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  • CLXI — матем. • Запись числа 161 римскими цифрами …   Словарь обозначений

  • Opérations en Birmanie 1944 — Opération en Birmanie 1944 Des avions de transports C47 larguent des ravitaillements aux troupes alliées qui affrontent les troupes japonaises ; un évènement commun durant les combats en Inde et en Birmanie en 1944 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • ГУГО СЕН-ВИКТОРСКИЙ — [лат. Hugo de St. Victore; Гуго Парижский, Hugo Parisiensis] (после 1096 11.02.1141, Париж), средневек. философ, католич. богослов, мистик, глава сен викторской богословской школы. Жизнь О жизни Г. С. В. сохранились скудные сведения; точно не… …   Православная энциклопедия

  • The Equinox — (subtitle: The Review of Scientific Illuminism ) is a series of publications in book form that serves as the official organ of the A. .A. ., the mystical order of Aleister Crowley (although material is often of import to its sister organization,… …   Wikipedia

  • Fiat G.55 — Infobox Aircraft name = G.55 Centauro caption = The second prototype G.55, MM 492, in Regia Aeronautica markings type = Fighter national origin = Italy manufacturer = Fiat designer = Giuseppe Gabrielli first flight = 30 April 1942 introduced =… …   Wikipedia

  • Bentham & Hooker system — An early taxonomic system, the Bentham Hooker system for seed plants was published in ::cite book|author = G. Bentham J.D. Hooker|year = three volumes, 1862–1883|title = Genera plantarum ad exemplaria imprimis in herbariis kewensibus servata… …   Wikipedia

  • De Candolle system — An early taxonomic system, the de Candolle system was originally published in : A. P. de Candolle (2nd edition, 1819). Théorie élémentaire de la botanique, ou exposition des principes de la classification naturelle et de l’art de décrire et… …   Wikipedia

  • Libri of Aleister Crowley — The Libri of Aleister Crowley is a list of texts mostly written or adapted by Aleister Crowley. Some are attributed to other authors. The list was intended for students of Crowley s magical order, the A∴A∴. Content Many of the books and articles… …   Wikipedia

  • The Blue Equinox — (ISBN 1 57863 353 2) first published in 1919, is a book by Aleister Crowley detailing the principles and aims of the secret society O.T.O. and its ally the A∴A∴. Chapter listing #Hymn to Pan #Editorial #Præmonstrance of A∴A∴ #Curriculum of A∴A∴… …   Wikipedia

  • Rusticus of Narbonne — Saint Rusticus of Narbonne (in French Saint Rustique) (d. 26 October [The date of his feast. ( [http://www.therealpresence.org/dictionary/calendar.htm The Roman Calendar] ).] perhaps 461 [The Catholic Encyclopedia gives the year 461.] ) was a… …   Wikipedia

  • Collections of ancient canons — contain collected bodies of canon law that originated in various documents, such as papal and synodal decisions, and that can be designated by the generic term of canons. Contents 1 Generalities 2 From the earliest to the apocryphal collections 2 …   Wikipedia

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