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  • 121 pro|sto

    adv. grad. 1. (wzdłuż linii prostej) [jechać, prowadzić, płynąć] straight
    - ta ścieżka biegnie prosto do morza the path runs straight to the sea
    - słońce świeciło im prosto w oczy the sun shone straight into their eyes
    - spojrzała mu prosto w oczy she looked straight into his eyes
    2. (w pozycji pionowej) upright, straight
    - stój prosto, nie garb się stand up straight, don’t stoop!
    - zawsze trzymał się prosto jak żołnierz he always stood erect like a soldier
    3. (nieskomplikowanie) [tłumaczyć, mówić] simply, plainly
    - już prościej nie mogę tego wyjaśnić I can’t explain it in a simpler way, I can’t put it any more simply than that
    adv. 1. (bezpretensjonalnie) simply, plainly
    - ubierała się prosto, przeważnie na czarno she dressed simply, usually in black
    2. (nie zatrzymując się) straight (on a. ahead)
    - idź prosto do biura go straight to the office
    - ze szkoły wracaj prosto do domu come straight home after school
    3. (bezpośrednio) straight
    - pił prosto z butelki he drank straight from the bottle
    - mleko prosto od krowy milk fresh from the cow
    - jabłka prosto z drzewa freshly picked apples
    po prostu 1. (bezpośrednio) just, simply
    - po prostu idź tam i powiedz im całą prawdę just go there and tell them the whole truth
    - zwrócił się po prostu do kolegów o pomoc he simply asked his friends for help
    2. (zwyczajnie) only, just
    - po prostu wiatr huczy i stąd ten hałas it’s just a strong wind blowing, hence the noise
    - po prostu bądź przy mnie just stay by me
    - innego wyjścia po prostu nie ma there’s simply no other way out
    prosto- w wyrazach złożonych prostopadle do czegoś at right angles to sth
    powiedzieć a. wygarnąćpot. coś komuś prosto w oczy a. prosto z mostu to tell sb sth straight from the shoulder
    - mówiąc prosto z mostu to put it bluntly
    - powiedziała mu, co o nim myśli prosto w oczy she told him in plain English a. in no uncertain terms what she thought of him
    - powiem prosto z mostu, weź rozwód I’ll come straight out with it: get a divorce

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > pro|sto

  • 122 understatement

    a stylistic device in which emphasis is achieved through intentional underestimation (underrating)

    "The wind is rather strong" instead of "There's a gale blowing outside"

    is dealt with when the size, shape, dimensions, characteristic features of the object are intentionally underrated
    It does not signify the actual state of affairs in reality, but presents the latter through the emotionally coloured perception and rendering of the speaker.

    She wore a pink hat, the size of a button. (J.Reed)

    About a very small man in the Navy: this new sailor stood five feet nothing in sea boots. (Th. Pynchon)

    Source: V.A.K.
    Ant.: hyperbole
    See: lexical SDs

    English-Russian dictionary of stylistics (terminology and examples) > understatement

  • 123 how now

    уст.; разг.
    1) эй!, как!, это что такое?, что это значит? [how now сокр. от how is it now?; выражение how now? одно из самых распространённых в произведениях Шекспира]

    Old Man: "How now! Who's there?" (W. Shakespeare, ‘King Lear’, act IV, sc. 1) — Старик: "Эй, кто там?"

    ‘How now!’ he cried... ‘Why, where have you been hiding?’ (Ch. Dickens, ‘Barnaby Rudge’, ch. XLVIII) — - Как! Это ты? - вскричал он... - Где это ты пропадал?

    ‘Mr. Abinger... I must speak to you.’ ‘How now,’ he said. (M. Dickens, ‘Joy and Josephine’, ch. IV) — - Мистер Абинджер... мне нужно поговорить с вами. - Неужели? - буркнул Абинджер.

    There stood Mrs. Tarvin. The shock, the sight of her standing there... cut the last binding thread of self-control in Inigo. ‘...How now, you secret, black, and midnight hag!’ he thundered down the room. (J. B. Priestley, ‘The Good Companions’, book I, ch. 3) — Перед Иниго стояла миссис Тарвин. Ее появление так возмутило его, что он потерял самообладание. -...Откуда ты взялась, старая ведьма? Ходят тут всякие по ночам! - вопил он на всю комнату.

    2) ну как?, что скажешь?, ну что?, что слышно?

    Second Soldier: "How now, masters?" Soldiers (speaking together): "How now? How now? do you hear this?" (W. Shakespeare, ‘Antony and Cleopatra’, act IV, sc. 3) — Второй часовой: "Господа, что скажете?" Солдаты (все вместе): ""что скажете!" Слыхали?"

    ...How now, Missy! Hasn't your ardent beau popped the question yet? (M. Mitchell, ‘Gone with the Wind’, ch. XXVIII) —...Ну как, девочка, ваш пылкий обожатель еще не сделал вам предложения?

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > how now

  • 124 against

    1) проти, навпроти
    2) всупереч
    3) поруч, біля
    4) по, об, на, з, до
    5) від
    6) про, на
    * * *

    over against — навпроти, на протилежному боці

    3) місце розташування біля чого-небудь, поруч із чим-небудь біля
    5) тло, на якому виділяється який-небудь предмет на ( тлі); у порівнянні
    8) змагання, конкуренцію, суперництво із чим-небудь або з ким-небудь
    10) отримання в обмін на що-небудь або із записом на чий-небудь рахунок на, по, проти
    12) cпeц. залежно від, у функції ( від)

    English-Ukrainian dictionary > against

  • 125 QUETZA

    quetza > quetz.
    *\QUETZA v.t. tla-.,
    1.\QUETZA dresser, redresser, relever, placer droit.
    " tompiyahtli ahnôzo otlachiquihuitl in îcpac quiquetza in anqui ", le chasseur place droit sur sa tête un panier en feuilles de palme ou un solide panier de bambous.
    Il s'agit de la chasse à l'aigle. Sah11,42.
    " icpac conquetzah îhhuitzitzilnâhual ", sur sa tête ils dressent son déguisement de colibri. Sah19,52.
    " conquetza in oncân ihcaya ", il les plante là où (le dieu) se tient - he set them up where (the god) stood. Il s'agit des bâtons de marche. Sah9,51.
    " cencah quiquetza, cahcoquetza in îcuitlapil ", il redresse, il lève sa queue.
    Est dit de l'epatl. Sah5,171.
    " achtopa mocacaltiâya, in quiquetzaya îcal ahzo êtetl ahnôzo nâuhtetl: inic mochipa îtlapanco mihtôtihtinemizqueh îtlaâltilhuân ", d'abord il se construisait des maisons, il en érigeait trois ou quatre de sorte que sur leur terrasse dansent toujours ceux qu'il destinait au sacrifice - he first built houses; he errected perhaps three or four houses, on whose flat roofs his bathed ones would always go about dancing. Sah9,46.
    " quihuâlquetzqueh ecahuâztli ", ils dressèrent une échelle en bais. Sah12,13.
    " ahmo nô îtênco câna, zan nô îmâcpalnepantlah in quiquetza chiquihuitl ", il ne le prend pas non plus par le bord, c'est aussi sur la paume de sa main qu'il place la corbeille - Il s'agit d'un panier plein de tamales. Sah9,35.
    " ahmo îtênco cântiuh, zan nô îmâcpalnepantlah quiquetztiuh in ayohtectli ", il ne va pas la prendre par les bords mais il place la calebasse sur la paume de sa main.
    Il s'agit du récipent pour servir le cacao. Sah9,35.
    " tezcatl ocôtl tlahuîlli quimana quiquetza ", il offre, il dresse un miroir, une torche, une lumière, c'est à dire il mène une vie exemplaire - he offers, he sets forth the exemplary life.
    Est dit d'un noble descendant, têtzon. Sah10,19.
    " teuhtli quiquetzah ", ils font se lever la poussière. Sah2,107.
    2.\QUETZA placer quelque chose (+ locatif)..
    " îxpan conquetzayah in xiuhtêuctli, in tletl ", ils placent (une coupe) devant Xiuhteuctli, le feu. Sah9,28.
    " îmîxpan quihuâlquetzah in întlâhuânaya ", ils placent devant eux ce qui leur sert pour boire. Sah4,118.
    " tzaucpan in conquetzah ", ils placent (l'extrémité des flèches) dans de la colle. Sah2,135.
    " in oncân quiquetzah îmicxi ", là où ils placent leurs sabots. Est dit de chevaux. Sah12,40.
    3.\QUETZA raconter (des fables).
    *\QUETZA v.t. tê-., se dresser contre quelqu'un.
    " zazocân têchquetzquiuh in toyâôuh ", partout où notre ennemi se dresse contre nous. Sah2,103.
    *\QUETZA v.réfl.,
    1.\QUETZA se dresser.
    " moquetz ", il se mit sur pied - er stand auf. Launey II 200 = W.Lehmann 1938,90.
    " moquetza, huel îcuitlapil ic tlaczatimoquetza ", il se dresse, il se dresse sur sa queue.
    Est dit du serpent âcôâtl. Sah11,71.
    " in tlenâmacac âcalyacac ommoquetzah ", les prêtres se dressent à la proue des barques. Sah2,89.
    " huâlmoquetzayah ", ils se dressaient - sie richtet sich auf.
    W.Jimenez Moreno 1974,46.
    " ômpa tlapcopa in huâlmoquetzaya ", cela se dressait là en direction de l'Est.
    Présages de l'arrivée des Espagnols. Sah12,1.
    " ahmo têhhuân motêcpanah zan îyôllohtlahmah înîcâmpa ommoquetzah têtlân ", ils ne se rangent pas avec les autres mais volontairement ils se mettent derrière eux, près des autres.
    2.\QUETZA se présenter.
    " in quênin moquetzaz ", comment elle se présentera - how to present herself. Il s'agit d'une jeune fille. Sah6,99.
    " mîxpantzinco ninoquetza ", je me présente devant toi (honorif.) - I arise before thee. Sah6,7 (njnoquetza).
    3.\QUETZA s'accoupler.
    " intlâ itzcuinnemitih in itzcuintli îtônal moch huel moqueztzazqueh ", s'il élève des chiens, celui dont le signe est le chien, ils s'accoupleront tous. Sah4,19.
    4.\QUETZA s'arrêter.
    " moquetz ", il s'arrêta, Launey II 200.
    5.\QUETZA arriver (en parlant d'un jour ou d'une période du calendrier ou une saison).
    Est dit de 9 itzcuintli. Sah9,79.
    ce olîn. Sah4,85.
    ce itzcuintli. Sah4,87.
    ce tôchtli. Sah7,23.
    ce côâtl. Sah4,59.
    ce xôchitl. Sah4,25.
    " moquetzaz in quiyahuitl ", les pluies vont arriver - the rains will set in. Sah2,44.
    6.\QUETZA grandir (en parlant d'enfants).
    " mochintin moquetzayah in îpilhuân iuhquin tlacuâuhtzonquîzah ", tous les enfants grandissaient comme pousse une chevelure épaisse - all his children grew, like dense hair. Sah4,55.
    " in îpilhuân ahmo cemeh moquetzah ", de ses enfants pas un ne grandit. Sah4,20.
    7.\QUETZA apparaître.
    " inic huâlmoquetza ", il apparait ainsi - it thus appeared.
    Est dit de l'arc en ciel. Sah7,18.
    8.\QUETZA se lever (en parlant du vent).
    Est dit du vent du nord. Sah7,14.
    " ehêcatl îpan moquetza âtlân ", le vent se lève sur l'eau - the wind rose over the water. Sah1,47.
    9.\QUETZA être revigoré.
    " ca yehhuân înca mozcaltiâya in Moteuczôma, înca motônalchicâhuaya, înca moquetzaya ", through these Moctezuma received life, by them his fate was strenghened; by them he was exalted. Commente la mort des condamnés et des captifs. Sah4,42.
    *\QUETZA v.bitrans. motla-., se fixer mutuellement (des frontières).
    " aye moquiquetzayah in ixquich încuaxoch ", ils ne s'étaient pas encore fixés mutuellement leurs frontières. Chim. 1950,8 (5ème relation).

    Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl classique > QUETZA

  • 126 свърша

    свъ̀ршвам гл.
    1. прех. finish, complete, end, bring to an end; мъча се да свърша преди срока work against time; нищо не е свършил от сутринта he hasn’t done a hand’s turn all morning; \свърша живота си end o.’s life, die; \свърша много/доста/сума работа accomplish a good deal, get a lot done, knock off a good deal of work, get through a lot of work; go a long way; \свърша нещо добре/зле make a good/bad job of s.th.; \свърша работа finish a job; get a business over; go through with an undertaking; \свърша хубава работа do a fine job; \свърша цялата работа get it all done;
    2. непрех. come to an end; finish; end; terminate (и език.) (с, на in); (за урок, война и пр.) be over; (за срок) expire; (с известни последици) end, result (c in); \свърша с finish with, get through with, dispose of; get s.th. over; да кажем, че сме свършили за днес let’s call it a day; наближавам да свърша be drawing to a close/an end; не си ли свършил с яденето? haven’t you done eating? are you through? \свърша добре turn out for the best, (за човек) make good; \свърша зле come to a bad end (и за човек); \свърша с дефицит end with a deficit; \свърша с кавга end in a quarrel; \свърша с фалит finish up in bankruptcy; свърших I have done; свърших за днес I am through for today; хайде, свършвай! have/be done! cut it short!;
    3. ( изразходвам) use up; ( изяждам) finish off/up;
    4. ( учебно заведение) finish; \свърша университет graduate from/at a university; \свърша училище finish school/o.’s schooling; leave school;
    5. ( идвам до дадено положение) end; \свърша в затвора wind up/land in person; \свърша в лудницата end in the madhouse; \свърша като учител и пр. end up as a teacher, etc.; \свърша печално come to a sorry end;
    6. ( умирам) die; \свърша със самоубийство die by suicide;
    \свърша се 1. ( минавам) come to an end, be over, end; ( изтичам ­ за срок и пр.) expire;
    2. ( бивам изразходван, изчерпан) give/run out, fail; ( бивам продаден) be sold out; (за ядене в ресторант) be off; запасите ни свършиха our supplies gave out; работата не се свършва с това that is not all, that is not the end of it; there is more to it than that; с това се свърши and that was the end of it; свършва ми се … run/be out of …, be getting low on …, be short of …; свърши се (за стока) we’re out of stock; we’re all sold out; • да свършим с това let’s have done with it; \свърша с някого разг. ( убивам) finish s.o. off; това му свърши добра работа it stood him in good stead; това ще свърши работа this will serve; той няма да свърши нищо one can’t rely on him; той свърши работата sl. he delivered the goods; той ще ме свърши he’ll be the death of me; хубаво я свършихме! свършихме я! a fine mess we’ve made of it.

    Български-английски речник > свърша

  • 127 жать на все педали

    1) (быстро, на полной скорости (ехать, бежать, идти и т. п.)) go (run, etc.) at full speed; cf. step on it

    Мы шли ходко, уверенно, без задержек... Сквозь порывы ветра слышалось его бодрое: - Жми на все педали! (В. Тельпугов, Дыхание костра) — We travelled rapidly, confidently, without delays... Through the gusts of wind I could hear his vigorous, 'Step on it!'

    2) (интенсивно, прилагая все усилия для выполнения чего-либо (работать, действовать и т. п.)) do one's utmost (uttermost, damnedest); cf. stand on the pedals

    Поначалу он взялся за дело горячо, в клубе работали кружки, устраивались интересные лекции. Вениамин Семёнович нажимал на все педали. (В. Кочетов, Журбины) — To begin with he plunged enthusiastically into the work. The club had various circles; interesting lectures were arranged. Veniamin Semyonovich stood on the pedals.

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > жать на все педали

  • 128 под мухой

    прост., шутл.-ирон.
    cf. slightly under the weather; a bit on; half seas over; a sheet (three sheets) in the wind; in one's cups; on the go; well on the way; in the drink; in beer; half shot Amer.

    Комендант был, что называется, под мухой, но держался твёрдо, его не шатало, только фиалковые глаза немножко стекленели да слова он отрывал пожёстче и покруче, чем обычно. (Ю. Герман, Дорогой мой человек) — Certainly he was slightly under the weather but he stood firmly on his feet and did not sway. His violet-coloured eyes were taking on a glassy look, but his speech was more clipped and brusque than usual.

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > под мухой

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