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  • 1 from

    рг. од, до, по, кај; отколку; за/во; from hence - оттука; from day to day - од ден во ден; to tear from - оттргнува; from above - одозгора; from thence - оттука; from within - одвнатре; from without - однадвор; from time to time - од време на време; од кај; од; од

    English-Macedonian dictionary > from

  • 2 without

    prep. без; adv. надвор; from without - однад. вор, надвор conj. ако не, освен ако, единствено да; однадвор; без; вон

    English-Macedonian dictionary > without

  • 3 benefit

    парична надомест, благодет
    v извлекува корист од, од корист е за, има корист
    * * *
    n. 1. корист; to derive benefit from smt. извлекување на корист од нешто;
    2. (in pl) (insurance) надоместок (од осигорувањето); to play benefits исплаќање на надоместок од осигорувањето;
    3. (in pl) пензија; disability (old-age) benefits инвалидска (старосна) пензија; survivors' benefits семејна пензија;
    4. претстава во корист на некоја установа;
    5. бенефиција; олеснување; unemployment benefits бенефиции за невработени; a tax benefit даночна бенефиција (see also: break I 5); 6. misc.; for your special benefit лично за вас; *the benefit of the doubt (во дубиозен случај) одлука во корист на поблагата казна; benefit II v
    1.tr користење;
    2. intr користење; to benefit from smt. користење на нешто
    n. корист, добивка; for your benefit - заради вас, заради ваше добро;
    2. трошоци за издржување; корист; бенефиција; пензија benefit of clergy benefit of clergy
    1.pravo sveљtenika (sveжenika) da mu sudi duhovni sud;
    2. crkvena sankcija; a union made without benefit divlji brak, vanbraиna veza

    English-Macedonian dictionary > benefit

См. также в других словарях:

  • from without — From the outside • • • Main Entry: ↑without …   Useful english dictionary

  • lysis from without — lysis from without. См. лизис извне. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

  • applied from without — index extrinsic Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • coming from without — index extraneous Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • derived from without — index extraneous, extrinsic Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • without — [with out′, without′] adv. [ME withuten < OE withutan < with, WITH + utan, from outside, without < ut, OUT] 1. on the outside; externally 2. outside a building or place; out of doors prep. 1. Now Rare at, on, to, or toward the outside of …   English World dictionary

  • without — prep. & adv. prep. 1 not having, feeling, or showing (came without any money; without hesitation; without any emotion). 2 with freedom from (without fear; without embarrassment). 3 in the absence of (cannot live without you; the train left… …   Useful english dictionary

  • without — /widh owt , with /, prep. 1. with the absence, omission, or avoidance of; not with; with no or none of; lacking: without help; without shoes; without her helping me; without him to help. 2. free from; excluding: a world without hunger. 3. not… …   Universalium

  • without — I. preposition Etymology: Middle English withoute, from Old English withūtan, from with + ūtan outside, from ūt out more at out Date: before 12th century 1. outside 2. used as a function word to indicate the absence or lack of something or… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • without — with•out [[t]wɪðˈaʊt, wɪθ [/t]] prep. 1) with the absence, omission, or avoidance of; not with; with no or none of; lacking: without help; without shoes; without you to help[/ex] 2) free from; excluding: a world without hunger[/ex] 3) cvb not… …   From formal English to slang

  • without — 1. adverb /wɪθˈaʊt,wɪðˈaʊt/ a) outside, externally 1904: I knew that someone had entered the house cautiously from without. Arthur Conan Doyle, ‘The Adventure of the Golden Pince Nez’ (Norton 2005, p.1100) b) Lacking something. c.1600s: Macbeth:… …   Wiktionary

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