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  • 41 Reaping Fair Day

    сущ.; собст.; SK, DT
    также просто Reaping Fair или Reaping Day
    Ярмарка Жатвы; День Жатвы; Жатва
    Праздничный день в мире Роланда, в который устраивались публичные гулянья, выбиралась пара молодых девушки и юноши, объявляемых соответственно Девушкой Жатвы и Юношей Жатвы. Позднее, ночью, называемой ярморочной ночью, на кострах сжигали соломенные чучела.

    “You will make the most beautiful Reap-Girl that ever was,” he said, and the clear sincerity in his voice made her tingle with pleasure; her cheeks grew warm again. There were five changes of costume for the Reaping Girl between the noon feast and the bonfire at dusk, each more elaborate than the last (in Gilead there would have been nine; in that way, Susan didn’t know how lucky she was), and she would have worn all five happily for Will, had he been the Reaping Lad. (This year’s Lad was Jamie McCann, a pallid and whey-faced stand-in for Hart Thorin, who was approximately forty years too old and gray for the job.) — Ты будешь самой прекрасной Девушкой Жатвы. На все времена. – Голос его звучал абсолютно искренне, и Сюзан вновь зарделась. На этот раз от удовольствия. Между обедом в полдень и праздничным костром с фейерверками в сумерках Девушке Жатвы предстояло появиться на людях в пяти костюмах, один красивее другого (в Гилеаде костюмов было девять, так что Сюзан не знала, что ей, можно сказать, повезло), и она с радостью надела бы все пять для Уилла, будь он Юношей Жатвы. Но в этот год в юноши определили Джейми Макканна, бледного и некрасивого подростка, заменившего Харта Торина, который явно не проходил по возрасту. (ТБ 4)

    English-Russian dictionary of neologisms from a series of books by Stephen King "Dark Tower" > Reaping Fair Day

  • 42 field day

    1. день, посвящённый атлетическим состязаниям, охоте или ботанизированию
    2. памятный, знаменательный день

    liberty day — день, когда часть команды увольняется на берег

    3. счастливый, приятный день; возможность или случай повеселиться

    the other day — на днях; недавно

    Primrose day — «День подснежника»

    4. воен. манёвры; тактические занятия в поле; выход в поле

    the day when I met you — день, когда я вас встретил

    English-Russian base dictionary > field day

  • 43 face the music

    1) стоически переносить трудности, неприятности, мужественно встречать критику [первонач. амер.]

    He could never buttonhole the ordinary voter, and say to him: ‘Look here, you know, there's no earthly hope of any real improvement for another ten years; in the meantime we must face the music, and pay more for everything... so that twenty years hence we may be safe from possible starvation, and self-supporting within the Empire.’ (J. Galsworthy, ‘The Silver Spoon’, part I, ch. XII) — Не может он пойти к рядовому избирателю и сказать ему: "Послушайте, нечего надеяться на то, что в течение следующих десяти лет условия жизни значительно улучшатся; мы... должны пока потерпеть, за все переплачивать, для того чтобы через двадцать лет Англия могла сама себя прокормить и не жить под угрозой голодной смерти".

    Mrs. Dot: "Well, the fact is, Freddie... Poor Nellie Sellenger is desperately in love with you." Freddie: "I don't see why you should want me to go away on that account... Nothing will induce me to desert a post of danger. I'm going to face the music." (W. S. Maugham, ‘Mrs. Dot’, act II) — Миссис Дот: "Нет никакого сомнения, Фредди... что бедняжка Нелли Селленджер безумно влюблена в вас." Фредди: "Не понимаю, почему вы хотите, чтобы я из-за этого ушел. Ничто не заставит меня отступить с опасных позиций. я выдержу испытание не дрогнув."

    2) держать ответ за что-л., расплачиваться за свои поступки

    ‘I gather,’ said Michael, with a spurt of cheerfulness, ‘That it was only in the desert both times that Jule heard the story.’ ‘What's in the desert to-day is in the bazaars to-morrow. It's no use, I shall have to face the music.’ (J. Galsworthy, ‘Flowering Wilderness’, ch. X) — - По словам того же Юола, об этом пока говорят только в пустыне, - сказал Майкл, пытаясь приободрить Дезерта. - Сегодня в пустыне, завтра - на базарах. Пропащее дело. Придется испить чашу до дна.

    ‘You're wrong,’ she said. ‘I'm sure you're wrong. It'd be far better to go back and face the music.’ (A. Christie, ‘So Many Steps to Death’, ch. 21) — - Вы поступаете неправильно, - сказала Хилари. - я уверена, что неправильно. Для вас было бы гораздо лучше вернуться на родину и держать ответ перед законом.

    In two months they were engaged. Beryl refused to go home for her holi days, she said she wouldn't leave Frank, so Al was left to face the music alone. (D. Hewett, ‘Bobbin Up’, ch. 6) — через два месяца Фрэк и Берил обручились. Берил отказалась ехать в отпуск домой, чтобы не разлучаться с Фрэком. Элис пришлось одной выдержать бурю.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > face the music

  • 44 -At the museum-

    Social2 At the museum
    We can't stay in all day! Non possiamo rimanere in casa tutto il giorno!
    Why don't we take the kids to the museum? Perché non portiamo i bambini al museo?
    The museum sounds like a good idea. Il museo mi sembra una buona idea.
    We haven't been to the museum for ages. È una vita che non andiamo al museo.
    I've never been to the museum. Non sono mai stato al museo.
    Put the idea to the kids and see what they say. Proponi l'idea ai bambini e vedi cosa dicono.
    Listen up a minute will you! State a sentire, per favore!
    Seeing as it's such a miserable day today, why don't we go to the museum? Visto che oggi è una bruttissima giornata, perché non andiamo al museo?
    We can go to the Science Museum, that'll keep the children out of mischief. Possiamo andare al museo delle scienze, terrà i bambini fuori dai guai.
    I bet you'll enjoy yourselves. Secondo me vi divertirete.
    We had a great time when we visited the museum last year. Ci siamo divertiti un mondo al museo l'anno scorso.
    We can go to the Natural History Museum too if we have time. Possiamo andare anche al museo di storia naturale se abbiamo tempo.
    I'll make some sandwiches. Faccio dei panini.
    How much is it to get in? Quanto si paga per entrare?
    It's free admission on Tuesdays. Il martedì l'ingresso è gratuito.
    You can leave a donation if you like. Volendo, si può lasciare un'offerta.
    Come on, kids, get a move on! Forza, bambini, datevi una mossa!
    The museum's packed today what with this bad weather. Oggi il museo è pieno per via di questo brutto tempo.
    We'll just have to make the most of it now we're here. Dobbiamo godercelo il più possibile dal momento che siamo qui.
    Come on kids, let's have a look at the aeroplanes. Forza, bambini, andiamo a dare un'occhiata agli aeroplani.

    English-Italian dictionary > -At the museum-

  • 45 This means that you do not believe that day will ever come. In other words you are being sarcastic.

    General subject: 'That is the day!

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > This means that you do not believe that day will ever come. In other words you are being sarcastic.

  • 46 cock of the roost

    (cock of the roost (тж. cock of the walk))
    1) важная персона; местный заправила (диал. cock of the midden) [walk в выражении cock of the walk означает помещение, где содержится бойцовый петух перед боем]

    The cock of the roost sits aloft like Jupiter on an unshareable seat... (O. Henry, ‘The Four Million’) — Местный заправила держится гордо, как Юпитер, нераздельно правящий миром...

    ‘Well, me [= my] lad... You're gonna [= going to] come out of that beautiful dream and find that You're nowhere near bein' cock of the midden yet.’ (S. Chaplin, ‘The Day of the Sardine’, ch. XI) — Так вот, мой мальчик... Ты пробудишься от своего приятного сна и увидишь, что напрасно считал себя петухом на навозной куче.

    ‘You think You're the cock o'the walk,’ she said, implying: ‘But I'll tame you, you see if I don't.’ (A. Sillitoe, ‘Saturday Night and Sunday Morning’, part II, ch. XV) — - Вы воображаете себя первым кавалером здесь, - сказала Дорин, имея в виду: "Вот увидите, как я вас укрощу"

    Wherever he functioned Nicolas was certainly cock of the walk. (J. Galsworthy, ‘On Forsyte 'Change’, ‘Nicolas-Rex’) — Где бы Николас ни действовал, всюду он был хозяином положения.

    Of course Monsignor Montanelli will give himself airs; he was quiet enough under His Holiness the late Pope, but he's cock of the walk now. (E. L. Voynich, ‘The Gadfly’, part III, ch. IV) — Несомненно, монсиньор Монтанелли покажет еще себя. При его святейшестве покойном папе он держался на заднем плане, а теперь стал самой что ни на есть главной фигурой.

    I'm the cock or the roost around here when it comes to holding this money. (E. Caldwell, ‘Tragic Ground’, ch. XI) — Когда дело в здешних местах доходит до денег, то распоряжаюсь я.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > cock of the roost

  • 47 Price At The Time of Delivery

    . A term used in sales contracts when market prices are so volatile that a vendor will not give a firm price or use an escalator clause but will only agree to charge the price charged other customers for similar purchases on the day he ships or delivers the goods. . Small Business Taxes & Management 2 .

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > Price At The Time of Delivery

  • 48 cut the Gordian knot

    (тж. cut the knot)
       pacceчь или paзpубить (гopдиeв) узeл, paзpeшить зaтpуднeниe энepгичным вмeшaтeльcтвoм, нacильcтвeнным cпocoбoм [пo пpeдcкaзaнию opaкулa, тoт, ктo paзвяжeт oчeнь cлoжный узeл, зaвязaнный фpигийcким цapём Гopдиeм, cтaнeт влacтитeлeм Aзии, Kaк paccкaзывaют дpeвниe иcтopики, Aлeкcaндp Maкeдoнcкий paccёк этoт узeл удapoм мeчa]
        To the day of her death, she remained in great doubt on the subject, and much disposed to cut the Gordian knot (W. Scott). I don't want to speak ill of your father... but... he'll be back on your mother's hands before a year's over. You can imagine what that will mean to her and to all of you after this. The only thing is to cut the knot for good OЛ Galsworthy)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > cut the Gordian knot

  • 49 duvet day

    Gen Mgt
    a day sanctioned by an employing organization as a day when an employee may call in and say that they will not attend work that day because they do not feel like it. A duvet day does not form part of an employee’s leave entitlement, but will be recorded as a sanctioned absence. Duvet days are more popular in the United States than in the United Kingdom, and those organizations that allow them do not usually make them part of written policy, limit them to two or three per year, and sometimes only offer them to key employees. Also known as personal day

    The ultimate business dictionary > duvet day

  • 50 Future in the past

    Будущее время в прошедшем
    При описании события, которое интерпретируется говорящим как будущее по отношению к некоторому моменту времени в прошлом, используются, с некоторыми изменениями, те же средства, что и при описании событий, которые интерпретируются говорящим как будущие по отношению к настоящему. Изменения при этом сводятся к следующему:
    1) При образовании времен Future simple, Future continuous, Future perfect, Future perfect continuous вспомогательные глаголы will и shall меняются на глаголы would и should соответственно.

    He knew she would leave next week — Он знал, что она уедет на следующей неделе.

    She looked around the room, wondering where to put the pictures. She would put her favourite water-colour above the fireplace — Она оглядела комнату, раздумывая, куда бы повесить картины. Свою любимую акварель она повесит над камином.

    I thought he would be reading the article when I returned — Я думал, он будет читать статью, когда я вернусь.

    John said he would have taken his exams by the end of the month — Джон сказал, что уже сдаст все экзамены к концу месяца.

    He said that by the first of May he would have been working at that school for twenty years — Он сказал, что к первому мая он будет работать в этой школе уже двадцать лет.

    2) В конструкциях be going to, be to, be + ABOUT + to-infinitive, be + ON THE POINT OF +ing-form глагол be принимает форму прошедшего времени (was/were).

    She was excited because she was going to meet Jack the next day — Она была взволнована, потому что собиралась встретиться с Джеком на следующий день.

    He knew that this young bishop was to become Pope of Rome — Он знал, что этот юный епископ должен был стать Папой Римским.

    He looked at the clock: ten o'clock was about to strike — Он посмотрел на часы: вот-вот должно было пробить десять..

    She had to go to bed early that day because she was flying to London the next morning — Ей пришлось рано лечь в тот день, потому что на следующее утро она должна была лететь в Лондон.

    English-Russian grammar dictionary > Future in the past

  • 51 at this time of day

    1) так поздно; с таким опозданием

    The booking-list has been open for the past fortnight; you're rather optimistic hoping to get a seat at this time of day. (ECI) — Запись на билеты продолжалась две недели. Даже с вашим оптимизмом трудно рассчитывать, что получишь место, спохватившись так поздно.

    2) в наше время; на данном этапе истории

    ...he must be in doubt whether or not to publish a new edition of the rhymes of Dr. Watts... James says that Timothy does not know whether anyone will want to read them at this time of day. (J. Galsworty, ‘On Forsyte Change’, ‘Timothy's Narrow Squeak’) —...Тимоти, видимо, сомневается, стоит ли выпускать новое издание стихов доктора Уотса... Джеймс говорит, что не знает, захочет ли кто-нибудь читать эти стихи в наши дни.

    It was exasperating that at this time of day you should still have to deal with people who suspected anyone who hadn't had the good fortune to be born British. (W. S. Maugham, ‘The Hour before the Dawn’, ch. XVI) — Приходишь в отчаяние, что даже в наше время приходится иметь дело с людьми, относящимися с подозрением к тем, кому не выпало счастье родиться британцем.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > at this time of day

  • 52 it is a long lane that has no turning

    syn: the weariest day draws to an end
    ≅ всьому приходить кінець не все їсти скором – колись, буде й піст колись і перед моїми ворітьми сонечко зійде the darkest hour is that before the dawn

    English-Ukrainian dictionary of proverbs > it is a long lane that has no turning

  • 53 God is always on the side of the big battalions

    ≈ Бог всегда на стороне сильных [этим. фр. Dieu est toujours pour les gros bataillons (Вольтер)]

    Dunois: "...But I know Joan; and I see that some day she will go ahead when she has only ten men to do the work of a hundred and then she will find that God is on the side of the big battalions." (B. Shaw, ‘Saint Joan’, sc. V) — Дюнуа: "...Но я знаю Жанну и предвижу, что в один прекрасный день она с горсткой храбрецов бросится на врага, превосходящего ее десятикратно. Вот тогда она и поймет, что Бог всегда на стороне сильных."

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > God is always on the side of the big battalions

  • 54 go to the wall

    1) потерпеть неудачу, фиаско, провалиться; быть вытесненным, быть вынужденным уступить своё место, сойти со сцены

    Butter's had its day - and from this out, butter goes to the wall. There's more money in oleomargarine... why, you can't imagine the business we do. (M. Twain, ‘Life on the Mississippi’, ch. XXXIX) — Масло отжило свой век и должно сойти со сцены. Можно куда больше заработать на маргарине... Вы не можете себе представить, как хорошо у нас идут дела.

    Olive: "...my one all-absorbing fear is that you will in time become so enthralled and interested in his work that you'll allow yours to go to the wall." (N. Coward, ‘The Rat Trap’, act I) — Олив: "...я очень боюсь, что со временем ты так заинтересуешься работой своего мужа, так увлечешься ею, что забросишь свои собственные занятия."

    I wavered between injured dignity and the overwhelming desire to express my theories. Injured dignity went to the wall. (A. Christie, ‘The Man in the Brown Suit’, ch. IV) — Во мне боролись уязвленное самолюбие и страстное желание поделиться мыслями о том, чему я была свидетельницей. Последнее одержало верх.

    2) обанкротиться, разориться, прогореть; ≈ вылететь в трубу

    In this jungle war, the weaker papers go to the wall. (‘Morning Star’) — Война в джунглях Флит-стрит кончается обычно тем, что мелкие газеты вылетают в трубу.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > go to the wall

  • 55 on the other hand

    с другой стороны; зато; см. тж. on the one hand... on the other

    ...it will always remain true that you must have great novelists before you get great novels. On the other hand, the sceptic would do well to remember that in the grim battle of ideas in the world of to-day, the majority of the best of the writers of the bourgeoisie have begun to move sharply to the Left... (R. Fox, ‘The Novel and the People’, ch. 9) —...и всегда будет справедливо положение, что великие романы могут быть написаны только великими писателями. С другой стороны, пускай скептики вспомнят, что в жестокой борьбе идей, происходящей сейчас в мире, большинство лучших писателей буржуазии начало резко двигаться влево...

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > on the other hand

  • 56 It is not surprising that ...

    Общая лексика: Неудивительно, что... (It is not surprising there will be litigation after what happened on the first day of the games.)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > It is not surprising that ...

  • 57 עוד רחוק היום

    that will be the day

    Hebrew-English dictionary > עוד רחוק היום

  • 58 tuskinpa se tapahtuu

    • that will be the day

    Suomi-Englanti sanakirja > tuskinpa se tapahtuu

  • 59 виждам

    1. see
    виждам добре have good eyes/sight
    не виждам добре have weak eyes, have bad sight
    дай да го видя let me see it, show it to me
    давам вид, че нищо не виждам look the other way
    виждам земя мор. make land
    виждам с очите си (свидетел съм) witness
    виждам следи trace
    доде да видиш before you can say knife/Jack Robinson
    2. прен. (схващам, преценявам) see, realize, understand
    доколкото виждам as far as I can see
    не виждам за какво се безпокоите I don't see what you're worrying about
    ще видим that remains to be seen, that is to be seen, (we почакаме) wait and see
    виждам нещата много черни have a melancholy outlook on life
    3. прен. (получавам) have
    и аз да видя пари за труда си at long last I got paid/I will get paid for my labours
    4. (навестявам) see, go and see
    5. (изпитвам) see. experience
    виждам зор have a hard time, be hard pressed; have (no end of) trouble (with)
    много е видял и патил he has been through many trials, he has had a bad time of it; he has been through it/through the mill
    видял съм добри и лоши дни I've seen good days and bad; I've had my offs and ons/my ups and downs
    6. (по грижвам се за) look after, take care of, see to, see about
    аз ще видя за билети I'll see to the tickets, I'll take care of the tickets
    ще видя каква е работата I'll check upon the matter, I'll see to that
    ще видя да... I'll see to it that...
    виждам бял свят see the light of day, be born
    видял съм свят I have knocked about (the world), I have seen a good deal of the world
    да ти видя гърба! beat it! be off with you! clear out! видях от теб (и аз направих същото) I followed your example, I copied you; I saw what you did and followed suit
    додето очи видят as far as the eye can reach
    ще тръгна, където ми видят очите I'll go wherever my feet lead me
    да не съм те видял още веднъж да вършиш това just let me see/catch you at it again! и какво да видиш! lo and behold! когато си видиш врата/ушите when the Ethiopian changes his skin, when hell freezes over, never in your life
    кого где види anyone he meets, everybody
    ще му видя сметката разг. I'll fix him; I'll settle his hash
    видяхме сметката на хляба we made short work of the bread
    ще си видим сметките we'll square our accounts
    виж по-горе/по-долу (препратка в книга) vide supra/infra, see above; below
    7. see o.s.
    8. be seen, be visible; can be seen
    нищо не се виждаше there was nothing to be seen; nothing was visible
    тепърва ще се види it is/it remains to be seen
    от следващото писмо се вижда, че it is evident from the following letter that
    видях се принуден да I found myself obliged to
    види се apparently; it seems that
    види се е забравил he seems to have forgotten
    виждам се в чудо be in a fix/pickle, be in/get into hot water, be at o.'s wits' end
    да му се не види, да се не види (макар) blast, darn it
    * * *
    1. see; разг. clap eyes on; аз ще видя кой е ( при позвъняване или почукване) I’ll answer the door; \виждам добре have good eyes/sight; \виждам земя мор. make land; \виждам следи trace; \виждам с очите си ( свидетел съм) witness; видях го как пада I saw him fall; давам вид, че нищо не \виждам look the other way; дай да го видя let me see it, show it to me; докато го видиш before you can say knife/Jack Robinson; не \виждам добре have weak eyes, have bad sight; не се вижда никакъв … there’s no … in sight;
    2. прен. ( схващам, преценявам) see, realize, understand; \виждам нещата много черни have a melancholy outlook on life; доколкото \виждам as far as I can see; чакай да видя (да помисля) let me see; ще видим that remains to be seen, that is to be seen, (ще почакаме) wait and see;
    3. прен. ( получавам) have;
    4. ( навестявам) see, go and see;
    5. ( изпитвам) see, experience; видял съм добри и лоши дни I’ve seen good days and bad; I’ve had my offs and ons/my ups and downs; \виждам зор have a hard time, be hard pressed; have (no end of) trouble (with); много добрини съм видял от него he has done me many a good turn; много е видял и патил he has been through many trials, he has had a bad time of it; he has been through it/through the mill;
    6. ( погрижвам се за) look after, take care of, see to, see about; ще видя каква е работата I’ll check upon the matter, I’ll see to that; ще видя да … I’ll see to it that …;
    7. повелит. накл. виж: ( учудване): \виждам ти! indeed! well! you don’t say so! bless my stars/my soul! \виждам какво now look; ( контраст): \виждам, ако ти кажат now if they tell you; ( внимавай): mind, take care; \виждам да не сбъркаш mind you don’t go wrong; \виждам да се свърши тази работа make sure/see that this job is done; • видял съм свят I have knocked about (the world), I have seen a good deal of the world; видях от теб (и направих същото) I followed your example, I copied you; I saw what you did and followed suit; видяхме сметката на хляба we made short work of the bread; виж по-горе/по-долу ( препратка в книга) vide supra/infra, see above/below; вижда му се краят I can see daylight; \виждам бял свят see the light of day, be born; да видя, не вярвам! that will be the day! да ти видя гърба! beat it! hop it! be off with you! clear out! да не съм те видял още веднъж да вършиш това just let me see/catch you at it again! докъдето очи виждат as far as the eye can reach; и какво да видиш! lo and behold! когато си видиш врата/ушите when the Ethiopian changes his skin, when hell freezes over; never in your life; когото където види anyone he meets, everybody; който накъдето види in all directions; ще му видя сметката разг. I’ll fix him; I’ll settle his hash; ще си видим сметките we’ll square our accounts; ще тръгна, където ми видят очите I’ll go wherever my feet lead me;
    \виждам се 1. see o.s.;
    2. be seen, be visible; can be seen; видях се принуден да I found myself obliged to; никъде не се виждаше и следа от него there wasn’t a sight of him anywhere; от следващото писмо се вижда, че it is evident from the following letter that; светлини се виждаха само в горната стая lights showed only in the upstairs room; тепърва ще се види it is/it remains to be seen;
    3. ( срещам се с) meet; • види се apparently; it seems that; \виждам се в чудо be in a fix/pickle, be in/get into hot water, be at o.’s wits’ end; да му се не види/да се не види (макар) blast, darn it.
    * * *
    perceive: I can виждам him standing there. - Виждам го да стои там.
    * * *
    1. (noгрижвам се за) look after, take care of, see to, see about 2. (изпитвам) see. experience 3. (навестявам) see, go and see 4. (срещам се с) meet 5. be seen, be visible;can be seen 6. see 7. see o. s. 8. ВИЖДАМ c очите си (свидетел съм) witness 9. ВИЖДАМ ce 10. ВИЖДАМ бял свят see the light of day, be born 11. ВИЖДАМ добре have good eyes/ sight 12. ВИЖДАМ земя мор. make land 13. ВИЖДАМ зор have a hard time, be hard pressed;have (no end of) trouble (with) 14. ВИЖДАМ нещата много черни have a melancholy outlook on life 15. ВИЖДАМ се в чудо be in a fix/pickle, be in/ get into hot water, be at o.'s wits' end 16. ВИЖДАМ следи trace 17. аз ще видя за билети I'll see to the tickets, I'll take care of the tickets 18. види се apparently: it seems that 19. види се е забравил he seems to have forgotten 20. видял съм добри и лоши дни I've seen good days and bad;I've had my offs and ons/my ups and downs 21. видял съм свят I have knocked about (the world), I have seen a good deal of the world 22. видях го как пада I saw him fall 23. видях се принуден да I found myself obliged to 24. видяхме сметката на хляба we made short work of the bread 25. виж по-горе/по-долу (препратка в книга) vide supra/infra, see above;below 26. да му се не види, да се не види (макар) blast, darn it 27. да ти видя гърба! beat it! be off with you! clear out! видях от теб (и аз направих същото) I followed your example, I copied you;I saw what you did and followed suit 28. давам вид, че нищо не ВИЖДАМ look the other way 29. дай да го видя let me see it, show it to me 30. доде да видиш before you can say knife/Jack Robinson 31. додето очи видят as far as the eye can reach 32. доколкото ВИЖДАМ as far as I can see 33. и аз да видя пари за труда си at long last I got paid/I will get paid for my labours 34. кого где види anyone he meets, everybody 35. който накъдето види in all directions 36. много добрини съм видял от него he has done me many a good turn 37. много е видял и патил he has been through many trials, he has had a bad time of it;he has been through it/through the mill 38. не ВИЖДАМ добре have weak eyes, have bad sight 39. не ВИЖДАМ за какво се безпокоите I don't see what you're worrying about 40. никъде не се виждаше и следа от Х there wasn`t a sight of Х anywhere: светлини се виждаха само в горната стая lights showed only in the upstairs room 41. нищо не се виждаше there was nothing to be seen: nothing was visible: тепърва ще се види it is/it remains to be seen 42. от следващото писмо се вижда, че it is evident from the following letter that 43. прен. (получавам) have 44. прен. (схващам, преценявам) see, realize, understand 45. чакай да видя (да помисля) let me see 46. ще видим that remains to be seen, that is to be seen, (we почакаме) wait and see 47. ще видя да... I'll see to it that... 48. ще видя каква е работата I'll check upon the matter, I'll see to that 49. ще му видя сметката разг. I'll fix him;I'll settle his hash 50. ще си видим сметките we'll square our accounts 51. ще тръгна, където ми видят очите I'll go wherever my feet lead me: да не съм те видял още веднъж да вършиш това just let me see/catch you at it again! и какво да видиш! lo and behold! когато си видиш врата/ушите when the Ethiopian changes his skin, when hell freezes over: never in your life

    Български-английски речник > виждам

  • 60 retten

    I v/t save (auch fig.); aus dem Feuer etc.: auch rescue (aus, vor + Dat from); (bergen) recover; bes. NAUT. salvage (auch fig.), salve; jemandem das Leben retten save s.o.’s life; jemanden vor dem Ertrinken retten save s.o. from drowning; jemanden aus einem brennenden Wagen retten rescue s.o. from a burning car; vor dem Abbruch retten (Haus) rescue from demolition; die Situation / den Abend retten fig. save the situation / rescue the evening; bist du noch zu retten? umg. have you gone completely mad?, have you lost your mind?; er ist nicht mehr zu retten umg. he’s a lost cause, he’s beyond help; der Kranke ist kaum mehr zu retten the patient is almost beyond ( oder past) hope; er rettete seine Ehre he vindicated his hono(u)r
    II v/i SPORT make a save; den rettenden Einfall haben come up with the answer, save the day
    III v/refl escape ( vor + Dat from); sich ins Haus etc. retten können manage to escape into the house etc.; sich vor Arbeit etc. nicht mehr retten können be snowed under ( oder inundated) with work etc.; er konnte sich vor Angeboten / Arbeit nicht ( mehr) retten he was besieged with offers / swamped with work; rette sich, wer kann! iro. it’s every man for himself
    * * *
    to save; to rescue; to salvage
    * * *
    rẹt|ten ['rɛtn]
    1. vt
    to save; (aus Gefahr auch, = befreien) to rescue; (COMPUT ) Datei to recover

    jdn/etw vor jdm/etw retten — to save sb/sth from sb/sth

    der Patient/die alte Kirche ist noch/nicht mehr zu retten — the patient/the old church can still be saved or is not yet past saving/is past saving

    wir sollten retten, was noch zu retten ist — we should salvage what we can

    er hat wieder geheiratet? er ist nicht mehr zu rettenhe got married again? he's beyond redemption or past saving or past helping

    bist du noch zu retten? (inf)are you out of your mind?, have you gone completely round the bend? (Brit inf)

    2. vr
    to escape

    /aus etw retten — to escape onto/under/from sth

    sich vor jdm/etw retten — to escape (from) sb/sth

    rette sich, wer kann! — (it's) every man for himself!

    * * *
    1) (to get or take out of a dangerous situation, captivity etc: The lifeboat was sent out to rescue the sailors from the sinking ship.) rescue
    2) (to rescue or bring out of danger: He saved his friend from drowning; The house was burnt but he saved the pictures.) save
    * * *
    I. vt
    jdn/etw [vor jdm/etw] \retten to save sb/sth [from sb/sth]
    ein geschickter Restaurator wird das Gemälde noch \retten können a skilled restorer will still be able to save the painting
    sie konnte ihren Schmuck durch die Flucht hindurch \retten she was able to save her jewellery while fleeing
    2. (den Ausweg weisend)
    \rettend which saved the day
    das ist der \rettende Einfall! that's the idea that will save the day!; s.a. Leben
    bist du noch zu \retten? (fam) are you out of your mind?
    II. vr
    sich akk [vor etw dat] \retten to save oneself [from sth]
    sie konnte sich gerade noch durch einen Sprung in den Straßengraben retten she was just able to save herself by jumping into a ditch at the side of the road
    sie rettete sich vor der Steuer nach Monaco she escaped the taxman by moving to Monaco
    er konnte sich gerade noch ans Ufer \retten he was just able to reach the safety of the bank
    rette sich, wer kann! (fam) run for your lives!
    sich akk vor jdm/etw nicht mehr zu \retten wissen, sich akk vor jdm/etw nicht mehr \retten können to be swamped by sth/mobbed by sb
    * * *
    transitives Verb save; (vor Gefahr) save; rescue; (befreien) rescue

    jemanden vor jemandem/etwas retten — save somebody from somebody/something

    ist er noch zu retten?(ugs. fig.) has he gone [completely] round the bend? (coll.)

    das alte Haus/der Patient ist nicht mehr zu retten — the old house is past saving/the patient is beyond help

    reflexives Verb (fliehen) escape ( aus from)

    sich vor etwas (Dat.) retten — escape [from] something

    sich vor jemandem/etwas nicht od. kaum [noch] retten können — be besieged by somebody/be swamped with something

    * * *
    A. v/t save (auch fig); aus dem Feuer etc: auch rescue (
    aus, vor +dat from); (bergen) recover; besonders SCHIFF salvage (auch fig), salve;
    jemandem das Leben retten save sb’s life;
    jemanden vor dem Ertrinken retten save sb from drowning;
    jemanden aus einem brennenden Wagen retten rescue sb from a burning car;
    vor dem Abbruch retten (Haus) rescue from demolition;
    die Situation/den Abend retten fig save the situation/rescue the evening;
    bist du noch zu retten? umg have you gone completely mad?, have you lost your mind?;
    er ist nicht mehr zu retten umg he’s a lost cause, he’s beyond help;
    der Kranke ist kaum mehr zu retten the patient is almost beyond ( oder past) hope; er
    rettete seine Ehre he vindicated his hono(u)r
    B. v/i SPORT make a save;
    den rettenden Einfall haben come up with the answer, save the day
    C. v/r escape (
    vor +dat from);
    retten können manage to escape into the house etc;
    nicht mehr retten können be snowed under ( oder inundated) with work etc;
    er konnte sich vor Angeboten/Arbeit nicht (mehr) retten he was besieged with offers/swamped with work;
    rette sich, wer kann! iron it’s every man for himself
    * * *
    transitives Verb save; (vor Gefahr) save; rescue; (befreien) rescue

    jemanden vor jemandem/etwas retten — save somebody from somebody/something

    ist er noch zu retten?(ugs. fig.) has he gone [completely] round the bend? (coll.)

    das alte Haus/der Patient ist nicht mehr zu retten — the old house is past saving/the patient is beyond help

    reflexives Verb (fliehen) escape ( aus from)

    sich vor etwas (Dat.) retten — escape [from] something

    sich vor jemandem/etwas nicht od. kaum [noch] retten können — be besieged by somebody/be swamped with something

    * * *
    to deserves v.
    to make the best of a bad job expr.
    to receive v.
    to salvage v.
    to salve v.
    to save v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > retten

См. также в других словарях:

  • that'll be the day — {informal} That will never happen. * /Joe wanted me to lend him money to take my girl to the movies. That ll be the day!/ * / Wouldn t it be nice if we had to go to school only one day a week? That ll be the day! / …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • that'll be the day — {informal} That will never happen. * /Joe wanted me to lend him money to take my girl to the movies. That ll be the day!/ * / Wouldn t it be nice if we had to go to school only one day a week? That ll be the day! / …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • The Day After — This article is about the 1983 television film. For other uses, see The Day After (disambiguation). The Day After The Day After DVD cover Genre …   Wikipedia

  • The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951 film) — Infobox Film name = The Day the Earth Stood Still caption = Color enhanced reprint of the 1951 Film Poster director = Robert Wise producer = Julian Blaustein writer = Edmund H. North Harry Bates (story) starring = Michael Rennie Patricia Neal… …   Wikipedia

  • The Day Today — infobox television show name = The Day Today caption = Chris Morris in The Day Today format = Comedy runtime = 30 min creator = Chris Morris, Armando Iannucci starring = Chris Morris, Steve Coogan, Rebecca Front, Doon Mackichan, Patrick Marber,… …   Wikipedia

  • The Day After Tomorrow — Infobox Film name = The Day After Tomorrow caption = The Day After Tomorrow theatrical poster. director = Roland Emmerich producer = Roland Emmerich Mark Gordon writer = Roland Emmerich (story) Roland Emmerich Jeffery Nachmanoff (screenplay)… …   Wikipedia

  • Will-o'-the-wisp — For other uses, see Will o the wisp (disambiguation). Will o the wisp Phenomenon An 1882 oil painting of a will o the wisp by Arnold Böcklin See also …   Wikipedia

  • The Day of the Triffids — For other uses, see The Day of the Triffids (disambiguation). The Day of the Triffids   …   Wikipedia

  • The Day of the Jackal — For the 1973 film adaptation of the novel, see The Day of the Jackal (film). The Day of the Jackal   …   Wikipedia

  • The Remains of the Day (film) — Infobox Film name = The Remains of the Day image size = caption = Movie poster director = James Ivory producer = Ismail Merchant writer = Kazuo Ishiguro (novel) Ruth Prawer Jhabvala (screenplay) narrator = starring = Anthony Hopkins Emma Thompson …   Wikipedia

  • Calculating the day of the week — This article details various mathematical algorithms to calculate the day of the week for any particular date in the past or future.A typical application is to calculate the day of the week on which someone was born or some other special event… …   Wikipedia

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