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  • 1 partly

    adverb (to a certain extent but not completely: She was tired, partly because of the journey and partly because of the heat.) εν μέρει

    English-Greek dictionary > partly

  • 2 Partly

    P. μέρος, τι. Partly... partly: P. and V. τ μέν... τ δέ, τῇ μὲν... τῇ δέ.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Partly

  • 3 partly


    English-Greek new dictionary > partly

  • 4 in part

    (partly: He agreed that he was in part responsible for the accident.) εν μέρει

    English-Greek dictionary > in part

  • 5 to a certain extent / to some extent

    (partly but not completely.) ως ένα σημείο

    English-Greek dictionary > to a certain extent / to some extent

  • 6 ajar

    (partly open: The door was ajar when I returned.) μισάνοιχτος

    English-Greek dictionary > ajar

  • 7 charcoal

    (the black part of partly burned wood etc, used as fuel and for drawing.) κάρβουνο

    English-Greek dictionary > charcoal

  • 8 choke

    [ əuk] 1. verb
    1) (to (cause to) stop, or partly stop, breathing: The gas choked him; He choked to death.) πνίγω
    2) (to block: This pipe was choked with dirt.) φράζω
    2. noun
    (an apparatus in a car engine etc to prevent the passage of too much air when starting the engine.) `τσοκ` του καρμπιρατέρ

    English-Greek dictionary > choke

  • 9 crack

    [kræk] 1. verb
    1) (to (cause to) break partly without falling to pieces: The window cracked down the middle.) ραγίζω
    2) (to break (open): He cracked the peanuts between his finger and thumb.) σπάω
    3) (to make a sudden sharp sound of breaking: The twig cracked as I stepped on it.) κάνω κρακ
    4) (to make (a joke): He's always cracking jokes.) λέω (αστείο)
    5) (to open (a safe) by illegal means.) ανοίγω (χρηματοκιβώτιο) με διάρρηξη
    6) (to solve (a code).) σπάω (κώδικα)
    7) (to give in to torture or similar pressures: The spy finally cracked under their questioning and told them everything he knew.) υποχωρώ, `σπάω`
    2. noun
    1) (a split or break: There's a crack in this cup.) ράγισμα
    2) (a narrow opening: The door opened a crack.) χαραμάδα
    3) (a sudden sharp sound: the crack of whip.) κρότος
    4) (a blow: a crack on the jaw.) χτύπημα
    5) (a joke: He made a crack about my big feet.) αστείο
    6) (a very addictive drug: He died of too much crack with alcohol) κρακ, ναρκωτική ουσία
    3. adjective
    (expert: a crack racing-driver.) πρώτης τάξεως
    - crackdown
    - cracker
    - crackers
    - crack a book
    - crack down on
    - crack down
    - get cracking
    - have a crack at
    - have a crack

    English-Greek dictionary > crack

  • 10 half

    1. plural - halves; noun
    1) (one of two equal parts of anything: He tried to stick the two halves together again; half a kilo of sugar; a kilo and a half of sugar; one and a half kilos of sugar.) μισό
    2) (one of two equal parts of a game (eg in football, hockey) usually with a break between them: The Rangers scored three goals in the first half.) ημίχρονο
    2. adjective
    1) (being (equal to) one of two equal parts (of something): a half bottle of wine.)
    2) (being made up of two things in equal parts: A centaur is a mythical creature, half man and half horse.)
    3) (not full or complete: a half smile.)
    3. adverb
    1) (to the extent of one half: This cup is only half full; It's half empty.) ως τη μέση,μισο-
    2) (almost; partly: I'm half hoping he won't come; half dead from hunger.) σχεδόν,μισο-
    - halve
    - half-and-half
    - half-back
    - half-brother
    - half-sister
    - half-caste
    - half-hearted
    - half-heartedly
    - half-heartedness
    - half-holiday
    - half-hourly
    - half-term
    - half-time
    - half-way
    - half-wit
    - half-witted
    - half-yearly
    - at half mast
    - by half
    - do things by halves
    - go halves with
    - half past three
    - four
    - seven
    - in half
    - not half

    English-Greek dictionary > half

  • 11 part

    1. noun
    1) (something which, together with other things, makes a whole; a piece: We spent part of the time at home and part at the seaside.) μέρος
    2) (an equal division: He divided the cake into three parts.) μερίδα
    3) (a character in a play etc: She played the part of the queen.) ρόλος
    4) (the words, actions etc of a character in a play etc: He learned his part quickly.) ρόλος
    5) (in music, the notes to be played or sung by a particular instrument or voice: the violin part.) μέρος
    6) (a person's share, responsibility etc in doing something: He played a great part in the government's decision.) συμμετοχή,ανάμιξη
    2. verb
    (to separate; to divide: They parted (from each other) at the gate.) χωρίζω
    - partly
    - part-time
    - in part
    - part company
    - part of speech
    - part with
    - take in good part
    - take someone's part
    - take part in

    English-Greek dictionary > part

  • 12 seal

    I 1. [si:l] noun
    1) (a piece of wax or other material bearing a design, attached to a document to show that it is genuine and legal.) σφραγίδα
    2) (a piece of wax etc used to seal a parcel etc.) βουλοκέρι
    3) ((something that makes) a complete closure or covering: Paint and varnish act as protective seals for woodwork.) (υλικό για) στεγανοποίηση, σφράγισμα
    2. verb
    1) (to mark with a seal: The document was signed and sealed.) σφραγίζω
    2) ((negative unseal) to close completely: He licked and sealed the envelope; All the air is removed from a can of food before it is sealed.) σφραγίζω
    3) (to settle or decide: This mistake sealed his fate.) σφραγίζω
    - seal of approval
    - seal off
    - set one's seal to
    II [si:l] noun
    (any of several types of sea animal, some furry, living partly on land.) φώκια

    English-Greek dictionary > seal

  • 13 semi-

    1) (half, as in semicircle.) ημι-
    2) (partly, as in semi-conscious.) ημι-,μισο-

    English-Greek dictionary > semi-

  • 14 semi-conscious

    (partly conscious: He was semi-conscious when they took him to hospital.) ημιαναίσθητος

    English-Greek dictionary > semi-conscious

  • 15 state

    I [steit] noun
    1) (the condition in which a thing or person is: the bad state of the roads; The room was in an untidy state; He inquired about her state of health; What a state you're in!; He was not in a fit state to take the class.) κατάσταση
    2) (a country considered as a political community, or, as in the United States, one division of a federation: The Prime Minister visits the Queen once a week to discuss affairs of state; The care of the sick and elderly is considered partly the responsibility of the state; ( also adjective) The railways are under state control; state-controlled / owned industries.) κράτος
    3) (ceremonial dignity and splendour: The Queen, wearing her robes of state, drove in a horse-drawn coach to Westminster; ( also adjective) state occasions/banquets.) επισημότητα/επίσημος
    - stateliness
    - statesman
    - statesmanlike
    - statesmanship
    - get into a state
    - lie in state
    II [steit] verb
    (to say or announce clearly, carefully and definitely: You have not yet stated your intentions.) δηλώνω

    English-Greek dictionary > state

  • 16 to do with

    1) ((with have) to have dealings with: I never had anything to do with the neighbours.) έχω πάρε-δώσε με
    2) ((with have) to be involved in, especially to be (partly) responsible for: Did you have anything to do with her death?) έχω να κάνω με
    3) ((with have) to be connected with: Has this decision anything to do with what I said yesterday?) έχω σχέση με
    4) ((with be or have) to be about or concerned with: This letter is/has to do with Bill's plans for the summer.) αφορώ
    5) ((with have) to be the concern of: I'm sorry, but that question has nothing to do with me; What has that (got) to do with him?) έχω σχέση με

    English-Greek dictionary > to do with

  • 17 top up

    (to fill (a cup etc that has been partly emptied) to the top: Let me top up your glass/drink.) γεμίζω ως επάνω

    English-Greek dictionary > top up

  • 18 Guilty

    P. and V. αἴτιος.
    Blood-guilty: P. εναγής, V. προστρόπαιος (rare P.), παλαμναῖος, μιαιφόνος.
    Criminal, wicked: P. and V. δικος, κακός, νόσιος, κακοῦργος, παρνομος (Eur., Med. 1121).
    Disgraceful: P. and V. αἰσχρός.
    Guilty of: P. and V. αἴτιος (gen.), ἐπαίτιος (gen.).
    The guilty man: P. and V.δικῶν, ὁ δρῶν, ὁ δρσας.
    Partly guilty: see Accessory.
    Wholly guilty: V.αναίτιος.
    Find guilty, convict, v.: P. and V. αἱρεῖν, ἐλέγχειν, ἐξελέγχειν.
    Condemn: P. and V. αἱρεῖν, καθαιρεῖν.
    Be found guilty: P. and V. λίσκεσθαι.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Guilty

  • 19 Interested

    Biassed: P. οὐ κοινός; see Biassed.
    From interested motives: P. and V. ἐπ κέρδεσι.
    Partly responsible: P. and V. συναίτιος, μεταίτιος (gen.).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Interested

  • 20 Part

    Portion, share: P. and V. μέρος, τό, μοῖρα, ἡ, P. μόριον, τό, V. λχος, τό.
    Division: P. and V. μερς, ἡ, μέρος, τό, μοῖρα, ἡ.
    Direction: see Direction.
    Part in a play: P. σχῆμα, τό.
    I did not abandon the part of a patriot in the hour of danger: P. ἐγὼ τὴν τῆς εὐνοίας τάξιν ἐν τοῖς δεινοῖς οὐκ ἔλιπον (Dem. 286).
    It is a wise man's part: P. and V. σοφοῦ ἀνδρός ἐστι or σοφοῦ πρὸς ἀνδρός ἐστι.
    The part of an accomplice: V. τὸ συνδρῶν χρέος (Eur., And. 337).
    In part: P. μέρος τι; see Partly.
    For my part: V. τοὐμὸν μέρος.
    I for my part: P. and V. ἔγωγε.
    For the most part: P. ὡς ἐπὶ πολύ, τὰ πολλά.
    You have no part in: P. and V. οὐ σοὶ μέτεστι (gen.).
    Take part in: P. and V. κοινωνεῖν (gen.), κοινοῦσθαι (acc. or gen.), μετέχειν (gen.), συναίρεσθαι (acc. or gen.); see Share.
    Take ( a person's) part: P. and V. εὐνοεῖν (τινί), τ (τινος) φρονεῖν, P. εὐνοϊκῶς ἔχειν (τινί); see side with.
    Take in good part: P. and V. ῥᾳδίως φέρειν (acc.).
    Parts, natural capacity: P. and V. δναμις, ἡ.
    Character: P. and V. ἦθος, τό, τρόπος, ὁ, or pl.
    Cleverness: P. and V. σοφία, ἡ. φρόνησις, ἡ; see Cleverness.
    Quarters: P. and V. τόποι, οἱ.
    Be in foreign parts, v.: Ar. and P. ποδημεῖν.
    From all parts: see from every direction, under Direction.
    v. trans.
    Separate: P. and V. χωρίζειν, σχίζειν, διείργειν, διαλαμβνειν, διαιρεῖν, διιστναι (Eur., frag.), Ar. and P. διαχωρίζειν, διασπᾶν, V. νοσφσαι ( 1st aor. act. of νοσφίζεσθαι), P. διασχίζειν.
    Cut off: P. ἀπολαμβνειν, διαλαμβνειν.
    Separate locally ( as a dividing line): P. and V. σχίζειν.
    About the river Tanaus that parts the borders of the Argive land and the soil of Sparta: V. ἀμφὶ ποταμὸν Ταναὸν Ἀργείας ὅρους τέμνοντα γαίας Σπαρτιάτιδός τε γῆς (Eur., El. 410).
    V. intrans. Fork ( of a road): P. and V. σχίζεσθαι.
    Break: P. and V. ῥήγνυσθαι; see Break.
    Of themselves the fetters parted from their feet: V. αὐτόματα δʼ αὐταῖς δεσμὰ διελύθη ποδῶν (Eur., Bacch. 447).
    Be separated, go different ways: P. and V. χωρίζεσθαι, φίστασθαι, διίστασθαι. Ar. and P. διακρνεσθαι.
    When we parted: P. ἐπειδὴ ἀπηλλάγημεν (Dem. 1169).
    Part from: P. and V. φίστασθαι (gen.), V. ποζεύγνυσθαι (gen.) (Eur., H.F. 1375).
    Part with: P. and V. παλλάσσεσθαι (gen.), φίστασθαι (gen.), πολείπεσθαι (gen.).
    Be deprived of: see under Deprive.
    Give: see Give.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Part

См. также в других словарях:

  • Partly — Part ly, adv. In part; in some measure of degree; not wholly. I partly believe it. 1 Cor. xi. 18. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • partly — index in part Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • partly — (adv.) 1530s, from PART (Cf. part) (n.) + LY (Cf. ly) (2) …   Etymology dictionary

  • partly — [adv] not completely at best, at least, at most, at worst, bit by bit, by degrees, carelessly, halfway, inadequately, in a general way, in bits and pieces*, incompletely, in part, in some measure, in some ways, insufficiently, little by little,… …   New thesaurus

  • partly — ► ADVERB ▪ to some extent; not completely …   English terms dictionary

  • partly — [pärt′lē] adv. in some measure or degree; in part; not fully or completely …   English World dictionary

  • partly — partially, partly 1. The meanings of these two words overlap in ways that make it difficult to decide between them in any principled way, although certain patterns in their use can be identified. Partially (15c) is somewhat older than partly… …   Modern English usage

  • partly — [[t]pɑ͟ː(r)tli[/t]] ♦♦♦ ADV: ADV with cl/group You use partly to indicate that something happens or exists to some extent, but not completely. It s partly my fault... He let out a long sigh, mainly of relief, partly of sadness... I have not… …   English dictionary

  • partly — part|ly W2S2 [ˈpa:tli US ˈpa:r ] adv to some degree, but not completely ▪ The poor weather was partly responsible for the crash. ▪ The company s problems are partly due to bad management. ▪ It is partly because of her sick mother that she hasn t… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • partly — part|ly [ partli ] adverb *** to some degree, but not completely: I ll admit I was partly to blame. She was shaking all over, partly because she was so angry with Oliver and partly because she was so afraid. Inflation has remained low, partly as… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • partly */*/*/ — UK [ˈpɑː(r)tlɪ] / US [ˈpɑrtlɪ] adverb to some degree, but not completely I ll admit I was partly to blame. She was shaking all over, partly because she was so angry with Oliver and partly because she was so afraid. Inflation has remained low,… …   English dictionary

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