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  • 1 zero

    plural - zeros; noun
    1) (nought; the number or figure 0: Three plus zero equals three; The figure 100 has two zeros in it.) nulis
    2) (the point on a scale (eg on a thermometer) which is taken as the standard on which measurements may be based: The temperature was 5 degrees above/below zero.) nulis
    3) (the exact time fixed for something to happen, eg an explosion, the launching of a spacecraft etc: It is now 3 minutes to zero.) startas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > zero

  • 2 countdown

    noun ((used originally of a rocket) a counting backwards to check the time remaining until the beginning of an event, regarded as zero: It's five minutes to countdown.) laiko skaičiavimas atgal

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > countdown

  • 3 minus

    1. preposition
    (used to show subtraction: Ten minus two equals eight (10 - 2 = 8).) minus
    2. noun
    ((also minus sign) a sign (-) used to show subtraction or negative quality.) minusas
    3. adjective
    (negative or less than zero: a minus number; Twelve from ten equals minus two (10 - 12 = -2).) neigiamas, minus

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > minus

  • 4 negative

    ['neɡətiv] 1. adjective
    1) (meaning or saying `no'; denying something: a negative answer.) neigiamas
    2) (expecting to fail: a negative attitude.) negatyvus
    3) (less than zero: -4 is a negative or minus number.) neigiamas
    4) (having more electrons than normal: The battery has a negative and a positive terminal.) neigiamas
    2. noun
    1) (a word etc by which something is denied: `No' and `never' are negatives.) neiginys
    2) (the photographic film, from which prints are made, on which light and dark are reversed: I gave away the print, but I still have the negative.) negatyvas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > negative

  • 5 nil

    ((in scoring) nothing; zero: Leeds United won two-nil / by two goals to nil.) nulis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > nil

  • 6 nought

    1) (nothing.) niekas
    2) ((American zero) the figure 0: The number contained five noughts.) nulis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > nought

  • 7 plus

    1. preposition
    (used to show addition: Two plus three equals five (2 + 3 = 5).) plius
    2. noun
    ((also plus sign) a sign (+) used to show addition or positive quality.) pliusas
    3. adjective
    (positive or more than zero: a plus quantity; The temperature was plus fifteen degrees.) teigiamas, plius

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > plus

  • 8 pointer

    1) (a long stick used to indicate places on a large map etc.) rodomoji lazdelė
    2) (an indicator on a dial: The pointer is on/at zero.) rodyklė
    3) (a hint; a suggestion: Give me some pointers on how to do it.) patarimas, užuomina

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > pointer

  • 9 positive

    ['pozətiv] 1. adjective
    1) (meaning or saying `yes': a positive answer; They tested the water for the bacteria and the result was positive (= the bacteria were present).) teigiamas
    2) (definite; leaving no doubt: positive proof.) aiškus
    3) (certain or sure: I'm positive he's right.) tikras
    4) (complete or absolute: His work is a positive disgrace.) visiškas
    5) (optimistic and prepared to make plans for the future: Take a more positive attitude to life.) optimistiškas, pozityvus
    6) (not showing any comparison; not comparative or superlative.) nelyginamasis
    7) ((of a number etc) greater than zero.) teigiamas
    8) (having fewer electrons than normal: In an electrical circuit, electrons flow to the positive terminal.) teigiamas
    2. noun
    1) (a photographic print, made from a negative, in which light and dark are as normal.) pozityvas
    2) ((an adjective or adverb of) the positive (not comparative or superlative) degree.) nelyginamasis laipsnis
    - positively

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > positive

  • 10 survival

    noun (the state of surviving: the problem of survival in sub-zero temperatures; ( also adjective) survival equipment.) išgyvenimas, išlikimas gyvam

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > survival

  • 11 zeros

    plural; see zero

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > zeros

См. также в других словарях:

  • zéro — zéro …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • zéro — [ zero ] n. m. • 1485; empr., pour remplacer l a. fr. cifre « zéro », puis « chiffre », à l it. zero, d ab. zefiro, transcription de l ar. sifr « vide; zéro »; cf. chiffre 1 ♦ Symbole numéral (0) destiné à remplacer, dans la numération écrite,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Zero — puede referise a: Cero Zero, canción de la banda estadounidense Smashing Pumpkins. El Mitsubishi A6M un caza embarcado empleado por la Armada Imperial Japonesa desde 1940 hasta 1945. La revista española Zero de estilos de vida dirigida al público …   Wikipedia Español

  • Zero-K — Developer(s) See Credits Engine Spring …   Wikipedia

  • Zero — steht für: die Zahl Null (eng.) /dev/zero, eine virtuelle Gerätedatei Mitsubishi A6M Zero, ein japanisches Jagdflugzeug des 2. Weltkriegs ZERO, die 1957 von Otto Piene und Heinz Mack gegründete Künstlergruppe Zero (Theaterstück), eine Komödie von …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Zero — Zéro (homonymie) Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Zero 7 — Pays d’origine  Royaume Uni Genre musical Downtempo, Trip hop, Ambient et Acid Jazz …   Wikipédia en Français

  • zero — ZÉRO, zeróuri, s.n. 1. Număr care, în numărătoare, reprezintă o cantitate vidă şi care se indică prin cifra 0; nulă. ♢ expr. A reduce ceva la zero = a reduce cu totul importanţa unui lucru, a face să fie neglijabil. ♦ Cifră reprezentând numărul… …   Dicționar Român

  • Zéro — Zero steht für: Zero Mostel (1915–1977), einen US amerikanischen Schauspieler Zero (Theaterstück), eine Komödie von Fritz von Unruh Zero Skateboards, ein US amerikanisches Skateboardunternehmen Mitsubishi A6M Zero, ein japanisches Jagdflugzeug… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Zero if — refers to the nonstandard deletion of if where standard English has it, leading to sentences like this:* You ll get there on time you hurry up (you ll get there on time if you hurry up)Zero IF can also be short for Zero Intermediate Frequency.ee… …   Wikipedia

  • Zero X — Zero Motorcycles Inc. ist ein Hersteller von Elektromotorrädern in den USA. Das Unternehmen wurde 2006 als Electricross bei Santa Cruz in Kalifornien vom ehemaligen NASA Ingenieur Neal Saiki, der bereits mehrere Design Awards in der Sport Welt… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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