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  • 1 kroutící se

    Czech-English dictionary > kroutící se

  • 2 aji-buji

    wriggly, squiggly

    Uzbek-English dictionary > aji-buji

  • 3 zappelig

    Adj. umg.
    1. fidgety, restless
    2. (aufgeregt) excited, nervous, in a flap (Am. auch tizzy)
    * * *
    * * *
    zạp|pe|lig ['tsapəlɪç]
    wriggly; (= unruhig) fidgety
    * * *
    zap·pe·lig, zapp·lig
    adj (fam)
    ein \zappeliges Kind a fidgety [or restless] child
    [ganz] \zappelig [vor etw dat] sein to be [all] restless [or fidgety] [with sth]
    * * *
    Adjektiv (ugs.)
    1) wriggly; fidgety < child>
    2) (nervös) jittery (coll.)
    * * *
    zappelig adj umg
    1. fidgety, restless
    2. (aufgeregt) excited, nervous, in a flap (US auch tizzy)
    * * *
    Adjektiv (ugs.)
    1) wriggly; fidgety < child>
    2) (nervös) jittery (coll.)
    * * *
    fidgety adj.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > zappelig

  • 4 дёргающийся

    General subject: twitchy, working (о щеке и т.п.), wriggly, squirmy

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > дёргающийся

  • 5 извивающийся

    1) General subject: crinkly, elbowed (о реке, дороге), serpentine, snaky, twiddly, wriggly, squirmy, squiggly
    2) Mathematics: twisting
    3) Architecture: winding
    4) Makarov: serpentinous

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > извивающийся

  • 6 корчащийся

    General subject: wriggly, squirmy

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > корчащийся

  • 7 Х-56

    ПУСКАТЬ/ПУСТИТЬ В ХОД что VP subj: human usu. this WO
    1. ( usu. pfv) to set sth.
    usu. a factory, plant etc) operating
    X пустил Y в ход = X got (set) Y going (running).
    «Он временно принял директорство над филиалом. На весь наладочный период. Пустит машину в ход, подготовит директора из местных и только тогда вернётся» (Залыгин 1). "He's taken on temporary directorship of the branch till it gets started properly. He'll set things running, train a local man as director, and won't come back till he's done it" (1a).
    2. Also: ПУСКАТЬ/ПУСТИТЬ В ДЕЛО ( var. with дело is used in refer, to a tool, weapon etc) to employ or start to employ (some means, device, instrument etc) in order to achieve one's goal
    X пустил в ход Y = X put Y to use
    X used (utilized) Y X made use of Y X brought Y into play (into service, into action) (in limited contexts) X set Y in motion X resorted to Y
    X пустил в ход своё обаяние (все свои чары и т. п.) - X turned on the (all his) charm
    X пустил в ход всё (все средства) - X used all possible (available) means
    X did everything in his power.
    У них есть оружие. Они пустят его в ход (Аксёнов 6). They have weapons. They are going to put them to use (6a).
    «Эндурцы испокон веков ядами промышляют. Они с такой хитростью яды пускают в ход - ни один прокурор не подкопается» (Искандер 5). "The Endurskies have dealt in poisons since time immemorial. They're so sly about using poisons that no prosecutor has ever trapped them" (5a)
    Я... пустил в ход величайшее и незыблемое средство к покорению женского сердца, средство, которое никогда и никого не обманет и которое действует решительно на всех до единой, без всякого исключения. Это средство известное - лесть» (Достоевский 3). "I...brought into play the greatest and most reliable of all instruments for the subjugation of the female heart, the instrument that never fails, that works on absolutely every single woman without exception. This instrument is well-known: flattery" (3a).
    Испуганные буржуа травили революцию, как дикого зверя все было пушено в ход: клевета и слезоточивые газы, демагогия и тюрьмы (Эренбург 4). The terrified bourgeois hunted down the revolution like a wild animal. Every weapon was brought into service: slander and tear-gas, demagogy and imprisonment (4a).
    Пуская в ход весь аппарат своей поржавел ой, скрипучей, но всё такой же извилистой логики, (Чернышевский) сначала мотивировал свою досаду тем, что его считают вором, желавшим наживать капитал, а затем объяснял, что гнев его был, собственно, напоказ, ради Ольги Сократовны... (Набоков 1)....Setting in motion the whole apparatus of his logic - rusty, creaky but still as wriggly as ever, he (Chernyshevski) at first justified his ire by the fact that he was being taken for a thief who wished to acquire capital, and then explained that his anger was actually only a sham for Olga Sokratovna's sake., (1a).
    (Юлия:) Сейчас сюда приедет министр финансов, и я пущу в ход все свои чары и узнаю, что они затевают (Шварц 3). (J.:) The Minister of Finance will be here any minute, and I'll turn on all my charm and find out what they're cooking up (3a).
    3. to introduce sth. into general, common usage, promote the dissemination of sth.: X пустил в ход Y = X put Y in(to) circulation
    X brought Y into widespread use X started Y.
    «Ты представляешь, какие откроются перспективы, если пустить твоё открытие в ход!» (Аксёнов 6). "Just imagine what prospects could open up if your discovery were to be put into circulation!" (6a).
    Кто пустил его (Самиздат) в ход, неизвестно, как он работает, понять нельзя... (Мандельштам 2). Who started it (samizdat), nobody knows, and the way it works is beyond our comprehension... (2a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Х-56

  • 8 пускать в дело

    [VP; subj: human; usu. this WO]
    1. [usu. pfv]
    to set sth. (usu. a factory, plant etc) operating:
    - X пустил Y в ход X got (set) Y going (running).
         ♦ "Он временно принял директорство над филиалом. На весь наладочный период. Пустит машину в ход, подготовит директора из местных и только тогда вернётся" (Залыгин I). "He's taken on temporary directorship of the branch till it gets started properly. He'll set things running, train a local man as director, and won't come back till he's done it" (1a).
    2. Also: ПУСКАТЬ/ПУСТИТЬ В ДЕЛО [var. with дело is used in refer, to a tool, weapon etc]
    to employ or start to employ (some means, device, instrument etc) in order to achieve one's goal:
    - X пустил в ход Y X put Y to use;
    - X brought Y into play (into service, into action);
    - [in limited contexts] X set Y in motion;
    || X пустил в ход своё обаяние (все свои чары и т. п.) X turned on the (all his) charm;
    - X did everything in his power.
         ♦ У них есть оружие. Они пустят его в ход (Аксёнов 6). They have weapons. They are going to put them to use (6a).
         ♦ "Эндурцы испокон веков ядами промышляют. Они с такой хитростью яды пускают в ход - ни один прокурор не подкопается" (Искандер 5). "The Endurskies have dealt in poisons since time immemorial. They're so sly about using poisons that no prosecutor has ever trapped them" (5a)
         ♦ " Я... пустил в ход величайшее и незыблемое средство к покорению женского сердца, средство, которое никогда и никого не обманет и которое действует решительно на всех до единой, без всякого исключения. Это средство известное - лесть" (Достоевский 3). "I...brought into play the greatest and most reliable of all instruments for the subjugation of the female heart, the instrument that never fails, that works on absolutely every single woman without exception. This instrument is well-known: flattery" (3a).
         ♦ Испуганные буржуа травили революцию, как дикого зверя; все было пушено в ход: клевета и слезоточивые газы, демагогия и тюрьмы (Эренбург 4). The terrified bourgeois hunted down the revolution like a wild animal. Every weapon was brought into service: slander and tear-gas, demagogy and imprisonment (4a).
         ♦...Пуская в ход весь аппарат своей поржавелой, скрипучей, но всё такой же извилистой логики, [Чернышевский] сначала мотивировал свою досаду тем, что его считают вором, желавшим наживать капитал, а затем объяснял, что гнев его был, собственно, напоказ, ради Ольги Сократовны... (Набоков 1)....Setting in motion the whole apparatus of his logic - rusty, creaky but still as wriggly as ever, he [Chemyshevski] at first justified his ire by the fact that he was being taken for a thief who wished to acquire capital, and then explained that his anger was actually only a sham for Olga Sokratovna's sake., (1a).
         ♦ [Юлия:] Сейчас сюда приедет министр финансов, и я пушу в ход все свои чары и узнаю, что они затевают (Шварц 3). [J.:] The Minister of Finance will be here any minute, and I'll turn on all my charm and find out what they're cooking up (3a).
    3. to introduce sth. into general, common usage, promote the dissemination of sth.:
    - X пустил в ход Y X put Y in(to) circulation;
    - X started Y.
         ♦ "Ты представляешь, какие откроются перспективы, если пустить твоё открытие в ход!" (Аксёнов 6). "Just imagine what prospects could open up if your discovery were to be put into circulation!" (6a).
         ♦ Кто пустил его [Самиздат] в ход, неизвестно, как он работает, понять нельзя... (Мандельштам 2). Who started it [samizdat], nobody knows, and the way it works is beyond our comprehension... (2a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пускать в дело

  • 9 пускать в ход

    [VP; subj: human; usu. this WO]
    1. [usu. pfv]
    to set sth. (usu. a factory, plant etc) operating:
    - X пустил Y в ход X got (set) Y going (running).
         ♦ "Он временно принял директорство над филиалом. На весь наладочный период. Пустит машину в ход, подготовит директора из местных и только тогда вернётся" (Залыгин I). "He's taken on temporary directorship of the branch till it gets started properly. He'll set things running, train a local man as director, and won't come back till he's done it" (1a).
    2. Also: ПУСКАТЬ/ПУСТИТЬ В ДЕЛО [var. with дело is used in refer, to a tool, weapon etc]
    to employ or start to employ (some means, device, instrument etc) in order to achieve one's goal:
    - X пустил в ход Y X put Y to use;
    - X brought Y into play (into service, into action);
    - [in limited contexts] X set Y in motion;
    || X пустил в ход своё обаяние (все свои чары и т. п.) X turned on the (all his) charm;
    - X did everything in his power.
         ♦ У них есть оружие. Они пустят его в ход (Аксёнов 6). They have weapons. They are going to put them to use (6a).
         ♦ "Эндурцы испокон веков ядами промышляют. Они с такой хитростью яды пускают в ход - ни один прокурор не подкопается" (Искандер 5). "The Endurskies have dealt in poisons since time immemorial. They're so sly about using poisons that no prosecutor has ever trapped them" (5a)
         ♦ " Я... пустил в ход величайшее и незыблемое средство к покорению женского сердца, средство, которое никогда и никого не обманет и которое действует решительно на всех до единой, без всякого исключения. Это средство известное - лесть" (Достоевский 3). "I...brought into play the greatest and most reliable of all instruments for the subjugation of the female heart, the instrument that never fails, that works on absolutely every single woman without exception. This instrument is well-known: flattery" (3a).
         ♦ Испуганные буржуа травили революцию, как дикого зверя; все было пушено в ход: клевета и слезоточивые газы, демагогия и тюрьмы (Эренбург 4). The terrified bourgeois hunted down the revolution like a wild animal. Every weapon was brought into service: slander and tear-gas, demagogy and imprisonment (4a).
         ♦...Пуская в ход весь аппарат своей поржавелой, скрипучей, но всё такой же извилистой логики, [Чернышевский] сначала мотивировал свою досаду тем, что его считают вором, желавшим наживать капитал, а затем объяснял, что гнев его был, собственно, напоказ, ради Ольги Сократовны... (Набоков 1)....Setting in motion the whole apparatus of his logic - rusty, creaky but still as wriggly as ever, he [Chemyshevski] at first justified his ire by the fact that he was being taken for a thief who wished to acquire capital, and then explained that his anger was actually only a sham for Olga Sokratovna's sake., (1a).
         ♦ [Юлия:] Сейчас сюда приедет министр финансов, и я пушу в ход все свои чары и узнаю, что они затевают (Шварц 3). [J.:] The Minister of Finance will be here any minute, and I'll turn on all my charm and find out what they're cooking up (3a).
    3. to introduce sth. into general, common usage, promote the dissemination of sth.:
    - X пустил в ход Y X put Y in(to) circulation;
    - X started Y.
         ♦ "Ты представляешь, какие откроются перспективы, если пустить твоё открытие в ход!" (Аксёнов 6). "Just imagine what prospects could open up if your discovery were to be put into circulation!" (6a).
         ♦ Кто пустил его [Самиздат] в ход, неизвестно, как он работает, понять нельзя... (Мандельштам 2). Who started it [samizdat], nobody knows, and the way it works is beyond our comprehension... (2a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пускать в ход

  • 10 пустить в дело

    [VP; subj: human; usu. this WO]
    1. [usu. pfv]
    to set sth. (usu. a factory, plant etc) operating:
    - X пустил Y в ход X got (set) Y going (running).
         ♦ "Он временно принял директорство над филиалом. На весь наладочный период. Пустит машину в ход, подготовит директора из местных и только тогда вернётся" (Залыгин I). "He's taken on temporary directorship of the branch till it gets started properly. He'll set things running, train a local man as director, and won't come back till he's done it" (1a).
    2. Also: ПУСКАТЬ/ПУСТИТЬ В ДЕЛО [var. with дело is used in refer, to a tool, weapon etc]
    to employ or start to employ (some means, device, instrument etc) in order to achieve one's goal:
    - X пустил в ход Y X put Y to use;
    - X brought Y into play (into service, into action);
    - [in limited contexts] X set Y in motion;
    || X пустил в ход своё обаяние (все свои чары и т. п.) X turned on the (all his) charm;
    - X did everything in his power.
         ♦ У них есть оружие. Они пустят его в ход (Аксёнов 6). They have weapons. They are going to put them to use (6a).
         ♦ "Эндурцы испокон веков ядами промышляют. Они с такой хитростью яды пускают в ход - ни один прокурор не подкопается" (Искандер 5). "The Endurskies have dealt in poisons since time immemorial. They're so sly about using poisons that no prosecutor has ever trapped them" (5a)
         ♦ " Я... пустил в ход величайшее и незыблемое средство к покорению женского сердца, средство, которое никогда и никого не обманет и которое действует решительно на всех до единой, без всякого исключения. Это средство известное - лесть" (Достоевский 3). "I...brought into play the greatest and most reliable of all instruments for the subjugation of the female heart, the instrument that never fails, that works on absolutely every single woman without exception. This instrument is well-known: flattery" (3a).
         ♦ Испуганные буржуа травили революцию, как дикого зверя; все было пушено в ход: клевета и слезоточивые газы, демагогия и тюрьмы (Эренбург 4). The terrified bourgeois hunted down the revolution like a wild animal. Every weapon was brought into service: slander and tear-gas, demagogy and imprisonment (4a).
         ♦...Пуская в ход весь аппарат своей поржавелой, скрипучей, но всё такой же извилистой логики, [Чернышевский] сначала мотивировал свою досаду тем, что его считают вором, желавшим наживать капитал, а затем объяснял, что гнев его был, собственно, напоказ, ради Ольги Сократовны... (Набоков 1)....Setting in motion the whole apparatus of his logic - rusty, creaky but still as wriggly as ever, he [Chemyshevski] at first justified his ire by the fact that he was being taken for a thief who wished to acquire capital, and then explained that his anger was actually only a sham for Olga Sokratovna's sake., (1a).
         ♦ [Юлия:] Сейчас сюда приедет министр финансов, и я пушу в ход все свои чары и узнаю, что они затевают (Шварц 3). [J.:] The Minister of Finance will be here any minute, and I'll turn on all my charm and find out what they're cooking up (3a).
    3. to introduce sth. into general, common usage, promote the dissemination of sth.:
    - X пустил в ход Y X put Y in(to) circulation;
    - X started Y.
         ♦ "Ты представляешь, какие откроются перспективы, если пустить твоё открытие в ход!" (Аксёнов 6). "Just imagine what prospects could open up if your discovery were to be put into circulation!" (6a).
         ♦ Кто пустил его [Самиздат] в ход, неизвестно, как он работает, понять нельзя... (Мандельштам 2). Who started it [samizdat], nobody knows, and the way it works is beyond our comprehension... (2a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пустить в дело

  • 11 пустить в ход

    [VP; subj: human; usu. this WO]
    1. [usu. pfv]
    to set sth. (usu. a factory, plant etc) operating:
    - X пустил Y в ход X got (set) Y going (running).
         ♦ "Он временно принял директорство над филиалом. На весь наладочный период. Пустит машину в ход, подготовит директора из местных и только тогда вернётся" (Залыгин I). "He's taken on temporary directorship of the branch till it gets started properly. He'll set things running, train a local man as director, and won't come back till he's done it" (1a).
    2. Also: ПУСКАТЬ/ПУСТИТЬ В ДЕЛО [var. with дело is used in refer, to a tool, weapon etc]
    to employ or start to employ (some means, device, instrument etc) in order to achieve one's goal:
    - X пустил в ход Y X put Y to use;
    - X brought Y into play (into service, into action);
    - [in limited contexts] X set Y in motion;
    || X пустил в ход своё обаяние (все свои чары и т. п.) X turned on the (all his) charm;
    - X did everything in his power.
         ♦ У них есть оружие. Они пустят его в ход (Аксёнов 6). They have weapons. They are going to put them to use (6a).
         ♦ "Эндурцы испокон веков ядами промышляют. Они с такой хитростью яды пускают в ход - ни один прокурор не подкопается" (Искандер 5). "The Endurskies have dealt in poisons since time immemorial. They're so sly about using poisons that no prosecutor has ever trapped them" (5a)
         ♦ " Я... пустил в ход величайшее и незыблемое средство к покорению женского сердца, средство, которое никогда и никого не обманет и которое действует решительно на всех до единой, без всякого исключения. Это средство известное - лесть" (Достоевский 3). "I...brought into play the greatest and most reliable of all instruments for the subjugation of the female heart, the instrument that never fails, that works on absolutely every single woman without exception. This instrument is well-known: flattery" (3a).
         ♦ Испуганные буржуа травили революцию, как дикого зверя; все было пушено в ход: клевета и слезоточивые газы, демагогия и тюрьмы (Эренбург 4). The terrified bourgeois hunted down the revolution like a wild animal. Every weapon was brought into service: slander and tear-gas, demagogy and imprisonment (4a).
         ♦...Пуская в ход весь аппарат своей поржавелой, скрипучей, но всё такой же извилистой логики, [Чернышевский] сначала мотивировал свою досаду тем, что его считают вором, желавшим наживать капитал, а затем объяснял, что гнев его был, собственно, напоказ, ради Ольги Сократовны... (Набоков 1)....Setting in motion the whole apparatus of his logic - rusty, creaky but still as wriggly as ever, he [Chemyshevski] at first justified his ire by the fact that he was being taken for a thief who wished to acquire capital, and then explained that his anger was actually only a sham for Olga Sokratovna's sake., (1a).
         ♦ [Юлия:] Сейчас сюда приедет министр финансов, и я пушу в ход все свои чары и узнаю, что они затевают (Шварц 3). [J.:] The Minister of Finance will be here any minute, and I'll turn on all my charm and find out what they're cooking up (3a).
    3. to introduce sth. into general, common usage, promote the dissemination of sth.:
    - X пустил в ход Y X put Y in(to) circulation;
    - X started Y.
         ♦ "Ты представляешь, какие откроются перспективы, если пустить твоё открытие в ход!" (Аксёнов 6). "Just imagine what prospects could open up if your discovery were to be put into circulation!" (6a).
         ♦ Кто пустил его [Самиздат] в ход, неизвестно, как он работает, понять нельзя... (Мандельштам 2). Who started it [samizdat], nobody knows, and the way it works is beyond our comprehension... (2a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пустить в ход

  • 12 חמקני

    adj. elusive, evasive, slippery (adj.), wriggly, furtive, sideways, saponaceous, slinky

    Hebrew-English dictionary > חמקני

  • 13 מתפתל

    adv. winding, twisting; wriggly, wriggling

    Hebrew-English dictionary > מתפתל

  • 14 escurridizo

    elusive, slippery, slippy, wriggly.
    * * *
    1 slippery
    2 figurado slippery, elusive
    lazo escurridizo slipknot
    * * *
    1) (=resbaladizo) [superficie, objeto] slippery; [nudo] running
    2) (=evasivo) [carácter] slippery; [idea] elusive
    * * *
    - za adjetivo <piel/jabón> slippery; <persona/respuesta> evasive; <idea/concepto> elusive
    * * *
    = slick, slippery, slimy [slimier -comp., slimiest -sup.], slippy [slippier -comp., slippiest -sup.].
    Ex. Tomás Hernández drove cautiously in the torrential rain, trying not to swerve on the slick pavement of the turnpike.
    Ex. Peter was trying to convince himself that it wasn't his fault as he navigated the glistening slippery streets.
    Ex. The only real hazard in rock-pooling is a bad fall off a slimy rock, so make sure you wear suitable footwear.
    Ex. With the rain, the limestone rocks and stiles were very slippy and at least one of our party came a cropper.
    * nudo escurridizo = slipknot.
    * * *
    - za adjetivo <piel/jabón> slippery; <persona/respuesta> evasive; <idea/concepto> elusive
    * * *
    = slick, slippery, slimy [slimier -comp., slimiest -sup.], slippy [slippier -comp., slippiest -sup.].

    Ex: Tomás Hernández drove cautiously in the torrential rain, trying not to swerve on the slick pavement of the turnpike.

    Ex: Peter was trying to convince himself that it wasn't his fault as he navigated the glistening slippery streets.
    Ex: The only real hazard in rock-pooling is a bad fall off a slimy rock, so make sure you wear suitable footwear.
    Ex: With the rain, the limestone rocks and stiles were very slippy and at least one of our party came a cropper.
    * nudo escurridizo = slipknot.

    * * *
    ‹persona› slippery, evasive; ‹actitud/respuesta› evasive
    * * *

    ◊ -za adjetivo ‹piel/jabón slippery;

    persona/respuesta evasive;
    idea/concepto elusive
    escurridizo,-a adjetivo
    1 (suelo, objeto) slippery: ¡cuidado, el suelo está escurridizo!, careful! the floor is slippery
    2 (persona) elusive, slippery, slick: es un personaje escurridizo, he's a slick one
    ' escurridizo' also found in these entries:
    - slippery
    * * *
    escurridizo, -a adj
    1. [animal, material, suelo] slippery
    2. [persona] slippery, evasive;
    hacerse el escurridizo [desaparecer] to make oneself scarce
    * * *
    adj slippery; fig
    * * *
    escurridizo, -za adj
    : slippery, elusive

    Spanish-English dictionary > escurridizo

  • 15 inquieto

    1 restless, bouncy, wriggly, antsy.
    2 uneasy, worried, anxious, pre-occupied.
    3 everchanging, changeable, restlessly active, skittish.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: inquietar.
    * * *
    1 (agitado) restless
    2 (preocupado) worried, anxious
    3 (interesado) eager, interested
    * * *
    (f. - inquieta)
    2) troubled, uneasy
    * * *
    1) (=preocupado) anxious, worried

    estar inquieto por algo — to be anxious about sth, be worried about sth

    2) (=agitado) restless, unsettled
    * * *
    - ta adjetivo
    a) [estar] ( preocupado) worried
    b) [ser] ( emprendedor) enterprising; ( vivo) lively, inquiring (before n)
    c) ( que se mueve mucho) restless
    * * *
    = restive, uneasy, fidgeting, restless, anxious, ill-at-ease, fidgety, frisky [friskier -comp., friskiest -sup.].
    Ex. We are increasingly restive about being held hostage to bindings that cost more than they are actually worth for library use.
    Ex. Hawthorne gave an uneasy laugh, which was merely the outlet for her disappointment.
    Ex. As children we learn in converse with our parents the significance of a sigh, or a firmly closed mouth, or fidgeting hands, or raised eyebrows.
    Ex. While scanning the area under supervision, the librarian may detect persons who appear restless or puzzled.
    Ex. In this reading mood we feel anxious, tired, lazy, worried -- whatever causes us to reject demanding and 'new' literature and forces us to take up again books that are comfortably -- and comfortingly -- known and easily enjoyed.
    Ex. One quite serious barrier to improvement is the reluctance of users to tell librarians of their feelings, but perhaps it is expecting too much of them to complain that they are ill-at-ease.
    Ex. Fidgety people are rarely well, they have generally `a headache,' or `spasms,' or `nerves,' or something of that sort.
    Ex. A man sitting alone on a park bench is suddenly joined by two women that get very frisky with him, but they have other things on their mind than just sex.
    * estar inquieto = be disturbed.
    * persona inquieta = fidget.
    * * *
    - ta adjetivo
    a) [estar] ( preocupado) worried
    b) [ser] ( emprendedor) enterprising; ( vivo) lively, inquiring (before n)
    c) ( que se mueve mucho) restless
    * * *
    = restive, uneasy, fidgeting, restless, anxious, ill-at-ease, fidgety, frisky [friskier -comp., friskiest -sup.].

    Ex: We are increasingly restive about being held hostage to bindings that cost more than they are actually worth for library use.

    Ex: Hawthorne gave an uneasy laugh, which was merely the outlet for her disappointment.
    Ex: As children we learn in converse with our parents the significance of a sigh, or a firmly closed mouth, or fidgeting hands, or raised eyebrows.
    Ex: While scanning the area under supervision, the librarian may detect persons who appear restless or puzzled.
    Ex: In this reading mood we feel anxious, tired, lazy, worried -- whatever causes us to reject demanding and 'new' literature and forces us to take up again books that are comfortably -- and comfortingly -- known and easily enjoyed.
    Ex: One quite serious barrier to improvement is the reluctance of users to tell librarians of their feelings, but perhaps it is expecting too much of them to complain that they are ill-at-ease.
    Ex: Fidgety people are rarely well, they have generally `a headache,' or `spasms,' or `nerves,' or something of that sort.
    Ex: A man sitting alone on a park bench is suddenly joined by two women that get very frisky with him, but they have other things on their mind than just sex.
    * estar inquieto = be disturbed.
    * persona inquieta = fidget.

    * * *
    1 [ ESTAR] (preocupado) worried
    estaba inquieto porque no habían llamado he was worried o anxious because they hadn't called
    se sentía inquieta en la casa tan sola she felt nervous o uneasy being all alone in the house
    2 [ SER] (emprendedor) enterprising; (vivo) lively, inquiring ( before n)
    * * *

    Del verbo inquietar: ( conjugate inquietar)

    inquieto es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    inquietó es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    ◊ -ta adjetivo

    a) [estar] ( preocupado) worried

    ( vivo) lively, inquiring ( before n)

    inquietar verbo transitivo to worry
    inquieto,-a adjetivo
    1 (preocupado, desazonado) worried, [por, about]
    2 (curioso, emprendedor) eager
    3 (agitado) restless
    ' inquieto' also found in these entries:
    - inquieta
    - mosca
    - nerviosa
    - nervioso
    - vilo
    - anxious
    - fidgety
    - restless
    - unsettled
    - worried
    - apprehensive
    - disturbed
    - fretful
    - ill
    - uneasy
    * * *
    inquieto, -a adj
    1. [preocupado] worried, anxious ( por about);
    estoy inquieto por su ausencia I'm worried that he's not here
    2. [agitado, nervioso] restless;
    es un niño muy inquieto he's a very restless o fidgety child;
    el paciente está muy inquieto the patient is very unsettled
    3. [con afán de saber] curious;
    tiene una mente inquieta he has an inquiring mind
    4. CAm [predispuesto] inclined, predisposed
    * * *
    adj worried, anxious
    * * *
    inquieto, -ta adj
    1) : anxious, uneasy, worried
    2) : restless
    * * *
    1. (agitado, revuelto) restless
    2. (preocupado) worried

    Spanish-English dictionary > inquieto

  • 16 serpenteante

    meandering, wriggly, winding, twisting.
    * * *
    1 winding
    * * *
    ADJ [camino] winding, twisting; [río] winding, meandering
    * * *
    adjetivo <río/camino> winding
    * * *
    = winding, meandering.
    Ex. The volunteers were asked to follow the experimenter through the winding streets of a medieval town centre.
    Ex. Meanings in art come in layers, their ways forking and crossing one another like the meandering paths of a labyrinth.
    * * *
    adjetivo <río/camino> winding
    * * *
    = winding, meandering.

    Ex: The volunteers were asked to follow the experimenter through the winding streets of a medieval town centre.

    Ex: Meanings in art come in layers, their ways forking and crossing one another like the meandering paths of a labyrinth.

    * * *
    ‹río› winding; ‹camino› winding, twisty

    Spanish-English dictionary > serpenteante

  • 17 sprellende

    adj. wriggly, squirmish

    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > sprellende

  • 18 гърчещ се

    гъ̀рчещ се,
    сег. деят. прич. writhing, wriggling, squirming.
    * * *

    Български-английски речник > гърчещ се

  • 19 schlängelnd

    sich schlängelnd
    sinuous; winding
    * * *
    meandering adj.
    winding adj. adv.
    wriggly adv.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > schlängelnd

  • 20 kronkelend

    adj. twisting, winding, serpentine; squirmy, wriggly

    Holandés-inglés dicionario > kronkelend

См. также в других словарях:

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  • wriggly — wrig•gly [[t]ˈrɪg li[/t]] adj. gli•er, gli•est 1) twisting; squirming: a wriggly caterpillar[/ex] 2) evasive; shifty: a wriggly character[/ex] • Etymology: 1865–70 …   From formal English to slang

  • wriggly — wriggle ► VERB 1) twist and turn with quick writhing movements. 2) (wriggle out of) avoid by devious means. ► NOUN ▪ a wriggling movement. DERIVATIVES wriggler noun wriggly adjective …   English terms dictionary

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  • wriggly — adj 1. wiggly, wiggling, wriggling, writhing, twisting, twisting and turning, squirming, Sl. antsy or antsy pantsy. 2. evasive, shifty, slippery, hard to pin down, Inf. cagey …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

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  • wriggle — wrig|gle1 [ˈrıgəl] v [Date: 1300 1400; Origin: Probably from Middle Low German wriggeln] 1.) to twist your body from side to side with small quick movements ▪ Stop wriggling and let me put your T shirt on. wriggle under/through/into ▪ He wriggled …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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