest) fare una pausa4) (change) [ good weather] guastarsi; [ heatwave] cessareto break with sb. — rompere (i rapporti) con qcn.
to break with a party, the church — lasciare un partito, la chiesa
7) (weaken)to break under torture — crollare, cedere sotto le torture
8) (change tone) [ boy's voice] mutare, cambiare•- break in- break up -
74 ♦ suit
♦ suit /su:t, sju:t/n.2 abito da donna; tailleur; completo ( in più pezzi): a two-piece suit, un abito in due pezzi; un duepezzi; a three-piece suit, un tre pezzi ( giacca, pantaloni e gilet)6 (form.) domanda; petizione; richiesta; istanza; supplica: to grant [to make] a suit, accogliere [presentare] una richiesta7 (leg., anche suit at law, lawsuit) azione legale; causa; lite; processo: civil suit, causa civile; criminal suit, causa penale; to bring (o to file) a suit against sb., far causa a q.8 ( a carte) seme; colore; sequenza di più carte dello stesso colore: long suit, seme di cui un giocatore ha più carte; quattro (o più) carte dello stesso seme; (fig.) (punto) forte; plain suit, seme che non è atout; short suit, tre (o due) carte dello stesso seme9 (fam.) uomo in grisaglia; manager; funzionario; amministratore10 (lett. o arc.) proposta di matrimonio; corte; corteggiamento: to plead (o to press) one's suit, fare una proposta di matrimonio● (stor., mil.) a suit of armour, un'armatura □ (naut.) suit of sails, corredo di vele; serie completa di vele □ to follow suit, ( a carte) rispondere a colore, rispondere; (fig.) far lo stesso, fare altrettanto (seguendo l'esempio di q.) □ in one's birthday suit, nudo nato; in costume adamitico □ (fig.) one's strong (o strongest) suit, il proprio (punto) forte: My strongest suit was maths, la matematica era il mio forte.NOTA D'USO: - suit o suite?- ♦ (to) suit /su:t, sju:t/A v. t.1 addirsi; essere adatto (o conveniente) per; convenire, andare (o stare) bene a; fare al caso di; fare per; contentare; soddisfare; piacere a (impers.): Mercy suits a king, ai re si addice la misericordia; This colour doesn't suit you at all, questo colore non ti sta bene (o non ti dona) per niente; DIALOGO → - Considering an evening course- Is there a French course to suit you?, c'è un corso di francese che potrebbe andarti bene?; Would 6 o'clock suit you?, ti andrebbe bene alle 6?; That suits me just fine, ciò mi conviene perfettamente; ciò mi fa proprio comodo; The six o'clock bus will suit him perfectly, l'autobus delle sei fa proprio al suo caso; This job doesn't suit me, questo lavoro non fa per me; Nothing suits him today, oggi non gli va bene nulla; DIALOGO → - Asking where someone lives- The flat's not particularly big but it suits me, l'appartamento non è molto grande ma è adatto a me2 intonarsi con: Red suits her black hair, il rosso s'intona con i suoi capelli neri; Your hat doesn't suit your dress, il tuo cappellino non s'intona con l'abito3 adattare; aggiustare; adeguare: Public speakers should suit their style to their audience, gli oratori dovrebbero adeguare lo stile al proprio uditorioB v. i.addirsi; andare bene; convenire: Will that time [that date] suit?, va bene a quell'ora [quella data]?● to suit the action to the word, far seguire alle parole i fatti; dar corso a una minaccia; mantenere una promessa □ to suit sb. down to the ground, fare proprio al caso di, andare benissimo a (q.) □ (fam.) to suit oneself, fare a modo proprio; fare come si vuole; fare il proprio comodo: Suit yourself!, fa' come ti pare!; fa' pure □ (fam.) to suit to a T, andare a pennello; stare alla perfezione □ (teatr., cinem.) That part suits him perfectly, quella parte gli sta a pennello (o pare scritta proprio per lui). -
75 bit
Ⅰ.bit1 [bɪt]bout, morceau ⇒ 1 (a) numéro ⇒ 1 (c) mors ⇒ 1 (f) mèche ⇒ 1 (g) bit ⇒ 1 (h) quelque temps ⇒ 2 (a) un peu ⇒ 2 (b) petit à petit ⇒ 31 noun(a) (piece → of paper, wood, string) bout m; (→ of land) morceau m; (→ of cake, meat, cheese) morceau m; (smaller) bout m; (→ of book) passage m; (→ of film) séquence f; (→ of jigsaw puzzle) pièce f;∎ you missed out the best bits (of story, joke) tu as oublié le meilleur;∎ I liked the bit where they were in the cave (in book) j'aime le passage où ils sont dans la caverne; (in film) j'aime la séquence où ils sont dans la caverne;∎ this is the difficult bit c'est là où ça se complique;∎ bits and pieces of sth des morceaux de qch;∎ made of bits and pieces fait de bric et de broc;∎ she picked up her bits and pieces elle a ramassé ses affaires;∎ in bits en morceaux;∎ to take sth to bits démonter qch;∎ the dog tore the paper to bits le chien a complètement déchiré le journal;∎ to fall to bits (book, clothes) tomber en lambeaux;∎ the wall was falling to bits le mur tombait en morceaux ou en ruine;∎ familiar I love him to bits! je l'adore!□∎ a bit of dirt une petite saleté;∎ a bit of advice un (petit) conseil;∎ a bit of money/time un peu d'argent/de temps;∎ a little bit of tact/patience un tout petit peu de tact/de patience;∎ quite a bit of rain/trouble pas mal de pluie/d'ennuis;∎ there's been a bit of trouble at home il y a eu quelques problèmes à la maison;∎ it's a bit of a problem cela pose un problème;∎ it was a bit of a nuisance c'était vraiment ennuyeux;∎ we got a bit of a shock ça nous a fait un choc;∎ it's not a bit of use cela ne sert absolument à rien;∎ he's a bit of a crook il est un peu escroc sur les bords;∎ I've been a bit of a fool j'ai été un peu bête;∎ it was a bit too much of a coincidence c'était un peu fort comme coïncidence;∎ to do one's bit y mettre du sien, faire un effort;∎ everyone did their bit tout le monde y a mis du sien ou a fait un effort;∎ we did our bit to help the children nous avons fait ce qu'il fallait pour aider les enfants;∎ they ate up every bit ils ont tout mangé jusqu'au dernier morceau;∎ I've had quite a bit to drink j'ai un peu trop bu;∎ to make quite a bit (earn money) gagner pas mal d'argent ou de fric;∎ to have a bit put away avoir un petit pécule;∎ that must be worth quite a bit! ça doit valoir pas mal d'argent;∎ she's every bit as competent as he is elle est tout aussi compétente que lui;∎ familiar to have a bit on the side (male lover) avoir un amant; (female lover) avoir une maîtresse;∎ British familiar to be a bit of all right (of woman) être une jolie fille; (of man) être un beau mec;∎ familiar that takes a bit of doing ça, c'est bien difficile∎ he's doing his perfect father bit il nous fait son numéro du père parfait∎ a threepenny bit une pièce de trois pence∎ two bits vingt-cinq cents(f) (for horse) mors m;∎ figurative to take the bit between one's teeth prendre le mors aux dents∎ bits per second bits mpl par seconde∎ he did a bit in Fort Worth il a fait de la taule à Fort Worth(a) (some time) quelque temps;∎ let's sit down for a bit asseyons-nous un instant ou un peu;∎ we waited a good/little bit nous avons attendu un bon/un petit moment;∎ hold on or wait a bit! attendez un peu ou un instant!;∎ he's away quite a bit il est souvent absent;∎ after a bit we left au bout de quelque temps nous sommes partis;∎ in a bit dans quelques minutes(b) (slightly) un peu;∎ I'm a bit late je suis un peu en retard;∎ she's a good/little bit older than he is elle est beaucoup/un peu plus âgée que lui;∎ it's a (little) bit more expensive c'est un (tout petit) peu plus cher∎ they haven't changed a bit ils n'ont pas du tout changé;∎ I don't care a bit cela m'est bien ou complètement égal;∎ are we bothering you? - not a bit! on vous dérange? - pas du tout!;∎ not a bit of it! pas le moins du monde!;∎ it's asking a bit much to expect her to apologize il ne faut pas s'attendre à des excuses, c'est trop lui demander;∎ that's a bit much or a bit steep! ça c'est un peu fort!petit à petit►► Computing bit command commande f binaire;Computing bit rate débit f binaireⅡ.bit2 pt of bite -
76 production
1) производство; изготовление; обработка || производственный; технологический2) объём выпуска, выпуск; выработка; производительность3) продукция4) правило вывода, порождающее правило ( в экспертных системах)•- automatic productionproduction in terms of finished components — производительность, выраженная в количестве обработанных деталей
- average-scale production
- batch production
- captive production
- chip production per time unit
- CNC production
- continuous production
- customized production
- dedicated production
- defect production
- duplicate production
- electronically gaged production
- family-of-parts production
- faulty production
- flexible production
- flow production
- flow-line production
- gross production
- group production
- hands-off production
- high production
- high-run production
- high-speed production
- high-variety production
- high-volume/low-variety production
- infrequent small lot production
- in-line production
- integrated production
- jigless production
- JIT production
- job lot production
- job shop production
- just-in-time production
- labor production
- large batch production
- large lot production
- large quantity production
- large scale production
- large series production
- lean production
- light production
- limited manning production
- limited manpower production
- line production
- long-run production
- lot production
- low production
- low-quantity repetition production
- low-volume/high-variety production
- mass production
- mechanical assembly production
- medium batch production
- medium quantity production
- medium run production
- medium size production
- medium volume production
- metalworking production
- mid-variety production
- mid-volume/mid-variety production
- mixed production
- mixed quantity production
- multikind production
- multipart production
- multiple production
- NC production
- net production
- net shape production
- nonstop production
- one setup production
- one-hit production
- one-off component production
- one-off production
- option production
- part family production
- piece production
- pilot production
- powertrain production
- prototype production
- quantity production
- random production
- repetition production
- repetitive batch production
- repetitive lot production
- replacement part production
- round-the-clock production
- run-out production
- semicontinuous production
- serial production
- series production
- shop floor production
- short-run production
- short-scale production
- single-operation production
- single-piece production
- small batch production
- small lot production
- small series production
- small volume production
- small-size production
- stop-and-go production
- substandard production
- turned part production
- unattended production
- unmanned production
- untended production
- variety-of-parts production
- volume productionEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > production
77 rate
1. n1) норма; размер2) ставка, тариф; такса; расценка3) курс (валюты, ценных бумаг); цена4) скорость, темп5) процент, доля; коэффициент6) разряд, сорт7) местный налог; коммунальный налог
- accident rate
- accident frequency rate
- accounting rate
- accumulated earnings tax rate
- accumulated profits tax rate
- actuarial rate
- administered rate
- ad valorem
- advertising rate
- advertisement rate
- agreed rate
- air freight rates
- all-commodity rate
- all-in rate
- amortization rate
- annual rate
- annual average growth rate
- annual interest rate
- annualized rate of growth
- annual percentage rate
- annual production rate
- anticipated rate of expenditures
- any-quantity rate
- applicable rate
- area rate
- average rate
- average rate of return
- average annual rate
- average growth rate
- average tax rate
- average weighted rate
- backwardation rate
- baggage rate
- bank rate
- bank discount rate
- bank's repurchase rate
- base rate
- base lending rate
- basic rate
- rate rate of charge
- basing rate
- basis rate
- benchmark rate
- benchmark overnight bank lending rate
- berth rate
- bill rate
- birth rate
- blanket rate
- blended rate
- bond rate
- bonus rates
- borrowing rate
- bridge rate
- broken cross rates
- broker loan rate
- bulk cargo rate
- burden rate
- buyer's rate
- buying rate
- cable rates
- call rate
- call loan rate
- call money rate
- capacity rate
- capital gain rate
- capitalization rate
- carload rate
- carrier rate
- carrying over rate
- cash rate
- ceiling rate
- central rate
- cheque rate
- check rate
- class rate
- clearing rate
- closing rate
- collection rate
- column rate
- combination rate
- combination freight rate
- combination through rate
- combined rate
- commercial bank lending rates
- commission rate
- commitment rate
- commodity rate
- common freight rate
- compensation rate
- compound growth rate
- composite rate
- concessionary interest rate
- conference rate
- consumption rate
- container rate
- contango rate
- conventional rate
- conventional rate of interest
- conversion rate
- cost rate
- coupon rate
- credit rates
- cross rate
- cross-over discount rate
- crude rate
- curb rate
- currency rate
- current rate
- current rate of exchange
- customs rate
- cutback rate
- daily rate
- daily wage rate
- day rate
- death rate
- deck cargo rate
- default rate
- demand rate
- demurrage rate
- departmental overhead rate
- deposit rate
- deposit interest rate
- depreciation rate
- discharging rates
- discount rate
- dispatch rate
- distress rate
- dividend rate
- double exchange rate
- downtime rate
- drawdown rate
- drawing rate
- dual rate
- duty rate
- earned rate
- earning rate
- economic expansion rate
- economic growth rate
- effective rate
- effective rate of return
- effective annual rate
- effective exchange rate
- effective tax rate
- employment rate
- enrollment rate
- equalizing discount rate
- equilibrium exchange rate
- equilibrium growth rate
- estimated rate
- euro-dollar exchange rate
- evaluated wage rate
- exchange rate
- exchange rate to the dollar
- existing rates
- exorbitant rate
- exorbitant interest rate
- expansion rate
- expenditure rate
- export rate
- express rate
- extraction rate
- face interest rate
- failure rate
- fair rate of exchange
- favourable rate
- final rate
- financial internal rate of return
- fine rate
- first rate
- fixed rate
- fixed rate of exchange
- fixed rate of royalty
- fixed interest rate
- flat rate
- flexible exchange rate
- floating rate
- floating exchange rate
- floating interest rate
- floating prime rate
- floor rate of exchange
- fluctuant rate
- fluctuating rate
- forced rate of exchange
- foreign rate
- foreign exchange rate
- forward rate
- forward exchange rate
- free rate
- free exchange rate
- freight rate
- future rate
- general rates
- general rate of profit
- general cargo rates
- going rate
- going market rate
- going wage rates
- goods rate
- graduated rate
- group rate
- growth rate
- guaranteed wage rate
- handling rate
- high rate
- high rate of exchange
- high rate of productivity
- higher rate
- hiring rate
- hotel rates
- hourly rate
- hourly wage rate
- hurdle rate
- illness frequency rate
- import rate
- incidence rate
- income tariff rates
- increment rate
- individual tax rate
- inflation rate
- info rate
- inland rate
- insurance rate
- insurance premium rate
- interbank rate
- interbank overnight rate
- interest rate
- interest rate on loan capital
- internal rate of return
- job rates
- jobless rate
- key rates
- labour rates
- leading rate
- legal rate of interest
- lending rate
- less-than-carload rate
- liner rates
- liner freight rates
- loading rates
- loan rate
- loan-recovery rate
- local rate
- Lombard rate
- London Interbank Offered Rate
- London money rate
- long rate
- low rate
- lower rate
- margin rate
- marginal rate
- marginal tax rate
- marine rate
- marine transport rate
- market rate
- market rate of interest
- maximum rate
- maximum individual tax rate
- mean rate of exchange
- mean annual rate
- measured day rate
- members rate
- merchant discount rate
- minimum rate
- mixed cargo rate
- minimum lending rate
- minimum tax rate
- mobilization rate
- moderate rate
- monetary exchange rate
- money rate of interest
- money market rate
- monthly rate
- monthly rate of remuneration
- mortgage rate
- mortgage interest rate
- multiple rate
- multiple exchange rate
- municipal rates
- national rate of interest
- natural rate of growth
- natural rate of interest
- negative interest rate
- net rate
- New York interbank offered rate
- nominal interest rate
- nonconference rate
- nonresponse rate
- obsolescence rate
- occupational mortality rate
- offered rate
- official rate
- official rate of discount
- official exchange rate
- one-time rate
- opening rate
- open-market rates
- operating rate
- operation rate
- option rate
- ordinary rate
- output rate
- outstripping growth rate
- overdraft rate
- overhead rate
- overnight rate
- overtime rate
- paper rate
- parallel rate
- parcel rate
- par exchange rate
- parity rate
- par price rate
- part-load rate
- passenger rate
- pay rates
- pegged rate
- pegged exchange rate
- penalty rate
- penalty interest rate
- percentage rate of tax
- per diem rates
- personal income tax rate
- piece rate
- piecework rate
- port rates
- postal rate
- posted rate
- power rate
- preferential rate
- preferential railroad rate
- preferential railway rate
- present rate
- prevailing rate
- prime rate
- priority rates
- private rate of discount
- private market rates
- production rate
- profit rate
- profitability rate
- profitable exchange rate
- progressive rate
- proportional rate
- provisional rate
- purchase rates
- purchasing rate of exchange
- quasi-market rate
- rail rates
- railroad rates
- railway rates
- real economic growth rate
- real effective exchange rate
- real exchange rate
- real interest rate
- reciprocal rate
- redemption rate
- rediscount rate
- reduced rate
- reduced tax rate
- reduced withholding tax rate
- reference rate
- refinancing rate
- reject frequency rate
- remuneration rate
- renewal rate
- rental rate
- repo rate
- response rate
- retention rate
- retirement rate of discount
- royalty rate
- ruling rate
- sampling rate
- saving rate
- scrap frequency rate
- seasonal rates
- second rate
- sellers' rate
- selling rate
- settlement rate
- shipping rate
- short rate
- short-term interest rate
- sight rate
- single consignment rate
- soft lending rate
- space rate
- special rate
- specified rate
- spot rate
- stable exchange rate
- standard rate
- standard fixed overhead rates
- standard variable overhead rates
- standard wage rate
- statutory tax rate
- steady exchange rate
- step-down interest rate
- stevedoring rates
- stock depletion rate
- straight-line rate
- subsidized rate
- survival rate
- swap rate
- tariff rate
- tax rate
- taxation rate
- tax withholding rate
- telegraphic transfer rate
- temporary rate
- third rate
- through rate
- through freight rate
- time rate
- time wage rate
- today's rate
- top rate
- total rate
- trading rate
- traffic rate
- tramp freight rate
- transit rate
- transportation rate
- treasury bill rate
- turnover rate
- two-tier rate of exchange
- unacceptable rate
- unemployment rate
- uniform rates
- uniform business rate
- unofficial rate
- unprecedented rate
- utilization rate
- variable rate
- variable interest rate
- variable repo rate
- volume rate
- wage rate
- wage rate per hour
- wastage rate
- wear rate
- wear-out rate
- wholesale rate
- worker's rate
- year-end exchange rate
- zero interest rate
- zone rate
- rate for advances against collateral
- rate for advances on securities
- rate for cable transfers
- rate for a cheque
- rates for credits
- rates for currency allocations
- rate for loans
- rate for loans on collateral
- rate for mail transfers
- rate for telegraphic transfers
- rate in the outside market
- rate of accumulation
- rates of allocation into the fund
- rate of allowance
- rate of assessment
- rate of balanced growth
- rates of cargo operations
- rate of change
- rate of charge
- rate of commission
- rate of compensation
- rate of competitiveness
- rate of conversion
- rate of corporate taxation
- rate of cover
- rate of currency
- rates of currency allocation
- rate of the day
- rate of demurrage
- rate of dependency
- rate of depletion
- rate of deposit turnover
- rate of depreciation
- rate of development
- rate of discharge
- rate of discharging
- rate of discount
- rate of dispatch
- rate of duty
- rate of exchange
- rate of expenditures
- rate of expenses
- rate of foreign exchange
- rate of freight
- rate of full value
- rate of growth
- rate of increase
- rate of increment
- rate of inflation
- rate of input
- rate of insurance
- rate of interest
- rate of interest on advance
- rate of interest on deposits
- rate of investment
- rate of issue
- rates of loading
- rates of loading and discharging
- rate of natural increase
- rates of natural loss
- rate of option
- rate of pay
- rate of premium
- rate of price inflation
- rates of a price-list
- rate of production
- rate of profit
- rate of profitability
- rate of reduction
- rate of remuneration
- rate of return
- rate of return on capital
- rate of return on the capital employed
- rate of return on net worth
- rate of royalty
- rate of securities
- rate of stevedoring operations
- rates of storage
- rate of subscription
- rate of surplus value
- rate of taxation
- rate of turnover
- rate of unloading
- rate of use
- rate of wages
- rate of work
- rates on credit
- rate on the day of payment
- rate on the exchange
- rate per hour
- rate per kilometre
- at the rate of
- at the exchange rate ruling at the transaction date
- at a growing rate
- at a high rate
- at a low rate
- at present rates
- below the rate
- accelerate the rate
- advance the rate of discount
- align tax rates
- apply tariff rates
- boost interest rates
- boost long-term interest rates
- boost short-term interest rates
- charge an interest rate
- cut rates
- cut interest rates by a quarter point
- determine a rate
- establish a rate
- fix a rate
- grant special rates
- increase rates
- maintain high interest rates
- levy rates
- liberalize interest rates
- liberalize lending rates
- lower the rate of return
- mark down the rate of discount
- mark up the rate of discount
- prescribe rates
- quote a rate
- raise a rate
- reduce a rate
- reduce turnover rates of staff
- revise rates
- set rates
- slash interest rates
- step up the rate of growth
- suspend a currency's fixed rate
- upvalue the current rate of banknotes
- slow down the rate2. v1) оценивать, определять стоимость, устанавливать цену
- rate local and offshore funds -
78 hour
hour ['aʊə(r)]1 noun(a) (unit of time) heure f;∎ a quarter of an hour un quart d'heure;∎ half an hour, a half hour une demi-heure;∎ an hour and a half une heure et demie;∎ an hour and three-quarters une heure trois quarts;∎ at 60 km an or per hour à 60 km à l'heure;∎ check it at least three times an hour vérifie-le au moins trois fois par heure;∎ it's a two-hour drive/walk from here c'est à deux heures de voiture/de marche d'ici;∎ the play is an hour long la pièce dure une heure, c'est une pièce d'une heure;∎ he gets £10 an hour il touche 10 livres (de) l'heure;∎ are you paid by the hour? êtes-vous payé à l'heure?;∎ a 35-hour week une semaine de 35 heures;∎ the shop is open 24 hours a day le magasin est ouvert 24 heures sur 24;∎ he was an hour late il était en retard d'une heure;∎ we arrived with hours to spare nous sommes arrivés avec plusieurs heures devant nous ou en avance de plusieurs heures;∎ the situation is deteriorating by the hour la situation s'aggrave d'heure en heure;∎ it will save you hours cela te fera gagner des heures;∎ we waited for hours and hours on a attendu des heures;∎ Miami is three hours ahead of Fresno Miami a trois heures d'avance sur Fresno;∎ Technology output per hour puissance f horaire(b) (time of day) heure f;∎ it chimes on the hour ça sonne à l'heure juste;∎ every hour on the hour toutes les heures justes;∎ in the early or small hours (of the morning) au petit matin, au petit jour;∎ at this late hour vu l'heure avancée∎ the hour has come l'heure est venue, c'est l'heure ou le moment;∎ the man of the hour l'homme de l'heure;∎ in one's hour of need quand on est dans le besoin;∎ the burning questions of the hour l'actualité f brûlanteheures fpl;∎ Industry flexible working hours des horaires mpl mobiles ou souples;∎ opening hours heures fpl d'ouverture;∎ you'll have to make up the hours next week il faudra que vous rattrapiez la semaine prochaine;∎ what are your hours?, what hours do you work? quels sont vos horaires de travail?;∎ do you work long hours? as-tu de longues journées de travail?;∎ he keeps late hours c'est un couche-tard, il veille tard;∎ to keep regular hours avoir une vie réglée;∎ people come and go at all hours les gens vont et viennent à toute heure;∎ he was out until all hours il est rentré à une heure indue;∎ after hours (of office) après les heures de travail; British (of pub) après l'heure de la fermeture►► hour hand petite aiguille f -
79 roll
I [rəʊl]1) (of paper, cloth) rotolo m.; (of banknotes) mazzetta f.; (of flesh) rotolo m., rotolino m.2) (bread) panino m.3) (register) registro m., elenco m.II [rəʊl]1) (rocking motion) dondolio m.2) sport (in gymnastics) capriola f.3) aer. mar. rollio m.4) gioc. (of dice) rotolio m., lancio m.5) (deep sound) (of drums) rullo m.; (of thunder) rombo m., rimbombo m., brontolio m.III 1. [rəʊl]1) (push) fare rotolare [ball, log]to roll sth. away — fare rotolare via qcs
to roll sth. into a ball — (of paper) appallottolare qcs.; (of dough, clay) fare una palla di qcs.; (of wool) avvolgere qcs. in gomitolo, raggomitolare qcs
4) (turn)6) gioc. lanciare, gettare [ dice]7) ling.2.to roll one's "r"s — arrotare le erre
1) (move) [ball, rock] rotolare; [person, animal] rotolarsito roll backwards — [ car] fare marcia indietro
to roll down — [ car] scendere da [ hill]; [ rock] rotolare giù per [ hill]
to roll into — [ train] entrare in [ station]
to roll off — [ car] precipitare o cadere da [ cliff]
4) (reverberate) [ thunder] rimbombare, brontolare; [ drum] rullare5) (function) [ camera] girare; [ press] mettersi in funzione•- roll in- roll off- roll on- roll out- roll up••to be rolling in it — colloq. nuotare nell'oro
to be X, Y and Z rolled into one — essere X, Y e Z riuniti, incorporati in una sola cosa, mescolati in un tutt'uno
* * *I 1. [rəul] noun1) (anything flat (eg a piece of paper, a carpet) rolled into the shape of a tube, wound round a tube etc: a roll of kitchen foil; a toilet-roll.)2) (a small piece of baked bread dough, used eg for sandwiches: a cheese roll.)3) (an act of rolling: Our dog loves a roll on the grass.)4) (a ship's action of rocking from side to side: She said that the roll of the ship made her feel ill.)5) (a long low sound: the roll of thunder.)6) (a thick mass of flesh: I'd like to get rid of these rolls of fat round my waist.)7) (a series of quick beats (on a drum).)2. verb1) (to move by turning over like a wheel or ball: The coin/pencil rolled under the table; He rolled the ball towards the puppy; The ball rolled away.)2) (to move on wheels, rollers etc: The children rolled the cart up the hill, then let it roll back down again.)3) (to form (a piece of paper, a carpet) into the shape of a tube by winding: to roll the carpet back.)4) ((of a person or animal in a lying position) to turn over: The doctor rolled the patient (over) on to his side; The dog rolled on to its back.)5) (to shape (clay etc) into a ball or cylinder by turning it about between the hands: He rolled the clay into a ball.)6) (to cover with something by rolling: When the little girl's dress caught fire, they rolled her in a blanket.)7) (to make (something) flat or flatter by rolling something heavy over it: to roll a lawn; to roll pastry (out).)8) ((of a ship) to rock from side to side while travelling forwards: The storm made the ship roll.)9) (to make a series of low sounds: The thunder rolled; The drums rolled.)10) (to move (one's eyes) round in a circle to express fear, surprise etc.)11) (to travel in a car etc: We were rolling along merrily when a tyre burst.)12) ((of waves, rivers etc) to move gently and steadily: The waves rolled in to the shore.)13) ((of time) to pass: Months rolled by.)•- roller- rolling
- roller-skate 3. verb(to move on roller-skates: You shouldn't roller-skate on the pavement.) (pattinare con i pattini a rotelle)- roll in
- roll up II(a list of names, eg of pupils in a school etc: There are nine hundred pupils on the roll.)* * *I [rəʊl]1) (of paper, cloth) rotolo m.; (of banknotes) mazzetta f.; (of flesh) rotolo m., rotolino m.2) (bread) panino m.3) (register) registro m., elenco m.II [rəʊl]1) (rocking motion) dondolio m.2) sport (in gymnastics) capriola f.3) aer. mar. rollio m.4) gioc. (of dice) rotolio m., lancio m.5) (deep sound) (of drums) rullo m.; (of thunder) rombo m., rimbombo m., brontolio m.III 1. [rəʊl]1) (push) fare rotolare [ball, log]to roll sth. away — fare rotolare via qcs
to roll sth. into a ball — (of paper) appallottolare qcs.; (of dough, clay) fare una palla di qcs.; (of wool) avvolgere qcs. in gomitolo, raggomitolare qcs
4) (turn)6) gioc. lanciare, gettare [ dice]7) ling.2.to roll one's "r"s — arrotare le erre
1) (move) [ball, rock] rotolare; [person, animal] rotolarsito roll backwards — [ car] fare marcia indietro
to roll down — [ car] scendere da [ hill]; [ rock] rotolare giù per [ hill]
to roll into — [ train] entrare in [ station]
to roll off — [ car] precipitare o cadere da [ cliff]
4) (reverberate) [ thunder] rimbombare, brontolare; [ drum] rullare5) (function) [ camera] girare; [ press] mettersi in funzione•- roll in- roll off- roll on- roll out- roll up••to be rolling in it — colloq. nuotare nell'oro
to be X, Y and Z rolled into one — essere X, Y e Z riuniti, incorporati in una sola cosa, mescolati in un tutt'uno
80 do
1. 3rd person singular present tense - does; verb1) (used with a more important verb in questions and negative statements: Do you smoke?) 02) (used with a more important verb for emphasis; ; ðo sit down) 03) (used to avoid repeating a verb which comes immediately before: I thought she wouldn't come, but she did.) 04) (used with a more important verb after seldom, rarely and little: Little did he know what was in store for him.) 05) (to carry out or perform: What shall I do?; That was a terrible thing to do.) hacer6) (to manage to finish or complete: When you've done that, you can start on this; We did a hundred kilometres in an hour.) hacer7) (to perform an activity concerning something: to do the washing; to do the garden / the windows.) hacer8) (to be enough or suitable for a purpose: Will this piece of fish do two of us?; That'll do nicely; Do you want me to look for a blue one or will a pink one do?; Will next Saturday do for our next meeting?) servir, ir bien, ser suficiente9) (to work at or study: She's doing sums; He's at university doing science.) hacer, dedicarse, estudiar10) (to manage or prosper: How's your wife doing?; My son is doing well at school.) ir11) (to put in order or arrange: She's doing her hair.) arreglar12) (to act or behave: Why don't you do as we do?) hacer, comportarse, actuar13) (to give or show: The whole town gathered to do him honour.) hacer14) (to cause: What damage did the storm do?; It won't do him any harm.) causar, hacer15) (to see everything and visit everything in: They tried to do London in four days.) visitar
2. noun(an affair or a festivity, especially a party: The school is having a do for Christmas.) fiesta, evento- doer- doings
- done
- do-it-yourself
- to-do
- I
- he could be doing with / could do with
- do away with
- do for
- done for
- done in
- do out
- do out of
- do's and don'ts
- do without
- to do with
- what are you doing with
do vb hacerwhat are you doing? ¿qué haces?do as you are told! ¡haz lo que se te dice!how do you do? ¿cómo está usted?Con este saludo, la respuesta típica es también how do you do?to do you good sentarte bien / irte biento do well ir bien / tener éxitowhat do you do? ¿a qué te dedicas? / ¿cuál es tu trabajo?do también se emplea para formular las preguntas en presentedo you like dancing? ¿te gusta bailar?do elephants live in Asia? ¿viven los elefantes en Asia?
Multiple Entries: D.O. do do.
do sustantivo masculino ( nota) C; ( en solfeo) do, doh (BrE);
do sustantivo masculino Mús (de solfeo) doh, do (de escala diatónica) C
do bemol, C-flat
do de pecho, high C
do sostenido, C-sharp Locuciones: dar el do de pecho, to do one's very best 'do' also found in these entries: Spanish: abrochar - acomodada - acomodado - acompañar - anda - animarse - apetecer - apostarse - aprender - arte - así - atañer - atonía - atreverse - bajeza - bastar - bastante - bastarse - bien - bola - bordar - brazo - bricolaje - broma - caballo - cacharro - cada - calaña - campar - capaz - cara - cargar - cascabel - casual - cepillarse - cerrar - colada - coletilla - comer - comandita - comecome - como - componer - componenda - compromiso - común - con - contentarse - contrapelo - corpachón English: about-face - about-turn - actually - advance - again - agree - aim to - all - all-out - allow - any - approachable - approve of - as - ask - aspect - associate - attempt - attribute - authorize - bankrupt - begin - best - born - bunk - burden - business - busywork - by - C - call - can - carry-on - cast - cease - cheap - chief - choose - cleaning - clear - come through - command - commit - compel - compelling - complaint - compute - conception - condescend - conditiondotr[dʊː]■ do you smoke? ¿fumas?■ do you know Susan? ¿conoces a Susan?■ what do they want? ¿qué quieren?■ where does Neil live? ¿dónde vive Neil?■ what film did you see? ¿qué película viste?■ when did they leave? ¿cuándo se fueron?■ do come with us! ¡ánimo, vente con nosotros!■ I did post it, I swear! ¡sí que lo mandé, te lo juro!■ do you like basketball? - yes, I do ¿te gusta el baloncesto? - sí, me gusta■ did you see the film? - no, I didn't ¿viste la película? - no, no la vi■ who wears glasses? - Brian does ¿quién lleva gafas? - Brian■ who broke the vase? - I did ¿quién rompió el florero? - yo■ you don't smoke, do you? no fumas, ¿verdad?■ you like fish, don't you? a ti te gusta el pescado, ¿verdad?■ she lives in Madrid, doesn't she? vive en Madrid, ¿verdad?■ you went to their wedding, didn't you? tú fuiste a su boda, ¿verdad?■ they didn't believe you, did they? no te creyeron, ¿verdad?1 (gen) hacer■ what are you doing here? ¿qué haces aquí?■ what are you doing this weekend? ¿qué vas a hacer este fin de semana?■ whatever you do, don't drink alcohol hagas lo que hagas, no bebas alcohol■ what can I do about it? ¿qué quieres que haga yo?2 (as job) hacer, dedicarse■ what do you do (for a living)? ¿a qué te dedicas?■ what does he want to do when he leaves university? ¿a qué quiere dedicarse cuando deje la universidad?3 (carry out - job, task) hacer, realizar, llevar a cabo; (- duty) cumplir con■ I've got to do the cooking/cleaning tengo que cocinar/limpiar■ have you done your homework? ¿has hecho los deberes?4 (study) estudiar■ do you do biology at school? ¿estudias biología en el instituto?5 (solve - puzzle) solucionar; (- crossword, sum) hacer6 (produce, make - meal) preparar, hacer; (drawing, painting, translation, etc) hacer; (offer - service) servir, tener, hacer; (- discount) hacer■ does this pub do food? ¿sirven comidas en este pub?7 (attend to) atender, servir■ what can I do for you? ¿en qué le puedo servir?8 (put on, produce - play, opera, etc) presentar, dar, poner en escena; (play the part of) hacer el papel de9 (finish, complete) terminar■ have you done moaning? ¿has terminado de protestar?10 (achieve) lograr, conseguir■ he's done it! ¡lo ha conseguido!11 (travel over - distance) recorrer, hacer; (complete - journey) hacer, ir; (travel at - speed) ir a■ we did London to Nottingham in two and a half hours fuimos de Londres a Nottingham en dos horas y media12 (be sufficient for) ser suficiente; (be satisfactory for, acceptable to) ir bien a■ will 6 glasses do you? ¿será suficiente con seis vasos?■ yes, that will do me nicely sí, eso me irá perfectamente13 familiar (cheat, swindle) estafar, timar; (rob) robar; (arrest, convict) coger; (fine) encajar una multa; (serve time in prison) cumplir■ you've been done! ¡te han timado!1 (act, behave) hacer2 (progress) ir■ how are you doing? ¿qué tal vas?, ¿cómo te van las cosas?■ how are we doing for time? ¿cómo andamos de tiempo?3 (complete, finish) terminar■ have you done with the hairdryer? ¿has terminado con el secador?4 (be sufficient) bastar, ser suficiente, alcanzar■ will one slice do for you? ¿tendrás suficiente con una rebanada?■ that'll do! ¡basta!5 (be satisfactory, suitable) servir, estar bien■ well, I suppose it'll have to do bueno, supongo que tendrá que servir■ it (just/simply) won't do no puede ser■ this cushion will do as/for a pillow este cojín servirá de almohada\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLthat does it! ¡esto ya es la gota que colma el vaso!, ¡ya está bien!to be/have to do with somebody/something tener que ver con alguien/algoto do business with somebody negociar con alguiento do drugs drogarse, consumir drogasto do one's best hacer lo mejor posibleto do one's hair peinarseto do one's military service hacer el servicio militarto do one's nails arreglarse las uñasto do something again volver a hacer algoto do something for somebody (help) hacer algo por alguien 2 (flatter, suit) favorecer a alguien, quedarle bien a alguien 3 (please) atraer a alguien, decirle algo a alguienwhat's done is done a lo hecho, pechoyou've done it now ahora sí que la has hecho buena1) carry out, perform: hacer, realizar, llevar a caboshe did her best: hizo todo lo posible2) prepare: preparar, hacerdo your homework: haz tu tarea3) arrange: arreglar, peinar (el pelo)4)to do in ruin: estropear, arruinar5)to do in kill: matar, liquidar famdo vi1) : haceryou did well: hiciste bien2) fare: estar, ir, andarhow are you doing?: ¿cómo estás?, ¿cómo te va?3) finish: terminarnow I'm done: ya terminé4) serve: servir, ser suficiente, alcanzarthis will do for now: esto servirá por el momento5)to do away with abolish: abolir, suprimir6)to do away with kill: eliminar, matar7)to do by treat: tratarhe does well by her: él la trata biendo v auxdo you know her?: ¿la conoces?I don't like that: a mí no me gusta esoI do hope you'll come: espero que vengasdo you speak English? yes, I do: ¿habla inglés? síexpr.• cargarse v.• eliminar v.• liquidar v.expr.• buscarle tres pies al gato expr.• encontrarle defectos a todo expr.v.(§ p.,p.p.: did, done) = arreglar v.• desempeñar v.• ejecutar v.• hacer v.(§pres: hago, haces...) pret: hic-pp: hechofut/c: har-•)• obrar v.• resolver v.
1. duː, weak form dʊ, də1) hacer*are you doing anything this evening? — ¿vas a hacer algo esta noche?
to have something/nothing to do — tener* algo/no tener* nada que hacer
can I do anything to help? — ¿puedo ayudar en algo?
what have you done to your hair? — ¿qué te has hecho en el pelo?
I don't know what I'm going to do with you! — no sé qué voy a hacer contigo!; see also do with
2) ( carry out) \<\<job/task\>\> hacer*to do one's homework — hacer* los deberes
3) ( as job)what do you do? — ¿usted qué hace or a qué se dedica?
what does he do for a living? — ¿en qué trabaja?
4) (achieve, bring about)she's done it: it's a new world record — lo ha logrado: es una nueva marca mundial
he's late again: that does it! — vuelve a llegar tarde esto ya es la gota que colma el vaso!
to do something for somebody/something: that mustache really does something for him la verdad es que le queda muy bien el bigote; what has EC membership done for Greece? — ¿en qué ha beneficiado a Grecia ser miembro de la CE?
5)a) (fix, arrange, repair)b) ( clean) \<\<dishes\>\> lavar; \<\<brass/windows\>\> limpiar6) (make, produce)a) \<\<meal\>\> preparar, hacer*would you do the carrots? — ¿me preparas (or pelas etc) las zanahorias?
b) \<\<drawinganslation\>\> hacer*7) (BrE) ( offer)they do a set meal for £12 — tienen un menú de 12 libras
8) (suffice for, suit)two shirts will do me — con dos camisas me alcanza or tengo suficiente
9) ( travel)the car has only done 4,000 miles — el coche sólo tiene 4.000 millas
10)a) ( study) estudiarb) ( visit) (colloq) \<\<sights/museum\>\> visitar11) ( Theat)a) ( play role of) hacer* el papel deb) ( take part in) \<\<play\>\> actuar* enc) ( impersonate) imitar12) (colloq) ( serve in prison) cumplir13) (BrE colloq)a) (catch, prosecute) agarrarb) ( cheat) estafar, timarI've been done! — me han estafado or timado!
14) ( use) (sl)to do drugs — drogarse*, consumir drogas
15) (colloq) ( finish) terminarare o (esp BrE) have you done complaining? — ¿has terminado de quejarte?
vi1) (act, behave) hacer*2) (get along, manage)how are you doing? — ¿qué tal estás or andas or te va?
how do you do? — ( as greeting) mucho gusto, encantado
how do? — (colloq & dial) ¿qué tal?
how are we doing for time/cash? — ¿cómo or qué tal vamos or andamos de tiempo/dinero?
she did well/badly in her exams — le fue bien/mal en los exámenes
to do well/badly out of something — salir* bien/mal parado de algo
3) (go on, happen) (colloq) (in -ing form)nothing doing! — ni hablar!, ni lo sueñes!
4)a) (be suitable, acceptable)look, this won't do! — mira, esto no puede ser!
it's not ideal, but it'll do — no es lo ideal, pero sirve
I'm not going to cook, bread and cheese will do for them! — no pienso cocinar, se tendrán que conformar con pan y queso
b)to do for o as something: this box will do for o as a table — esta caja nos servirá de mesa
5) ( be enough) ser* suficiente, alcanzar*, bastarone bottle will do — con una botella basta or es suficiente
6) ( finish) (in past p) terminarI'm not o (BrE) I haven't done yet! — no he terminado todavía
1) Sense Iv aux [El verbo auxiliar do se usa para formar el negativo (I 1) y el interrogativo (I 2), para agregar énfasis (I 3) o para sustituir a un verbo usado anteriormente (II)]2)a) (used to form negative)I do not o don't know — no sé
I did not o didn't see her — no la vi
b) (with inversion after negative adv)3)a)Ex:does this belong to you? — ¿esto es tuyo?did I frighten you? — ¿te asusté?/Ex:b)Ex:boy, do you need a bath! — Dios mío! qué falta te hace un baño!/Ex:4)a)( emphasizing)Ex:you must admit, she did look ill — tienes que reconocer que tenía mala carado be quiet! — ¿te quieres callar?/Ex:b)Ex:I haven't decided, but if I do accept... — todavía no lo he decidido, pero si aceptara.../Ex:not only does it cost more, it also... — no sólo cuesta más, sino que también...
c) ( in legal formulae)5)Ex:do you live here? - yes, I do/no, I don't — ¿vives aquí? - sí/noshe wanted to come, but he didn't — ella quería venir, pero él noshe found it in your drawer - oh, did she? — lo encontró en tu cajón - ¿ah, sí?I don't need a haircut - yes, you do! — no necesito cortarme el pelo - cómo que no!she says she understands, but she doesn't — dice que comprende, pero no es así/Ex:6)Ex:you know Bob, don't you? — conoces a Bob, ¿no? or ¿verdad? or ¿no es cierto?I told you, didn't I? — te lo dije ¿no? or ¿no es cierto?/Ex:I, Charles Brown, do solemnly swear that... — yo, Charles Brown, juro solemnemente que...
•Phrasal Verbs:- do down- do for- do in- do out- do over- do up- do with
II duː1) c (party, gathering) (colloq) fiesta f, reunión f2) ( state of affairs) (colloq) (no pl)fair dos — (BrE colloq)
fair dos all round — a partes iguales para todos; (as interj) seamos justos!
3)do's and don'ts — ( rules) normas fpl
III dəʊ
I [duː] ( 3rd pers sing present does) (pt did) (pp done)1. TRANSITIVE VERB1) hacerwhat are you doing tonight? — ¿qué haces esta noche?
what's this doing on my chair? — ¿qué hace esto en mi silla?
what's to be done? — ¿qué se puede hacer?
what's the weather doing? — ¿qué tal tiempo hace?
to do sth again — volver a hacer algo, hacer algo de nuevoit will have to be done again — habrá que volver a hacerlo, habrá que hacerlo de nuevo
what's he ever done for me? — ¿qué ha hecho él por mí?what can I do for you? — ¿en qué puedo servirle?, ¿qué se le ofrece? (LAm)
could you do something for me? — ¿me podrías hacer un favor?
what are we going to do for money? — ¿de dónde vamos a sacar dinero?
the new measures will do a lot for small businesses — las nuevas medidas serán de gran ayuda para las pequeñas empresas
after the accident she couldn't do much for herself — después del accidente casi no podía valerse por sí misma
if you do anything to him I'll kill you — si le haces algo te matowhat's he done to his hair? — ¿qué se ha hecho en el pelo?
what have you done with my slippers? — ¿dónde has puesto mis zapatillas?what am I going to do with you? — ¿qué voy a hacer contigo?
what are you doing with yourself these days? — ¿qué haces ahora?
what am I going to do with myself for the rest of the day? — ¿qué puedo hacer el resto del día?
living 2., 1)she didn't know what to do with herself once the children had left home — se encontró un poco perdida cuando sus hijos se fueron de casa
2) (=carry out) [+ work, essay] hacerSome [do] + noun combinations require a more specific Spanish verb:•
he did a drawing/ portrait of her — la dibujó/retrató, hizo un dibujo/retrato de ella•
to do one's duty (by sb) — cumplir con su deber (con algn)3) (=clean)4) (=arrange, prepare) [+ vegetables] preparar; [+ room] hacer, arreglarhair 1., 1)this room needs doing — hay que hacer or arreglar esta habitación
5) (=spend) pasar6) (=finish)now you've (gone and) done it! * — ¡ahora sí que la has hecho buena! *
that's done it! * we're stuck now — ¡la hemos fastidiado! * ahora no podemos salir de aquí
that does it! * that's the last time I lend him my car — ¡es el colmo! or ¡hasta aquí hemos llegado!, es la última vez que le dejo el coche
good 2., 2)have you done moaning? * — ¿has acabado de quejarte?
7) (=offer, make available)8) (=study) [+ university course, option] hacer, estudiarI want to do Physics at university — quiero hacer or estudiar física en la universidad
to do Italian — hacer or estudiar italiano
9) (Theat) [+ play] representar, poner; [+ part] hacer10) (=mimic) [+ person] imitar11) (Aut, Rail etc) (=travel at) [+ speed] ir a; (=cover) [+ distance] cubrir12) (=attend to)proud13) * (=visit) [+ city, museum] visitar, recorrer; [+ country] visitar, viajar por14) * (=be suitable, sufficient for)will a kilo do you? — ¿le va bien un kilo?
that'll do me nicely — (=be suitable) eso me vendrá muy bien; (=suffice) con eso me basta
15) * (=cheat) estafar, timar; (=rob) robarI've been done! — ¡me han estafado or timado!
16) * (=prosecute) procesar; (=fine) multar17) * (=beat up) dar una paliza aI'll do you if I get hold of you! — ¡te voy a dar una paliza como te pille!
2. INTRANSITIVE VERB1) (=act) hacer•
you would do better to accept — sería aconsejable que aceptaras•
do as you think best — haga lo que mejor le parezca•
do as you are told! — ¡haz lo que te digo!•
she was up and doing at 6 o'clock — a las 6 de la mañana ya estaba levantada y trajinando•
you would do well to take his advice — harías bien en seguir su consejowell I, 1., 1)•
you could do a lot worse than marry her — casarte con ella no es lo peor que podrías hacer2) (=get on)•
he did badly in the exam — le fue mal en el examen•
you can do better than that — (essay, drawing) puedes hacerlo mejor; iro (=find better excuse) ¡y qué más!•
how is your father doing? — ¿cómo está tu padre?, ¿cómo le va a tu padre?how are you doing? * — ¿qué tal?, ¿cómo te va?
how did you do in the audition? — ¿qué tal or cómo te fue en la audición?
how do you do? (greeting) ¿cómo está usted?, gusto en conocerlo (LAm); (as answer) ¡mucho gusto!, ¡encantado!•
he's doing well at school — le va bien en el colegio3) (=be suitable)•
it doesn't do to upset her — cuidado con ofenderla•
will this one do? — ¿te parece bien este?will it do if I come back at eight? — ¿va bien si vuelvo a las ocho?
will tomorrow do? — ¿iría bien mañana?
it's not exactly what I wanted, but it will or it'll do — no es exactamente lo que quería pero servirá
that won't do, you'll have to do it again — así no está bien, tendrás que volver a hacerlomake 1., 4)•
you can't go on your own, that would never do! — no podemos consentir que vayas sola, ¡eso no puede ser!4) (=be sufficient) bastar•
three bottles of wine should do — bastará con tres botellas de vino•
will £20 do? — ¿bastarán 20 libras?, ¿tendrás bastante con 20 libras?that will do! — ¡basta ya!
5) (=happen)"could you lend me £50?" - "nothing doing!" — -¿me podrías prestar 50 libras? -¡de ninguna manera! or -¡ni hablar!
have you done? — ¿ya has terminado or acabado?
don't take it away, I've not done yet — no te lo lleves, ¡aún no he terminado or acabado!
I haven't done telling you — ¡no he terminado de contarte!
I've done with travelling — ya no voy a viajar más, he renunciado a los viajesI've done with all that nonsense — ya no tengo nada que ver or ya he terminado con todas esas tonterías
have you done with that book? — ¿has terminado con este libro?
7) * (=clean) hacer la limpieza (en casa)3. AUXILIARY VERBThere is no equivalent in Spanish to the use of in questions, negative statements and negative commands.do you understand? — ¿comprendes?, ¿entiendes?
where does he live? — ¿dónde vive?
didn't you like it? — ¿no te gustó?
why didn't you come? — ¿por qué no viniste?
2) (negation)I don't understand — no entiendo or comprendo
don't worry! — ¡no te preocupes!
don't you tell me what to do! — ¡no me digas lo que tengo que hacer!
do tell me! — ¡dímelo, por favor!
do sit down — siéntese, por favor, tome asiento, por favor frm
I do wish I could come with you — ¡ojalá pudiera ir contigo!
but I do like it! — ¡sí que me gusta!, ¡por supuesto que me gusta!
so you do know him! — ¡así que sí lo conoces!
rarely does it happen that... — rara vez ocurre que...
a)"did you fix the car?" - "I did" — -¿arreglaste el coche? -sí
"I love it" - "so do I" — -me encanta -a mí también
"he borrowed the car" - "oh he did, did he?" — -pidió el coche prestado -¿ah sí? ¡no me digas!
I like this colour, don't you? — me gusta este color, ¿a ti no?
"do you speak English?" - "yes, I do/no I don't" — -¿habla usted inglés? -sí, hablo inglés/no, no hablo inglés
"may I come in?" - "(please) do!" — -¿se puede pasar? -¡pasa (por favor)!
"who made this mess?" - "I did" — -¿quién lo ha desordenado todo? -fui yo
"shall I ring her again?" - "no, don't!" — -¿la llamo otra vez? -¡no, no la llames!
he lives here, doesn't he? — vive aquí, ¿verdad? or ¿no es cierto? or ¿no?
I don't know him, do I? — no lo conozco, ¿verdad?
it doesn't matter, does it? — no importa, ¿no?
she said that, did she? — ¿eso es lo que dijo?
4. NOUN1) (Brit) * (=party) fiesta f ; (=formal gathering) reunión fthey had a big do for their twenty-fifth anniversary — dieron una gran fiesta por su vigésimo quinto aniversario
2) (in phrases)•
the do's and don'ts of buying a house — lo que debe y lo que no debe hacerse al comprar una casa•
it's a poor do when... — es una vergüenza cuando...- do by- do down- do for- do in- do out- do over- do up- do with
[dǝʊ]N (Mus) do m* * *
1. [duː], weak form [dʊ, də]1) hacer*are you doing anything this evening? — ¿vas a hacer algo esta noche?
to have something/nothing to do — tener* algo/no tener* nada que hacer
can I do anything to help? — ¿puedo ayudar en algo?
what have you done to your hair? — ¿qué te has hecho en el pelo?
I don't know what I'm going to do with you! — no sé qué voy a hacer contigo!; see also do with
2) ( carry out) \<\<job/task\>\> hacer*to do one's homework — hacer* los deberes
3) ( as job)what do you do? — ¿usted qué hace or a qué se dedica?
what does he do for a living? — ¿en qué trabaja?
4) (achieve, bring about)she's done it: it's a new world record — lo ha logrado: es una nueva marca mundial
he's late again: that does it! — vuelve a llegar tarde esto ya es la gota que colma el vaso!
to do something for somebody/something: that mustache really does something for him la verdad es que le queda muy bien el bigote; what has EC membership done for Greece? — ¿en qué ha beneficiado a Grecia ser miembro de la CE?
5)a) (fix, arrange, repair)b) ( clean) \<\<dishes\>\> lavar; \<\<brass/windows\>\> limpiar6) (make, produce)a) \<\<meal\>\> preparar, hacer*would you do the carrots? — ¿me preparas (or pelas etc) las zanahorias?
b) \<\<drawing/translation\>\> hacer*7) (BrE) ( offer)they do a set meal for £12 — tienen un menú de 12 libras
8) (suffice for, suit)two shirts will do me — con dos camisas me alcanza or tengo suficiente
9) ( travel)the car has only done 4,000 miles — el coche sólo tiene 4.000 millas
10)a) ( study) estudiarb) ( visit) (colloq) \<\<sights/museum\>\> visitar11) ( Theat)a) ( play role of) hacer* el papel deb) ( take part in) \<\<play\>\> actuar* enc) ( impersonate) imitar12) (colloq) ( serve in prison) cumplir13) (BrE colloq)a) (catch, prosecute) agarrarb) ( cheat) estafar, timarI've been done! — me han estafado or timado!
14) ( use) (sl)to do drugs — drogarse*, consumir drogas
15) (colloq) ( finish) terminarare o (esp BrE) have you done complaining? — ¿has terminado de quejarte?
vi1) (act, behave) hacer*2) (get along, manage)how are you doing? — ¿qué tal estás or andas or te va?
how do you do? — ( as greeting) mucho gusto, encantado
how do? — (colloq & dial) ¿qué tal?
how are we doing for time/cash? — ¿cómo or qué tal vamos or andamos de tiempo/dinero?
she did well/badly in her exams — le fue bien/mal en los exámenes
to do well/badly out of something — salir* bien/mal parado de algo
3) (go on, happen) (colloq) (in -ing form)nothing doing! — ni hablar!, ni lo sueñes!
4)a) (be suitable, acceptable)look, this won't do! — mira, esto no puede ser!
it's not ideal, but it'll do — no es lo ideal, pero sirve
I'm not going to cook, bread and cheese will do for them! — no pienso cocinar, se tendrán que conformar con pan y queso
b)to do for o as something: this box will do for o as a table — esta caja nos servirá de mesa
5) ( be enough) ser* suficiente, alcanzar*, bastarone bottle will do — con una botella basta or es suficiente
6) ( finish) (in past p) terminarI'm not o (BrE) I haven't done yet! — no he terminado todavía
1) Sense Iv aux [El verbo auxiliar do se usa para formar el negativo (I 1) y el interrogativo (I 2), para agregar énfasis (I 3) o para sustituir a un verbo usado anteriormente (II)]2)a) (used to form negative)I do not o don't know — no sé
I did not o didn't see her — no la vi
b) (with inversion after negative adv)3)a)Ex:does this belong to you? — ¿esto es tuyo?did I frighten you? — ¿te asusté?/Ex:b)Ex:boy, do you need a bath! — Dios mío! qué falta te hace un baño!/Ex:4)a)( emphasizing)Ex:you must admit, she did look ill — tienes que reconocer que tenía mala carado be quiet! — ¿te quieres callar?/Ex:b)Ex:I haven't decided, but if I do accept... — todavía no lo he decidido, pero si aceptara.../Ex:not only does it cost more, it also... — no sólo cuesta más, sino que también...
c) ( in legal formulae)5)Ex:do you live here? - yes, I do/no, I don't — ¿vives aquí? - sí/noshe wanted to come, but he didn't — ella quería venir, pero él noshe found it in your drawer - oh, did she? — lo encontró en tu cajón - ¿ah, sí?I don't need a haircut - yes, you do! — no necesito cortarme el pelo - cómo que no!she says she understands, but she doesn't — dice que comprende, pero no es así/Ex:6)Ex:you know Bob, don't you? — conoces a Bob, ¿no? or ¿verdad? or ¿no es cierto?I told you, didn't I? — te lo dije ¿no? or ¿no es cierto?/Ex:I, Charles Brown, do solemnly swear that... — yo, Charles Brown, juro solemnemente que...
•Phrasal Verbs:- do down- do for- do in- do out- do over- do up- do with
II [duː]1) c (party, gathering) (colloq) fiesta f, reunión f2) ( state of affairs) (colloq) (no pl)fair dos — (BrE colloq)
fair dos all round — a partes iguales para todos; (as interj) seamos justos!
3)do's and don'ts — ( rules) normas fpl
III [dəʊ]
См. также в других словарях:
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